
OvenWerksI must be odd I have never had the screen blanking fail. But then I don't use the locking part.00:38
EickmeyerYeah, it was apparently a problem since several bugs were found and never even acknowleged. Unmaintained code like that, especially when desktop security is involved, is kinda dodgy.00:46
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I have my machine set to never go to sleep, blank screen only02:39
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Mine is a laptop.02:50
OvenWerksEickmeyer: With regaurd to the plymouth theme. I don't think it can be in /usr/share/* it has to be in /lib/plymouth? or has this changed?14:21
OvenWerksusr/share is not a part of initrd so unless plymouth is forced to start after root is mounted it won't work... except it does right now.14:23
OvenWerksSo when did they move that? /usr is not guaranteed to be mounted at boot even.14:24
OvenWerks(from days of old and small drives)14:25
* OvenWerks probably doesn't know what he is talking about...15:02
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Steve Langasek told us not to worry about it, and that he's confident that our grub/plymouth themes simply revealed a bug in livecd-rootfs that needs to be addressed. He has code up for review now: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/36420615:42
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It's /usr/share. If you look at the code for the default Ubuntu theme, that's where it goes. 15:48
EickmeyerSteve said it's completley correct, just the reason it's causing problems is because livecd-rootfs isn't handling it gracefully.15:49
OvenWerksEickmeyer: it has changed since 16.04 then. No problem.16:24
OvenWerksProbably a systemd change16:25
EickmeyerSomething. I honestly don't know, but that's likely since plymouth, systemd, etc. came from Red Hat/Fedora.16:26
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I have 18.04, adding backports... install -menu fails because "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/ubuntustudio/applications/hdspmixer.desktop'" - which is also in package ubuntustudio-default-settings 0.6520:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Eek! Lemme see what needs to happen there.20:05
OvenWerksI am not sure if that is because I have _settings from auto or not.20:05
OvenWerksAnyway we should make sure That file is not in both packages.20:06
EickmeyerDoing that right now, I'll be pinging someone to reupload that.20:06
EickmeyerMight mean a version bump.20:07
OvenWerksWell, like I say it may be a mixup in auto which I have now turned off20:07
EickmeyerIt's not in -default-settings, at least not in my local git.20:07
OvenWerksRight so maybe I have ano old -settings20:08
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, not good to mix autobuild and backports.20:10
OvenWerksbackports is a new thing...20:10
EickmeyerYeah. Autobuild is for our testing, backports is for users.20:10
EickmeyerThat said, I need to delete everything in backport and rebuild without the date numbers, since we're at a stable build right now in prep for disco. I might have to branch for that purpose since the debhelper version is causing nothing to build.20:12
OvenWerksThat can wait till april20:13
EickmeyerYeah. Not urgent.20:14
OvenWerksProbably the best thing to do is remove everything in there, make a new recipe then build20:14
EickmeyerYeah, that's the plan.20:14
EickmeyerShould I remove everything now, you think?20:14
OvenWerksI down graded -settings then -menu worked.20:18
OvenWerks(and settings doesn't even show up)20:19
EickmeyerAre you pulling settings from autobuild?20:19
OvenWerksI am pretty sure the -settings I had came from auto which is now truned off20:20
EickmeyerAh, that explains it then.20:20
OvenWerksAnd the version that was causing problems no longer shows up as available either20:21
OvenWerksbackports should have the same version as a release would have.20:22
EickmeyerOkay, backports is empty. I'll be working on branching and redoing the recipes.20:22
OvenWerksThat of course means backports should only get built when there is a new version number released. So that the version number is greater than what is in the repos for that cycle.20:24
OvenWerksYup, it's all clean20:24
EickmeyerYes. Backports is set to only build on command, and I'll be modifying the build recipes to keep them from showing a date in the version. Right now is the perfect time to do it since everything is uploaded to Disco. I'll be making a branch for Cosmic and Bionic to build from since it requires a lower debhelper verison.20:25
OvenWerksOh, ok.20:25
EickmeyerBack later20:26
OvenWerksEickmeyer: so B & C will require their own recipe... D will have a new recipe when we actually need it20:42
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Correct. As it stands, B & C just need a minor modification, D can build from that as well, even though it wouldn't pass the Lintian tests if it were in the actual repo.21:53
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Backports are all rebuilding with actual release versions.22:55
EickmeyerI'll just have to merge the master branch into the backport branch for each package every 6 months.22:56
EickmeyerI'll probably delete Cosmic from the PPA after July.22:56
EickmeyerOnce Disco releases we should change the compat & debhelper back to >=11 so that the autobuilds will start working again, but I want to proceed with caution.22:59
* Eickmeyer is considering getting calf & lmms pulled from Debian and backported as well22:59
OvenWerksCosmic is 18.04? Lots of people will still use that for LTS length. This is very true for those who do Studio over <other flavour>23:23
EickmeyerCosmic is 18.1023:23
EickmeyerBionic is 18.0423:23
OvenWerksAh, so you would keep B and loose C, OK23:23
* OvenWerks needs more sleep...23:24
EickmeyerOvenWerks: HAHAHAHA! I was just about to ask if you needed more sleep!23:24
OvenWerksMy YF has not been sleeping well at night and has been waking me up to tell me so... frequently23:25
OvenWerksSo it is less of a joke than normal...23:25
* OvenWerks checks to see what the new PPA does to his system ;)23:26
EickmeyerYeah, my YF and I do that but only when one of us is tossing & turning.23:26
EickmeyerOvenWerks: You might have to do a PPA Purge first, but it won't matter if you have autobuilds.23:26
OvenWerksThe following packages will be upgraded:23:27
OvenWerks  numix-blue-gtk-theme plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio ubuntustudio-look23:27
OvenWerks  ubuntustudio-wallpapers23:27
EickmeyerAh, that's because vorlon (Steve) and I had to force a new version number.23:27
OvenWerksThats not bad then23:27
EickmeyerNah. I would revert the debhelper version in master for all of those packages, but that's not a good idea if we're about to hit beta freeze.23:28
OvenWerksIt seems to be updating with no error anyway.23:28
EickmeyerWhich, I believe, is the 25th. Probably just need minimal changes from here until then.23:29
* OvenWerks was taking a quick look through Cadence... 23:30
OvenWerksIt does not look easy to modify/fix23:30
EickmeyerCadence isn't being actively developed right now.23:30
EickmeyerHe's put all of his effort into Carla.23:31
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we have for 19.04 what we should have had for 18.0423:31
OvenWerksCarla is well worth while23:31
EickmeyerOvenWerks: This is true.23:31
OvenWerksI think he is thinking about removing ladish from kxstudio/cadence23:32
OvenWerksFor bit rot23:32
EickmeyerYeah. I think he's taking the code and integrating it directly into Claudia.23:32
EickmeyerBut he has that on hold for now. He's been telling people in bug reports that the entire Cadence suite isn't in his sights at this time, but perhaps mid-year he'll look at it again.23:33
OvenWerksLinux audio is changing, unless someone uses non-stuff jack is not really needed. Plugins have taken over23:33
EickmeyerRight. Session management has gone into the DAWs themselves for the most part.23:34
OvenWerksJack is only needed for those who need more than one audio device or more than one program... 23:34
OvenWerksusb devices are a thing, but multi-applications less so any more23:35
EickmeyerRight. When I'm doing live production and round-tripping audio through my DAW, I typically also need something to playback spotify or amazon music, which is when I have to use the Pulse bridge, which, unfortunately, introduces latency due to buffer requirements.23:35
OvenWerksEickmeyer: if I feel energetic, I may play more with the pulse-jack bridge.23:36
OvenWerksI think jack should look like a pulse device and use the same kind of code.23:37
EickmeyerJack completely taking-over and using Pulse as a device is backwards indeed.23:38
EickmeyerOf course, then pipewire is supposed to solve everything. /meme23:38
OvenWerksI think with the right buffering in the bridge, jackd could run at any latency without dragging pulse along for the ride23:38
OvenWerkspipewire is a long way from there. More likely is pipewire replacing pulse and still needing a bridge for jack.23:39
EickmeyerRight now, the lowest latency I can get with a USB device and Pulse is about 128/3, and even then get about an xrun/hour. WIthout pulse? 64/3.23:40
OvenWerks-controls should allow for driver = forewire23:40
EickmeyerYeah. I think that's where people have run into issues.23:41
EickmeyerUnfortunately, I don't have a firewire device to test with, nor do I have a computer with firewire.23:41
OvenWerksOdd, I can get below that here... but pci device23:41
OvenWerksGenerally the same thing applies for both firewire and USB... use a dedicated card for it. Hard to do with a laptop23:42
EickmeyerExactly. All I have are laptops. I have an old Mac Mini that I use as a server, but I'm not about to reformat that to use as a guinea pig.23:43
* Eickmeyer might be able to repurpose an old MacBook Pro at the end of this month23:43
EickmeyerBut then I still don't have a Firewire audio device.23:43
OvenWerksIt depends where the computer audio world goes in the next while, AVB or aes67 could take over the whole works from USB...23:44
OvenWerksIt would be cheaper to add a better enet chip than just about anything else.23:45
EickmeyerI can see AES67 being huge. I mean, we can already drive audio over a network with NetJack, but to standardize on AES67 would be awesome. I can even see that taking out Dante.23:45
OvenWerksthe car manufatures seem to be going AVB... that could make HW cheap.23:46
OvenWerksFor Linux both aes67 and avb need the same thing... an intel i210.23:46
OvenWerks(or the equiv Broadcom that apple uses)23:47
* OvenWerks wanders off for a nap (feeling old)23:48
EickmeyerDo it. :)23:48

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