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benederesok?hello there11:52
benederesis anybody here ?11:52
benederespeople maybe ?)11:52
benederessome kind of humans11:52
BloqueNegrohere :)13:09
nailykhello all. I recnetly upgraded my old compute stick from 16.04 to 18.04 (fresh install, /home copying). With the 18.04 my TV is detected as a 7" device, and seems to enable some "small screen" feature, with big fonts and so on.13:37
nailykI looked a bit into settings, but I wasn't able to disable this.13:38
nailykCan you please help me ? Thanks in advance :)13:38
diogenes_nailyk, run in terminal: xrandr and pastebin the putput13:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:42
nailykhaha, I am in a remote shell with xforwarding, it does not report remote display but local one ;)13:43
diogenes_so you need to: xrandr --size 1920x108013:45
nailyk(it worked fine on xubuntu 16.04, TV was detected as 32", now into settings it is mentionned 7")13:45
nailykIt does not looks like something changed13:46
diogenes_see if xorg show the + sing on 1920x108013:47
nailykmhhh 160mm x 90mm is definitively not good13:47
nailykno, still the same output13:47
diogenes_and the output of: lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A313:48
diogenes_hmm, weird, it should be working, maybe it would make sense to load the previous kernel to see the difference13:50
nailykthats a point, I cannot change it easily13:50
nailykThis thing needs specific ubuntu iso refactoring to work13:51
nailyk(some driver including I guess)13:51
nailykbut is there any way to disable this mode ?13:51
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diogenes_no clue abput that one hmm13:55
nailykWill try to get the proper screen size13:56
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nailykhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2390362 fixed it14:03
nailykI also have an issue with gnome-alsamixer which is almost unusable. Do you know how to reset the configuration?14:06
nailykI wasn't able to find something into .config14:06
diogenes_nailyk, look in dconf-editor14:06
nailyknothing into. Nor into the Configuration editor from the menu14:09
nailykMostly, alsamixer seems to crash because of ending '/' into some configruation folder.14:09
nailykI found a related issue into the ubuntu bug tracker, but the version I have should already include the patch14:10
nailyk"Bad key or directory name: "/apps/gnome-alsamixer/display_mixers/": Key/directory may not end with a slash '/'"14:11
nailyks/ubuntu bug tracker/debian bug tracker/14:12
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gorilla90how do I install the amdgpu opensource driver?20:31
Spassisn't it built-in to the kernel at this point?20:32
Spasswhat Xubuntu version do you have and which kernel?20:33
gorilla90just installed 18.04 LTS20:33
gorilla90let me check the kernel version20:33
Spass"If you're running Ubuntu 18.04, you already have the open source AMD drivers installed. They're integrated into Mesa and the Linux kernel. Since, Ubuntu 18.04 is new, it'll have some of the latest features."20:36
Spassmore info here - https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux#h8-open-source20:36
Spassbut you may want to search for some more official information about that20:37
gorilla90is there any way I can confirm I have them installed?20:37
gorilla90because I ran update-initramfs and it sent me a ton of alerts saying something about amdgpu not found or not installed20:37
SpassI would guess you need to specify that driver in the "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" file, but you may want to wait for someone more knowledgeable with AMD graphics in this channel20:40
nailykIam not really knowledged on amd drivers but I would bet a 'lsmod' and reading /var/log/Xorg.0.log can confirm what driver is in use.20:46
gorilla90sorry my Xubuntu decided to freeze20:46
gorilla90fresh installation :(20:46
nailykgorilla90: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/e1ad9789/20:49
gorilla90oh well it does look like amdgpu is being loaded21:42
gorilla90both lsmod and reading the Xorg log show amdgpu21:43
gorilla90also, I don't have /etc/X11/xorg.conf file21:46
gorilla90nailyk thanks for the help21:47
gorilla90how can I try to debug the root of when my OS freezes?21:47
gorilla90any specific log file I should keep an eye?21:47
nailykif you still have a shell (like with ctrl+alt+1) you can try reading dmesg and /var/log/messages. If not, after the reboot you can look into ramoops I guess (mkdir /tmp/oops && mount -t pstore pstore /tmp/oops)21:59
nailykbut this will be tricky21:59
gorilla90when it froze only the pointer was working, nothing else responded (clock on tray was stuck as well)22:27
gorilla90next time I will try your second option22:28
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