
RtMFbosphi: depends what you clone00:01
bosphisorry dont follow00:02
RtMFbosphi: also its likely to get corrupted if its not reas=only00:02
bosphiI want to make a copy of the entire drive as is00:02
RtMFthere is /dev/sd? or /dev/mapper/?, whatever the substrate/encrypted data is, and then there's the decrypted /dev/mapper/? that gets mounted00:03
RtMFthe decrypted device is a standard unencrypted filesystem00:03
RtMFthe encrypted device ia the datastore it actually lives in00:03
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette
RtMFcryptroot=/dev/foo:bar root=/dev/mapper/bar I think wouls give you encrypted volume foo w/ volume bar atop it00:04
RtMFso if you dd foo its enc, same pw etc, if bar, its dec00:05
bosphiyou are getting a little advanced for me00:05
bosphiWhat is the simplest way to get a 1:1 copy of a LUKS encrypted installation?00:05
bosphior is that possible...is it only possible to copy the unlocked volume00:06
RtMFwell, you need to at least remount the unlo ked volume read-only00:07
RtMFor unmount it00:07
bosphiwell its the system drive00:07
bosphiso is it going to be easier to backup...do a clean encrypted isntall to the new drive...and restore?00:08
bosphirather than try to clone00:08
RtMFits possible but this soinds like a recipe for a lot of headache if you arent sure...I'd say do a backup either way00:08
RtMFsorry, on a tiny touchscreeen00:08
* RtMF is without a laptop right now herself *pout*00:09
bosphiAh no worries. I don't even bother trying on a phone...even a tablet sucks00:09
bosphiso in your opinion a backup retored to a clean encrypted install is best?00:09
bosphiif my goal is to end up with an identical drive basically00:10
RtMFwell, neither sounds amazing, if you can boot from a rescue disk, and have both drives connected, then a simple dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb or whatever your drives are works. jjst make sure you copy from thw right one :)00:11
bosphido a clean isntall with same passphrase and restore backup etc00:11
RtMFI'll be back soon00:11
bosphimaking me nervous ;) so my end goal is to have a LUKS encrypted copy of my system drive I could switch out. Whatever is the best route to do that.00:12
bosphiIve only ever encrypted with the automatic FDE process on install so am not skilled at manually manipulating much00:14
Apachezdafuq, the ubuntu kernel now takes 392 megabyte... I remember the days with floppyfw where we had linux kernel + busybox + iptables + trafficshaping + scripts in below 1.44 megabyte in total...00:14
DeihmosWhy does Ubuntu create such a small swap space? It auto installs 2GB on a laptop with 16GB.00:27
leftyfbDeihmos: with 16G of memory, you don't need swap00:37
DeihmosDon’t you need it for hibernation00:37
leftyfbDeihmos: maybe. I'm not sure. My laptop boots plenty fast enough for me to not deal with the garbage fire that is hiberation(in any OS)00:38
blackflowDeihmos: it's a sufficiently sized default. if you want to hibernate, make it larger.00:41
DeihmosHibernation is needed for when it is on battery and sleeping. After some time it hibernates. At least that’s how it works on other OS00:47
leftyfbDeihmos: I disable all that. If I'm running that low on battery, it's time to save and close things to be safe and either shut down or scramble for a power cord. Depending on what you have open and running, those applications might not open correctly regardless and you could run out of time before all of them get copied to your swap file00:49
bosphican I simply drag and drop my home folder to an external drive for a backup or does doing it via rsync or some tool do it more properly?00:52
leftyfbbosphi: the latter00:52
bosphican you ELI5 why? Does it take something or some settings with it that dont happen if you drag and drop?00:52
bosphiexplain like I am 5yo...im not great at linux00:53
bosphiif I had a clean install and dropped a home backup folder into it would it not work properly?00:53
leftyfbbosphi: rsync can preserve permissions and file types properly. Also, drag and drop will move, not copy.00:53
bosphiok sorry I meant copy and paste rather00:53
bosphiso copying the file will NOT preserve those things?00:54
leftyfbbosphi: depending on the OS/version of ubuntu that original home directory was from, I might recommend against copying it over a new install wholesale. You could very well run into applications (like your desktop) who's old settings aren't compatible with the new OS/version.00:55
leftyfbbosphi: drag and drop will not preserve everything properly, no.00:55
bosphiYeah I am asking for the purpose of putting a backup into a clean install00:55
leftyfbbosphi: cherry pick from it as needed00:55
bosphiI have a luks encrypted system drive I thought I could jsut clone...but is sounds like a clean install and restoring from backup is better?00:56
bosphireading around its confusing00:56
bosphiso what files should I backup and what can I discard? and what is the best backip method?00:57
bosphiI have used dd before to create bootable drives etc but never to backup...nor rsync00:57
leftyfbbosphi: backup all of /home. Then cherry pick what you want from the backup to go back and use rsync to copy it back00:57
Bashing-ombosphi: Something like: rsync -aiv --exclude=".*" --exclude uwn /home/sysop/ /media/sysop/store/ .01:00
Bashing-omleftyfb: uwn - a working directory that I do not care to backup :)01:01
leftyfbah, personal stuff left in, got it :)01:02
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rwpI just now installed Ubuntu server on a pair of 500G SSDs using a RAID 1 mirror configuration.01:31
rwpAt boot time the system pauses for a long time "Running /scripts/local-premount ..." "Scanning for Btrfs filesystems"01:31
rwpThen more time Waiting for suspend/resume device ... Running /scripts/local-block.01:31
rwpI also installed LVM on top of the mdadm software raid.01:32
rwpI do not have btrfs file systems.  Is that long pause timeout there something people see routinely?  Any way to debug it and prevent it?01:32
rwpIt does eventually timeout and continue and boot however.01:32
cgiI've a project that I would like to convert to a .deb file- it has both C++ and Python code. Any suggestions on how I should proceed?01:32
sudo18rwp: you might have to recompile the kernel with btrfs toggled off01:34
leftyfbsudo18: uh, no01:38
leftyfbrwp: you could try deleting(moving elsewhere as a backup) /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount/btrfs and running sudo update-initramfs -u01:40
sudo18leftyfb:  tthought it sounded cool01:41
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AyierI wonder if a silent shell script could be used to execute upon install of the .deb01:42
AyierKind of a hack01:42
mackstingHeya, folks. I'm gonna be installing Lubuntu 18.04.1 on my new hard drive. When I tried using it before, I could never get it to boot up twice without going through a thumb drive with a different GRUB2.01:42
sudo18rwp: it looks like f you purge the btrfs-tools package then it will remove the call for that module01:42
Ayiermacksting, that depends on your bios01:42
AyierWell, part of iy01:42
mackstingHrm. Trying to remember what BIOS this is then.01:42
leftyfbmacksting: when did you last try it?01:43
mackstingI think it turned out to have something to do with the wrong size of partition before the partition the OS was installed on.01:43
AyierPress F2 when the computer starts01:43
AyierYou should use everything on one partition01:43
leftyfbmacksting: ok, then try installing to the entire drive01:43
AyierThat's the easiest way01:43
mackstingBut that, too failed at the time...01:43
AyierOn install, don't use a guided setup. Do a manual partition01:44
leftyfbmacksting: do a guided setup01:44
mackstingI think the manual partition's the part I must've messed up.01:44
AyierDelete it all and set to ext4, mount point "/" and bootable01:44
leftyfbAyier: or just do a guided setup which will do it properly01:44
* macksting shrugs.01:45
mackstingWell, I can afford to mess this up a few times trying to get it right.01:45
AyierYeah, but I personally don't like extra partitions unless the bios requires it01:45
AyierWhich the installer would detect01:45
AyierAnd swap files are a whole other can of worms01:46
rwpI will try the purge of btrfs-tools and see if that avoids the problem  Thanks sudo18 and leftyfb.  I will try the suggestions and report back.01:46
AyierHave you tried boot repair macksting?01:46
mackstingI did. It failed utterly.01:46
AyierI see01:46
mackstingIt's been a while, so I don't remember the nature of the failure, but it was thorough.01:46
mackstingI'm mostly hoping to avoid the same problem twice.01:46
AyierThen do what seems to be the most simple answer. Choose use whole disk, or guided parition01:47
* macksting nods.01:47
leftyfbrwp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1460447/comments/1901:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1460447 in linux (Ubuntu) "Boot slow, "scanning for btrfs filesystems" takes 100 seconds " [High,Confirmed]01:47
airqualitystandaquestion, accidentally $dd a VERY small iso over an 8TB external.. i know not much of the data is displaced because of the brevity of the interaction. for data recovery what is the best step to take now?01:47
mackstingNew drive anyway. That drive was killed by a power hiccup in the snowstorm.01:47
Ayierhaha I've installed so many *nxix Os's that I lost count01:47
AyierDue to failed attempts01:47
leftyfbairqualitystanda: your data is gone01:47
=== airqualitystanda is now known as airquality
AyierFails are a good learning opportunity though01:48
EriC^airquality: how small an iso?01:48
airqualityarch installer01:48
mackstingEh, this one seemed a little abortive in terms of learning opportunity, and the consensus seemed to be that GRUB2 was a bit crap.01:48
sudo18airquality: yikes. may god have mercy on your sectors01:48
EriC^airquality: was the 8tb 1 partition or numerous?01:48
leftyfbmacksting: nothing is wrong with grub201:48
airqualityone partition01:49
airqualitywell, there are two ways i could have done it01:49
leftyfbairquality: try testdisk and/or photorec. But more likely you've lost everything01:49
airqualityi may not have done dd01:49
EriC^airquality: try "photorec" from the testdisk package01:49
airqualityit's posible that i did an fdisk /dev/sdx# and then just deleted and wrote the changes01:49
AyierBoot from a live CD and mount your disk01:49
airqualityi thought i was interacting with a diff disc, clearly01:49
EriC^airquality: hmmm, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"01:50
leftyfbAyier: you do not need to boot a live cd/usb if the drive is external and not mounted01:50
AyierBut mounting it would give insight01:50
airquality@EriC^, yea i saw the TestDisk package. i also own SpinRite but wasn't sure if it was applicable01:50
AyierOH I see nvm01:50
sudo18if i mounted it, i'd give it herpes01:50
leftyfbsudo18: please don't01:51
Ayierlol bad sudo1801:51
EriC^airquality: waiting on link..01:53
k_sze[work]Odd, `host -v` shows that I'm getting an answer from
k_sze[work]What might that be?01:54
leftyfbk_sze[work]: your localhost01:54
k_sze[work]leftyfb, I know it's my localhost.01:54
leftyfbk_sze[work]: it's the dns caching in ubuntu desktop01:54
k_sze[work]That's completely normal?01:54
airquality@EriC^, alright one sec01:54
leftyfbk_sze[work]: yes, it's checking cache first01:55
k_sze[work]leftyfb, does *everything* try to use the cache first? (Including SSH, curl, etc) I wonder if Firefox is still using trying to use the cache even through I have enabled DNS over HTTPS.01:55
leftyfbk_sze[work]: for dns lookups, yes01:56
Bashing-omk_sze[work]: systemd-resolved, or more precisely the hook script /lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.d/resolvconf.conf, causes resolvconf to add to the set of nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf.01:56
sudo18leftyfb: is there any advantage to that?01:56
airquality@EriC^, https://termbin.com/j1wd01:57
AyierThe advantage is to skip waiting for a reply from google01:57
k_sze[work]Bashing-om, I see.01:57
leftyfbAyier: or whatever dns server they happen to be using01:58
mattflyupgraded to 18.04.2 and fuser is not behaving nicely01:58
k_sze[work]Something in my DNS isn't working correctly, I think.01:58
Ayiertry curl google?01:58
Bashing-omk_sze[work]: :) ... netplan for networking is a whole new ball game.01:58
mattflyis it apparmor?02:01
McBride36hi, ubuntu 14, if i run du -hs /home/*, i see my home directory takes up 10 gb. however, if i run du -hs ~/*, nothing shows totalling 10 gb, any thoughts?02:01
mackstingUh. So. Options are Erase Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and reinstall, Erase disk and install Lubuntu, or Something Else. Um. What does the second one mean?02:01
leftyfbMcBride36: you're missing dot files. Try running ncdu. Also, Ubuntu 14.04 will be EOL in a few months02:02
leftyfbmacksting: why not 18.04?02:02
McBride36server will be EOL'd sooner than that :)02:02
hggdhMcBride36: that's because '~/*' is being resolved by the shell, not by 'du'02:02
AyierLubuntu has a different installer. I'm not sure either02:03
mackstinglefty: because 18.04 isn't what is there, so it isn't what's being erased.02:03
mackstingOkay, so this might be a Lubuntu weirdness?02:03
AyierNot likely02:03
leftyfbmacksting: I mean why don't you download ubuntu 18.04 to install from scratch?02:03
mackstingI don't follow the question, Lefty.02:03
mackstingIt's a pretty scratch-new DVD I'm working from.02:04
mackstingOf 18.04.102:04
AyierLike I said before, I had all kinds of things that just didn't work. But if you keep at it, you will eventually get it right02:04
mackstingIt's just being a little obtuse about what drive it's offering to erase.02:04
leftyfbmacksting: "erase disk and install lubuntu"02:04
AyierMaybe look at a tutorial or searching youtube. It might be easier having visual aids02:04
leftyfbmacksting: if you have multiple drives, shut off the computer and unplug all drives except for the one you're installing to.02:05
mackstingGood point.02:05
mackstingAnd yeah, good idea, that.02:05
McBride36leftyfb, thanks, ncdu shows the dir thats taking up the space while ls -lash didn't02:05
mackstingOkay, gonna disconnect the drive that's getting ambitious.02:05
leftyfbMcBride36: ls -alsh WILL show all directories02:05
EriC^airquality: try sudo mount -o offset=$((2048 * 512)) /dev/sdg /mnt02:08
McBride36leftyfb, either way, ncdu looks great, thanks for the assist02:08
airqualityoh, interesting idea. i'll give it a shot02:11
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airqualityreturns,"mount: /home/airqualitystandards/box-of-sand: mount(2) system call failed: Structure needs cleaning.02:14
EriC^airquality: what filesystem did it have? xfs?02:16
airqualitynah, all ext402:16
airqualityjust a big external drive. nothing of great value was lost. it's a major annoyance.. luckily the stuff that is irreplaceable is backed up twice, some of this stuff is just tedious to get back..02:17
airqualityso no lost family photos haha, those are redundant, but maybe some missing celebrations of lewis hamilton :D02:17
AyierI think most of us have been there. Sorry02:18
airqualityyea, c'est la vie. this is my buddhist test. the less i care the closer i am to enlightenment02:18
airqualityalways look on the bright side of life (doot doot)02:18
Ayierhaha yes02:18
AyierMonty Pyton02:19
EriC^airquality: :D02:19
mackstingLife is just absurd, and death's the final word, you must always face the curtain with a bow.02:19
mrchairmanlol, i like that song too02:19
EriC^airquality: was it lvm?02:19
airqualityno, it was not02:19
plongshotI just upgraded to ubuntu desktop 18.04 and all my winows want to open in maximized by default. Is there any way to change this?02:19
EriC^airquality: seems like a kernel bug02:19
airqualityi'm running testdisk over it now, and doing some reading, testdisk is finding a lot, but i need to read more of testdisks documentation before i comprehend fully. so that's what i'm working on now :)02:20
EriC^airquality: type 'uname -r'02:20
EriC^airquality: testdisk can try to give all the deleted partitions, and you organize them and write the table02:20
airqualityso testdisk will write again things that it finds? this could be good news02:21
EriC^airquality: if it had 1 partition a good guess would be it started at sector 204802:21
airqualityyea, that was good reasoning02:21
airqualityit was unfortunate not to work02:21
airqualityi'm not bothered02:21
airqualityto be honest i'm already thinking what i'll do with 8 free TB, hee hee02:22
EriC^airquality: try creating the partition using fdisk02:22
EriC^then do 'sudo blkid /dev/sdg1' and see if it mentions the filesystem02:22
airqualityyea. i did create it with fdisk default options02:22
airqualityi did fdisk n (default x 4) write.. mkfs.ext4 and that's how i setup the disk.02:22
airqualityso remaking the partition in the same place make it in the same place you're saying?02:23
EriC^try doing the fdisk again, then type 'sudo partprobe /dev/sdg' and sudo blkid /dev/sdg102:23
airqualityerr, i know that i typed that stupid02:23
airqualityhaha i'm so bad at text02:23
EriC^no worries im bad at reading so it just works02:24
airqualityhere we go, trying it out02:24
airqualitybrb one moment02:27
airqualitythere is one major positive, it's externally powered so it hasn't been powered off once after all of this02:27
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EriC^wb airqualitystanda , any luck?02:32
airqualitystandayea, its showing up as the right name now... but the partition still has some incorrect info on it.. i'm testdisking on it right now02:36
airqualitystandathis scan looks like it will take over a day02:36
airqualitystandaso i'm just letting it go02:36
EriC^what do you mean by incorrect info?02:37
airqualitystandaoh uh the error quote was02:37
EriC^testdisk usually shows a good chunk after 2-3secs02:37
airqualitystandai always screenshot them, one sec02:37
EriC^did you try sudo blkid /dev/sdg1 ?02:37
EriC^or "sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sdg1"02:38
airqualitystandaerror mounting /dev/sdg1 at /mnt/name wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdg1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error02:38
airqualitystandais the exact quote i get from thunar02:38
mackstingThe partition /dev/sda2 assigned to / starts at an offset of 3072 bytes from the minimum alignment for this disk, which may lead to very poor performance. Since you are formatting this partition, you should correct this problem now by realigning the partition, as it will be difficult to change later. To do this, go back to the main partitioning menu, delete the partition, and recreate it in the same position with the same settings.02:39
EriC^airqualitystanda: can you type 'sudo parted /dev/sdg unit s print' ?02:39
airqualitystandasure, you wanna see the table?02:40
EriC^yeah, please02:40
airqualitystandahow should i share this?02:40
EriC^airqualitystanda: paste in http://paste.ubuntu.com or use 'sudo parted .....print | nc termbin.com 9999'02:41
mackstingUhhhhh. So. What's it trying to get me to do? 'Cause this means the automatic install ain't coping.02:41
EriC^macksting: it's trying to get you to align the partition so you dont lose performance02:41
EriC^airqualitystanda: aha, i guess it was gpt before, right?02:43
airqualitystandaguess so02:43
loganleehi guys02:43
mackstingIt wants me to recreat it exactly as it was?02:43
airqualitystandanote this was just an external drive formated to ext4 and used as a container02:43
airqualitystandawas never bootable02:43
EriC^airqualitystanda: i think you did infact do fdisk and stuff02:44
EriC^airqualitystanda: cause it had to be gpt to use more than 2TB, and you initially had here a msdos partition table02:44
airqualitystandai think my dd option for some reason did the msdos thing02:45
EriC^so you must have converted using fdisk and deleted the partition i guess02:45
airqualitystandanone of my other discs are msdos, and i did all of them symmetric02:45
EriC^airqualitystanda: ok i hope this works, but maybe right now it's not working cause the partition is too small02:45
airqualitystandatestdisk is 02% done02:46
airqualitystandai think it's a good time for bed and a book :D02:46
EriC^but hmm i dont think that'd affect other stuff02:46
mackstingYup. Video tutorial or nothin', I think, 'cause this is getting weird.02:47
mackstingThat said, how big should a Reserved BIOS boot area be? It says 1 MB, but I've screwed this part up before.02:47
EriC^airqualitystanda: alright, as you wish02:52
airqualitystanda@EriC^, thank you for your patience and assistance, people like you are why linux is so great02:52
willwhhi folks, I'm running 18.04.2, latest kernel & docker, and I can't run any containers: https://gist.github.com/willwh/8492efa6673c28ace0b983595762e67902:53
EriC^airquality: you could try "sudo mount -o offset=$((2048 * 4096)) /dev/sdg /mnt" in case it was using 4096bytes02:53
willwhI am just about to go and downgrade Docker, and cross my fingers ;)02:53
EriC^airqualitystanda: no problem02:53
airqualitystanda@EriC^, it was run with the default, i'll check what that is, and run it with that. perhaps it was as you say02:53
loganleei got banned in ##linux02:58
willwha quick google search of your general chat, that doesn03:02
willwht seem surprising03:02
willwhloganlee: was there something you were looking for help with?03:02
willwhI'm not in the channel so I have no context03:03
loganleei was joking around a bit03:03
willwhyou seem young03:03
loganleeno i am not young03:03
EriC^is this dannylee?03:03
loganleeno i am logan lee03:03
EriC^oh ok03:04
willwhgenerally off topic channels are a good idea for that kind of behaviour03:04
willwh_most_ people on Freenode use IRC as a tool, not a toy03:04
loganleeyeh... i made a mistake03:04
willwhit's likely not a perma ban03:04
loganleehope so03:04
willwhso no one else has run in to any of this docker-ce funk with the latest kernels in 18.04?03:05
willwhI tried downgrading to 18.06.3~ce~3-0~ubuntu, and no lucl03:06
willwhrabbit hole time I suppose :)03:06
oasis8hello, what is beter 18.04 or 18.10 ???<<< first time trying ubuntu03:07
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loganleeubuntu is best. i'm running lubuntu on vm03:16
loganleeubuntu is the most polished distro out there03:16
willwhoasis8: I would suggest using 18.04 (it's LTS)03:17
willwhloganlee: that is just incorrect03:17
willwhmost major distros ship with Gnome 3.x? do you mean Gnome 3 is polished :P03:18
willwhalthough I see you said you use lubuntu, so lxde?03:18
loganleewillwh, i think lubuntu is lxde yes03:19
willwhI would argue, debian based stuff is pretty great, but in the Enterprise, it is basically EL7 (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora)03:19
willwhselinux ftw03:19
loganleewell, i'm just a desktop user so....03:20
acgissuesSELinux's just too annoying for daily basis office work03:20
willwhroger :) I use Fedora as my daily desktop OS, and I'm very happy with it03:20
willwhacgissues: haha :) http://stopdisablingselinux.com/03:20
willwhI do agree though to a point - you should really `setenforce 0` and just tail the `/var/log/audit.log` and actually fix stuff03:21
willwhand then `setenforce 1` again ;)03:21
acgissueswillwh: blame me haha03:21
willwh:D hahaha03:21
acgissuesfor servers I totally understand. but if you're a dev, with many projects, different technologies03:22
willwhyeah I get it :)03:22
acgissuesit's also possible, just not worth it03:22
willwhit is kinda amazing tho to have the prod stack running on EL7 with selinux enforcing, I smiled a lot that day when it all worked, ahahaha03:22
mackstingwaaaaaaaah my google fu is awful03:22
mackstingreserved bios boot area recommended size, is apparently not a good enough search query to find what I want.03:22
acgissuesmain reason i use ubuntu at work is how easy it is to setup03:23
willwhyeah, my personal vps is ubuntu, but beyond that is all EL703:23
acgissuesoh yeah, when you manage to make it work. my first hand-off experience was dealing with a centos server, after dealing with only debian-based03:24
willwhyeah, that sounds like a horrible trial by fire :)03:24
acgissuesi didn't even know selinux was there and got all these permission denied messages03:24
willwhfor example, most people didn't even know `ls -alZ` is even a thing haha03:24
acgissueslost my whole morning and solved it with 3 commands03:25
willwhthe more you know though, right? ;)03:25
acgissuesnot so proud of that morning >.<03:25
willwhmornings like that are invaluable experience tho03:26
acgissuesat least now i know there are more permissions i need to check03:27
willwhheh and I'd doubt you'll ever forget that03:34
herouxmaIt has been a while I came here03:45
herouxmaI am planning upgrading a Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, as you know why03:46
herouxmaany advises on upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04?03:46
lotuspsychjeherouxma: backup your data and: update-manager -c03:50
Ben64oh yeah, i still have a server on 14.04 :|03:52
herouxmaI feel less alone.....03:53
masbergood afternoon, I need to run devlink command in ubuntu 16.04 however it says command not found03:54
masberhow can I install devlink?03:54
masberI tried apt install iproute2 but didn't work03:54
lotuspsychjeherouxma: are you here for ubuntu support or therapy?03:54
herouxma<lotuspsychje> will do that, thank you~! :)03:54
herouxmalotuspsychje I need to recall my irc03:55
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herouxmatherapy? I just said was rusty about IRC04:00
lotuspsychje!patience | masber04:04
ubottumasber: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/04:04
masberlotuspsychje: thanks :)04:06
herouxmalotuspsychje, I was responding to Ben64 also having to migrate a 14.0404:06
mackstingOkay. This is... sort of an Ubuntu question. I was having a hard enough time figuring out how to install that I ended up having to look up what the recommended size for a reserved BIOS boot area is, and the result seems to be that it only comes up when dual-booting, which I'm not, but I can't seem to make the installer care about the distinction? So the first instruction is to go into my firmware settings and disable CSM? I can't find that in the CMOS S04:09
mackstingAnybody got any suggestions?04:10
herouxmaDomo Arigato lotuspsychje bye~!04:10
gdbhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=devlink&mode=exactfilename&suite=xenial&arch=any turns up no hits (that's a search on packages.ubuntu.com for a command called 'devlink')04:12
AyierDoes gcloud interfere with generating my own password-protected ssh key file?04:19
AyierI created one and am trying to connect with it, but it just times-out04:20
AyierYou'd think something as important and easy as this would have a document04:21
AyierBloody google :p04:21
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
Ayiermacksting, did you use guided partitioning found in the manual partitioning section?04:34
AyierOr did you click on delete whole drive and install ubuntu04:34
auctussudo lshw -C network04:34
auctusthis showed earlier *-network UNCLAIMED for my ethernet04:35
auctusthen i installed the intel drivers and it started working04:35
Ayiercheck rfkill list04:35
auctusrebooted since, now it's unclaimed again04:35
Joebo77124Hello is anyone there?04:36
auctusAyier: hmm, i did try switching on and off the switch before, but it says its not blocked when i check rfkill list04:36
auctushello Joebo7712404:36
AyierI see04:36
Joebo77124Glad to see there's folks on here04:36
Joebo77124Kdes irc is dead04:36
AyierAre you using the HWE generic drivers?04:36
AyierThere's 1.4k people on this channel ha04:37
auctusAyier: HWE? it never worked when installed ubuntu 18.04, then it started working after some update, then stopped again, then i installed intel drivers today and it worked, now its not working04:38
AyierAre the drivers still installed?04:39
auctusi tried installing them again... i assume theyre still installed04:40
auctusi didnt uninstall them04:40
AyierYou may also want to make sure your specific hardware isn't on the blacklist04:40
disicoverHello,who can tell me why the moonplayer i have installed could't parsing resources?Thank you!04:40
AyierNever used moonplayer sorry04:41
AyierTry VLC?04:41
auctusman this is bizarre, i rebooted again now its working04:45
auctusthanks for the tips Ayier04:45
Ayierhaha strange. You're welcome04:45
Ayierlinux-generic-hwe-18.04 that's the package I was referring to04:47
AyierJust fyi04:47
disicoverThank you Ayier!05:03
AyierYou're welcome!05:03
FreeBossGuys, I'm installing software by running "sudo apt install clamav -y", but not the lastest version gets installed. What would be the best way to install the latest version?05:07
Ayiergithub most likely05:07
AyierBut it will not update by itself05:07
AyierIf you use the apt install it will automatically update when the repo updates05:08
AyierJust something to take into consideration05:09
Ben64FreeBoss: find a ppa for it, probably05:09
FreeBossAyier, Ben64, I found this article https://www.clamav.net/documents/installation-on-debian-and-ubuntu-linux-distributions and it's much harder to do then "sudo apt install clamav -y". Anyway to do it easier?05:10
AyierIt might just give you a .deb file05:10
Ben64FreeBoss: find a ppa for it, probably05:10
Ayierhere it is05:14
FreeBossAyier, what do I do with it? Is it safe?05:14
Ben64!ppa | FreeBDSM05:15
ubottuFreeBDSM: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:15
Ben64ooh wrong dude05:15
AyierYes I got the information from https://launchpad.net/~argos66/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-phpclamav05:15
Ben64FreeBoss:  read that05:15
mackstingWhy is it called FreeBDSM?05:15
AyierI think it's a he haha05:15
AyierOh nvm I confused FreeBoss with FreeBDSM05:16
mackstingOkay, I *MIGHT* have found a way to continue.05:17
mackstingIs there any reason I shouldn't install with LVM?05:17
FreeBossSo it's a file provided by some user argos66? Is it safe? also this is phpclama and I need clamav05:18
macksting'Cause it literally could not fathom how to proceed without.05:20
AyierThe ClamAV homepage says to use apt install clamav clamav-daemon. Are you getting an error that it isn't the right version somehow?05:20
Ben64FreeBoss: why do you need clamav anyway05:21
FreeBossBen64, I don't. I've been asked to install it. Didn't ask a question, why.05:23
AyierSome content management system (CRMs) have clamav integration05:23
Ben64then install the one from the repo and be done05:23
FreeBossAyier, are you sure? Because this instructs to install manually https://www.clamav.net/documents/installation-on-debian-and-ubuntu-linux-distributions.05:23
FreeBossThe one from sudo apt install clamav -y is older05:23
FreeBossIt throws a warning at some point05:24
FreeBossIgnore it?05:24
Ben64it's the easiest way to achieve your goal05:24
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
FreeBossIs it possible to add a line of text into file with a single command (I'm writing a script). When I do "sudo echo "TCPSocket 3310" >> /etc/clamav/clamd.conf", I get:05:38
FreeBoss-bash: /etc/clamav/clamd.conf: Permission denied05:38
FreeBossBut when I do sudo nano /etc/clamav/clamd.conf and manually add that line it works.05:38
Bashing-omFreeBoss: sudo rights do not pass the >> boundry; ya need to learn about 'tee' .05:42
rwpFreeBoss, Or use sudo with a full command where the redirection is inside the shell command.  Such as: sudo sh -c 'echo "TCPSocket 3310" >> /etc/clamav/clamd.conf'05:43
FreeBossrwp, thank you, very much!05:46
macksting Well. That's progress of a sort. I've gone from an OS that won't boot twice, to an OS that won't boot once.05:46
rwpYou know you could also just edit the file too: sudo emacs/or/vim /etc/clamav/clamd.conf05:47
Ayierlol macksting05:49
AyierSo you got it to boot?05:49
AyierTried boot repir again?05:50
mackstingI might try that next.05:50
AyierI find the best way is to manually deleta all partitions then use guided partitioning to create the new ones05:50
AyierGuided partitioning is inside the manual menu05:51
mackstingIt won't get that far. Though I managed to make a *little* headway by clicking LVM?05:51
AyierWhat happens when you click on anything else?05:51
mackstingSame error as before, no matter how I try to redo the partitions. It takes me back to the manual partitioning thingy and won't let me past it even when I try to follow the instructions.05:52
mackstingNeedless to say, this doesn't reflect the tutorials.05:52
mackstingI assume what's actually happening is some stupid weird edge-case that has no error of its own and is being misread as an ordinary situation but which cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the installer.05:53
AyierIf all else fails I can try to setup a machine and give it you to so you can merge it. Like moving your machine to a new computer; same concept05:53
AyierDo you have secure boot?05:54
AyierHow new is your computer?05:54
mackstingThe CMOS setup says 2012, but I think it may be from 2014.05:54
mackstingThe drive I'm trying to install to is from... prolly last year?05:55
CarlFKI haven't done  a GUI install in ages - how do you get to a prompt to run fdisk or gparted?05:58
AyierFrom the installer press "Back" and go to the bottom to open a shell05:58
AyierYou might want to use exper mode05:58
CarlFK I'm curious what happen if you try to partition / mkfs there05:59
AyierThat way you can choose to have gparted05:59
AyierIt will make a partition06:00
AyierJust as if you are using gparted live boot06:00
CarlFKthat was for macksting:  - I use the .. alternate?  whatever the text based one is06:01
AyierGood idea06:01
mackstingI've been at it for three and a half hours with only a messed up drive or two to show for it, so... prolly not tonight.06:02
AyierI feel ya06:02
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
* macksting shoves hir imaginary glasses further up on hir nose. "Baffling."06:05
ilias_grhi all. I am running xubuntu 16.04.6. I am now considering to upgrade to 18.04.1. I would like to upgrade from scratch with a new clean installation but I already made a lot of configuration on my running system. Could you please advise about the best way to proceed with a clean installation and easy re-install any configuration I made on my present system?06:09
Ben64why not just upgrade?06:11
ilias_grBen64: Isn't better recommended a clean installation for better performance and no conflict or any missing dependencies ?06:13
Ben64not really06:14
guivercilias_gr, i would suggest listening to Ben64 over me, but if you want a semi-clean install, you could install with something-else, select no-format of partitions, and it'll take not of your installed programs, wipe your system directories then install, then re-install your prior packages (if added & available in repos).  it's an alternative I like06:15
ilias_grBen64: If i only upgrade will the new system erase or remove automatically remove any unneeded files and older packages?06:16
Ben64it'll upgrade packages that exist in the new version, remove packages that don't06:16
BluewolfGood day all. Anyone have a command that gives me the specifications on my PC (All the details on the hardware)?06:21
ilias_grBen64: Could you please provide me an official link with advises for a safe and stable upgrade so that the system will run smoothly as it does now.06:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:25
guivercBluewolf, try `lshw`  (list hardware; it'll need sudo)06:25
ilias_grguiverc: In that way 18.04.1 will be installed alongside 16.04.6?06:26
ilias_grguiverc: Is there any link available explaining the whole procedure step by step?06:27
Bashing-omBluewolf: "(All the details on06:27
guivercilias_gr, something else allows you to select whatever you want to do, what I was meaning you select your old partitions and thus replace your existing 16.04 install with the newer 18.04 install06:27
Bashing-om                  the hardware" look at ' inxi' and ' dmidecode ' .06:28
ilias_grguiverc: Is it a problem that my /home is encrypted? Is it possible to keep it so that the existing configuration will suits into the new system?06:30
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Bluewolfguiverc: Thanks, that helps. Looking at upgrading and needed to know the details to find out its highest hardware I an upgrade to and whether ubuntu runs on it.06:31
BluewolfBashing-om:  inxi' and ' dmidecode ' - Is that the same as `lshw`?06:31
guivercilias_gr, i have done it with an encrypted /home partition , but I'd not want to advise anyone on it sorry; I don't have enough experience06:31
ilias_grguiverc: Is it a problem that my /home is encrypted? Is it possible to keep it so that the existing configuration will suits into the new system?06:33
ilias_grguiverc: sorry I am asking again, I was disconnected.06:33
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
AyierSearch: Migrating ubuntu encryped home07:01
Ayierpaybe add new machine in there07:01
FreeBDSMHEY >:{07:09
ilias_grhi again. If I choose the upgrade option from 16.04.6 to 18.04.1 using 'Software Updater' and following the instructions will my system's current configuration remain exactly the same although many of packages will be upgraded or is it possible that I will have to re-configure them?07:16
Rory_ScrumI moved my virtual box VDI file to a usb hdd, but when i try to add it, it says theres an error.  how to add it?07:21
Rory_Scrummedia/mystic/Space/Win10.vdi' {688f8c4a-9264-436a-9b94-1215793d4273} because a hard disk '/media/mystic/0C9029209029122E/Backup/Win10.vdi' with UUID {688f8c4a-9264-436a-9b94-1215793d4273} already exists.'07:22
Rory_Scrummeans i have to delete the first vdi image?   crazy07:22
Rory_Scrumis anyone here at all ?07:23
elias_aRory_Scrum: Please go away or adjust your attitude.07:30
elias_aHe went away... :)07:31
StrykarI'd like to open a port on ubuntu desktop permanently, I can do this via 'sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4950 --source $EXT_IP -j ACCEPT'  how do I make this rule persist across reboots?07:32
Strykaralso, can ports be opened via systemd unit files?07:33
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guivercStrykar, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo  (esp. Saving rules: iptables-save)  sorry I can't help with 2nd bit07:54
Strykarguiverc, sweet, so just iptables-save would do it. thanks!07:57
pragomerhow can I replace gnome-terminal witih tilix so that open-terminal-here in nautilus still works? (ubuntu 18.04)08:05
guivercHi efi_noob , if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (try & keep to a single line, and be patient, people who can help will when they can)08:10
efi_noobI tried to install encrypted UbuntuStudio in dual boot with Windows 10 and on an efi-bios. I followed this script: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManualFullSystemEncryption, but the grub install failed. System seems pretty messed up. Anybody here who's firm with grub on efi?08:11
efi_noobi did reboot with the help of a usb-stick and have a chroot open (but proc not working).08:12
efi_noobroot@ubuntu-studio:~# efibootmgr  EFI variables are not supported on this system.08:12
efi_noobroot@ubuntu-studio:/# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --uefi-secure-boot --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader=ubuntu --boot-directory=/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu --recheck /dev/nvme0n1 Installing for x86_64-efi platform. /proc/devices: fopen failed: No such file or directory08:13
efi_noobFunny is: parted -l does not see my system drive at all (ssd). fdisk -l does, though.08:13
efi_noob(oh, no, it doesn't. /proc not working.)08:14
lotuspsychjeefi_noob: easy on the enter button, patient until someone actually supports you08:14
efi_nooblsblk does, though. lotuspsychje, okay! Thank you! Sorry, totally new here. Will be more patient!08:15
ajaxetI'm new also to ubuntu08:15
ajaxetis this the correct channel08:16
ajaxetto get support08:16
guivercajaxet, if you have a support question, please just ask it.  Try and keep it to a single line, and be patient awaiting a response, someone will respond when & if they can08:16
ajaxetok thanks guiverc08:17
AngsI am using ubuntu 18.04 and run a binary that opens GUI. I'd like to pin it on the left side menu and start it with the left click on the icon on the left side dock. I start the program on the terminal and right click on the dock to add it to the favorites to pin it, however, it doesn't start when I close the program and try to start again08:19
Angsdoes anyone know what I need to do it?08:19
AngsI defined it to alacarte, it starts if I search the name on the application menu, but I can't start it from the the left side menu08:19
efi_noobAngs, when you see it in the application menu: Try to right click on it and select "add to favorites" there. (With it not running.) Does that work?08:23
Angsefi_noob, no08:27
AngsI remember that I had similar problem, and then needed to define some run time dependencies on PATH or something. I have been using ubuntu 16.04, and has just upgraded to 18.04.08:27
AngsHow is this issue called, then I can google it08:29
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efi_noobAngs: Pls check this out: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1017298/gnome-shell-how-to-add-a-custom-favorite-app-change-favorites-path08:35
Angsthanks efi_noob08:36
PiopioVi AR VORKING Tougezer08:42
ABUHAJAARyes indeed08:42
ABUHAJAARwhat is the Lagrange interpolation formula ?*08:42
Piopiodis my grade08:43
PiopioNico ?08:47
AnticomHey guys. How do i properly remove a PPA alongside its key? I know for sure that i've got no packages installed of that repo anymore. I know apt-add-repository --remove gets rid of the repo itself but does it delete the key as well?08:47
Anticomnvm, found it08:52
hellerabout unattended upgrades09:24
hellerhow to make sure they are running?09:25
hellerat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d there is no file called 20auto-upgrades09:25
hellereven if unattended-upgrades is installed09:25
hellerbut it seems to never run according to the logs09:26
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hellerso why am i missing the nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades ?09:40
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:43
SteppeEableUbuntu 18.04 was corrupts my mdraid, when i manually created disk layout. can someone help me recover LVM2 volumes that were on top of this mdraid?09:46
SteppeEableubuntu installer*09:46
luma_chanHello, My ubuntu desktop was freezing except the mouse can move. who can help me?09:47
luma_chanubuntu 18.0409:47
luma_chananybody have met the same problem before?09:54
luma_chan:( no one here09:55
BluesKajluma_chan, I have to ask the obvious, have you updated and upgraded your packages lately?09:55
luma_chanpackages are still lastest09:56
luma_chani enter ctrl + alt + F1~7, it does't work09:57
Alexanderhi all09:59
BluesKajdesktop is frozen,  to reboot in an emergency, hold down the keys alt+printscreen, then do REISUB10:00
tomreynSteppeEable: what happened exactly, what are you left with now?10:00
Alexanderi've got an ubuntu 18.04 installed on my laptop (samsung), and can't get back/resume (black screen need forced reboot..) after a resume. I tried seveal methods modifying grub withouth success, is there someone recommend me a link ? I'mlooking in forums actually thx in advance!10:01
tomreynluma_chan: can you run this, to post some context to a pastebin? post the address here in the end:  sudo /bin/true; nc termbin.com 9999 < <(cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline; lsb_release -ds; sudo apt-get update 2>&1; apt-cache policy;)10:07
SteppeEabletomreyn: before ubuntu i had centos 7 on top of mdraid mirror. ubuntu installer loaded from the usb stick, and he didn't find any of my md devices, i continued installation to one of the disks. After reboot, ubuntu didn't seen md-devices,  i found that there are no superblocks of mdraid on partition (/de/sdb4)10:07
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tomreynAlexander: please post the same as i just wrote to luma_chan, but also the output of:  dmesg | nc termbin.com 999910:08
pabedI added this line "/dev/sdb1    /home/yourname/mydata    ext3   defaults    0    0"  in /etc/fstab after reboot it went to emergency mode10:09
SteppeEablei had LVM2 on top of md-raid, i found lvm headers through hexdump and strings from the raw device10:10
tomreynSteppeEable: just to make sure we're talking about the same thing: do you mean MD RAID, as in the modern RAID implementation, or dmraid, as in the older one (mostly used for fakeraid support)?10:10
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tomreynAn MD RAID is managed using the "mdadm" utility.10:12
SteppeEabletomreyn: hm, i think it's a mdraid (mdadm)10:12
SteppeEablenow i have virtual machine with snapshot of this raw device (through qcow2 backing device).10:13
tomreynSteppeEable: so you did a full ubuntu installation using this (details yet unknown) ubuntu installer even though it would not detect your existing (MD) software RAID?10:13
SteppeEabletomreyn: yep10:14
tomreynoh i think i'm getting what you mean now. you installed to one of the disks only, assuming your data would still remain on the other disk, because it was a mirror raid.10:14
SteppeEabletomreyn: yep10:15
tomreynso your expectation was that you could restore the data from the one of the two RAID devices since you only overwrote one of them, which whould have enabled you to start the old  ARRAY with missing devices10:16
tomreynSteppeEable: which installer did you use, which ubuntu version did you install?10:16
BluesKajpabed, use uuid entry in fstab, find it with, sudo blkid, in the terminal, then enter that (without quotes) instead of /dev/sdb110:17
sazawalI am using Lubuntu 18.10. I have troubles installing some packages, and it says "installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit". On searching the internet I found out that I need to perform a Boot Repair. I already had troubles installing the OS because some boot files were read-only and I had to manually install grub. I want to ask what precautions have to be taken while performing Boot10:17
tomreynpabed: does /dev/sdb1 exist, does it contain an ext3 file system, does /home/yourname/ exist?10:17
SteppeEabletomreyn: ubuntu server 18.04.2 . i burn it to usb stick by dd10:17
tomreynSteppeEable: the new default "server-live" server or the alternative / classic ("debian-installer" based) server installer?10:18
SteppeEabletomreyn: unfortunately i don't remember. but i remember, installer was without gui10:19
tomreynSteppeEable: can you post the output of "sudo parted -ls" to the ubuntu !pastebin ?10:19
tomreynalso lsblk && blkid10:20
SteppeEabletomreyn: ok, let me time. by the way, i can give you access to virtual machine with the snapshot of this raw device10:21
Alexandertomreyn: HI ! heres my cmmands outputs : https://pastebin.com/eQzXgnM410:21
SteppeEabletomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HK7TwwbP3x/10:23
SteppeEabletomreyn: pay attention to sdb3 and sdb410:24
SteppeEablesdb3 - mdraid for /boot part (ext4), and sdb4 - mdraid for lvm2 pv10:25
tomreynAlexander: thanks for removing the UFW spam ;-)  do you know the exct model of this system (it usually says on the bottom / back next to "P/N" or "M/N")? can you check for a firmware upgrade?10:29
tomreynis it's NP530U3B then a newer mainboard firmware is available https://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/np530u3b10:29
tomreynSteppeEable: please stand by while i'm reviewing Alexander's logs10:31
Alexandertomreyn: yes it a NP530U3B Series 5 Ultrabook  Samsung I'll look at firmware upgrzade10:32
SteppeEabletomreyn: ok, no problem10:32
BjarneSHello. I dual boot win 7 and Ubuntu 18.04. I use BCD as primary bootloader which lets me select my ubuntu partition. Things were working fine a couple of weeks ago. Now if I select my Ubuntu parition all I get is a blinking cursor. I tried going into rescue GRUB mode by holding shift. Now I get the word GRUB and a blinking cursor but I can't do any10:33
BjarneSthing. How do I fix this without using bootrepair?10:33
blackflowtomreyn: SteppeEable: lemme see if I can jump in. something doesn't quite add up in that pastebin. mdraid devices should show as /dev/mdX . if your VG is directly on sdX devices, they're not on mdraid10:34
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
blackflowSteppeEable: can you pastebin `cat /proc/mdstat` ?10:34
SteppeEableblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DNDZGdFB6M/ :)10:36
tomreynAlexander: your dmesg (kernel log from the current boot) actually looks quite good. but i assume you didn't suspend yet. can you suspend, try to restore from suspend, and when it fails, use the magic sysrq (hold altgr and print, then tap, with a 3 second interval, S, then U, then B). and when it reboots, run + post: journalctl -b -1 | grep -v UFW | nc termbin.com 999910:37
tomreynblackflow: thanks for stepping in.10:38
SteppeEableblackflow: the problem is that ubuntu installer was corrupt my mdraid10:38
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
blackflowSteppeEable: okay so no md device is being recognize there. but your blkid shows volumegroups. So, can you now activate them and salvage data off of the LVs? Was that your original intent?10:39
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pabedtomreyn: yes they are exist10:39
pabedBluesKaj: let me try10:39
BluesKajpabed, post your entry after you're done editing10:40
SteppeEableblackflow: this volume group from ubuntu, on top of sda10:40
pabedBluesKaj: yes sure10:40
blackflowSteppeEable: well what is your intent with it? What exactly do you want to achieve?10:41
SteppeEableblackflow: pay attantion to sdb4, this is my corrupted md-device10:41
blackflowSteppeEable: okay, and?10:42
SteppeEableblackflow: i had centos 7 on top of mdraid (md0: /dev/sda3,/dev/sdb3; md1: /dev/sda4,/dev/sdb4). then i installed ubuntu to /dev/sda with manually disk layout. And now i have corrupted mdraids on the /dev/sdb3,/dev/sdb410:44
tomreynblackflow: SteppeEable's intent would seem to be to recover data from /dev/sdb4, which is a RAID device in what used to be a mirror RAID spun across a partition on sda and this one.10:44
blackflowSteppeEable: tomreyn: okay so which data _exactly_ needs to be salvaged? the VG is under sda3, so I'm guessing data off of sdb4, which was part of a mirror(?)10:46
tomreynSteppeEable: those logical volumes you see now are on physical volume /dev/sda3, so they're part of the ubuntu installation you did. they aren't sourced from the raid you used to have.10:46
tomreynblackflow: that's my understanding, yes10:46
SteppeEabletomreyn: i understand it :)10:47
blackflowSteppeEable: in which case, what's the output of `mdadm --assemble --scan`   and after that of `cat /proc/mdstat`  ?10:48
SteppeEableblackflow: sda3 and vg00 - there are related to my ubuntu. but i'm lost vg0 from my centos10:49
SteppeEableblackflow: mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically10:50
blackflowSteppeEable: now you're saying something completely different from before. I'm sorry but I have hard time understanding what you want exactly. Can you be specific please? What exactly do you want to do? Salvage data off of _previous_ RAID array, of which sdb4 was member?10:50
hellerso no one has ideas for my unattended question? :O10:50
SteppeEableblackflow: i think the ubuntu installer deleted superblock from the /dev/sdb410:50
blackflowSteppeEable: please answer my question.10:51
blackflowSteppeEable: not what you think has happened, or what you think is the solution. what exactly do you want to achieve, please.10:51
SteppeEableblackflow: i want to access to my vg0 that was on /dev/sdb410:52
tomreynheller: provide some context, please. ubuntu version, architecture, installed, how, why do you expect /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades to exist?10:53
hellertomreyn: ubuntu 18 and 16 LTS, both have unattended-upgrades installed and can be used with the command (unattended-upgrades --dry-run) but seems like they both are not done automatically10:54
hellerhttps://help.ubuntu.com/stable/serverguide/automatic-updates.html this states that i need to configure 20aut-upgrades10:55
hellerbut i dont have it, and i'm not sure should it be created automatically?10:55
tomreynheller: On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, the package update-notifier-common provides /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic . this file contains the same statements /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades used to contain in earlier ubuntu releases.10:56
blackflowSteppeEable: there is no VG on sdb4 apparently and the label says it was member of RAID. So first you'd have to assemble the array and then re-scan for any VGs on the array.   What was the raid level of the array sdb4 was member of? two-disk mirror?10:56
hellerall i have is 20archive10:56
tomreynheller: looks like the server guide is outdated there.10:57
SteppeEableblackflow: i had mdraid mirrors on top of the /dev/sda4 and /dev/sdb410:57
pabedBluesKaj: https://paste.linux.community/view/adaa1b5a10:57
blackflowheller: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates#Using_the_.22unattended-upgrades.22_package10:57
tomreynheller: so just install update-notifier-common, i guess10:57
BluesKajpabed, ext3?10:58
blackflowSteppeEable: okay. please try this:   `mdadm --assemble /dev/md99 /dev/sdb4 missing`   and please pastebin any output, as well as output of `cat /proc/mdstat` right after that10:58
hellerthe 16LTS does not have 10perioidic or 20auto-upgrades10:58
SteppeEableblackflow: for example, please look to https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3BHSWpbqf7/ ; don't pay attention to part of vg0 headers, there not latest version10:58
heller18LTS has 10perioidic but there is nothing about unattended-upgrades10:59
pabedBluesKaj: yes I use this "mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1" when I wanted format disk10:59
blackflowSteppeEable: please try the mdadm assemble command above10:59
SteppeEableblackflow: ok, let me time10:59
gpn273Hi All, I've upgraded from 18.04 to 18.10 and everytime I lock my computer, when I attempt to log back in it will fail and log me out and thus closing all of my programs. Does anyone know how to fix this?10:59
BluesKajpabed, have you tried a reboot?11:00
pabedBluesKaj: "  default 0       0 " is correct ?11:00
hellerblackflow: is that for 16 or 18?11:00
BluesKajpabed, I use 'O   1'11:00
SteppeEableblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/n6hk4VSNnd/ (mdadm: /dev/sdb4 has no superblock - assembly aborted)11:00
tomreyn!yy.mm | heller11:01
ubottuheller: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle11:01
blackflowheller: try the dpkg-reconfigure command in that wiki, the package will create whatever relevant config files there are.  iirc, there _Was_ some change about 20auto-upgrades, but I don't remember what was it11:01
helleri tried that command11:01
hellerno files were generated11:01
tomreyn$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades11:02
tomreynNot replacing deleted config file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades11:02
helleroh my bad, both are Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS11:02
BluesKajpabed,  '0  1' rather11:02
tomreynwhat i just pasted is the output i get to see on 18.04.211:02
hellertomreyn: im 100% sure that that file was never deleted11:02
pabedBluesKaj: 0 0 vs 0 1?11:02
blackflowSteppeEable: I'm affraid the metadata is lost and it cannot be assembled any more. I'm not sure what else you can try to do. I'd generally try to look into forcing the VG activation off of sdb4, perhaps by hacking the superblocks. Ideally, you should be having backups.11:03
tomreynheller: i see. but i'd expect unattended-upgrades to place it there when it is installed11:03
tomreynheller: you could purge and reinstall the unattended-upgrades package, or install update-notifier-common11:03
blackflowheller: try    apt install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" unattended-upgrades11:04
hellerah after that the reconfigure worked11:05
hellernow both servers have the 20auto-upgrade11:05
hellernow i just check  logs tomorrow to see if something was really done?11:05
blackflownot sure if update-notifier-common is the wanted thing here. that thing pesters and annoys with popups every time it sees pending updates after `apt update`, which is diagonally opposite to unattended upgrades :)11:05
pabedBluesKaj: it workes I missed "s" in defaults11:05
BluesKajpabed, check the line wit default, change it to defaults11:05
pabedBluesKaj: thans alot11:06
tomreynblackflow: are you referring to update-notifier-common or update-notifier there?11:07
blackflowtomreyn: I'm guessing the latter, then.11:07
tomreynthere is also apt-config-auto-update which also does similar, based on its description11:08
hellerbtw only ssh access, no UI11:08
blackflowSteppeEable: one thing comes to mind, try creating a fresh new array with sdb4 and missing. I'm not sure, but I _think_ that should not affect contents of the array. It might also further corrupt data on it, but it's worth a shot, since you can't assemble it now anyway.11:08
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SteppeEableblackflow: yes, I already understood that metadata is lost, but i have lvm metadata by hexdump and strings from the raw device (/dev/sdb4). And now i'm looking help to hacking11:08
blackflowSteppeEable: perhaps try this:  mdadm --create /dev/md99 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb4 missing11:09
tomreynheller: you can wait, or you can trigger the cron job manually11:09
blackflowSteppeEable: then try vgscan again, see if finds the VG on /dev/md9911:09
blackflowheller: howeve, I'd really advise against unattended upgrades.11:09
hellerhah, its a shame that daily ran 10 minutes ago11:10
hellerblackflow: care to explain why?11:10
blackflowheller: because it only does halfa job, and I prefer chekcing changelogs of packages on the servers. It's not uncommon for even tiny updates to bork the system completely.11:10
blackflowheller: halfa job beause you need to reboot on kernel and dbus updates, need to restart services when glibc and other libs linked are updated, etc....11:11
blackflow(service won't autorestart on lib updates/upgrades)11:11
tomreyngpn273: do you just lock the desktop there or do you also suspend to ram?11:13
gpn273tomreyn: I just lock the desktop using the power menu in the upper-right corner of the screen11:13
helleror i could just blacklist them? :)11:15
blackflowheller: blacklist what?11:15
SteppeEableblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/npdyddRKbq/ i think the main problem is offset. I compared offset with another xfs volume on top of lvm, there it's 1MB (0x00100000)11:16
SteppeEableblackflow: compared with worked xfs volume*11:16
blackflowSteppeEable: the position of the FS relative to LV is irrelevant. you need to detect and activate the VG on the raid member11:18
tomreyngpn273: can you save your work / close all programs, then lock and try to unlock the desktop, then press Ctrl-Alt-F3, press ctrl-alt-del there to reboot, and come back here? if ctrl-alt-F3 does not work, press and hold these: AltGr + SysRq (PrintScreen)  then, while holding them, tap these, but wait for 3 seconds in between: s u b11:18
tomreyngpn273: the goal there is to make sure the situation is properly logged to your disk before you reboot, and when you're back we can inspect those logs.11:19
gpn273tomreyn: Ok, I'll report back soon11:24
SteppeEableblackflow: unfortunately i'm already tried create new mdraid on the /dev/sdb4, it didn't work. next i think about skipping mdraid offset by create new dm device through 'dmsetup create' and try to pvscan11:25
tomreynSteppeEable: qyou've reached the point where you should restore from a backup11:25
SteppeEabletomreyn: i didn't have backup, i thought that mdraid would protect me :)11:28
tomreynno one can protect you if you don't do the most basic thing.11:28
gpn273tomreyn: I've done the steps which you've asked, how do I access the log?11:31
blackflowSteppeEable: raid is NOT backup.... as you can clearly see :)11:32
cappecant get ufw to accept ftp correctly, it seems to let through the traffic but it wont list directories in ftp?11:35
tomreynSteppeEable: What you were doing here: you're migrating from a system with a stone age kernel to a somewhat current one (both having different patchsets aplied), trying to reuse storage structures created with differently versioned user space / utilities with different patchsets (soming from RHEL) than on the target system (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), you use an installer which is unfortunately rather broken (but also didn't read up on it before doing11:35
tomreynso) and makde this installer write to disk even though it didn't seem to support what you were trying to achieve. I would not expec this to work flawlessly. And doing all this without backups is a really bad idea (as doing anything without backups really is).11:35
tomreynSteppeEable: i'm not saying this to blame you, but to put things into perspective and point out the risks you had chosen to take, this may help making different decisions next time.11:36
cappeif I simply disable ufw it will work fine, the ftp server11:36
cappeim behind a router with port forwarding btw11:36
gpn273tomreyn: Also, which logs do you need11:37
cappeI have tried all kinds of sensible rules11:37
tomreyncappe: passive ftp requires data ports to be open + forwarded, too11:37
cappeyeah, that about the "active" vs passive mode. but isnt that automatic?11:38
tomreyncappe: the issues the ftp protocol has with NATs are one of the reasons why it's not really popular anymore and most people choose alternatives.11:38
cappebut if I set to passive/active mode in the ftp client? will that matter?11:39
tomreyngpn273: journalctl -b1 | grep -v UFW | nc termbin.com 999911:39
ilias_grhi all. Could please advise if it is recommended to tick 'unsupported updates (xenial-backports)' on Software&Updates?11:40
gpn273tomreyn: Console reported this "Specifying boot ID or boot offset has no effect, no persistent journal was found."11:40
tomreyncappe: if both are behind NAT, neither will work without further modifications.11:40
cappeguess I need another firewall to make it work?11:40
cappeit works fine with it disabled11:41
tomreynilias_gr: it is recommneded to only use supported software.11:41
tomreyncappe: i'm not feeling like debugging your double NAT + firewalling to make FTP work today.11:42
cappeI guess it's something about the ufw and its configurations becuase eveyrthing works perfecly without it enabled11:42
cappeok, I will use another FW11:42
tomreyncappe: use SSH / SFTP or HTTP11:42
cappewhat server would u use for sftp?11:42
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tomreyncappe: who is "u"?11:42
ilias_grtomreyn: if i use it will be my system kept updated for packages no longer supported from the community?11:43
tomreyncappe: openssh-server provides an internal sftp server.11:43
cappethat's a nice idea, cheers11:43
tomreynilias_gr: maybe. it's not guaranteed.11:43
tomreynilias_gr: actually, i read this question wrong11:44
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
tomreynilias_gr: when ubuntu states that something is "unsupported", it means it is not suranteed to be supported by Canonical and the Ubuntu security team for the lifecycle of your Ubuntu release.11:45
ilias_grtomreyn: If the system provides an update for a un-supported package is it safe to be installed while this option is ticked?11:45
tomreynilias_gr: backports are only supporte dby the community, which means they may or may not get security patches (soon or later) and other bug fixes.11:46
tomreynhi amda11:47
tomreyn!es | amda11:47
ubottuamda: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:47
hellerblackflow: update of gcc11:47
amdahi, excuseme11:48
ilias_grtomreyn: OK. I am talking about by community unsupported packages. Not by Canonical.11:48
tomreynilias_gr: "the system" does not provide an update, packagers so, and they do so via APT repositories (or snaps). your choise of APT repositories decides on the support (security) state of your system.11:48
blackflowheller: sorry?11:48
amdaHello, good people, has someone installed Tinypaw?11:49
amdaI have problems in the graphic part, my screen stays black11:50
tomreynilias_gr: backports don't have a separate update channel. if you previously choose to enable backports, you should either keep it enabled so as to get potential updates and fixes, or disable it and downgrade packages to the versions available in ubuntu.11:50
ilias_grtomreyn: do I have to reboot the system to be sure if there is an update provided from backports after i enabled this option or is it enough to run apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade to check it?11:50
tomreynilias_gr: the latter11:50
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tomreynamda: "tinypaw" is not an package you could install via apt or snap on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. you did not mention which Ubuntu release you are seeking support with.11:52
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amdaIt is correct, the question is if I am doing something wrong when creating the booteable with Linux Mint or I do not support my graphic or it is with other options that I have to boot.11:53
leftyfbamda: neither tinypaw, nor linux mint are supported here. This is for Ubuntu support only.11:54
amdaok, thank you11:54
SteppeEabletomreyn: alternate installer broken? release notes advises to use alternate installer "If you require multipath, full-disk encryption, or the ability to re-using existing partitions you will want to continue to use the alternate installer "12:08
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tomreynSteppeEable: are you asking whether the Ubuntu 18.04.2 alternative server installer is broken? not that i know of.12:09
tomreynthe default 18.04 one has several deficits, though, as many that i would not recomend it for many use cases at this time.12:10
SteppeEabletomreyn: you wrote that I used a broken installer12:11
tomreynSteppeEable: yes, that's the short form of what i wrote above12:12
SteppeEableas far i understand, there are 2 installers, live and alternate?12:13
tomreynthe default 18.04 server installer is not able to handle existing storage structures12:13
tomreynSteppeEable: that's correct12:13
tomreyn'live' is the default one on 18.04.12:13
SteppeEablehm, don't remember that i'm seen part 'live' in iso name12:14
hellerblackflow: i mean i could blacklist gcc from u-u12:22
blackflowheller: why gcc specifically?12:23
blackflowand btw blacklisting solves nothing. the whole point was, unattended upgrades don't do the whole job of maintaining the system. so it's better not to use it at all (but do it manually, use automation like ansible if that helps, etc...), than trust a half-job to do something.12:24
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helleri would really like to learn more about ansible12:34
hellergot about 20 servers to tinker with12:34
XxSYDxXwhy is python3 so important in ubuntu 18.1012:37
lotuspsychje!discuss | XxSYDxX12:38
ubottuXxSYDxX: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:38
pragmaticenigmaXxSYDxX: python has been important in all linux distributions for the better part of 2 decades now. for discussion and non-support topics please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss12:38
o770Hello. How do we call the versions between the LTS releases? Do they run not much tested software by default?12:38
pragmaticenigma!alis | heller: This channel is focused on Ubuntu desktop operating system. Please find a channel on your topic using12:39
ubottuheller: This channel is focused on Ubuntu desktop operating system. Please find a channel on your topic using: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:39
lotuspsychjeo770: non-lts or candidate releases12:40
hellerpragmaticenigma: yeah well, it was just something i was thinking out loud :)12:44
o770lotuspsychje: OK. Do you know if the candidates use repositories of software that hasn't been as much tested as the ones on the LTS?12:50
lotuspsychjeo770: we usually dont take polls here and focus on ubuntu support questions, feel free to repeat in #ubuntu-discuss12:51
iresfi have a usb flash and ubuntu can not format it because of this error message :12:56
iresfError wiping device: Command-line `wipefs -a "/dev/sdb"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: wipefs: error: /dev/sdb: probing initialization failed: Device or resource busy12:56
iresf (udisks-error-quark, 0)12:56
Southern_Gentlemiresf,  is it mounted somewhere12:57
Southern_Gentlemtry the mount command to test12:58
o770lotuspsychje: I didn't think my question was debatable. I thought the releases used different or equal repositories in terms of software development... Thanks anyway!12:58
iresfSouthern_Gentlem : Sorry, could not display all the contents of “kk”: Error when getting information for file '/media/mmc/kk/ⁿƒqlåjq5.⌡]µ': Input/output error12:59
Southern_Gentlemusually media/mmc would be an sdcard13:00
pragmaticenigmairesf: try renaming the device without unicode characters...13:16
iresfpragmaticenigma : how to do that ?13:16
pragmaticenigmairesf: How was the drive formatted before? How did you label the drive?13:18
iresfstartup disk creator has a bug and i used it to bootable the usb drive   pragmaticenigma13:19
iresfpragmaticenigma : startup disk creator formated it13:23
ioriairesf, use gparted13:25
BjarneScan someone copy paste what I said earlier i've lost it in this buffer13:26
BjarneSI'm going to post it on a forum13:26
pragmaticenigmairesf: ioria has a good recommendation, use gparted to work with the device. Also make sure to use characters that are in the standard ASCII range (English alphabet) as not all programs understand the extended character codes13:29
BjarneSalten ca va13:39
pragmaticenigmaBjarneS: Please use English in this channel. If you would prefer to use your native language, please let us know what it is and we'd be happy to help connect you with a community13:42
DJ-ArcAngelis it still possible to release upgrade an ubuntu 10?13:54
EriC^DJ-ArcAngel: yeah13:54
DJ-ArcAngelcool.. how13:54
EriC^DJ-ArcAngel: you'd have to release upgrade a few times to reach a supported LTS though13:54
DJ-ArcAngelyeah.. no problem if that works13:54
EriC^!eolupgrades  | DJ-ArcAngel13:55
ubottuDJ-ArcAngel: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:55
DJ-ArcAngeli changed the repo url now to old-releases.ubuntu.com13:55
EriC^DJ-ArcAngel: k, type "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade"13:55
EriC^DJ-ArcAngel: first type "sudo apt-get update"13:55
leftyfbDJ-ArcAngel: btw, there's no such thing as "Ubuntu 10"13:56
DJ-ArcAngelsec... i'll make a new clone first13:56
DJ-ArcAngelhey leftyfb13:56
smokeyseaHello All, trying to start a service on bootup using systemd. I can see in the journalctl that service is started but it doesnt continue that way. If I do systemctl start servicename it starts persistently.13:56
leftyfbDJ-ArcAngel: while it is possible, it'll be a lot quicker and cleaner to just install from scratch and restore from backup13:57
DJ-ArcAngelin most cases that would be true yes13:57
DJ-ArcAngelnot with a legacy freeradius DB with 800+ customers13:57
DJ-ArcAngelof which we don't know what is active and not13:58
DJ-ArcAngeldoing an in place upgrade will save us weeks of work13:58
leftyfbDJ-ArcAngel: I doubt it. Make sure you have a backup and plan for downtime and a fresh install. Just saying.13:59
DJ-ArcAngeli am doing the in-place upgrade on a clone14:00
DJ-ArcAngelso leaving the original untouched14:00
DJ-ArcAngelif it works.. i can switch ip's14:00
DJ-ArcAngelelse.. we are fsck'ed anyway14:00
leftyfbDJ-ArcAngel: it's been 9 years. I think it might be time for a fresh install anyway, don't ya think?14:01
pragmaticenigmaDJ-ArcAngel: ... are the users just part of the regular system users (with no shell)? (don't now a proper name)14:01
DJ-ArcAngelpragmaticenigma: ofcourse not.. they are in a DB14:01
DJ-ArcAngellet's not make it easy14:01
leftyfbhence radius :)14:01
* pragmaticenigma not familiar with radius14:01
pragmaticenigmaDJ-ArcAngel: Though if they're in a DB.... what prevents the DB from being migrated?14:02
DJ-ArcAngelhav you seen the developemnt between configuration file changes14:02
iresfpragmaticenigma :  has a larget number of bad entries.   not droping root directory .14:02
DJ-ArcAngelin the last 10 years?14:02
DJ-ArcAngelthe new radius has different interface.. different conf files... diff conf dir14:03
leftyfbDJ-ArcAngel: which is why I say the upgrade isn't going to go as clean as you think14:03
DJ-ArcAngeli suspect as much14:03
DJ-ArcAngelbut i want to try first14:03
leftyfbDJ-ArcAngel: the upgrade isn't going to keep your old version of packages14:03
DJ-ArcAngelwho knows.. we are lucky14:03
DJ-ArcAngelbut i fear the worst14:04
DJ-ArcAngelbrb.. smoke14:04
pragmaticenigmaDJ-ArcAngel: for such a large time span, I'd start fresh, and find a way to have users migrate over14:04
Exterminadorstupid question: I have a VPS. I was wondering if I can assign a specific IP address from a /64 IPv6 block to a specific user14:13
Exterminadorso the user couldn't bind any process (specifically the bots that will run) to any other address14:14
gigirockClient: HexChat 2.14.2 • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (x64) • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz (2,90GHz) • Memory: 7,9 GiB Total (5,0 GiB Free) • Storage: 556,4 GiB / 603,9 GiB (47,4 GiB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Quadro M1200, Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 • Uptime: 3d 5h 27m 34s14:16
leftyfbgigirock: please don't14:18
leftyfbExterminador: maybe look into putting that user in their own lxd container?14:19
nils_I'm having trouble with getting netplan to rename a device, I want to rename enp0s3 to eth0, according to the documentation matching an interface name should be possible. This is my config: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3gMGsGpTDb/ I can't match on macaddress since this is subject to change.14:20
OerHeksnils_, how did you switch back to previous interface naming?14:20
charlie-friendhow do I register?!14:21
leftyfbnils_: https://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/mini-howtos/change-default-network-name-ens33-to-old-eth0-on-ubuntu-16-04.html14:21
leftyfb!register | charlie-friend14:21
ubottucharlie-friend: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.14:21
JimBuntuor... https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration14:22
OerHeksleftyfb +1 >> "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"14:22
nils_OerHeks, that's not a possibility, I'm building an image that has to match a certain kernel cmdline.14:22
OerHeksnils_,  oke, then stick to the new naming14:23
charlie-friendi have registered14:26
charlie-friendhow do i connect?14:26
Exterminadorleftyfb: something like this: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/introduction/ ?14:26
pragmaticenigma!register | charlie-friend14:26
ubottucharlie-friend: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.14:26
felco_hi, I trying to get i386 arch enabled in the bionic, but the dpkg --add.. i386 seems to have no effect, is there anything I don't know about 32 bit multiarch??14:26
leftyfbExterminador: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxd.html.en14:27
nils_I might just do it with networkd directly.14:27
OerHeksfelco_, did you run updates after that?14:27
charlie-friendI am locked out of ubuntu, when I boot I get error message in BIOS with command line (initramfs)14:28
felco_OerHeks yeah, apt update14:28
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Exterminadorleftyfb: I'm going to try it out in my laptop to learn a bit. thanks for the pointers :)14:32
charlie-friendim locked out of ubuntu14:33
Exterminadorjust wondering.. should I use directory or zfs?14:34
Exterminadoras the container backend..14:34
DJ-ArcAngelunless you already have zfs14:34
blackflowExterminador: zfs would require you to already have an existing pool for them, in which case, it's definitely a benefit for the containers14:34
=== airqualitystanda is now known as airquality
ExterminadorI don't think I have anything like that.. I was wondering if there's something like a container root..14:36
airqualitygood morrow, urist14:36
charlie-friend_I am locked out of uni tu14:37
charlie-friend_Please help!14:37
airqualityoh man, if your disk isn't encrypted, should be fine tho.14:37
DJ-ArcAngelcharlie-friend_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/732060/im-stuck-at-grub-menu-and-cant-boot-to-ubuntu14:37
ExterminadorQ: should I answer yes to `use LXD clustering`?14:37
charlie-friend_I get the command line (initramfs)14:38
blackflowcharlie-friend_: locked how exactly?14:38
DJ-ArcAngelExterminador: not unless you have more lxc servers14:38
EriC^airquality: hey! any luck?14:39
charlie-friend__this is what I see;14:39
Exterminadoroh. so, this is only to that. so for one lxc server (in this specific machine) I should answer no? I suppose one lxc server can have lots of containers?14:39
adrian_1908right, answer "no".14:39
airquality@EriC^, it's at... 85%, took a sick day today for unrelated reasons so i'm installing linux on some netbooks ihave and monitoring the progress. it's found a lot!14:39
airqualityin the mean time i'm reading TestDisk articles so i don't make any silly mistakes14:39
EriC^airquality: ah cool14:40
charlie-friend__BusyBox v1.27.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.27.2-2ubuntu3.1) built-in shell (ash)14:40
Exterminadorwhat's a storage pool? o.O14:40
charlie-friend__enter help for a list of built in commands14:40
EriC^airquality: i dont know if you'll find any useful info but ive written a site about datarecovery it might have useful stuff for you http://pchelp.site/topics/how-to-recover-after-formatting14:41
DJ-ArcAngelExterminador: answer no.. yes14:41
airqualitywell, i love reading manuals. i don't really use arch anymore but i still follow their philosophies, hehe. rtfm.14:41
charlie-friend__please someone help!14:42
airqualityhi charlie-friend__14:42
charlie-friend__hello :)14:42
leftyfbcharlie-friend__: you were given a link to follow. Please go read it14:43
OerHeksa few steps, and easy to do14:43
charlie-friend__thank you14:43
airqualityis Ctrl+Shift+S specific to xfce4-terminal or is it a common shortcut (for setting terminal title names)14:46
charlie-friend__OerHeks after second command it just says syntax error: unexpected "("14:48
charlie-friend__also i get passed the grub menu14:49
charlie-friend__I hit elementary amd then get the BusyBox v1.27.2 etc and (initramfs)14:49
DJ-ArcAngelseems like someone has been editting grub.cfg manually14:50
DJ-ArcAngelcharlie-friend__: can you mount a live cd?14:50
DJ-ArcAngelcharlie-friend__: if so.. mount live cd.. boot into rescue... and re-run grub-install14:50
charlie-friend__yes i have elementary on a USB14:50
OerHeksElementary ? .. why did you join ubuntu, as they have their own channel here on #freenode? #elementary14:51
DJ-ArcAngelcharlie-friend__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery14:51
leftyfb!elementary | charlie-friend__14:51
ubottucharlie-friend__: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.14:51
charlie-friend__ok thanks14:51
leftyfbairquality: looks like it's only an xfce4-terminal thing14:53
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qwebirc79081Hi, i have a question on netplan.14:54
leftyfb!ask | qwebirc7908114:55
ubottuqwebirc79081: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:55
eraserpencil2i messed up and i have kernel panic everytime i try to boot into 16.04. I tried to chroot into my ssd with a bootable usb but I get segfault. someone guide me on a fix?14:55
qwebirc79081i debootstrap new VM via PXE and create netplan yaml, after i restart VM NIC config is lost till a add netplan apply14:55
qwebirc79081is there a better solution than adding @reboot /usr/sbin/netplan apply   to cron ?14:56
leftyfberaserpencil2: does "dmesg" while in the live environment tell you anything about the drive? I/O errors?14:56
eraserpencil2let me try and get back to you14:57
leftyfbqwebirc79081: I would see if you can find out what exactly "netplan apply" does and do that after your yaml creation.14:57
DJ-ArcAngelok.. giving up on the 10.04 upgrade14:58
DJ-ArcAngelfsck that14:58
qwebirc79081@leftyfb yaml is created during debootstrap via python, and before VM reboots i apply14:59
qwebirc79081no cfg in old path /etc/network7interfaces15:00
compdoc./etc/network/interfaces   isnt a path, its a file15:01
programmerqubuntu 18.04 desktop. Is there a way to take an arbitrary webpage and treat it like an application? Some electron apps don't seem to have snaps or apt packages that I can find. It'd be nice to have those in their own window instead of as a tab in a chrome window.15:01
leftyfbqwebirc79081: chroot into the target and run netplan apply15:01
eraserpencil2leftyfb: im not sure what to lookout for, but i have https://termbin.com/xoi6 if you could help me look through it15:02
leftyfberaserpencil2: mount the drive and try to chroot to it and then check dmesg for errors15:02
NibblynNvidia proprietary GPU Drivers seem to be broken in standard repository after updating. API mismatch: the client has the version 390.116, but this kernel module has the version 390.77. Is this a known bug?15:02
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: your ubuntu version please?15:03
Nibblynlotuspsychje:  18.0415:03
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: system up to date also?15:04
Nibblynlotuspsychje:  yes, everything in perfect order15:04
elderekocan anyone help me with a boot issue on a clean install of 18.10 server... ive installed on mdraid + lvm + btrfs and after successfull install and reboot i get "lvmid disk not found, entering grub rescue"15:04
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-driver-390 bionic15:05
ubottunvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.116-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 384 kB, installed size 1074 kB15:05
ExterminadorLXD seems way too complicated. I need to study it more15:05
leftyfbExterminador: it's really not15:05
leftyfbExterminador: lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 <name>15:06
leftyfbExterminador: then lxc exec <name> "/bin/bash" #to login as root then setup network/ssh/users/whatever15:06
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: is your driver currently in use?15:07
tomreyneldereko: either chroot to the installation from the booted live / installer iso, install pending updates and ensure everything is configured correctly from there, or reinstall using the alternate server installer15:07
Nibblynlotuspsychje:  nvidia drivers purged and reinstalled again (graphically, same as sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall). I can probably fix by using the "official" repo from lauchpad.15:08
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: wait, lets test first whats happening15:08
elderekotomreyn, thanks. i did install from the alternate installer, and chrooting in everything is up to date, update-grub and grub-install show no errors... but same issue everytime i try to boot15:08
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: maybe you found an interesting bug15:09
tomreyneldereko: is secureboot enabled?15:09
Nibblynlotuspsychje: nvidia-smi -> Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch.15:09
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: ubuntu-drivers list gives you only 390?15:09
eraserpencil2leftyfb: segfault at 0 ip .....error 14 in bash15:10
eraserpencil2would you prefer the entire dmesg?15:10
elderekotomreyn im not too familiar with secureboot, but its using bios boot and gpt not uefi, so i dont think applies?15:11
Nibblynlotuspsychje: yes. nvidia-driver-39015:11
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: your current kernel is 4.15 or 4.18?15:12
tomreyneldereko: correct. do you know whether grub can boot off btrfs?15:12
Nibblynlotuspsychje: switching to https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa. uname: 4.15.0-46-generic15:12
leftyfberaserpencil2: do you have another drive you can plug in to try to mount/chroot?15:12
elderekotomreyn i beleive it can according to the grub2 docs, and i do see it loading the btrfs module in grub.cfg... also, this happens when i put /boot on a separate partition in the lvm+mdraid with ext4 fs15:14
tomreyneldereko: it seems like this is generally possible. also the error message is about lvm, not the file system, so that was misled.15:14
eraserpencil2i can install one i guess15:14
leftyfberaserpencil2: just to see if it's an issue with the drive or not15:14
leftyfberaserpencil2: also, define "I messed up"15:15
eraserpencil2im not sure... might have been because I removed some linux-headers...15:15
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: wich graphics card chipset is this?15:15
tomreyneldereko: can you chroot into the system, then post fstab, blkid, lsblk, dmsetup ls, mdstat ?15:17
eraserpencil2apart from that, I might have changed my glibc.15:17
eraserpencil2which i later read might kill my installation. could that be it?15:18
Nibblynlotuspsychje: geforce 108015:18
leftyfberaserpencil2: probably just quicker to reinstall, maybe with 18.0415:18
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: yeah its reccomended to use the ubuntu graphics ppa on GTX cards, but still would have been helping to !bug your issue15:19
eraserpencil2I can still copy out the files in my drive right?15:19
tomreyneraserpencil2: how did this happen?15:19
leftyfberaserpencil2: as long as you can mount it, sure. Or restore from your backups?15:19
eraserpencil2tomreyn: how did what happen?15:20
tomreyneraserpencil2: 'changing' glibc15:21
Nibblynlotuspsychje: you mean filling a bug report on launchpad?15:21
eraserpencil2i was reading somewhere a new glibc would fix a compilation error i was having...should have researched more on that fix than to be hasty...15:21
tomreyneraserpencil2: the reason i'm asking is to help oyu understand which change you made that was unsupported so you'll not do it in the future. if that's something which seems relevant to you.15:22
tomreyneraserpencil2: so how did you get the newer glibc then?15:22
eraserpencil2building from source15:22
tomreyneraserpencil2: i see. well, i assume you read that replacing glibc is not something you should do by now. it's good that you experiment with building software yourself but some very basic system parts should not be replaced, and this is one of them.15:24
tomreyngenerally replacing software in ubuntu by other versions makes this software and all effects using it has on other parts of the system unsupportable here15:25
tomreynso be very careful there.15:25
elderekotomreyn https://pastebin.com/bqWBUt5F15:25
leftyfberaserpencil2: ugh, compiled your own glibc? Wipe and reinstall.15:26
qwebirc79081@leftyfb i'll try that15:26
eraserpencil2yea.. starting to learn that all things new and shiny is necessarily good and that the repo has older versions for a reason. Also starting to learn whats system-critical15:26
tomreyneldereko: nice output, just we prefer paste.ubuntu.com here (see /topic). could oyu also add pvs, vgs, lvs - sorry...15:27
leftyfberaserpencil2: it's ok, I ran into the same issue with redhat 9 back in the day. Took me some years before learning exactly the damage I had caused.15:28
tomreyneldereko: also note that your raid is currently resynching. maybe you should wait for this to complete.15:28
lotuspsychjeNibblyn: yes15:29
elderekotomreyn ah sorry i will remember paste.ubuntu next time... i added the vgs/pvs/lvs output15:29
tomreyneldereko: where did you add these?15:30
eraserpencil2just a question. Where is an adviseable directory for source code? /usr/lib/src?15:30
tomreyneldereko: got it15:30
elderekoyeah i just noticed it was resyncing too, not sure why as its a clean install15:31
blackfloweraserpencil2: the gentoo linux distribution might be a good choice if you want to learn how components interact and how you can exchange them.15:32
tomreyneldereko: i think this is the inital sync of a mirror raid.15:33
tomreyneldereko: your partitioning is weird. why would you join PVs backed by different types of software RAIDs to the same volume group?15:34
eraserpencil2blackflow: yea...those are a tad beyond me atm...15:34
tomreyneldereko: ...even more so when those are backed by (partially) the same  physical storages.15:34
plongshotDoes anyone know if there's a way to set the default behavior for windows in 18.04?15:35
leftyfbplongshot: in what sense?15:36
elderekotomreyn its bc the disks are different sizes and i made partitions of the smallest disk size to raid in order to get the most space... if your familiar with synology's hybrid raid approach it makes more sense15:36
tomreynbc=before christ?15:36
elderekohaha because, sorry15:36
elderekobasically you partition the disks into smaller chunks evenly across disks, then join the raided chunks together via lvm, better explanation here https://serverfault.com/questions/272776/how-to-do-the-equivalent-of-synology-hybrid-raid-on-linux-myself15:38
tomreyneldereko: you're also increasing the likelyness to loose data this way, but we don't need to discuss it if you're made up your head on this already.15:39
plongshotWindows always open in full / maximized mode and i really need to find a way to change that. Before the upgrade my system was not like that.15:40
tomreyneldereko: i recommend you replace the paths in fstab by UUIDs15:40
plongshotleftyfb: sorry, just saw that. Windows always open in full / maximized mode and i really need to find a way to change that. Before the upgrade my system was not like that.15:41
tomreyneldereko: also i seem to recall that grub booting off btrfs subvolumes isn't supported / is broken15:41
leftyfbplongshot: I don't have that issue with a fresh install of 18.04 using gnome shell15:42
plongshotleftyfb: Is there an option (gnome shell)? I just ran the upgrade from the command line of my old system (network upgragrade).  Don't know if I have gnome shell or something else.  Just when I launch an application it launchaes witht the window maximized and I can't stand that. Even if I resize the window then close / reopen the program it still opens in maximized mode.15:44
elderekotomreyn ubuntu makes the subvols during the install by default, i beleive it is transparent to grub... but ive also tried it with grub on its own lv with ext4 and i get the same error when booting15:45
leftyfbplongshot: if you upgraded from 16.04, then you probably still have. I'm not sure about Unity as I never used it.15:45
elderekoand also without subvols at all... this is unfortuntealy my 4th clean install with different configs all with the same grub error :(15:45
lordcirthplongshot, iirc a 16.04 -> 18.04 upgrade leaves Unity in place, yeah15:45
lotuspsychjeyep, should be choosable at login15:45
plongshotI remember seing some output about "wayland" something; than, when I saw it, I thought was referring to the desktop environment.15:46
OerHeksdconf  org.gnome.mutter auto-maximize false >>>  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074678/gnome-terminal-always-opens-maximised15:46
tomreynleftyfb + blackflow: ^ do you happen to know by bios booting 18.10 off a btrfs / (no separate /boot) on top of LVM2 on top of mdadm (PV mixing different RAID level MD RAID arrays) on top of partitions on top of 3 disks with msdos partition tables, installed via alternative server installer (d-i) would fail?15:47
plongshotOerHeks: This could work for me? Can it work for all the windows globally or just gnome terminal?15:48
tomreynthat's eldereko's setup15:48
OerHeksthat setting is global, i guess15:48
plongshotOerHeks: appreciate it thx15:48
tomreyn...fails with lvmid not found15:48
tomreyndropping to grub CLI15:49
leftyfbtomreyn: I don't. I have little experience with LVM.15:49
leftyfbtomreyn: I would take it one step at a time. Install ubuntu(not 18.10) with just RAID. See if it works. Then install Ubuntu with just LVM. See if tht works.15:50
tomreynyes, less complexity would be my suggestion, too.15:50
elderekoyeah, agreed its definitely a complex setup... ive done it similar with another box, only difference being dos vs gpt labels (smaller disks) without issues/modification so thought i was just missing something small15:53
elderekothe grub rescue console does appear to see all the disks and md though15:53
plongshotOerHeks: Works now. Thx15:54
tomreyneldereko: i suspect that grub is having trouble finding the / file system since it is backed by three PVs, not just one.15:54
tomreynand a btrfs subvolume might add to the confusion15:55
OerHeksplongshot, have fun!15:55
leftyfbeldereko: I would also suggest a separate /boot for such configurations15:55
leftyfbeldereko: keep /boot simple.15:55
tomreynyes, it will likely work then15:56
aqdhm found it. it's mounted under /mnt so everything i deleted went to /mnt/.Trash-1000, but not visible from my trash can15:56
tomreynor at least get you to initrd ;)15:56
elderekoyeah initially i had a separate /boot on the vg using ext4, it had the same issue i moved it to btrfs under root just to see if it made a difference15:57
tomreyneldereko: also, i'd recommend using LTS releases for servers, and for complex installations.15:59
elderekotomreyn gotcha, i will definitely switch for my next attempt, thanks15:59
tomreyneldereko: non LTS releases don't usually get more than an initial ISO release, and no minor version upgrades.16:00
tomreynubuntu 18.04.2 installers will be newer and have more fixes than the 18.10 iso you used.16:00
tomreynbut do stick to the alternate installer.16:00
elderekogood to know... i also tried this with debian and achieved the same error, just an interesting fact16:01
tomreynif you feel like spending more time on determining the root cause, to report a bug on it, that'd be nice.16:01
elderekoyeah i am actually really curious about this issue, even though im sure is not the normal use case... wheres the best place to report this issue/bug?16:03
tomreyneldereko: on the bug tracker of the OS you reproduced it on.16:04
tomreyneldereko: ubuntu uses launchpad. from the chroot you can run: ubuntu-bug grub2-common16:05
elderekotomreyn oh wow, awesome command, thanks!16:06
tomreynalternatively (if this breaks, but be sure to read the output before you give up), file a bug directly on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+filebug16:07
tomreyneldereko: ^16:07
elderekoalso thanks for all your help tomreyn and leftyfb much appreciated16:07
tomreynyou're welcome16:08
qwebirc46863Afternoon all, was wondering if somebody could help me with Netplan? I'm spinning up a VM on Azure with multiple DHCP IPs per NIC for use in a Kubernetes Cluster. Netplan is detecting the Primary IP but cannot see any additional IPs. How do I configure netplan to get all secondary IPs?16:12
tomreynqwebirc46863: please /join #ubuntu-server and repeat your question there.16:16
qwebirc46863Thanks @tomreyn16:16
tomreynalso consider using a proper IRC client, setting an individual nickname16:16
tomreynsee above16:17
eraserpencil2tomreyn: Hey, do you know if this is correct? GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\""16:20
tomreyneraserpencil2: it is syntactically correct. does this make sense on your system? i would not know.16:21
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=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
blackflowtomreyn: uh, that sounds like a joke: BTRFS on LVM on MDADM.  I think it fails because initramfs hooks maybe aren't expecting to run btrfs device scan after lvm after mdadm. that's a total waste of btrfs.16:53
blackflowbtrfs _is_ a volume manager with raid level capabilities for extents16:54
tgm4883if btrfs is anything like ZFS, it's explicitly not recommended to run on RAID16:55
blackflowtgm4883: and it is, and it's not (recommended)16:56
whislockIt is meant to be run directly on disks, afaik.16:56
blackflowor atop of partitions, but not atop of any raid or volume manager16:56
DiezelAnyone know how to scale the Chrome interface on a 4k display and i3. In gnome it's fine, in i3 really small...17:03
OerHeksfor i3 i don't know, for gnome there is gnome-tweak tool that can do scaling for fonts, menu and such17:06
DiezelOerHeks: yes, thanks. I'm aware of that. In gnome it's fine. But on a 15" 4k display it's really small. Tried GDK_SCALE etc. Everything else I've managed to get proper except Chrome17:08
ioriaDiezel, no idea in i3, already tried   google-chrome-stable --force-device-scale-factor=n ?17:12
kantlivelonganyone here know how to make policykit work with sssd?? specifically the isInGroup() function for rules17:14
tomreynblackflow, tgm4883, whislock: thanks for your replies. eldereko, who brought this up originally, is no longer around. but i learnt from this, too.17:14
daemonickhi guys17:15
daemonickand ladies17:15
daemonickand bots17:15
Diezelioria: Thank you! Works like a charm!17:17
ioriaDiezel, ok17:18
daemonickis virtual reality the next step in OS?17:24
lotuspsychje!discuss | daemonick17:25
ubottudaemonick: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:25
daemonickubottu, r u a bot?17:26
ubottudaemonick: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:27
daemonickwhich topics we discuss here?17:27
lotuspsychje!support | daemonick17:27
ubottudaemonick: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com17:27
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:28
daemonickcan we talk about xubuntu?17:29
lotuspsychjedaemonick: yes, in #ubuntu-discuss17:29
whislockPlease read the channel topic.17:29
daemonickok c ya laters17:29
whislockdaemonick: Support questions here. General discussion in #ubuntu-discuss.17:29
lotuspsychjedaemonick: type /join #ubuntu-discuss in your irc client17:29
sarafI'm on 16.04 desktop - I remove items from the launcher for apps I do not need, I add some that I do need with 'Lock to launcher' ... but on reboot, the Launcher is reset back again to default, and my changes are lost.17:31
sarafIs there some file that has the wrong access permissions, perhaps?17:31
lotuspsychjesaraf: did you install ubuntu or are you in a liveusb?17:32
lotuspsychjesaraf: fresh install? did it work before?17:32
sarafworked before - but do not know the point in time after the regression.17:33
sarafIt is in a VirtualBox VM17:33
blackflowsaraf: are you by accident booting off of a previous snapshot?17:34
sarafI log in and do my work - and that stuff is saved alright when I look at it on next login17:34
lotuspsychjesaraf: system up to date?17:35
sarafI'm doing a grep -R "Amazon" in my home directory .config to find the file where those Icons are coming from ... no dice.17:35
sarafyup ... do update/upgrades regularly17:36
evenflowzhi, im trying to use ~/.ssh/environment to forward env vars through ssh, when i do this to a linux machine with PermitUserEnvironment = yes (in sshd_conf) it works but on a docker container with the same config it doesnt work and i can see my variable being ignored in output of ssh -vvv:      'debug3: Ignored env CCINFRA_DIR'     anyone has any idea?17:41
lotuspsychjewelcome sietrin17:46
ryahi_skaprinavhello lotuspsychje17:46
ryahi_skaprinavI want to create a shortcut such that a my text editor opens in my current directory with a new document. Can it be done?17:46
sarafokay - am one step closer - I know that the amazon store icon on the launcher is named amazon-store.png ... now to find all the files that have that png in there. Does anyone know where the unity launcher config is?17:46
sietrinam I on ubuntu channel?17:47
sarafsietrin: yes :-)17:48
tgm4883ryahi_skaprinav: that sounds like what the Templates directory is for17:51
mrchairmandoes one ever master the command line?17:51
ryahi_skaprinavI'm kind of a noob towards linux so I wouldn't know what you are talking about tgm488317:51
mrchairmansorry wrong chan17:51
tgm4883ryahi_skaprinav: there's a Templates folder in your home directory. If you save a blank file of the type you want there (or even a file with stuff in it) then you'll be able to right click > new document elsewhere in nautilus and it will make that file17:53
ryahi_skaprinavtgm4883: I'm talking about a keyboard shortcut.17:55
tgm4883ryahi_skaprinav: well that seems silly. Wouldn't you just run the program name there then?17:56
sarafok - I cannot even change the Auto-hide behavior of the launcher panel from Settings->Appearance->Behavior ... I set it to auto-hide, close the settings window, and neither does the auto-hide get applied - nor does the settings window reflect that auto-hide is enabled when I open it again.17:56
blackflowryahi_skaprinav: what current directory, then? The one open at that time in the file manager?17:57
=== sinner is now known as Guest41189
ryahi_skaprinavblackflow: yes17:57
blackflowbecause if you run an editor from the command line, most if not all of them will default to that directory as their CWD17:57
blackflowryahi_skaprinav: I don't think there is that level of integration. You can always create an empty file in that directory and then open it with the editor of your choice.17:58
ryahi_skaprinavblackflow: ok thanks17:58
sarafryahi_skaprinav: what editor are you talking about using?17:59
ryahi_skaprinavsaraf: I'm currently using xed17:59
ioriasaraf, try this  sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-settings18:00
sarafioria: okay thanks ... will try that :)18:01
plongshotDoes anyone know - if I were to install java 11 on my 18.04 system via the linuxuprising ppa - am I able to get minor updates as they come out?  ( For example: I see that the truly lates version of the jdk is but the version you get from the linuxuprising's installer is (13 revisions back). If I download from the oracle website and install myself I would get the very latest but then would I get updates then anyway?18:02
plongshotI'm just wondering18:02
sarafryahi_skaprinav: ... and what you want to achieve - is, say, you are in the Ubuntu Desktop UI environment, and if you say press Ctrl+Shift+X, you want to launch xed with an empty file say newfile in your home directory?18:02
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
sarafioria: does that have the probability of destroying/modifying any other settings like say Network or such likes ...?18:03
ioriadestroy ?18:03
sarafokay ... resetting?18:03
sarafoh ok18:04
sarafit will just reinstall the ubuntu-settings application? is that it?18:04
plongshotI guess I thougt I could use the convenience of the installer; then, after the installation is complete, do a sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade   and it should pull in the update to the x.x.x.15 (latest revision) through my package manager.  Would it?18:04
lordcirthplongshot, if you add a ppa, you will get updates from the ppa. If you download manually, you will not.18:05
sarafioria: :-( okay - did sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-settings, but it does not help. I still cannot change the launcher behavior.18:06
sarafWhat could be the reason that the launcher has gone read-only18:06
ioriasaraf,   ok; use   ' gtk-launch my_application '; pin to launcher and logout/in18:07
plongshotlordcirth: ok. So with the first option (via ppa).  Is it that the update come from the ppa and thus depend on those who administer it and when they add new stuff? Or maybe the installer does something that makes a connection to oracle to get updates from?  ( I know - real stupis idea but I am confused about this)18:07
lordcirthplongshot, the PPA is controlled by a third party, who may or may not update it quickly. The Oracle installer *could* install its own autoupdater, but I doubt it does.18:08
sarafioria: the app pinned to the launcher is gone18:08
ioriasaraf,   no other ideas, sy18:09
sarafioria: on logout/login18:09
plongshotIt's strange, I remember seing java updates come through on my 16.04 system I had before.  But those might have just been the jre or something else18:09
sarafwhat is the process name of the launcher - any ideas?18:09
sarafor where the config of that fellow is stored?18:10
blackflowsaraf: any results in this? Run it in your home directory please   `find . \! -user USERNAME -print`      where USERNAME is your actual username there18:10
sarafwhat does the escaped ! do?18:12
ryuological not.18:13
ryuoit inverts the user test in this case.18:13
sarafaah ok - so files in my home directory that are not owned by me.18:13
blackflowsaraf: correct18:14
blackflowin your ~/ and below, recursively18:14
sarafhmm ... nothing connected to the launcher or unity or to gnome18:15
blackflowwell there shouldn't be ANY files in your home not owned by you18:15
sarafyes ... exactly my thoughts ... and there are a few in .config - that bothers me.18:17
saraf./.config/Qt/Qt Apps.conf18:17
blackflow!pastebin | saraf18:17
ubottusaraf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:17
sarafok - sorry, there were only 8 or 9 lines18:18
blackflowwireshark I think that's a setuid binary? it needs root or run setuid in order to capture packets, so it's possible that's unavoidable. but that Qt thing doesn't sound correct. nor, indeed, it doesn't sound related to your problem.18:19
blackflowsaraf: try this now, in your home dir:  for F in $(find ./ -type f); do [ -r "$F" ] && [ ! -w "$F" ] && echo "Readonly file: $F" ; done                 this essentially looks for readonly files, with no write permissions18:20
blackflowin fact, you can drop that  -type f    condition,     -r and -w tests should work on dirs, and its' possible a readonly dir prevents writing of new (config) files in it18:21
sudo18lo hey all18:22
b1is there a way to setup a virtual environment in ubuntu18:25
leftyfbb1: yes18:25
blackflowb1: what kind of virtual environment?18:25
b1like a python virtual environment18:26
b1but not with python per se18:26
blackflow!xy | b118:27
ubottub1: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.18:27
b1i want to install a package with sudo18:28
b1but not on my main environment18:28
blackflowa python virtualenv is essentially only just a PATH addition, with a "virtualenv specific" python binary pre-configured to look into that dir for libs and site packages.18:28
sudo18ok so sudo apt install "pkg name"18:28
lordcirthb1, what package, and why?18:28
blackflowb1: I think you still have an XY situation there. what's the end goal you want to achieve?18:28
sudo18blackflow: agreed. inquiring minds want to know18:29
lordcirthb1, and what's wrong with installing unetbootin normally?18:29
b1is there an equivalent to pipenv18:29
sudo18b1: what are you trying to do? you're all over the place18:30
blackflowb1: so to answer your question directly, no you can't do that. you can, however, establish a whole chroot and install pacakges there, even run programs within that chroot. containers can be used too for that (they extend chroots with more namespacing than just filesystem).18:30
b1blackflow, ok thanks18:30
sarafblackflow: no readonly dirs that could contain config files in there :( all the readonly hits were for .git SHAs18:30
blackflowsaraf: yah that's normal for .git18:31
blackflowsaraf: sorry, out of ideas. I mean... unless there's some autostart script or something that's forcing a "factory reset" to the launcher, so perhaps look for one of those18:31
blackflowor, that being a red herring, there's no config being made persistent at all.  something something dconf?18:32
sarafit is not letting me change the settings for the launcher behavior like auto-hide, even without restarting18:32
blackflow(being attempted, rather, and failing. like, no attempts at all, your modifications are in memory, in current session only)18:32
sarafin the current session18:32
blackflowowait.... you'r not using the guest account are you?18:33
sarafalthough apps can be pinned to the launcher for the current session - hm.18:33
sarafno no way :)18:33
Sven_vBis there an easier way than {t,wire}shark to be notified about connection attempts to a specific host:port? I control client and server, so monitoring on either side is fine.18:34
ioriasaraf, time to check syslog  maybe18:34
lordcirthSven_vB, shorewall with log level info18:34
blackflowSven_vB: tcpdump for SYN packets only18:35
blackflowor yes, iptables LOG for SYN states18:35
Sven_vBlordcirth, blackflow thanks!18:35
blackflow(and shorewall is quite a big firewall suite, not specifically needed just to log SYNs btw)18:35
lordcirthYeah, shorewall is really nice, though :)18:38
blackflowit is, yes. quite potent and configurable.  I loved its "admin is absentminded" default config option that prevented me so many times from locking myself out :)18:39
sarafEH .... the Settings->Appearance thing is not even letting me change the wallpaper!18:39
sarafioria,blackflow: okay ... looking at the syslog ... hmmm.18:39
ioriasaraf, did you extend  the disk space of the VM ?18:42
sarafum .. no18:42
sarafnothing worrisome there. (?)18:43
sarafis there a good paste like site for uploading syslog files?18:44
sarafthat retains the colored highlighting that Vim gives for the syslog?18:46
blackflowsaraf: don't upload entire syslog.   attempt your config, then dump this:     journalctl --since '1 minute ago'    -- asuming it's 1 minute between your attempts to reconfigure the launcher/wallpaper, and that command18:46
blackflow*up to 1 minute18:47
sarafnice! I think we may have caught something - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/b259G5vfsT/18:49
blackflownot sure that's related to this problem18:51
ioriasaraf, list that file and if missing, apt install --reinstall gnome-themes-extra-data18:52
sarafnow at least I know that the process is called unity-control-center ...18:52
sarafand now if I run it from the command line - it gives me this -18:53
sarafGLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications.18:53
blackflowsaraf: can you pin an app, then pastebin  `gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites`18:53
lordcirthGtk apps tend to spam a lot of "critical" errors in normal operation18:53
blackflowooooooo memory GSettings backend, now that's way closer to the headshot18:53
blackflowlordcirth: andgnome in general. looking at my bionic journal, I always puke a little18:54
blackflowneway, was close before, wiht "something something dconf" :)18:54
blackflowsaraf: https://askubuntu.com/questions/558446/my-dconf-gsettings-installation-is-broken-how-can-i-fix-it-without-ubuntu-reins     a bit old but..... maybe helps?18:56
plongshotI can't install g++7 on my new 18.04 system. I get these errors: https://pastebin.com/ui5p2qcG   Is there an easy  way to deal with this?19:01
blackflowplongshot: g++-7     you're missing a -19:03
plongshotblackflow: missing what?19:03
blackflowplongshot: minus (-)19:03
blackflowplongshot: the package is  g++-7    and not g++719:03
tewardplongshot: sudo apt-get install g++-7  <-- you need a dash between the + and the 719:03
blackflowplongshot: btw, g++-7 should be automatic dependency of `g++` package.   `apt install g++`  should suffice19:04
plongshotblackflow: My bad. I corrected it and get this error:  https://pastebin.com/QmbVD8eQ19:05
blackflowplongshot: PPA problems.... you'll have to ask the PPA maintainer, those are not supported here (other than "how do I add/remove a PPA")19:06
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harsh_Am using ubuntu 18.04, a new user, and have the following doubt19:07
plongshotblackflow: the gcc compiler is a massive organization isn't it. I mean, it's well established and been around for decades hasn't it?19:07
plongshotSo I remember hearing about the olden days fo linux and the hell people went throught tracking down dependencies and dependencies on dependencies and so on an on and on.   Is that the situatino I'm looking at with this?19:08
harsh_When I search for names in Ubuntu Software, I get two apps... One with star-ratings, another without star ratings19:08
harsh_Which one to install for smooth functioning and updating?19:09
blackflowplongshot: what's the end goal you want to achieve? g++ is regularly packaged in ubuntu, no PPA needed, albeit at version 7.3.0 + patches19:09
mcrabbleHi, I'm having some trouble getting bluetooth to see my devices.  Some documentation I've found from Ubuntu seems old or outdated, could someone please help me out19:10
plongshotThe repository owner is ubuntu. The package is coming from official ubuntu repository.  It not ok to aks for help when the installation fais?19:13
W4lterK0vacshello guys i am irc noob can someone help me with basics = how to scorll up when type /list19:13
hTantiaWhen I search for names in Ubuntu Software, I get two apps... One with star-ratings, another without star ratings....  Which one to install for smooth functioning and updating?19:13
sarafblackflow: whenever I run -any- gnome app like say gnome-calculator, the first line I get is - `gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites19:13
sarafwrong paste19:13
blackflowplongshot: 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~16.04~ppa1  is not official ubuntu repo, it's a PPA package19:13
sarafGLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications.19:13
lordcirthplongshot, what PPA are you using?19:14
sarafand pinning an app and running - gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites19:14
sarafdoes not list the pinned app19:14
hTantiabackflow: Any help possibe with my issue? When I search for names in Ubuntu Software, I get two apps... One with star-ratings, another without star ratings....  Which one to install for smooth functioning and updating?19:15
lordcirthYet more snap-related confusion...19:15
plongshotThis --> "Depends: gcc-7 (= 7.3.0-27ubuntu1~18.04) but 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~16.04~ppa1 is to be installed"  line here looks like it's telling me a lower version is needed than the one installaed.  I have gcc-7 installed and gcc-8 and g++-8 but not g++-7. g++-7 is telling me problems that sound redundant19:15
lordcirthplongshot, what PPA, and why do you think you need it?19:16
lordcirthTampering with your main gcc install is usually not a great idea19:16
hTantialordcirth: Any suggestions for my 'snap-related confusion'?      :/19:16
lordcirthhTantia, I don't use the GUI software store, but the one with ratings is probably the apt one? I just use 'apt install'.19:17
hTantiaOkay... Thanks19:17
filipHi! I'm a total Linux and docker noob but trying to learn. Trying to install Portainer in docker I come so far as to access the web interface on port 9000. But can't access it with ip:9000 in my browser. Do I need to open ports in Ubuntu and if so, how?19:19
blackflowplongshot: thats the problem, you have PPAs enabled and quite a quagmire of versions. again what's the end goal you want to achieve?19:20
lordcirthfilip, docker maps a port inside the container to one outside the container. Are you sure it's 9000 on the *outside*?19:20
plongshotlordcirth: Idk. I'm told via googling the both gcc-7 andgcc-8 are avial directly to install directly. I have added a single (unsupported repo) to this system Ive only had less than 24 hrs and that was the linuxuprising ppa.  Otherwise I just issued sudp apt install <packag> for all 3 that did install19:21
filiplordcirth: I'm not sure at all actually. How do I know? I'm using this guide https://www.portainer.io/installation/19:21
lordcirthplongshot, ok, but why did you add the PPA at all?19:22
filiplordcirth: And I'm on the step "You'll just need to access the port 9000 of the Docker engine where portainer is running using your browser."19:22
lordcirthfilip, -p 9000:9000 means it's 9000 on both ends19:22
blackflowplongshot: what do you mean you don't know. what made you install a compiler in the first place, and as a subset of that, what made you require specific version of it?19:22
lordcirthfilip, on the docker host, do you get anything from 'curl localhost:9000' ?19:23
filiplordcirth: Connection refused19:23
plongshotlordcirth: I didn't add a ppa regarding gcc / g++ The linuxuprising ppa continas a java installer to install the lates (version 11) oracle java.  It was an unrelated acticvity that was successful. But now I'm on to trying to deal with gcc / g++19:24
plongshotThe intent is this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028601/install-gcc-8-only-on-ubuntu-18-0419:24
plongshotI just hadn't mentioned it yet sir19:24
plongshotAnd especially considering the version gcc that came in by default with my dist upgrade was a very old version (possible pulled in from my old version - idk).19:25
filiplordcirth: This is a fresh install of Ubuntu, do I need to do something in like a firewall on the machine?19:25
lordcirthfilip, no, firewall is disabled by default. Are you sure the docker container is still running?19:26
filiplordcirth: I'm really a noob and this is my first try on docker. I'm actually not sure. It might not start by default when rebooting the system?19:27
lordcirthfilip, 'docker ls'19:27
filiplordcirth: is that a LS? says it's  not a command :S19:28
W4lterK0vacs@filip can't u check it with ps ?19:29
mcrabbleHi, I've got an Intel wifi adapter w/bluetooth, wifi works, but bluetooth doesn't seem to work19:29
filipW4lterK0vacs: It seems to be nothing there :S19:29
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W4lterK0vacsfilip: then it is high chance it doesnt start with system boot19:31
filipW4lterK0vacs: May I ask how to start an image?19:31
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lordcirthfilip, ah, apparently it's 'docker container ls'19:33
filiplordcirth: Nothing there :S I might have installed this the wrong way? The idea was to having a UI for docker to make it easier for me as a noob to understand what the heck I was doing :P19:35
lordcirthfilip, I think you just need to set the container to autostart instead of manually starting it.19:35
filiplordcirth: But if it's a volume, how do I start it then? There seem to be no container?19:37
lordcirthfilip, the tutorial has 'docker run' commands.19:38
mcrabbleDoes anyone know an IRC I could try to get some help with Bluetooth?  I've literally never used it before in linux, I have zero idea how to troubleshoot this19:38
lordcirth!alis | mcrabble19:38
ubottumcrabble: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:38
filiplordcirth: Ofc! I'm so stupid haha. Thanks for having patients with me :)19:42
lordcirthjoycee, hi19:42
joyceeHey lord19:43
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sarafblackflow: yes! that fixes it. I had two gsettings, one in /usr/bin and one in /usr/local/bin ... and I had some debug versions of libgxxx in /usr/local ... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9DSzdQxXtG/19:50
blackflowsaraf: ah so, PATH issues.19:54
sudo18I love znc19:57
enigma1945@enigma145 slm19:59
enigma1945@enigma1945 slm19:59
enigma1945#enigma1945 slm19:59
lordcirthenigma1945, what are you doing?20:00
enigma1945hi people20:00
enigma1945I dont know. I am new user20:00
sarafthank you ioria, blackflow, lotuspsychje :-)20:01
lordcirthenigma1945, did you need help with something?20:01
enigma1945yes pls20:03
sudo18install znc, bind to an obscure port, ssl, pop a hole in the firewall and bam, im on hexchat and mutter on my iphone, all through this ubuntu box. really love the ubuntu pkg mgr.20:04
lordcirthenigma1945, ... so what do you need help with?20:04
* sudo18 gets popcorn and waits for enigma194520:05
enigma1945how can I use weechat20:05
leftyfbenigma1945: https://weechat.org/doc/20:06
sudo18enigma1945: are you any good at command line stuff?20:06
enigma194520 years ago20:07
plongshotWhat is the meaning of the star vs. "auto mode" in the output of update-alternatives?20:07
sudo18ok. then weechat is for you. i'm not so good in command line, so i prefer a lame gui interface. i use hexchat20:07
enigma1945I used it 20 years ago20:07
plongshotNevermind - I'm an idioe - I see it20:07
leftyfbNoisette: can we help you with something?20:08
enigma1945leftyfb: Thanks20:09
programmerqmajor pain point on my ubuntu experiment is bluetooth support. The mouse will work for a while and then disconnect. removing/repairing doesn't necessarily fix it, restarting bluetoothd doesn't fix it. rebooting seems to help. My bluetooth/a2dp headphones are super choppy and not usable. ubuntu 18.0420:09
programmerqadding 'options snd-hda-intel model=generic' in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf made it slightly less choppy, but it is still unusable. The chip and the headphones themselves work fine in osx. hmmm.20:10
programmerqnot sure where in the stack to look next.20:11
enigma1945Thanks leftyfb!20:13
leftyfbenigma1945: you already said that. You are welcome.20:14
sudo18well that's strange. znc is working just fine except that when the connection breaks on the iphone and reconnects, whatever happened while the app was disconnected is not automatically pushed to the device.20:33
leftyfb!ot | sudo1820:33
ubottusudo18: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:33
sudo18i brought it up because it could be an os issue. i'm new to this flavor.20:34
sudo18but, point taken. i'll schlep off elsewhere with my question20:34
tgm4883sudo18: that seems like a ZNC question, not a OS question. That said, are you logged in to your ZNC on multiple devices?20:36
sudo18tgm4883: yeah, on the box itself, and also on an iphone through my public ip on a port forwarded hole in my firewall20:38
tgm4883sudo18: I think by default, ZNC only pushes the changes to your device when you log in, but only the changes from when you were logged out20:39
tgm4883it's been a long time since I ran ZNC though20:39
erle-is GDM itself (the login screen) using Wayland or X or something else?20:45
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Filikun_serverIf I want to run docker on a Rasberry Pi 3, is Ubuntu server a good OS for that?22:12
gheistOi oi oi. New IRC user here with Irssi.  How long does this stuff take to learn?22:26
jjolivercan someone help me with an issue im having connecting to a windows shared folder22:27
jjoliverfrom ubuntu22:28
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
_ramokHi and good evening22:38
_ramoki'm running docker containers on a ubuntu 18.04 . for some reason my docker containers can't resolve names to the public internet... so if i call nslookup google.com it's timing out. on the host iptables -S returns: https://pastebin.com/NChQ8YhK22:38
_ramoki'm not sure what is preventing docker containers to call the internet.22:38
_ramoki'm using systemd-resolved chained with dnsmasq22:39
Sven_vBI'd like to find fragmented files and rank them by fragmentation. do I need to run filefrag on all files that are big enough, or is there a better way to scan an entire ext3/ext4 partition?22:44
whislockSven_vB: Best one-liner I came up with for this is this:22:51
whislockfind <mount point> -xdev -type f -exec filefrag {} \; | awk '{print $2 " " $1}' | tr -d ':' | sort -n22:52
whislockRuns filefrag on each file in a mount point, formats it, and sorts it by number of extents.22:52
Sven_vBwhislock, thanks! before diving into how file selection might be optimized, did you mean to imply there is no better way than filefrag-ing them individually?22:56
whislockNot that I know of. I've never in my life cared about fragmentation.22:56
whislockThis is the first and last time I've ever run the filefrag command. Had no idea it existed.22:57
Sven_vBideally I get an empty list of course, so all the worse the inodes have to be read multiple times (translate to filenames, resolve path, translate back to indodes, …) when a specialized program could probably have detected the frag status without even dealing with string operations.22:59
whislockSo, what actual issue are you trying to deal with, here?22:59
Sven_vBtheoretical performance mind games.23:00
Sven_vBprobably not the "actual" from your dictionary23:00
whislockAs long as you understand that you're never going to see a difference in real world terms...23:00
Sven_vBwow, some people claim they got >79% non-contiguous files on their movie download partition. maybe in some scenarios it can actually happen. no claims it would measurably impact read speed though.23:04
whislockIt won't. The exts, especially ext4, are vastly different than, say, Windows filesystems with regard to fragmentation and how it affects the filesystem.23:05
Sven_vBwell in that scenario, it's large files but probably few of them, so the inefficient approach would still be good enough.23:05
Sven_vBreported by e2fsck according to http://www.webupd8.org/2009/10/defragmenting-linux-ext3-filesystems.html , so probably no NTFS involved23:06
Sven_vBI've read about shake as well but their approach doesn't fully convince me23:07
whislockI never said NTFS was involved.23:08
Sven_vBoh sorry then I misunderstood that part.23:08
Sven_vBor you meant older windows file systems23:09
whislockNo. I'm just saying that the focus on fragmentation is misplaced when applied to most Linux filesystems.23:09
Sven_vBah i see now, "it won't" probably addressed the earlier message. nevermind. :)23:09
whislockYou're devoting time to chasing something that's never going to yield a benefit.23:09
Sven_vByeah, I agree with that23:10
tgm4883The only time I've seen fragmentation causing any impact is on frequently written to drives that are nearly always full23:10
whislockYou're welcome to, of course! If it's a learning exercise, then great. I'm just being realistic about expectations.23:10
Sven_vByeah it's not about performance, rather thinking of a nicer technical solution because the ones I see do too much unnecessary work.23:10
whislockMainly because it's just... not a thing that needs to be worried about. An elegant solution was never devised because one was never required.23:11
Sven_vBtgm4883, that description perfectly fits my video partition. :)23:12
Sven_vBit's still way faster than VLC needs it to be though.23:12
* tgm4883 reads backlog23:13
* Sven_vB hasn23:13
tgm4883Sven_vB: ext4?23:13
* Sven_vB hasn't even optimized block size though23:13
Sven_vBtgm4883, ext3 and ext4, it varies accross my disks23:14
tgm4883I think there are more elegant solutions for seeing how fragmented a partition is on other filesystems (such as XFS) if only because that was better suited for large files back in the day23:14
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urxtnwI have a T420 Thinkpad, and I plan running Windows7 or 10 in a VM in order to deal with programs that I can't use on linux like Adobe Photoshop. is 8GB RAM very little and should I upgrade to 16GB?23:18
whislockDepends on the programs you need to run in the VM.23:19
whislockAnd on what you're running outside of the VM.23:19
tgm4883urxtnw: what whislock said. I have 16GB and run win10 in a VM and it occasionally sucks23:19
urxtnwwhislock, tgm4883 currently I have 4GB on ubuntu that are being used all the time (tabs open, programs open etc.) I will be running Microsoft Office mostly and Adobe photoshop.23:20
tomreynurxtnw: if you run the default (gnome-shell) ubuntu desktop, you'll want to keep a minimum of 2 GB RAM allocated to ubuntu (more if you run a web browser with multiple tabs).23:21
whislockurxtnw: Photoshop? Uh, good luck. Even 16GB is not going to lead to a fun time.23:21
Sven_vBunbelieveable how many websites there are with tutorials on linux defrag that copy each other's warning about e2fsck on a mounted file system, and never read the man page to find -n (read only mode).23:22
whislockEven -n is known to yield invalid results.23:22
urxtnwtomreyn, but my current system with what I do already has almost 4GB memory being used all the time23:23
urxtnwwhislock, what about microsoft office23:23
Sven_vBif it foils counting non-contig. files, the tutorials still should say so, instead of raising fear.23:23
whislockSven_vB: Again, why are you chasing this so much, knowing that it's not going to change anything?23:23
tgm4883Sven_vB: FWIW, I'm doubtful you'll see much performance benefit. It really only came into play for me when dealing with needing to write to disk with a minimum speed23:23
Sven_vBwhislock, not sure. the real reason is probably something wrong deep in my mind. no easy to grasp gain.23:25
whislockThen consider devoting this effort and attention toward more productive aims.23:26
Sven_vBwill do. :)23:26
whislockAgain, I'm not trying to be unhelpful. Only realistic.23:27
Sven_vByeah, no offense taken. thanks for helping, all who did!23:27
GerowenIf I have my screen "extended" to a television and watch television shows, there is occasional tearing.  How would I go about making sure VSync is enabled on that display?23:29
Sven_vBgotta stop this madness before it makes me invent my own fs ;)23:29
popnflossim having this problem and this is the only page i could find about it23:29
popnflossplymouth is failing and falling back to text boot because of some update23:30
sudo18Is SSH server disabled by default on 18.04 desktop?23:37
tgm4883sudo18: yes23:44
sudo18tgm4883: ok. Take me to school. How do I enable it.23:44
Gerowensudo18: sudo apt install openssh-server23:45
tgm4883'sudo apt install ssh'23:45
sudo18Oh it’s not even installed. Got it.23:45
sudo18Easy peasy then.23:46
sudo18Thanks Gerowen and tgm488323:46
Gerowensudo18: Just know that openssh-server set up the "server" client, for if you wanted to connect to that computer remotely, that's what I thought you were asking about.23:53
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sudo18gerowen: yes. i needed the server daemon so that i could ssh in from my phone. i just installed this distro for the first time. i'm still learning what it does and doesn't do that i need it to or not to if that makes sense23:58
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