floridagram-bot6 | <AdamOutler> @KMyers, I need one | 00:12 |
floridagram-bot6 | <EZRA1964> I don't need one, but it's never stopped me before | 00:13 |
floridagram-bot6 | <RazPi> @KMyers 3D print this chair for me please because I can't afford it but I don't see how I can live without it https://www.fully.com/hag-capisco-chair.html | 03:25 |
floridagram-bot6 | <KMyers> Um, it doesn't work that way | 03:25 |
floridagram-bot6 | <EZRA1964> 800 dollars! That chair better come with a happy ending!!! | 03:30 |
floridagram-bot6 | <AdamOutler> Google 'Spring Cleaning' Calendar: Inbox, Allo, Google+, etc - 9to5Google … https://9to5google.com/2019/03/11/google-spring-cleaning-death-inbox-allo/ | 04:13 |
floridagram-bot6 | <SivaMachina> Based off the Gmail redesign. It looks like they intergrated inbox into it. At least the design | 12:23 |
floridagram-bot6 | <SivaMachina> Not again... … https://youtu.be/bkhXSLmRbiE | 12:24 |
floridagram-bot6 | <EZRA1964> https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mellanox-m-a-nvidia-idUSKBN1QS197 | 13:25 |
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