
uzee Hi, can anyone here help a little bit with Ubuntu desktop automated installation? I've setup a kickstart server to do automated installas for RHEL, Ubuntu & CentOS server editions. There is a need for a desktop automated install only for ubuntu13:06
tjaaltonuzee: just add 'ubuntu-desktop' to your list of deb's to install13:22
uzeetjaalton: thanks very much, I was thinking of trying that, what I don't know for sure is if there are specific differences between the desktop and server editions which might haunt us later if we base our image on the server edition and then add the ubuntu-desktop' package.15:15
uzeeI also tried to see if I can kickstart an ubuntu desktop but I don't think the desktop editions support unattended/automated installs.15:16
uzeethis is for some of our users, so I want to make sure I know enough about the differences to provide accurate info if we are asked why we didn't go with an actual desktop edition15:16
tjaaltonuzee: both have the same kernel, so it's just the set of packages you get installed by default aiui15:56
tjaaltonuzee: I've always just used the netboot image, and you just install what is needed16:25
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