[00:02] hello folks, new user here (irc at least). Is this a good place to ask about a problem after updating my ubuntu install today? [00:10] rboxman: here or in #ubuntu [00:11] for non kde related things, #ubuntu is usually your better choice [00:15] tomreyn: my case is that plasmashell is spinning on the cpu and unresponsive on the desktop. sound familiar in recent days by chance? apt is fully up to date and this only started after I let some updates through today [00:16] rboxman: hmm i wouldn't know, don't actually use kde / plasma === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === rahulch_ is now known as rahulch [04:43] sorry just installed kubuntu and konversation automagically sent me here [04:43] do you guys get that a lot? [04:44] is this one of the pseudo-botnest channels i heard about on efnet? [04:44] i have so many questions [04:45] This is the Kubuntu support channel, konvi should have opened a dialog box when you connected asking which channel(s) you'd like to join, and autofilled #kubuntu. [04:45] but unfortunarely tonight is garbage night so i have to take the bin tot he curb [04:45] brb [06:16] kateregga1 was added by: kateregga1 [07:12] Good morning [09:46] Howdy all === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === gbravoma is now known as gorks [12:43] Anyone here thinks that KDE 4 is was better than KDE 5 ? [12:43] Was* [13:03] not anymore [13:04] KDE3 was better than 4 and 5 is also better than 4 [13:04] IMO [13:23] Asutorufa was added by: Asutorufa [13:44] Yes, but in your mind you are probably comparing late releases of Plasma 4 to early releases of Plasma 5 (and the same for KDE3). For years, I thought Kubuntu 14.10 was the best release ever. But, I think the last couple of Kubuntu releases are certainly the equal, and probably surpassing it. But even if you wanted to go back, you cannot realistically do so. [14:18] hi mparillo the Trinity DE tries to recreate the KDE3 experience === sawyerbergeron[4 is now known as sawyerbergeron[6 === alakulju is now known as suora_ratsastaja === riidom_ is now known as riidom [20:38] Hi guyz, can somebody help me to install ie? or some app for dahua ip cam?