
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: Does character assassination make better software? @ https://danielpocock.com/does-character-assassination-make-better-software00:29
Wild_ManThanks Bashing-om and guiverc you have both done an excellent job preparing and getting the letter out.02:27
Bashing-omWild_Man: Need more Halp ! :))02:28
Wild_ManBashing-om, I know I find something last night about that, let me see if I can find it again but it did not appear to do much good years ago.02:29
Wild_ManBashing-om, look here and see if you have any thoughts on how we can use this kind of format to get help https://askubuntu.com/questions/36734/what-happened-to-the-ubuntu-weekly-newsletter02:31
Wild_ManIt has a link to a survey, which I am about to look at02:31
Bashing-omWild_Man: I have beem considering also to embed a poll in the newsletter - sorta click if you read the letter.02:33
Wild_ManBashing-om, I image that is was done here also besides having it on ask ubuntu02:34
Wild_ManIt may be on other sites as well, but this is something to discuss with krytarik ans see what he thinks and any suggestions that he might have02:35
Wild_ManI doubt is is going to bring many helpers02:35
Wild_ManIt may give us feedback and let us know how many readers are out there, of course how may readers will actually take the survey02:37
Bashing-omWild_Man: As I remarked to Mark S ..is very discouraging to work the letter with no feedback from the community. We have no means to measure our impact ! And is above my management skills to reach people to make then understand the gravity of the situation.02:43
Wild_ManPleas for contributors has never help much, I believe the best bet of getting people is to ask people we know and promote that they will be working with the person that asked them, I have got people to sign up like that but they never really helped so, it is like dragging a horse to water02:46
Bashing-omWild_Man: Yup - Still be nice to get a count of how many read the letter from say an embeded "click_here" link for a poll.02:48
Wild_ManThe one in the link is pretty well laid out02:49
Bashing-omI just upgraded disco : sysop@x1904:~$ uname -r >> 5.0.0-7-generic :)02:49
Bashing-omSad the "7 years, 10 months ago" and getting the letter out remains the same.02:52
Wild_ManHow's it running?02:52
Wild_ManVolunteers are in short supply through out the whole community02:53
Bashing-omWild_Man: Old issues on 19.04 ... still going to bite it .. and do a clean frash install.02:53
Bashing-omrebooting back to 18.0403:09
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 569 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/03/11/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-569/ (by wildmanne39)09:13
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Portugal:: S01E25 – Descentralização! @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/2019/03/12/s01e25-descentralizacao/13:56
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Podcast Ubuntu Portugal: S01E25 – Descentralização! @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/2019/03/12/s01e25-descentralizacao/14:03
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: KDE Plasma 5.15.3 Desktop Environment Released with Flatpak Improvements, More @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-plasma-5-15-3-desktop-environment-released-with-flatpak-improvements-more-525273.shtml (by Marius Nestor)18:24
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: GNOME 3.34 Dektop Environment Slated for Release on September 11th, 2019 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/gnome-3-34-dektop-environment-slated-for-release-on-september-11th-2019-525274.shtml (by Marius Nestor)19:01
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Kernel 5.0 Gets Its First Point Release, It's Now Ready for Mass Adoption @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-kernel-5-0-gets-its-first-point-release-it-s-now-ready-for-mass-adoption-525275.shtml (by Marius Nestor)19:52
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Omer Akram: Using Your Ubuntu Server As Telegram Proxy (MTProxy Snap) @ http://www.om26er.com/2019/03/using-your-ubuntu-server-as-telegram.html (by noreply@blogger.com (Omer Akram))20:30
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 19.04 Wallpaper Revealed @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=138611 (by Joey Sneddon)20:30
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Statement Regarding Infrastructure Data Loss @ https://lubuntu.me/infrastructure-data-loss/21:28
Bashing-omtsimonq2: Noted .. and will do it ^ up next update :)21:44
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Kees Cook: security things in Linux v5.0 @ https://outflux.net/blog/archives/2019/03/12/security-things-in-linux-v5-0/23:30

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