
lynorianboth don't work?00:00
guivercnope, sony v??o ultra & thinkpad x201 both fail, sony has no ethernet, but x201 connection.info box is ALL BLANK, ie. not even showing the eth0 info (which isn't connected yet, i haven't found cable yet)00:01
guivercwith ethernet connected, connection info does show enp0s25 port..  (no longer blank)00:03
lynoriantsimonq2: ssl error on going to manual.lubuntu.me00:11
lubot<kc2bez> @guiverc [<guiverc> fyi:  19.04 qa-test on ultrabook, and cannot connect to wifi (haven't …], Is this on the install or live? Live is working for me. Installing now.00:12
guiverclive only00:13
lubot<tsimonq2> @lynorian [<lynorian> tsimonq2: ssl error on going to manual.lubuntu.me], Yeah, it's not done yet00:20
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 can I get a container for manual. please?00:20
guivercSorry, please ignore everything I've said - stupid user error I'm now pretty sure.. Apologies.00:24
lubot<kc2bez> No worries. Thanks for testing.00:25
lubot<HMollerCl> last daily doesn't autologin in live00:25
wxlguiverc: you need me to kill the bug?00:26
wxl^^ anyone else seeing the lack of autologin in live???00:26
guiverci had autologin on x201 & sony thing (same thumbdrive, download ~hour ago)00:27
wxlpro tip: if you want to know the version of the daily iso you're on, look at the head of /etc/apt/sources.list in live00:28
lubot<kc2bez> Auto login worked fine for me.00:29
guivercthanks wxl :)   00:29
wxlnp :)00:29
lubot<HMollerCl> mmm, maybe it's pointing an older iso00:29
lubot* kc2bez 2019031200:30
guivercas for bug, I've marked it invalid; wxl if you can kill it more so, please do.00:30
wxlthat's good and killed guiverc thx :)00:30
guiverc20190312 is ISO i'm using too00:31
lubot<HMollerCl> ok 20190312 now00:40
lubot<HMollerCl> about lxqt, printers, and other icons are black again sighs!00:41
lubot<HMollerCl> they were ok las week00:41
lubot<HMollerCl> pulseaudio icon is also diferent.00:47
lubot<HMollerCl> I had that icon in august 201900:48
guivercwxl - changed bug title to "19.04 Lubuntu QA-Test - System isn't [user] IDIOT proof yet"  :)00:49
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 can I see a log to find out why the .desktop for additiona driver wasn't created?01:00
lubot<HMollerCl> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main/view/head:/data/software-properties-drivers-qt.desktop.in01:01
lubot<HMollerCl> that  one01:01
lubot<HMollerCl> but tihis one was created: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main/view/head:/data/software-properties-qt.desktop.in01:01
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 will set one up16:58
lubot<teward001> i was out when yuo pinged sorry16:58
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 container deployed17:00
lubot<teward001> .2617:00
lubot<tsimonq2> Thanks17:04
lubot<teward001> yep17:05
lubot<tsimonq2> The Lubuntu Manual is back17:37
lubot<tsimonq2> I asked @lynorian to use GitHub for now, until we get everything bootstrapped again17:37
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 Could you do the SSL fun for it please?17:37
lubot<teward001> Glory to Arstotzka, that's one more thing that's back up!  *shot*17:37
lubot<tsimonq2> Hah17:38
lubot<teward001> uhm... oopsies, it's not in the domain, regenerating cert from hell...17:38
wxlPh'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!17:38
lubot<teward001> god do I love knowing the world.17:38
lubot<teward001> *summons evil to make certs work*17:39
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 cert expanded17:39
lubot<teward001> should just work ow17:39
teward*drags wxl out behind the barn*17:40
wxlwhoa this is getting weird quickly17:40
teward*tosses wxl into the 30ft deep pit, then leaves him in there*17:40
apt-ghettoDo you have plans for march 31st?17:51
lubot<tsimonq2> Does who? :)17:52
lubot<lynorian> deep pits are not good for blameless postmortems17:52
wxlyou mean cesar chavez day/international transgender day of visibility17:53
wxlor more importantly WORLD BACKUP DAY17:53
wxl(not more importantly, more relevantly)17:53
lubot<tsimonq2> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA17:53
wxlapparently also international drug checking day... strange17:53
EickmeyerHuh. Lubot doesn't want to play nicely with animated gifs atm.17:56
wxllet's not forget shortly after is the first of three cthulhu days of the year.. april 2nd. join us to worship the old ones http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Cthulhu_Day17:56
lubot<tsimonq2> @Eickmeyer [<Eickmeyer> Huh. Lubot doesn't want to play nicely with animated gifs atm.], Not yet18:02
wxl@lynorian: is there a recording of your presentation (with audio)??18:06
lynorianI don't think with audio18:07
lynorianmy mic worked in the room but did not get sent to the stream18:07
lynorianmy voice is a bit quiet18:07
wxlit didn't get sent or it got sent quietly?18:09
wxlif the latter, i could grab it and potentially boost it and repost it18:09
lubot<lynorian> the audio didn't get sent but then my Q&A did18:09
wxlaw hell, that sucks.18:09
wxlmaybe we should post your slides + the Q&A then18:09
lubot<HMollerCl> And photos!18:13
lubot<HMollerCl> It will be more compelling18:13
lynorianwxl don't trying watching that whole stream at 100% either some of it got way too loud18:44
wxllynorian: you'd think they'd have figure out the sound by then18:45
wxlso i just booted the daily and i see this user-home.desktop.74FTYZ file on the desktop. wth is that?20:37
lubot<kc2bez> It wasn't there yesterday.20:38
wxlcan you confirm?20:38
wxlfor today i mean?20:38
lubot<kc2bez> I will when I get home. In transit now.20:39
lubot<tsimonq2> I can confirm20:45
wxlwth is that about20:46
wxlif anyone can give this attention and further confirmation, i'd appreciate it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/trojita/+bug/179766521:00
ubot93Launchpad bug 1797665 in trojita (Ubuntu) "segfault when repeatedly sorting" [Medium, Confirmed]21:00
lubot<teward001> wxl: do I just need to boot Lubuntu and test with trojita or something?  Or is that the default email client?  I keep forgetting what is because Simon doens't update docs :P21:19
wxlit's the default email client21:19
wxltheoretically it should act similar on other DEs/distros/flavors but..21:19
wxlactually come to think of it i'll get kubuntu on this, too21:20
lubot<teward001> Disco+ or would Bionic have that as default too?  I don't want to redownload the ISO xD21:20
lubot<teward001> ok21:20
lubot<teward001> i have a disco daily :P21:20
lubot<teward001> might test that21:20
wxlthere ya go21:20
wxli just repro'd in it21:21
lubot<teward001> *loads his MASSIVE inbox*21:21
lubot<kc2bez> I haven't tested it in a bit but I have it all set up on one of my machines and can give it a go again.21:24
wxlTIL cmake is on the live cd. weird.22:37
kc2bezwxl: @tsimonq2 where did you see the weird desktop file? On the live iso or install? I wasn't able to find it on my physical machine.22:46
wxlon live22:46
lubot<lynorian> on the desktop?22:46
wxl@lynorian: yep22:47
wxlwhat's weird is i was doing something with a live cd and looked at the desktop and it wasn't there, so i don't know if it's ephemeral or what22:47
lynorianI think I saw that but have not teted recently sorry for not filing a bug22:47
wxli'm trying to track down this trojita thing more (and working) so haven't bothered digging any deeper22:48
lubot<kc2bez> No worries. I can try a VM too.22:49
wxlbtw dan did i read your comment correctly that you couldn't reproduce the trojita bug with 10-14 emails?22:49
wxl(or rather do i interpret it correctly)22:49
lubot<kc2bez> I guess I wasn't clear apologies. It took at least 15 so yeah 10-14 was still good (no segfault)22:51
wxlcuz i actually incremented up to 10 and it was right at 10 where it did it for me22:52
lubot<kc2bez> It is strange. I will make another comment (I should have included it). It is a physical machine (laptop) with 8gig of RAM.22:54
wxli'm testing on a vm so it might be related to memory22:54
lynorianto be fair aren't all segmentation faults releated to memory22:55
wxli guess what i mean is that the number of emails required to cause the problem might be proportional to the amount of available memory22:55
wxllynorian: i mean it's always related in some way or another to memory, right?22:57
wxlon the kde bug they suggested using asan which i've never done before22:59
wxlugh i installed and now i'm having trouble reproducing23:17
wxli can always reproduce in live23:17
lubot<tsimonq2> +123:17
wxlfinally got it to go23:21
lynorianwhat is asan23:22
wxltl;dr it detects memory corruption bugs23:22
wxlit's in clang and gcc23:22
lubot<profetik777> Anyone notice a longer than usual hang time from login screen ? It seems to unusually long before im in. Not crazy long but def not what I've seen w heavier systems. Just curious.23:28
lubot<profetik777> Its on our church machine so I'll get exact time when I'm there but I didnt see a bug listed but wanted to inquire here before i do23:29
wxlyou mean on the daily or something?23:29
lubot<teward001> longer than usual hang time can happen due to unrelated things (hardware age for instance)23:30
lubot<teward001> (just making that known :P)23:30
kc2bezwxl: I had to increase my folder to 17 messages on my Ryzen 7 with 32Gig23:34
kc2bezStill had a segfault though.23:34
wxli bet it's based on the size of the mailbox rather than the number of messages per se23:34
tewardFWIW I'm zsyncing a daily ISO at the moment23:34
tewardand going to test with my fairly LARGE mailbox23:34
wxli'm TRYING to use asan. i'm sort of poking at it and seeing if i can get it to work23:34
tewardwxl: i'm going to set my debug ulimit to unlimited, get the coredump, and then run that through gcc23:35
tewardsee if I can't track it down :P23:35
tewardwelcome to debugger land xD23:35

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