[02:03] I'd like some help reversing some damage I think gconf-editor did to my env [02:03] is anyone around? [02:05] !patience | sanwichuser [02:05] sanwichuser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [02:06] @ubottu thanks. I'm mainly looking for someone who is willing to look at the output of printenv and compare it to theirs. [02:07] the entire wiki for 18.10 lubuntu is nowhere to be seen [02:20] sanwichuser: today is a bit hectic with server problems [02:25] ah, could you send me a file or maybe you know of a good way other than google caching every link? [02:26] np tho if its too hectic, i love the software [05:13] Okay, guys. I broke something with my install. [05:14] I tried installing the wacom drivers so I could play osu, but now it doesn't get to the login. [05:17] I didn't get any errors while installing the drivers, but now my login screen will not load. [05:19] I was able to get into my DE, but only by a 2nd terminal and using startx as root. [05:20] So, none of my settings are really preserved. [05:22] Can anyone help me out here? [05:28] Anyone currently active? [05:34] Anyone? Quassel crashed in the case someone responded. [05:37] KaoGomi, maybe try a new user. [05:39] In the case of my login GUI not working on boot? [05:39] diogenes [05:41] KaoGomi, that's the first thing i try, to rule out configuration issues. [05:41] Alright, so I just need to create a new user or??? [05:42] Sorry, but I'm not too accustomed to debugging linux. [05:42] diogenes [05:51] diogenes, I was able to login via CLI and run startx through my user. [05:51] I'm in tty2 though, so that's my issue. [05:51] My login screen still hasn't done anything. [05:51] It still remains at the blinking cursor. [05:52] Any ideas, diogenes? [05:53] diogenes_ [05:54] KaoGomi, no clue, maybe remove wacom driver. [06:07] KaoGomi, i would reverse whatever you did, or at least review what you did looking for clues as to what would effect your desktop session. `history` will show your command history (date/time only if setup), if you used apt|dpkg, I'd suggest looking in /var/log/apt/ for clues as to packages added/removed (more info on how to reverse maybe). I've not added any drivers to get wacom to work (but that's 18.10; can't recall [06:07] for older releases) [08:21] hi === lubuntu is now known as Guest84823 === ubuntu is now known as Guest106 [19:10] hi