Wild_Man | Should this "around 19 March" be around the 19th of March"? I do not know how other Countries view this | 00:01 |
krytarik | I think it should be either that or "March 19" - looks a bit weird that way. | 00:02 |
Bashing-om | Wild_Man: that "around 19 March" was the phrasing of the author and I left it as such. | 00:02 |
Wild_Man | Okay, then that is good | 00:03 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: How about the article as Joey remarks, in comparison to older release designs, "I am a fan of this logo" ? | 00:03 |
krytarik | Doesn't mean it's correct though and we should copy it as-is. :P | 00:03 |
Bashing-om | 19 March is good for my comprehnesion . | 00:04 |
Wild_Man | No it is not correct in my opinion but since it is his words it stays from what I remember | 00:04 |
Wild_Man | Then again that is only in the title right? | 00:05 |
Wild_Man | There are no quote marks | 00:05 |
Bashing-om | Wild_Man: If in your opinion "the 19th of March" is clearer - then I change it . | 00:06 |
Wild_Man | Bashing-om, it is clearer and proper in my opinion | 00:07 |
Bashing-om | Wild_Man: Will do :) | 00:07 |
Wild_Man | krytarik, unless it is being quoted we can change it correct? | 00:08 |
krytarik | It is in the summary though, yes? | 00:09 |
krytarik | Rather than the title, that is. Otherwise, no. | 00:09 |
Bashing-om | Wild_Man: krytarik Summary, and chnaged to read " debut around the 19th of March. ", | 00:10 |
Wild_Man | Yes | 00:11 |
Wild_Man | I do not see anything else | 00:11 |
Wild_Man | I think it is April the 2nd that Google+ is shutting down, krytarik do we want to keep publishing there until it does? | 00:11 |
Bashing-om | One stamp of approval down; 4 to go :P | 00:12 |
krytarik | Wild_Man: Yeah, until the bitter end. :P | 00:12 |
Wild_Man | Okay | 00:12 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Wild_Man : Note in the credits that as I am unaware of any contributions from them ... 2 are removed. | 00:13 |
Wild_Man | Bashing-om, I noted that, I agree | 00:14 |
guiverc | uwn 569: congratulation to these (but it's singular) - Congratulations to [you] Frederik (maybe) - looking at old ones, i've been done varies ways (Congratulations to - Freder.. ( url | url )) [starting read thru now] | 02:57 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Ack | 03:02 |
guiverc | s/i've been/its been/ -- sorry, it was copying from #489 (search examples.. didn't find a perfect match) | 03:04 |
guiverc | first planet : fractional scaling support - change suggested in gdoc (ignore it, if it's just me) | 03:09 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: I have "resolved" the Gdoc commnets - remind me once more what your sugestion is. | 03:12 |
guiverc | nah - it's new comments (this read-thru) | 03:12 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: K - however the emphasis now is on the wiki - there are changes in the WIKI that are not on Gdoc. | 03:14 |
guiverc | i realize - i'm reading the wiki, putting thoughts in gdoc | 03:15 |
guiverc | suggest s/hardwares/hardware/ on kernel 5.0 first in blogo | 03:17 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Logging back in to make the edits :) | 03:18 |
guiverc | (i'm still reading) | 03:19 |
guiverc | suggestion libreoffice 6.2, adding ", it" | 03:30 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: looking , | 03:31 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: ',' added :) Next ! | 03:33 |
guiverc | :) (if you hadn't seen my at snaps just down a bit, I've made a comment, now not so sure..) | 03:36 |
guiverc | i'm done now Bashing-om. | 03:39 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Keeping up .. and in this case 'the' I think is apt. | 03:39 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: save and log out now ? | 03:42 |
guiverc | :) (sorry for finding many... ) | 03:42 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Bo sorry about it .. polish is good :P | 03:43 |
Bashing-om | saving and logging out of Gdoc and the WIKI. | 03:50 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Now see if you like the edits on the WIKI :) | 03:51 |
guiverc | all looks good to me Bashing-om | 03:58 |
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Wonderful Ironies @ http://skellat.freeshell.org/blog/archive/2019/03/Wonderful_Ironies.html | 03:58 | |
Bashing-om | 2 stanps of approval only 3 to go :P | 04:00 |
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: What does democracy mean in free software communities? @ https://danielpocock.com/what-does-democracy-mean-in-free-software-communities | 09:13 | |
Bashing-om | Pulling "WIP" target time to publish 20:00 GMT. | 18:53 |
Bashing-om | M/L is away .. doing the forum post next. | 20:02 |
Bashing-om | Forum posted - doing the re-directs next. | 20:13 |
Bashing-om | Annnddd .. re-directs done ..pending is postings to the social media :) | 20:28 |
Wild_Man | I can take care o Social Media | 21:35 |
Wild_Man | of even | 21:35 |
Bashing-om | Wild_Man: Good man :) | 21:39 |
guiverc | Wild_Man, do you want/need a 2nd for fridge? (uwn569) | 21:46 |
Wild_Man | Social Media is done, Not yet guiverc let me get my directions to publish on the fridge | 21:49 |
Wild_Man | guiverc, working on it now, I had to help my wife a few minutes | 22:10 |
Wild_Man | guiverc, you here? | 22:22 |
guiverc | yep | 22:23 |
Wild_Man | Did the categories window change since I did it last time? looks like it has been updated | 22:23 |
Wild_Man | Instead of being on the right side of the page it opened an new window, and there is not a box to check for news only the planet | 22:25 |
guiverc | the wordpress version was changed; categories hides itself once text has started; but can be found in document-categories | 22:25 |
Wild_Man | Okay, looking | 22:25 |
Wild_Man | Okay, I got it, I checked all links before I put a check by news and planet is that okay or do I need to do it again after checking the boxes? | 22:27 |
guiverc | either - however the preview only seems to show ONE category (I just check both are ticked) - this may have caught you | 22:28 |
Wild_Man | Do I have a second? | 22:29 |
guiverc | yep I'm your 2nd for fridge post | 22:32 |
guiverc | (sorry for delay) | 22:32 |
Wild_Man | Publishing now | 22:32 |
Wild_Man | No problem, I am doing many things at once too | 22:32 |
Wild_Man | Done, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/03/11/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-569/ | 22:34 |
guiverc | :) | 22:34 |
Wild_Man | Thanks for your help guiverc, I will be back shortly, I have to feed my cat | 22:35 |
guiverc | (no probs, I'm going to walk the dog..) | 22:35 |
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 569 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/03/11/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-569/ | 22:59 | |
Bashing-om | We have confirmation from the bots :) | 23:02 |
Wild_Man | woot | 23:14 |
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