
didrocksgood morning06:39
dufluMorning didrocks06:51
didrockshey duflu06:56
jibelGood morning07:03
didrockssalut jibel, hey frederik-f07:08
jibelcpaelzer, Hey, I proposed https://github.com/bzed/pkg-open-vm-tools/pull/2007:16
gitbotbzed issue (Pull request) 20 in pkg-open-vm-tools "Add modaliases to open-vm-tools-desktop" [Open]07:16
jibelcpaelzer, for Ubuntu I propose a debdiff and we'll remove the delta when the debian package is synced? or it's better to wait for the sync but it may already be a bit late in the cycle for that? what do you think?07:17
cpaelzerhi jibel07:26
cpaelzerjibel: you are asking the right question but the answer has two "depends"07:27
cpaelzerjibel: usually we'd wait for Debian and sync07:27
dufluMorning jibel, frederik-f, Europe, Africa, ...07:28
cpaelzerjibel: but here since it does not fix "a Debian problem" and they are in Freeze for Buster there most likely won't be a fast Debian upload of this07:28
cpaelzerjibel: therefore I'd recommend you make your bug an FFe and get an ack (if you want this in 19.04)07:28
cpaelzerjibel: and somewhen in 19.10 when your PR has resolved we can make it a sync again07:28
jibelcpaelzer, okay, thanks. I'll do that07:29
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:49
dufluMorning oSoMoN and seb12807:52
oSoMoNhey duflu07:52
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:53
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:53
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tseliot jbicha: yes, I just didn't want them to have to install gnome-shell when trying to install nvidia-settings08:21
didrockshey willcooke08:59
willcookehihi didrocks, how are you?08:59
seb128hey duflu, good morning desktopers09:00
dufluMorning willcooke09:00
seb128lut oSoMoN didrocks, en forme ?09:00
seb128hey willcooke tseliot09:00
oSoMoNsalut seb128, bien et toi?09:00
oSoMoNhey willcooke09:00
seb128ça va :)09:01
seb128salut Laney, ça va ?09:04
tseliothey seb12809:06
Laneyhey seb128! oui, ça va, et toi?09:07
Laneyit's super windy again, apparently this is Storm Gareth09:07
seb128Laney, ça va bien !09:07
seb128same here, I really dislike that wind09:07
dufluMorning Laney09:13
oSoMoNhey Laney09:13
oSoMoNhey tseliot09:13
duflu"Storm Gareth" sounds very English09:13
dufluAh. Actually that's a Welsh name. Could almost have guessed09:15
tseliothey oSoMoN09:18
clobranogood morning o/09:22
dufluMorning clobrano09:22
dufluAlso hi tseliot09:22
didrockshey seb128, Laney, clobrano09:23
seb128hey clobrano09:23
clobranohey duflu, seb128, didrocks :)09:24
Laneymoin duflu oSoMoN tseliot clobrano didrocks!09:25
Laneya boy band I'd pay a lot of money to go and see09:25
tseliothi duflu09:40
cpaelzerjibel: I replied on your PR09:43
cpaelzerasking for reconsideration09:43
cpaelzerjibel: but giving such "easy of use" to our users is why we are Ubuntu09:44
cpaelzerjibel: so please feel free to go on getting it into Disco09:44
cpaelzerjibel: I have not seen the bug converted to an FFe yet09:44
cpaelzerjibel: or did you in fact plan for 19.10 instead?09:44
jbichatseliot: just to be clear, Kubuntu installs polkit-kde-agent-1 by default which is a provider of the polkit-1-auth-agent virtual package so it shouldn't try to install gnome-shell on Kubuntu09:50
seb128hey jbicha, you are up early!09:51
jbichaI'm going to IHOP before work :) https://twitter.com/IHOP/status/110510614752097894409:52
seb128ah, enjoy :)09:53
jbichaI missed Pancake Day last Tuesday so I'm making up for it now :)09:54
jibelcpaelzer, I'm doing it09:57
jibelit's for 19.0409:57
jibelcpaelzer, I confirmed the virtualbox uses a similar method in Debian and replied to the PR09:59
cpaelzershowing "prior-art" always helps on convincing10:10
seb128jbicha, is the tracker update something that requires a ffe/we want to do this cycle?10:17
jbichaI think it requires a FFe, I don't have an opinion on whether we want it for disco10:18
seb128k, I will have a look after lunch10:19
jbichaseb128: I guess we'll want https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/merge_requests/429 for disco :) :)10:23
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 429 in gnome-control-center "Show snap information in applications panel" [6. Component: Applications, Opened]10:23
tseliotjbicha: all right then11:11
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
clobranodidrocks, Trevinho, Laney: about to merge Yaru's upstream sync11:33
Trevinho1234 for the glory!11:41
clobranoahaha, that's the perfect pr number11:41
TrevinhoLaney: as per 32 packaging, we might wait for https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/454 (plus various cherry-picks), since at the moment zoom for a11y is broooooken11:45
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 454 in gnome-shell "Magnifier content ensure it has proper size and node color" [1. Bug, Opened]11:45
jibeltseliot, I'd need to tell ubuntu-drivers to install only free drivers (eg only drivers in main/universe) is there already a way to do that? or you'd be okay if I add an option --free-only to restrict the package list to packages in main/universe?11:47
jibelor you see another option?11:47
clobranoyay, snap-on-bionic-only works https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2B2qFkPD/image.png11:48
LaneyTrevinho: other things are broken already, I'd prefer to do a second upload, unless you can get that in like now11:53
Laneyclobrano: win11:55
Laneydid you want to prepare the changelog again?11:55
clobranoLaney: yes, I'll release the stable snap as well11:55
clobranojust need to do some business work before :D11:56
Laneyback in 20 mins11:58
clobranoLaney: https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/125512:15
gitbotubuntu issue (Pull request) 1255 in yaru "Update changelog" [Open]12:15
clobranoLaney: there's a bug in dashtodock that's affecting the overview mode https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/90412:33
clobranoIf it persists in disco, we might use non-transparent top panel in overview12:33
gitbotmicheleg issue 904 in dash-to-dock "Gnome Shell 3.31.92 overview mode dock is black" [Open]12:33
Laneyokey, thanks12:34
seb128jbicha, undecided yet on whether we should do that or disable this panel for this cycle since it's quite buggy/not very useful12:37
TrevinhoLaney: not expecting to happen now, probably something won't ever go in since we want to add another API, so... distropatchiiing :P12:43
Laneyyou think that other upstream people want to leave zoom broken?12:44
TrevinhoLaney: they're ok on the first part of things, showing the mouse and stuff, but all the scaling fixes might be not something we want to have in this way (as there's no other way than a workaround to know the pointer texture scale, as I missed to add an API).12:45
Trevinhoso... this part could need new APIs and upstream always prefer final fixes more than incremental ones.12:46
Laneyare there merge requests to add the new API?12:47
TrevinhoLaney: nope, I won't do it until we branched on 3-3212:49
Trevinhocause it wouldn't be 3-32 material anyways, so...12:50
Laneywe could take those though probably12:51
Laneyso you think people would prefer a slightly broken 3.32 in pursuit of the ideal fix in 3.33?12:52
Laneydid you confirm that?12:52
Laneythe branch would be made once the first non-3.32 fix is merged wouldn't it?12:53
* Laney thinks #gnome-shell would be a better channel probably12:53
TrevinhoLaney: well the ideal fix is ideal only from a programmer point of view, from the user point of view both the solutions will give the same result :)13:02
LaneyI believe you, but I also don't want us to have a forever distro patch13:05
Laneyor even do one at all if it can be avoided (not sure what conversations you've had with others about it yet)13:05
Laneyso I'm tryin to get an idea of what the sustainable path forward is13:06
cpaelzerjibel: you see I told you bzed is usually nice :-)13:08
jibelcpaelzer, yeah, great to see this merged.13:08
jibelgnome-shell doesn't stop crashing :((13:09
* jibel updates and reboots13:10
Laneynew versions coming in a minute13:11
* Laney looks at clobrano 13:16
clobranoLaney: great13:17
clobranoI pushed a gtk fix too13:17
Laneyclobrano: you didn't see my comment on the changelog I guess? :>13:17
Laneyneeds to be 19.04.1 or something13:17
clobranoLaney: uhm, not yet, but I'm already fixing the changelog for the latest push, so I'll fix that too13:18
clobranoLaney: sorry, I don't really know how I merged that :|13:19
Laneybig tempting shiny button13:19
clobranodon't remember...13:19
clobranoLaney: so "yaru-theme (19.04.1) disco; urgency=medium" is alright?13:21
Laneysure, as long as the version isn't used before13:22
Laneyand is greater than the previous one13:22
Laney(which this is)13:23
clobranoLaney: done13:24
Laneywill look at that in a bit (got to move places now)13:25
TrevinhoLaney: it will be quite sustainable, you know temporary ones... :)13:25
Trevinhobut in any case I hope to get all this in first, then to rework things. I don't see the point why 32 should be not fully fixed when we can still have it.13:26
LaneyI don't say it can't, I say that I want to know that you've had it ruled out by upstream first13:28
Laneyat the moment I see a reluctance to talk that I don't really understand13:28
Laneyin any case we won't have this bug fixed, just trying to push you in the usual direction13:30
Laneyk, back shortly13:30
Trevinhomh, what you mean by "reluctance to talk"?13:31
LaneyYou're telling me that this is unacceptable for upstream but I don't see that said anywhere13:31
Laneythe only thing I see is fearnon saying thanks for the MR13:31
Trevinhothere's no real discussion yet, I've just talked to Jonas who said that he would prefer a final solution13:32
Trevinhoyeah, I mean, you know I tend to put a few more things on top one of the other :P13:32
LaneyI find it weird that they'd want 3.32 to be out there with this bug13:32
Laneyif that's the case, it'd be best if the MR said that13:33
Laneyk, really gone13:33
Trevinhowell, yeah, it's pretty bad. But the drawing itself can be fixed in few lines, the scaling issue is an improvement that would make sense imho,13:33
Trevinhothings are in different commits though, so since reviews are per commits, we can still land a part of it in case.13:34
tseliotjibel: what's the use case here?13:51
jibeltseliot, on Ubiquity ubuntu-drivers is called only for third party drivers (for nvidia mainly). We want to use ubuntu-drivers to install free drivers too during installation (eg open-vm-tools) but not proprietary drivers if the user didn't chose 'third party drivers' or selected 'free software only' in the boot menu13:55
jibeltseliot, the change would be something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8P7Vv4qDjW/13:56
jibelit'd require a change in ubiquity too to call ubuntu-drivers with the new argument13:56
jibelkenvandine, in spotify snap I lost the decoration of the window. Is it a known problem with snaps?13:59
tseliotjibel: and the whitelist would still be there, so it shouldn't cause anything that we don't want to get installed13:59
jibeltseliot, yes we keep the whitelist14:00
jibeland a single whitelist since the free/non-free info already exists at the package level14:00
tseliotjibel: ok, it sounds good to me. It is something we should have at least one test for in the test suite14:01
jibeltseliot, yes, I'll add a couple of tests for that14:01
tseliotjibel: all right, feel free to send me a merge proposal when you're ready14:02
jibelwill do, thanks14:02
kenvandinejibel: i haven't seen that14:03
kenvandinejibel: spotify looks fine for me14:04
kenvandineon disco14:04
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tjaaltonseb128: is it fine to add the dep on mesa-vulkan-drivers in disco already?14:14
seb128tjaalton, seems like ffe material so probably need to file one but I expect it should be fine to get approved14:15
tjaaltonok, I'll reuse the same bug for that14:17
tjaaltondidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vulkan-loader/+bug/1742711/comments/1114:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1742711 in vulkan-loader (Ubuntu) "MIR: vulkan-loader" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:25
didrockstjaalton: ah, you just reopened it14:27
tjaaltonit got auto-expired14:27
didrocksI'll have a look in the coming week14:27
didrockstjaalton: as you are around, were the tests looked at and the quilt thingy fixed?14:29
seb128(we are a bit minutes lates, previous meeting taking a bit longer, hold on)14:30
seb128(we really need to get that one moved)14:30
Laneythought that happened already14:30
seb128yes; those are weekly ones on the same slot14:31
seb128which is why we need to get it moved14:31
LaneyI meant I thought the moving happened already14:31
seb128right, which is why I used the 'really' :)14:32
* Laney is confused, but ok14:34
willcookesorry folks14:34
willcookeReady to start now14:34
seb128Laney, ah, sorry, no it didn't happen, we said we needed to move it like a week back14:34
seb128we just didn't happen to find a slot and actually do it14:34
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Meeting - 2019-03-1214:35
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar 12 14:35:04 2019 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.14:35
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick14:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/RHiGQXZJ/ubuntu-desktop-1904-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Desktop Team Meeting - 2019-03-12 | Current topic:
oSoMoN     \o14:35
willcookeRoll call: Description:andyrock, dgadomski, didrocks, duflu (out), jbicha, jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, oSoMoN, seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)14:35
willcookeOk, as usual we will start with the Incoming bugs review, starting with B14:36
willcookeHa, or not.  Since B incoming is empty!14:36
willcookeI sent the B tracking list round, please look at it and see what's against you which might need looking at14:37
willcookeC incoming is also clear \o/14:37
willcookeD incoming has some, so let's look:14:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1818246 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "update-notifier's notification is huge due to large icon" [High,Confirmed]14:38
willcookeI haven't seen this one, so I dont know how common it is14:38
Laneythat was supposed to have been investigated in the past week14:38
Laneyforgot who though14:38
seb128didrocks did investigate and get a testcase14:38
willcookeWas it didrocks perhaps?14:38
seb128it got turned into an assert/crasher in .9214:38
didrocksthen, it became a crash :)14:38
seb128which got fixed in master14:39
didrockswhich is fixed upstream14:39
didrocksand now, I need to retest the testcase once uploaded14:39
seb128but I don't know if once the crasher is fixed the initial problem is14:39
didrocksexactly :)14:39
Laneywould have been good to keep the bug updated imho (feedback for future)14:39
seb128waiting for 3.32 g-s to be out I guess14:39
Laneyit is14:39
willcookeoki, didrocks would you comment on the bug to that effect?  And we can look again next week?14:40
didrocksyes, FTR I opened the crashers and referenced this bug already14:40
willcookeah cool, thanks14:40
didrocksdoing the other way aroudn14:40
seb128+1 to accept the nomination14:40
Laneynot sure about punting things in incoming like this, it feels weird to me14:40
willcookekk, I targetted14:41
willcookeand assigned didrocks14:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1818790 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[regression] Desktop zoom is missing the mouse pointer" [High,Triaged]14:41
seb128+1 to nominate, assign Marco14:42
seb128from the channel backlog I got that it was being worked on already14:42
Trevinhoyes, fix submitted already14:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1818878 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "System menu user icon is bigger than others in 3.31.92" [High,Triaged]14:44
kenvandinei wonder if that is in any way related to the user image in gdm14:44
Trevinhofixed in next yaru14:44
Laneynot rls imho, but it's going to be fixed14:44
Laneybut that is also fixed14:44
kenvandinei noticed yesterday that my face is HUGE in gdm14:44
Trevinhokenvandine: that's another shell one14:44
seb128blame Marco :)14:44
Trevinhofixed as well14:44
Laneyno need to panic or even discuss14:45
kenvandinegreat :)14:45
Trevinhono, blame others!14:45
willcookeso just untag then?14:45
Laneyrls-dd-notfixing, but it will be fixed later today probably anyway14:45
seb128either way is fine imho14:45
seb128even not touching14:45
seb128it should be cleared by the next meeting14:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1819207 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add Modaliases to open-vm-tools-desktop to allow automatic installation by ubuntu-drivers" [High,In progress]14:46
seb128but yeah, rls-dd-notfixing, even it feels weird -notfixing a thing which is fix pending upload14:46
willcookeyeah, the rls bit is the key14:46
seb128willcooke, up to you to decide for that one how much a cycle goal it is14:46
willcookeI'm +1 on that open-vm-toosl14:46
Laneywhy's it rls?14:46
seb128either -notfixing or nominate/assign according to what you think imho14:46
Laneybut whatever, jibel seemed to be working with cpaelzer on that14:47
willcookeYou're right though, it's not a rls bug14:47
seb128Laney, management decision to make it a team goal14:47
seb128anyway, either is fine with me14:47
tseliotmaintainer +1 to open-vm-tools14:47
seb128I think that "needs to get done this cycle" decided by $manager qualitfy to be rls targetted14:48
tseliotwell, u-d-c maintainer ;)14:48
seb128tseliot, thx for the reviews on that topic btw :)14:48
LaneyI think not, that kind of bug should be tracked directly and not in the team meeting14:48
Laneymaybe a discussion for another time14:48
willcookeyeah, let's talk about this sort of thing later, and move on.  That bug will get fixed14:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1819126 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT [St:ERROR:../src/st/st-image-content.c:155:st_image_content_get_preferred_size: assertion failed (priv->width > -1): (-1 > -1)]" [High,Fix committed]14:49
willcookealready fix committed14:50
seb128that's the counter part of Didier's one14:50
seb128should be fixed in g-s 3.32 which has been uploaded to disco now14:50
willcookeif the other one is accepted, then should this one too?14:51
willcookewell, doesnt really matter, and that can be tagged on to the conversation about what gets rls tagged later14:51
Laneysure, I didn't close it in the changelog so someone can do that after verifying14:51
willcookelast one then:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/179660614:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1796606 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in st_widget_get_theme_node → ffi_call_unix64 → ffi_call → gjs_invoke_c_function → function_call" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:51
didrocksLaney: hum, this is not a SRU, but weird to not have referenced it on purpose14:52
Trevinhothis is going to be fixed in .114:52
Trevinhowell, fixed... Muted :)14:52
Laneythose patches are in the upload14:52
Laneyso already fixed14:52
Laneydidrocks: I just forgot / didn't know which bugs to close, so not really on purpose14:52
Trevinholovely Laney14:52
didrocksLaney: ah ok, makes more sense thus14:52
willcookeok sorted14:53
willcookeRight, that is the end of the rls bugs14:54
seb128we still have some accepted & not assigned ones14:54
willcookelet's look at errors.u.c next, and then proposed migrations last14:54
willcookeseb128, do we?14:54
willcookelet's tidy that up then14:55
willcookeDD looks right to me now14:55
didrocksI think there are new ones, like the rhythmbox crash (but it was perhaps already acked without going through -incoming), desktop langs on the install… unsure if those were listed14:55
seb128didrocks, those are assigned?14:56
didrocksyeah, but were they on -incoming and then accepted outside of this meeting?14:56
seb128willcooke, http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-dd-tracking-bug-tasks.html has bug #181957214:56
ubot5bug 1819572 in network-manager (Ubuntu Disco) "do-release-upgrade from cosmic to disco make the network of this specific machine malfunction" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181957214:56
didrocksI thought this meeting was to review -incoming -> ack/not ack for release14:56
seb128didrocks, we review things suggested, but it's fine to have things decided by team and/or management and directly targetted&assigned outside the meeting14:57
seb128if it's a management decision to target there is no much to discuss14:57
didrocksok, so the team assignements here are not the only assignements14:57
didrocksjust making this clear14:58
seb128well, the -tracking list are a reflect of what is accepted14:58
willcookethe only one in the DD list which is unassigned is:14:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1819572 in network-manager (Ubuntu Disco) "do-release-upgrade from cosmic to disco make the network of this specific machine malfunction" [Undecided,New]14:58
willcookewhich I dont know anything about.  I will ask them14:58
kenvandineweird, says it only affects the one machine14:59
seb128I vote -notfixing14:59
willcookeI think they targetted it without knowing what the implications are14:59
willcookeI'll sort it out14:59
LaneyLaunchpad recently changed so that nominating doesn't happen any more15:00
willcookethat's the only one though seb128?15:00
Laneyeveryone who could nominate can now target directly15:00
Laneyso I expect more of this kind of thing15:00
seb128willcooke, yes15:00
kenvandineoh joy15:00
seb128Laney, do you know if that was discussed somewhere public?15:00
willcookeok, so lets now really move on to errors.u.c15:00
Laneydiscussed not sure, I saw a post about that somewhere15:00
kenvandinethat is going to be frustrating15:00
Laneycan't remember where though, sorry awbout that15:00
willcookeI haven't pre-filtered the e.u.c list and I used all the time in the previous meeting to talk about other stuff... so15:01
seb128my comment from previous week still stand15:01
seb128I think e.u.c should have reports converted to bug and going to the rls-incoming process as appropriate15:02
Laneythat makes sense, just needs to be done15:02
Laney(far enough in advance of the meeting that the page has refreshed)15:02
willcookeoki, then let's do that tomorrow seb128?  You & I, and anyone else who wants in15:02
seb128I'm fine doing that starting next week15:02
seb128I can do it weekly on mondays15:02
seb128so we have those in place on the rls incoming on time15:02
kenvandineseb128: awesome15:02
seb128willcooke, k15:02
seb128well let's discuss the details later if you want15:03
willcookeDo you want to do it in a HO, or would you prefer to do it alone at your convenience?15:03
seb128let's discuss together after the meeting15:03
willcookeroger roger15:03
seb128bye bye will15:03
kenvandinehe bailed on us15:03
seb128Laney, I guess you can do proposed migration :)15:03
seb128wb willcooke15:04
oSoMoNroger roger == /quit15:04
Laneythere are some things https://trello.com/b/RHiGQXZJ/ubuntu-desktop-1904-cycle?menu=filter&filter=label:proposed-migration15:04
LaneyI'm a bit concerned about the assignment process for that15:04
willcookeseem to have found a secret key shortcut for quit15:04
willcookeoh, ctrl-q15:04
Laneyhttps://trello.com/c/kEcqB34L/257-appstream-0125-1-to-0126-1 <- that got marked as in progress with nobody assigned, and hasn't moved since then15:04
Laneyhttps://trello.com/c/mWodrc3o/256-libvorbis-blocking-build-essential-125ubuntu2-to-126ubuntu1-for-4-days that never got assigned (but apparently someone else fixed it, so lucked out)15:05
willcookeWe should probably assign them now then.  I expect last week we said "lets do it later" and then forgot15:05
willcookeor we were supposed to do it in the manager meeting, and didnt have time15:05
willcookeyeah, that ^15:05
seb128another reason we need to move that meeting to wednesday15:06
willcookeoki, seb128 shall we look at that too later on?15:06
seb128so we can act on follow up from the team meeting15:06
Laneycan I move appstream back to backlog?15:06
seb128jbicha did file it upstream, it's a regression due to the glib hashtable/order change15:07
willcookemanagers meeting moved15:07
seb128which ximion said he would look at15:07
seb128but yeah, should have an owner15:07
Laneybut someone in the team should have ownership15:07
Laneyif ximion does it, lucky for them15:07
Laneyend of section15:08
willcookeok, thanks Laney15:08
willcooke#topic AOB15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/RHiGQXZJ/ubuntu-desktop-1904-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Desktop Team Meeting - 2019-03-12 | Current topic: AOB
willcookeAnyone got anything they want to talk about?15:08
seb128jbicha, ricotz, who is looking at the fallout from the new vala?15:08
seb128we have things that fail to build in disco due to it15:08
seb128like libunity or rygel15:08
Laneyneed to run to the train platform, back in a minute15:08
seb128Laney, good luck15:09
seb128willcooke, jbicha put a note in his summary to discuss default windows placement15:09
seb128unsure if we should discuss that on the hub rather than the meeting though?15:09
seb128especially that it's something others care about, like the yaru team15:09
willcookehub sounds good, or at least out of the meeting15:10
seb128which might not be here15:10
willcookejbicha, can you start a thread on the hub as a starting point, and we can take it from there15:10
willcookeany more?15:10
seb128not from me15:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/RHiGQXZJ/ubuntu-desktop-1904-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar 12 15:11:27 2019 UTC.15:11
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2019/ubuntu-desktop.2019-03-12-14.35.moin.txt15:11
willcookethanks all15:11
willcookeseb128, I'm free in 1.5hrs15:11
willcookemaybe sooner15:11
seb128willcooke, k15:12
tjaaltondidrocks: no, looking at it now15:13
seb128kenvandine, can you chase Robert on https://github.com/hughsie/libxmlb/pull/15 / newer gnome-software? it's time we start testing the new version if we want it in disco15:13
gitbothughsie issue (Pull request) 15 in libxmlb "Allow nesting XbBuilderSource content type handlers" [Enhancement, Closed]15:13
seb128kenvandine, that's bug #181722315:13
ubot5bug 1817223 in libxmlb (Ubuntu Disco) "[disco-proposed] The list of applications in Ubuntu Software is empty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181722315:13
didrockstjaalton: ok, I'll wait for your update on the bug before going further15:14
didrocksthx :)15:14
tjaaltondidrocks: for one, they expect to git clone googletest..15:16
didrockstjaalton: I'm pretty sure it's something we distro-patched with a vendorized googletest in other projects in main (or which used to be in main)15:17
tjaaltonI know it's packaged15:18
ricotzseb128, hi, rygel builds and libunity has a merge request15:19
seb128ricotz, ah, I didn't see that rygel upload from Jeremy, sorry about that15:20
kenvandineseb128: will do15:20
kenvandinehe was working on it already, but i'll chase him15:20
seb128Trevinho, can you try adding https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes/+merge/362923 to https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3641 ? (libunity)15:36
parideHi. On my up-to-date disco system the multi-monitor support is a bit broken. When I connect an external screen to the laptop (in "Join Displays" mode, primary display = external) the windows move the the external monitor, but the workspaces are "lost", and I end up with all the windows mixed in a single workspace. I'm pretty sure the workspaces did15:39
paride persist in bionic.15:39
parideMy system is pretty standard: a thinkpad T480s connected to an external display via displayport (actually usb-c, but shouldn't matter)15:39
parideThis happens even with a "clean" user I added to the system specifically for testing with15:40
seb128paride, that didn't change since bionic, GNOME handles the second monitor as a presentation board with no UI element nor workspaces15:41
seb128that on our list of things to improve in the next cycles15:42
parideseb128, I know, but that's not the problem -- let me try to explain it again.15:42
parideLet's say I have 4 workspaces on my laptop screen, with a terminal in each workspace. I connect the external (primary) monitor. The laptop screen becomes the "presentation board" you describe, as expected. On the external monitor I end up with *one* single workspace with all the 4 terminals15:43
seb128paride, oh, then that might be a regression, best to open a report about (on launchpad and ideally upstream as well)15:45
parideseb128, which package do you suggest to file it against?15:45
Laneyclobrano: ok with me to tag yaru?16:08
clobranoLaney: sure16:11
seb128willcooke, can you use your script to import bug #1817338 in trello? Robert like to have his items in there16:17
ubot5bug 1817338 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Disco) "HDMI sound output not selectable in 19.04 (but works in 18.10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181733816:17
Laneywe still do this special robert_ancell process?16:18
Laneywoot, sexy round avatar16:27
Laneynon huge user icon, non transparent top bar (boo)16:28
willcookeseb128, https://trello.com/c/XNVW4Tpp16:36
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Laneyclobrano: uploaded, please to pull git@github.com:iainlane/yaru.git master & 19.04.117:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1819744 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "19.04 Disco default wallpapers" [Undecided,New]18:02
willcookeGuess I'm updating the slide show tomorrow then18:19
willcookemeh, I suppose I could do it now18:20
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* marcustomlinson must have dem disco dingo wearables!18:24
willcookemarcustomlinson, oh, now then, by a staggering coincidence I might be able to help you out there18:30
willcookesome how I managed to take two t shirts home with me.18:30
willcookeactually, you know what, I think we can probably find a new one in the office, I'll see what Stef can do when we go down for release week and get one in the post18:31
willcookebah.  scaling the image down small enough for the slideshow makes it look like shite18:34
willcookeoh, interesting.  The jpeg looks better when scaled down18:35
willcookethan the png18:35
marcustomlinsonwillcooke: thanks! let me know what if there are 2XLs or 3XLs available.18:41
willcookemarcustomlinson, np, leave it with me, I'll set myself a reminder18:41
willcookeDid any of duflu's performance improvements land on the ISO yet?19:30
willcookeclobrano, theme and new wallpaper are looking SHARP! https://imgur.com/a/M4jf9nw19:34
kenvandinegnome-logs snap built on bionic with core18 is 14M smaller :)19:36
kenvandinegnome-calculator is 2M bigger... so between the two of them we still save 12M :-D19:36
willcookekenvandine, noice!19:46
kenvandine3.32 versions are in candidate19:47
seb128willcooke, some work from this cycle but none of the items he flagged as worth considering to include19:56
seb128kenvandine, where are the space win coming from?19:56
kenvandineseb128: libsystemd20:00
kenvandinefor core16 we had to build our own libsystemd into the snap20:00
kenvandinebut core18 has a compatible version of libsystemd20:00
kenvandineso i was able to remove it20:00
seb128that's half of a meg20:01
seb128anyway, good to see it's improving :)20:01
kenvandinewell, that probably pulled some other things in20:01
clobranowillcooke: awesome, but the latest yaru with the icons and the top panel are even better :)20:05
seb128willcooke, oh, forgot to comment back earlier, thx for the bug import to trello :)20:06
willcookenp seb12820:06
frederik-fwillcooke: you're gonna love the new rubbish bin :D Was a again a big topic ^.^20:14
seb128tjaalton, did you see that bug #1818516 is waiting on getting details from you?20:39
ubot5bug 1818516 in mesa (Ubuntu) "FFe: Mesa 19.0.x for disco" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181851620:39
tjaaltonseb128: yes20:40
willcookeseb128, how would you feel if I added a new string to the installer slideshow?20:40
seb128tjaalton, good :)20:40
seb128willcooke, we are not in UIf yet so it's fine20:41
willcookeI'll see what tomorrow brings then20:41
willcookeIn other news, I went in to "Language Support" and it told me to install the stuff, I said OK, and it downloaded noto etc.  However, it never ended.  It had downloaded 130MB of 121 MB20:42
willcookeI'll update and reboot20:42
seb128andyrock, did you see that you had a question on https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/merge_requests/423 ?20:45
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 423 in gnome-control-center "online-accounts: Don't segfault if get_all_providers_cb is called during init" [1. Crash, 6. Component: Online Accounts, Opened]20:45
willcookeyay, sexy round icon too20:46
seb128willcooke, urg, seems like a bug worth reporting20:46
willcookeseb128, most likely something I did, lemme try and reproduce20:46
willcookeah, I have the new bin too20:46
seb128whatever stupid you did, it should end and not have first number over the second20:47
willcookeL_aney is right about Bluetooth too, this mouse suddenly doesnt want to reconnect, same on B too20:47
willcookeand yeah, the solid background colour on the top bar is better20:49
willcookeDesktop is look really good IMO.20:50
willcookeseb128, reboot after update and everything is back to normal.  I will test it again on a fresh install tomorrow or the next day20:51
seb128I will keep an eye for it as well20:52
seb128you installed in en_GB I guess?20:52
willcookeI selected GB when I installed, I just opened that tool for the slideshow screenshot, and it prompted me to download stuff20:53
seb128I will do an install/check tomorrow21:01
seb128willcooke, btw did you check if the default snaps were available/working21:01
seb128context being https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/no-more-preinstalled-snap-on-ubuntu-19-04/1033921:02
willcookeooohhh eck21:02
willcookeindeed, they are not there21:02
sarnold"The site at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/no-more-preinstalled-snap-on-ubuntu-19-04/10339 has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired"21:03
willcookesnap list shows core and the platorm snap21:03
willcookekenvandine, are you aware of that?  Snaps are missing from the installed system ^21:03
seb128willcooke, he commented on that topic saying he can't reproduce21:03
willcookesarnold, wfm21:03
willcookeit's pretty easy to reproduce.  Install a new machine.21:04
seb128there is also a 'known issue' that it takes some minutes to have them registered21:04
willcookenah, it's been up for hours21:04
seb128but I think at this point your install has been completed for longer than that21:04
seb128so that confirms the bug21:04
willcookeShall I log a LP bug21:04
sarnoldwillcooke: I wonder why this keeps happening on our forums21:04
seb128willcooke, I did yesterday, bug #181942721:04
ubot5bug 1819427 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Disco daily install doens't include the snaps" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181942721:04
seb128willcooke, it was not on our review list because foundations own ubiquity, but maybe we should take on that one21:05
seb128robert_ancell, hey21:06
robert_ancellseb128, hello21:06
willcookemorning robert_ancell21:06
seb128robert_ancell, replying here than via email, going to be easier :)21:06
robert_ancellmakes sense21:06
seb128robert_ancell, should we consider the risk/benefit of the gnome-software update?21:06
seb128does it bring anything that we/our users are going to want?21:07
robert_ancellI've just had the same conversation with ken via direct IRC - so might save some time here :)21:07
seb128if not maybe we should stop spending resources on that update, delete from proposed and postpone it to next cycle21:07
robert_ancellseb128, there's no feature I can think of that is essential - and we're already backporting features as necessary.21:07
robert_ancellseb128, I feel uneasy about the release, so I'm happy about postponing it.21:08
willcookeseb128, fwiw - snap refresh shows the same error here21:08
seb128willcooke, sounds like a confirmed bug21:08
robert_ancellseb128, "snap: Use new media API" is the only one I can see and we're already SRUing that everywhere so doing that for disco is not a problem.21:10
seb128robert_ancell, so reading the NEWS it seems lot of flatpak work mostly21:10
robert_ancellflatpak and appstream optimization (i.e. libxmlb)21:11
seb128maybe appmenu/new icon are the UI changes that would be worth having for consistency with the other apps21:11
seb128but we can probably backport those easily21:11
robert_ancellyeah, I did that change and it should be backportable.21:12
seb128robert_ancell, well, libxmlb is so untested that we don't even have a single deb listed today21:12
robert_ancellIt's a lot of risk for minimal gain imho.21:12
seb128+1 from me to give up for this cycle if that's your position21:12
seb128it's up to you as the maintainer to decide though21:12
robert_ancellI don't recall having official maintainers :P But yes, I agree. Is the only action to delete it from -proposed?21:13
seb128k, let's drop it then? I can delete from proposed, tag as blocked-versions and comment about that on the bug21:13
robert_ancellplease do.21:13
seb128you are the de-facto maintainer, nobody else has been touching it in Ubuntu this cycle21:14
robert_ancellThe age old definition of maintainer, whoever touched it last :)21:14
seb128robert_ancell, well, it's rather 'who we might have available to fix the issue before the release' there21:17
willcookeseb128, have you got your test laptop handy?21:17
willcookerunning disco?21:17
robert_ancellseb128, sure, I'm jk21:18
seb128willcooke, it's not far, what do you need tested?21:18
willcookeseb128, can you check the hot keys for vol up and down21:18
willcookesee if they do what you expect21:18
willcookerobert_ancell, do you think you'll stick around for the meeting later on?  It's in about 12 hours?21:19
robert_ancellwillcooke, I can do21:19
willcookerobert_ancell, I can share the slides with you now, and then if you have questions, ask away, or yeah, if you are able to listen in, it might be, erm, not interesting, but something a bit like that21:19
seb128robert_ancell, bug #181977921:27
ubot5bug 1819779 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Stick to the 3.30 serie for Disco" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181977921:28
acheronukwillcooke: hi. could flavours perhaps get a svg of the mascot, as we did for cosmic?21:29
seb128robert_ancell, deleted from proposed, I guess feel free to move the libxmlb update/trello card to the next cycle board then21:30
willcookeacheronuk, oh, yes, sure thing... one sec.21:30
ahayzenseb128, for that gnome-software bug, has the correct bug been linked in the description (1814997) ?  I'm confused why a MIR marked as fixed released, would be a "stability issue" ?21:36
seb128ahayzen, sorry, no, it's bug #181722321:36
ubot5bug 1817223 in libxmlb (Ubuntu Disco) "[disco-proposed] The list of applications in Ubuntu Software is empty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181722321:36
seb128thx for pointing it out21:36
ahayzenah thanks, that makes more sense :-)21:37
seb128description updated21:37
seb128jbicha, ^ btw, just in case you wonder about that one21:37
seb128willcooke, keys wfm but I didn't update with versions from today yet ... I guess they don't for you? what's the issue, doing nothing?21:39
willcookeThey do work, but now I have to press alt instead of fn to get the "fn" functionality.  I cant remember if it's always been like that or not.  I will test with a different release tomorrow21:40
seb128I'm unsure now, let me test more tomorrow as well21:45
willcookeright, I've got the screenshots done for the slideshow, I will edit them tomorrow22:01
willcookeI'm tired.22:01
willcookeNight all!22:01
jbichaseb128: I partially touched gnome-software but I got busy with other things and didn't want to upload until we handled the libxmlb thing22:31
seb128jbicha, you mean you claim to be the new maintainer? ;)22:32
jbichano i got busy :)22:32
jbichaflatpak finally has a channels feature (sort of) and gnome-software 3.32 includes support for that22:32
seb128nice feature for e-serie then22:32
jbichaI don't recall any other major change so I think most users won't notice if we stay on 3.3022:32
seb128right, I read the news files, it's mostly the libxmlb change that is performance and flatpak support22:33
jbichahave a good night :) :)22:33
jbichasurprised you were still around really22:33
seb128good evening to you :)22:34
jbichaoh, there was a time change here so maybe that's part of it22:34
seb128yeah, days are too busy recently, I often end up making up in the evening for things I didn't get at during the day22:34
jbichawhich I guess explains why I was up earlier than expected today your time22:34
seb128ah, makes sense22:34
ahayzenwas that deduplication thing part of 3.32 gnome software i forget?  eg if you had the same app as a deb/snap/flatpak it'd merge them into one with a drop down?22:36
jbichaI don't know: we didn't land the libxmlb fix so we .deb's don't work at all yet22:37
ahayzeni think it comes under "Improved handling for apps that are available from multiple sources", but right if libxmlb isn't working then it probably won't work :-/22:38
jbicharobert_ancell: were you going to push https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/tree/debian/patches/0014-Add-a-basic-permissions-system.patch to GNOME?22:40
robert_ancelljbicha, I've discussed it with Richard/Alan a few times. I think now the system is in g-c-c it probably doesn't make sense anymore (i.e. g-s should just link to g-c-c).22:41
robert_ancelljbicha, I'm referring to the new applications pane in g-c-c.22:42
robert_ancellOne of the reasons we did the implementation in g-s is that is was easier than g-c-c at the time.22:42
jbichait's too bad it didn't land for buster (it needs translations so wasn't really suitable for applying in Debian) but it will be nice for next cycle at least :)22:45
robert_ancellCan't seem to find any bugs / MRs for it. I guess the discussions were mostly in person?22:48
jbichaI didn't push the patch to Debian because Debian doesn't have a convenient way to translate stuff like Ubuntu does22:59
jbichawhile the feature is nice to have, I assume it's annoying for the UI to not be fully translated especially if everything else is23:00

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