
mvohey mborzecki06:15
mborzeckimvo: hey06:15
mupPR snapd#6592 opened: cmd/snap-seccomp: version-info subcommand <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6592>06:47
zygaHey guys :-)06:48
mborzeckizyga: hey06:48
zygaI missed that review06:48
zyga1st thing today06:48
mborzeckizyga: which one?06:49
pedronisI asked to split it06:51
pedronisI put a comment in it about that06:53
mupPR snapd#6593 opened: sandbox/seccomp: a helper package wrapping calls to snap-seccomp <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6593>06:56
mborzeckipedronis: thanks06:56
mborzeckizyga: i've pulled out the version-info subcommand and sandbox/seccomp into separate packages06:56
mborzeckizyga: left a comment under #6588 hopefully it makes sense for the discussion07:12
mupPR #6588: interfaces/apparmor: partial confinement on openSUSE <β›” Blocked> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6588>07:12
zygaack, thank you07:14
mvoxnox: about the systemd sru - for bionic I prepared http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gkm5MFpYXT/ - if this looks ok I will upload after my testing is complete07:40
mupPR snapd#6589 closed: daemon: support returning assertion information as JSON with the "json" query parameter <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6589>07:47
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
zygahey pawel08:02
mvohey pstolowski08:03
dot-tobiasgood morning everyone08:03
pedronismborzecki: I did a pass on those split out PRs, I mostly have questions atm08:44
mborzeckipedronis: thanks08:45
mupPR snapd#6585 closed: tests: add undo test with hanging stop command <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6585>08:48
* zyga breakfast08:51
zygaondra: hey, did  you have the chance to file those bugs?09:25
zygamborzecki: there's a potentially interesting bug or kernel "feature"09:25
mborzeckizyga: hm? which one?09:25
zygamborzecki: ondra has the details but seems like inconsistency of what snap-discard-ns sees09:26
zygaI cannot explain it yet09:26
ondrazyga sorry, I have not, working on them now09:26
mborzeckizyga: the thing with processes/thread still runnin in the cgroup?09:26
zygamborzecki: no, with fstatfs saying one thing to snap-discard-ns and another to  shell (which implies something is missing because this is unlikely)09:27
mborzeckizyga: do you have more details?09:29
zygamborzecki: snap-discard-ns fails because it gets EBUSY on unlink of .mnt file09:29
zygamborzecki: having statted it, seeing it is a tmpfs  so nothing to unmount09:29
pedronisChipaca: hi09:33
pedronisChipaca: I did pas over the epochs doc, here the texts in the boxes in the epochs svg diagram overflow them and also look smushed up, is that just my browser?09:35
pedronisChipaca: degville: I confess, I made also some pedantic tweaks/additions09:36
Chipacapedronis: can i see a screenshot?09:36
Chipacapedronis: as I said yesterday, the whole thing is very disjointed right now so anything helps :-)09:36
pedroniswell I added more info09:37
pedronisnot sure that helps09:37
Chipacapedronis: I'd originally pushed the diagram as a png, then re-pushed as an svg hoping it'd be clearer (hidpi being a thing)09:37
pedronisChipaca: it renders better, just now, go figure but still not 100%09:37
degvillepedronis: Chipaca: no problem. It all helps, but I was waiting until Chipaca had finished editing before I took a proper look.09:37
Chipacadegville: all the information is there (i think); i could come back to it in a couple of days if it still needs restructuring then :-)09:42
Chipacaneed a couple of days head-space09:42
Chipacadunno why09:42
degvilleChipaca: honestly, that's exactly what I'm like. I think of it like composting my thoughts :)09:43
pedronisdegville: as I said, I looked at it, I think most information is there now, it's not fluid as Chipaca mentioned09:44
Chipacaalso it's not clear (to me) that the graphic adds anything to it :-) but it helps write it at least09:45
degvillepedronis: yep, thanks. I'll take a look.09:45
Chipacapedronis: did you mean to write "...a revert that snapd doesn't block", vs. "...a revert, that snapd doesn't lock"?09:45
pedronisChipaca: there's a which there, not a that. Maybe it needs a comma and a that09:52
Chipacapedronis: a, which and that are (mostly) interchangeable; my point was about the comma09:52
Chipacaor lack of it09:52
Chipacaby which i mean09:52
Chipacaas it stands, it says that some reverts are blocked by snapd09:52
Chipacaor implies it at least09:52
Chipacawhich might be fine, if we should block reverts at some point :-)09:53
pedronisI think we should09:53
pedroniswhen we implement that other plan09:53
mborzeckizyga: pedronis: i'll add a spread test to verify that list of syscalls09:54
pedronismborzecki: it can be a follow, just trying to understand if we have a plan how to manage it09:55
pedronisChipaca: feel free to add a comma if it helps09:55
mborzeckipedronis: i'm afradi that's the best we can do for now09:56
mupBug #1819875 opened: base core16->core18 migration <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1819875>09:57
ondrazyga https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/181987509:58
mupBug #1819875: base core16->core18 migration <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1819875>09:58
mupPR snapd#6594 opened: [RFC] tests: run smoke tests on (almost) pristine systems <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6594>09:58
ondrazyga is this descriptive enough for core16->core18 bug09:58
ondrazyga now creating other bug09:58
zygaondra: thank you09:58
zygamvo: ^ that's a very important bug for core18 transition09:58
mvocjwatson: hey, does https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-archive-publishing/sync-cnf-metadata/+merge/356117 look ok now with the updated script?09:59
mvozyga: looking09:59
mvozyga: uh, ok09:59
mvozyga: looks scary10:00
zygaI added a comment10:00
mvozyga: ta10:01
zygaSaviq: ^ important bug for your knowledge on core18 migration10:06
cjwatsonmvo: I think so, yes, thanks!  I'll work on landing that today10:07
mvocjwatson: thank you!10:07
Saviqzyga: aha, and was that Multipass that you encountered this with?10:14
zygano, that's all thanks to ondra10:14
zygabut I recall you added a track to fix some migration issues10:14
Saviqalso, would you then recommend to defer the migration until this is solved?10:14
zygait's a blocker IMO10:15
Chipacazyga: we touched on this yesterday in the standup10:18
zygaChipaca: aha, thanks10:21
pedronisChipaca: degville: a thing about the epoch docs, we are treating big/slow migration data and SNAP_COMMON (slightly) orthogonally but usually one implies the other, wondering if that can help simplify things a bit or not10:23
mvoxnox: new systemd for bionic is uploaded to -proposed, debdiff is unchanged10:24
Chipacamvo: is there a reason to leave get-model as a POST?10:29
Chipacamvo: as opposed to one of the GET options that were mentioned10:30
mvoChipaca: no reason, I can make this a get of course10:30
mvoChipaca: so GET and "model" ?10:30
ondrazyga second one with most logs I could collect https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/181988710:30
mupBug #1819887: snap-discard-ns fails <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1819887>10:30
zygaondra: thank you10:30
ondrazyga let me know if there was something missing10:30
mvopedronis: I uploaded systemd with a fix for the systemctl race to the edge ppa, so the next core will have that package10:30
zygaI will review it10:30
mupBug #1819887 opened: snap-discard-ns fails <Snappy:New for zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1819887>10:31
Chipacamvo: or a GET on /v2/model (was it?)10:31
pedronisChipaca: as I said that needs design10:31
mvoChipaca: my understanding was that pedronis did not feel we are ready for this as an official api yet10:31
Chipacapedronis: ah ok10:31
Chipacamvo: yes, GET and 'model', i'd like it more10:31
Chipacamvo: also that would let you not use sudo to get the model10:31
Chipacamvo: which seems a'ight10:31
pedronisit's not hard design10:31
pedronisbut I don't think this should block on that10:32
mupPR snapd#6590 closed: daemon/api: filter connections with hotplug-gone=true <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6590>10:38
mupPR snapd#6098 closed: interfaces/builtin: support hotplug for camera interface <Hotplug πŸ”Œ> <β›” Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6098>10:45
pstolowskizyga: hey, can you take a look at #6491 again when you have some time?10:46
mupPR #6491: interfaces: hotplug nested vm test, updated serial-port interface <Hotplug πŸ”Œ> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6491>10:46
zygahey, sure, enqueued for today10:46
=== Guest92 is now known as ewp
ewpguys i'm struggling to work something out11:09
ewpas far as i understand it, a snap squashfs is readonly, so building a snapcraft.yaml with an app that has a command line cert-sync $SNAP/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt seems like it won't be able to modify the filesystem when the snap is running, so I think running something which would modify the filesystem needs to executed during the build pr11:11
mupPR snapcraft#2491 closed: Fix multipass error handling spread test <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2491>11:20
mvothe edge core now has the snapd snap with the updated systemd11:22
Chipacaok, breaking for gym and lunch, ttfn11:29
pstolowskipedronis: I made a rough estimate for #6591, see last comment11:30
mupPR #6591: [RFC] managers: basic measurements <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6591>11:30
pedronispstolowski: so it's half the size of my current state.json11:35
mupPR snapd#6595 opened: tests: add regression test for systemctl race fix <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6595>11:36
pstolowskipedronis: yes, not exactly small11:40
mupPR # closed: snapcraft#1649, snapcraft#1875, snapcraft#2020, snapcraft#2135, snapcraft#2176, snapcraft#2229, snapcraft#2239, snapcraft#2398, snapcraft#2413, snapcraft#2433, snapcraft#2444, snapcraft#2445, snapcraft#2463, snapcraft#2470, snapcraft#2473, snapcraft#2479, snapcraft#2493,11:41
mupsnapcraft#2495, snapcraft#2497, snapcraft#2500, snapcraft#250111:41
pedronispstolowski: whare are these two lines about:11:42
pedronis 85.590985mssetup-profiles, Setup snap "htop" (1168) security profiles11:42
pedronis 85.367741mssetup profiles, setup profiles of snap "htop"11:42
pedronisthey seem to say the same stuff?11:43
pedronisare they two entries?11:43
pedronisor just one but the printing repeats it11:43
pstolowskipedronis: we create Timings at the very start of the doSetupProfiles task handler; then we measure the call to m.setupProfilesForSnap(..), that's the second line and it's indented as it's under the task's Timings11:49
pstolowskipedronis: at the moment the structure of these timings more-less reflects call hierarchy in the code11:50
pstolowskithat's a bit wasteful, yes. i thought it would make it easier to understand11:51
pedronispstolowski: we need to be a bit careful because nesting is mental overhead12:02
mborzeckipushing the spread test for syscalls in a bit12:05
mborzeckihad to tweak the PR a bit12:05
sergiusensewp: something like this might help https://docs.snapcraft.io/scriptlets/489212:09
ewpace, looks promising- thank you12:09
ewpif i was going to *-override one of the steps, and wanted to `touch somefile` is there anything else i'd need to do for it to be pulled into the snap, other than just touch it?12:12
ewpi guess just touch in the prime-override step?12:13
cachiomvo, hey, is it ok to promote snapd snap 2.37.4 to stable?12:16
pedroniscachio: you did already, no?12:21
pedronisah, snapd snap12:21
cachiopedronis, :)12:25
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
mvocachio: yes, if QA is green +112:30
cachiomvo, yes it is12:31
mvocachio: then yes12:34
sil2100ogra: hey! So pi3 gadget for 16 should have a new version in edge for testing12:34
sil2100ogra: could you give it a spin?12:34
* sil2100 needs to clean up branch permissions again one day12:34
mvopedronis: just FYI, I pulled the core snap with the xenial version of the systemd fix as it causes issues, I'm investigating but it seems to be only manifesting itself on core systems, part of the problem is that systemd 229->239 is quite a large jump so the diff is less obvious than its for the bionic verison12:35
Wimpressdegville: We are having a Snapathon at Bluefin today. Basically the whole team helping get developers over then line with their snap.12:36
WimpressIt has been great to be able to link directly to our docs in the emails and GitHub issues today.12:37
WimpressThanks for all your hard work, it is making this way easier for us!12:37
pedronismvo: ok, :(12:39
pedronismborzecki: I made some comment about the compiler lookup, hope they make some sense12:39
degvilleWimpress: thanks so much for letting me know - especially as I/we know there's still an awful lot to do, but I really appreciate the feedback.12:39
mborzeckipedronis: yup, saw that, thanks12:39
mborzeckipedronis: zyga: pushed the spread test that checks libseccomp syscalls list12:40
cachiomvo, snpad 2.37.4 in stable12:41
cachiopedronis, ~12:41
ograsil2100, will do (later today) and let you know12:41
sil2100ogra: thanks o/12:42
cachiomvo, pedronis I have a school meeting now, I'll try to be back for standup12:58
cachioperhaps I'll be joining late12:59
* cachio afk13:02
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids, may arrive a bit late to the standup13:17
mvocachio: thanks for letting us know13:51
zygapedronis: I've split the refactoring into small logical chanegs13:52
zygapedronis: I've kept all the tests in main, only adding new tests13:52
zygapedronis: and left a few tiny tweaks that were beyond the refactoring13:52
zygapedronis: I'll run a pass of spread over this13:52
zygapedronis: then I can push the branch, any prefix of history is a good review candidate13:52
pedroniszyga: ok, this is about 6360 ?13:53
zygapedronis: from  one patch to roughly one third13:53
pedroniszyga: it looked like it could be split in 2 or 313:53
zyga(had to double check the PR number :)13:53
zygapedronis: I can easily make 2-3 PRs now13:53
zygapedronis: I just kept the patch granularity smaller for better bisect / review / comments13:54
zygapedronis: I've started a local spread run, I'll grab lunch and push the branch up and open the first review13:54
pedroniszyga: we should try to land the snap-confine ones, given it seem it will need further work soon13:55
zygathe things that are different from this version and the monolith are only the retantion of tests in main_test13:55
zygapedronis: yes, that will be my next task13:55
zygapedronis: and the small leak from future work on per-user mount persistence for what the assumptions should look like (harmless but I left it out since it belongs logically with the rest of the persistence  work)13:56
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mvomborzecki: standup?14:03
mborzeckitype=AVC msg=audit(1552471518.269:2577): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=23614 comm="sshd" name="gai.conf" dev="sda1" ino=594389 scontext=system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:home_root_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=014:14
mborzeckido we mess with gai.conf in the tests?14:14
mborzeckiheh we do14:15
Chipacazyga, mborzecki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/181002714:18
mupBug #1810027: Snaps won't start - stack smashing detected  <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1810027>14:18
mupPR snapcraft#2497 closed: Improved error message for 'version' specific cases (type error and bad length) <Created by facundobatista> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2497>14:23
pedronismborzecki: we do, or least did on linode, maybe we don't on gcloud, not sure14:44
mupPR snapd#6596 opened: spread: restore SELinux context when we mess with system files <SELinux> <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6596>14:46
mborzeckisuper simple PR ^^14:46
ewpreally struggling to understand the snaps documentation. is the dump plugin able to copy files from outside the snapcraft directory?15:08
mvopedronis: good news! my fixed fixed systemd for xenial boots now without segv15:12
Chipacadegville: https://mobile.twitter.com/damocrat/status/1105571463778709504 fwiw15:13
pedronismvo: ^15:13
Chipacamvo: where's the fun in a non-segv'ing pid 1?15:13
degvilleChipaca: aha, thanks!15:13
ondrazyga not sure how urgent is this one as it's result of use of snap try15:13
Chipacamvo: or split it after fun, and have a little poem15:14
mvoChipaca: heh :) I'm fine with opting out of the fun, I had fun all morning15:14
ondrazyga but now I have snap installed, but not really there and I cannot remove it15:14
mvoChipaca: lol15:14
* mvo hugs john 'the poem' lenton15:14
ondrazyga ERROR cannot discard snap namespace "opengrok", will retry in 3 mins: cannot discard preserved namespace of snap "opengrok": cannot unlink opengrok.mnt: Device or resource busy15:14
mvothe poet even15:14
ondrazyga I have got to this point few times before when using snap try and then deleting linked prime dir15:15
ondrazyga on one machine I eventually needed to edit state.json to get out of the trouble :)15:15
zygaondra: I'm afk now, just reboot to fix it15:17
zygaondra: but report things please15:17
ondrazyga yeah collecting logs15:18
* zyga is now AFK15:18
mupPR snapd#6597 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: refactor of profile application (1/N) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6597>15:35
* cachio lunch15:45
mupIssue # closed: core18#56, core18#86, core18#89, core18#11716:05
mupPR # closed: core18#43, core18#63, core18#72, core18#90, core18#98, core18#12016:05
mupIssue # opened: core18#56, core18#86, core18#89, core18#11716:06
mupPR # opened: core18#43, core18#63, core18#72, core18#90, core18#98, core18#12016:06
mvoxnox: fwiw, re systemd SRU, I created 1819278 and uploaded systemd for xenial,bionic into the unapproved queue, please let me know if it looks ok or if I was too trigger happy16:06
mvopedronis: good news, fully spread test with new systemd was successful16:06
mvoso I think we have a winner16:07
pstolowskipedronis: any good name for interface for both Timings and Span? my current working name is Measurement16:07
pedronispstolowski: I think Measurer though strange it's a more go patterned name16:08
pstolowskipedronis: right.. won't be the first.. we have Attrer already, and probably a few others16:09
mupPR snapd#6598 opened: overlord/snapstate, store: set a header when auto-refreshing <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6598>16:23
pedronispstolowski: not a full review, but I skimmed the in progress PR and the direction looks good, probably we should stare at output/size again16:26
pstolowskipedronis: thanks; yes, i trimmed it quite a bit, will recheck the size16:27
pstolowskipedronis: i also plan to play with threshold in this PR16:29
pedronispstolowski: added a couple of comments, one about one of you your questions16:30
ewpwhen snapcrafting, how would I go about targeting files into the user's home directory?16:48
ewpwould like to move some files into ~ but not sure how to do this, could anyone point me in the right direction please16:49
pedronisChipaca: some comments on the PR16:52
pedronisChipaca: & thank you16:53
mvopedronis: 6401 should address your points16:54
mvoI mean, it should be ready for a re-review16:54
pedronismvo: thx, probably in the morning at this point16:55
mvopedronis: thats fine, thanks16:57
mupPR # closed: core-build#11, core-build#22, core-build#26, core-build#3717:01
mupPR # opened: core-build#11, core-build#22, core-build#26, core-build#3717:02
zygaewp: hey17:04
zygaSnapcraft cannot package files into the users home directory17:05
ewpdamn. useful to know- ok, thanks.17:05
zygaCan you tell me more about what you are trying to do?17:05
zygaYou can write an install hook17:05
ewpthink i'm a bit stuck then. mono (c#) uses (/home/user/.config/.mono/certs/) and (/usr/share/.mono/certs/) as the TLS root certificate store17:05
zygaBut even then you should probably not copy stuff to any home location17:05
ewpbut doesn't give us an option to change those paths, so i'm struggling to find a way to let stuff inside the package access the trusted root stores without breaking containment17:06
zygaSo at runtime HOME is set to SNAP_USER_DATA17:06
zygaA simple workaround is to just copy the certificate store from the snap17:06
zygaAlternatively you may use layouts to make /use/share/.mono/certs contain a part of your snap17:07
ewpi've been trying this, but I think mono is trying to get at /usr/share/ which I'm assuming is not accessible in strict containment mode?17:07
zygaLook for β€œlayouts” documentation on the forum17:07
zygaThat should make it work17:07
ewplayouts! interesting, thank you that's a great pointer, i'll take a look17:08
zygaGood luck πŸ™‚17:08
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
ewpthanks zyga ^_^17:16
ewpzyga, i've setup layouts "/etc/ssl/certs:" to "bind: $SNAP/etc/ssl/certs"17:30
ewpi've installed the snap, and connected to the shell `snap run --shell my-snap`17:32
ewpll /etc/ssl/certs gives me permission denied, but so does ll /snap/my-snap/x1/etc/ssl/certs17:32
ewpi'm not sure if this is expected behaviour, but it doesn't seem to give me (or mono) access to that certs directory17:33
ewpoops, had the path wrong. I can infact change directory into /snap/my-snap/x1/etc/ssl/certs, but 0 files contained,  is the layout directive meant to populate that directory with the contents of /etc/ssl/certs ?17:37
willcookeChipaca, ahoy!  Want to do more debugging here?   I'm happy to paste to the forum with anything relevant, but this might be quicker?17:48
Chipacawillcooke: as you wish :-)17:50
Chipacawillcooke: do you have anything mounted in /snap ?17:51
Chipacawillcooke: findmnt -t squashfs ?17:51
willcooke /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_6405.snap on /snap/core/6405 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)17:52
willcooke$ findmnt -t squashfs17:52
willcookeTARGET                   SOURCE     FSTYPE   OPTIONS17:52
willcooke /snap/gnome-3-26-1604/82 /dev/loop0 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime17:52
willcooke /snap/core/6405          /dev/loop1 squashfs ro,nodev,relatime17:52
Chipacawillcooke: so, no gnome-calculator17:54
willcookecorrect, no gnome-calc, or any of the other seeded snaps, except the platform snap and core17:54
Chipacawillcooke: what's in the seed?17:54
Chipacamvo: are you around?17:55
mupPR # closed: snapd#5644, snapd#5822, snapd#5915, snapd#6108, snapd#6177, snapd#6238, snapd#6258, snapd#6270, snapd#6325, snapd#6327, snapd#6329, snapd#6341, snapd#6347, snapd#6360, snapd#6367, snapd#6401, snapd#6404, snapd#6410, snapd#6418, snapd#6436, snapd#6485, snapd#6491, snapd#6502,17:55
mupsnapd#6541, snapd#6553, snapd#6559, snapd#6564, snapd#6575, snapd#6577, snapd#6583, snapd#6588, snapd#6591, snapd#6592, snapd#6593, snapd#6594, snapd#6595, snapd#6596, snapd#6597, snapd#659817:55
ChipacaI'm suspecting the old "missing prerequisites in seed"17:56
Chipacabut, i dunno17:56
willcookeDesktop snaps: these also exist in ubuntu-release-upgrader's DistUpgradeQuirks.py for users who upgrade.17:56
willcooke * snap:gnome-3-26-160417:56
willcooke * snap:gtk-common-themes17:56
willcooke * snap:gnome-calculator17:56
willcooke * snap:gnome-characters17:56
willcooke * snap:gnome-logs17:56
willcooke * snap:gnome-system-monitor17:56
willcookeoh, hold on a sec17:56
willcookethat's the minimal file17:56
mupPR # opened: snapd#5644, snapd#5822, snapd#5915, snapd#6108, snapd#6177, snapd#6238, snapd#6258, snapd#6270, snapd#6325, snapd#6327, snapd#6329, snapd#6341, snapd#6347, snapd#6360, snapd#6367, snapd#6401, snapd#6404, snapd#6410, snapd#6418, snapd#6436, snapd#6485, snapd#6491, snapd#6502,17:56
mupsnapd#6541, snapd#6553, snapd#6559, snapd#6564, snapd#6575, snapd#6577, snapd#6583, snapd#6588, snapd#6591, snapd#6592, snapd#6593, snapd#6594, snapd#6595, snapd#6596, snapd#6597, snapd#659817:56
willcookeseb128, seeds for disco...17:57
willcookeThe snaps only appear in the minimal file17:57
willcookeis that expected?17:57
willcookeI'd say it is, that the full layers on top of minimal17:58
willcookebut want to be sure17:58
Chipacawillcooke: so, the first thing I'd do, is check that those snaps are self-sufficient17:58
Chipacawillcooke: that is, if you start with an empty slate, and install those snaps in that order, that no other snaps get pulled in17:59
Chipacabut, I'd have to check with mvo about whether this is enough to break seeding18:00
Chipacasome work has gone into seeding since I last knew about it18:00
willcookeso install a vm for example, remove everything except core, and then install them one by one?18:00
Chipacawillcooke: apt purge snapd is probably quicker, but yes18:00
willcookeI dont think this is a seeding issue fwiw, since it seems that kenvandine can't recreate the issue on the same ISO.18:01
ChipacaOTOH snap remove alt-* shouldn't be too slow :-)18:01
willcookelemme do taht18:01
Chipacawillcooke: if it's the old missing-prereq thing, snapd getting into a knot depends on when your network comes up18:01
Chipacaso it's racy and machine-dependent18:01
kenvandineoh... i'm doing a minimal install18:02
kenvandinemaybe that's the diff18:02
* kenvandine tries18:02
* Chipaca slowly steps back into the mist18:02
kenvandinebut willcooke's "snap tasks" output listed all the seeded snaps18:04
Chipacakenvandine: yeah, it's definitely trying to seed18:05
Chipacakenvandine: in the minimal install that worked, what's the output of 'snap list'?18:06
kenvandinei've already started a reinstall with normal18:06
kenvandinebut i know what it listed18:06
kenvandinecore, gnome-3-26-1604, gtk-common-themes, and the 4 seeded snaps18:07
kenvandinewell... i'm pretty sure gtk-common-themes was listed18:07
kenvandinei know the others were18:07
Chipacait's in the list to seed, so it should be18:07
Chipacakenvandine: no core18?18:07
kenvandineno core1818:07
kenvandineshoudn't be18:07
Chipacakenvandine: and no gnome-99-fancypants18:07
kenvandinegnome-3-26-1604 was there18:08
Chipacai guess that goes with core18 as well18:08
kenvandinethose shouldn't be there18:08
Chipacathen it's not the missing prereq thing18:08
popeyWelcome valentind :)18:13
valentindSo I am pushing this "base" snap and because it is a base, it requires manual review. "snapcraft push" fails because of that.18:14
valentindI would like to know if it is possible to see if "snapcraft push" failed for another reason.18:14
valentindBecause I want to push from a CI.18:15
willcookekenvandine, Chipaca - full install in a vm - no snaps.  Testing minimal now....18:19
Chipacavalentind: you should have a list of reasons, if any beyond the fact that it's a base18:20
pedroniswe changed seeding such that order should not be important anymore, but ideally all deps should be there18:22
Chipacapedronis: right, but it looks like the prereqs are there18:23
Chipacapedronis: dunno18:23
pedronisdo we have snapd logs of when it fails?18:23
Chipacapedronis: something's broken, and I'm being an egotist and hoping it's SEP18:23
kenvandineChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2TvBgYqCj218:23
valentindChipaca, Is there any way I can make the output easier to parse? Like a json or yaml outpput?18:23
kenvandinethey are all there18:23
kenvandineon a normal install18:23
willcookekenvandine, smells like a race18:24
willcookekenvandine, did you do yours on a vm?18:24
kenvandinewillcooke: but it works 100% of the time on my laptop :)18:24
kenvandineall in a VM18:24
pedronisa race of what?18:24
pedronissnapd seeding is sequential18:24
willcookebefore snapd gets involved I expect18:24
pedronis(for predictability)18:24
kenvandinethe output of snap tasks for willcooke's machine that failed looks like they all succeeded18:25
ewpcould somebody quickly sense check my understanding of layouts please? https://docs.snapcraft.io/snap-layouts/7207 if I create a layout declaration with a target path of /usr/share/foo that maps to a relative path in my snap, then inside the snap running ls on that relative path should show the contents of /usr/share/foo ?18:25
kenvandinethat smells of a snapd problem to me18:26
seb128willcooke, yeah, I think the seed thing is expected, ubiquity/livecd-rootfs handle the snaps18:26
willcookethx seb12818:26
pedroniskenvandine: if all the tasks are Done and the changes Done, then things are a success18:28
Chipacaewp: no, the other way around18:28
pedronissnapd is pretty boring about that18:28
Chipacaewp: ls of /usr/share/foo would should stuff from inside your snap18:28
kenvandinepedronis: right... but "snap list" didn't list all the ones that said done18:28
Chipacapedronis: things aren't mounted18:28
pedronisChipaca: mounted18:28
pedronisI thought we added sanity checks about things not mounted18:29
pedronisdid we lose them?18:29
pedronisdo they get unmounted later18:29
kenvandinepedronis: however i can't reproduce this at all... but a couple others can reproduce it reliably18:29
ewpohh, ok - i had that a bit backwards then, thanks. Is there a way to achieve what I described?18:29
pedronisanyway mounting brings in systemd18:29
pedronisour dear friend18:29
pedronisas well18:29
pedronisChipaca: we had some crazy code that marked infos broken but continued nevertheless, but we fixed that I think18:30
ewpI'm trying to bring the contents of /usr/share/foo into the snap, not exactly sure what the best plugin to use for this is18:30
ewpso from inside the snap, an application can access "/usr/share/foo" and see the contents of that directory as it exists outside the snap18:31
willcookeChipaca, this lack of messages in the journal is interesting... I have the same empty log on my broken system18:31
willcookekenvandine, ^18:31
ewp(reason: mono is looking for its certificate trust store in a hard-coded location)18:31
kenvandinewillcooke: empty for me as well18:32
kenvandinebut i have snaps listed18:32
ewpso i'm thinking the only way it can work is if code executing inside the snap can open('/usr/share/foo')18:32
willcookeha.  there goes that idea then18:33
pedronisChipaca: this is the code: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/overlord/snapstate/handlers.go#L55018:33
Chipacawillcooke: kenvandine: what's eating the logs? :-(18:34
Chipacapedronis: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/no-more-preinstalled-snap-on-ubuntu-19-04/10339?u=chipaca if you want the whole context18:36
pedronisChipaca: I know, there is not a lot of useful logs there18:36
Chipacapedronis: see: missing logs :-(18:36
pedroniswhat eats the logs? and are they yummy?18:37
pedronis(are they a healthy diet?)18:37
Chipacapedronis: https://i.imgur.com/ZjqZSse.jpg18:39
pedronisah, maybe yummy, definitely not healthy18:40
pedronisChipaca: anyway snaps are done but non mounted, empty logs, something is seriously off there, I doubt is just snapd18:42
Chipacapedronis: same18:42
Chipacapedronis: note not even the mount points exist18:42
kenvandineso i checked the media-info file on my last disco installed and it was installed from the 20190309 iso, which is what the forum post first referenced18:43
willcookek, got some logs18:43
willcookeadding [Service]18:43
willcookeEnvironment=SNAPD_DEBUG=1 SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=718:43
willcooketo the service file worked18:44
willcookewithout that, nada18:44
kenvandineso logging isn't very verbose by default, i guess18:44
pedronisnot verbose but in the end relatively chatty18:46
* pedronis needs to stop19:00
kenvandinewell... i have reproduced it19:04
kenvandinewillcooke, Chipaca: ^^19:04
willcookeI'm reintalling again19:04
kenvandinesnap tasks 119:04
kenvandineshows all the tasks, looks all good19:05
kenvandinebut only core and gnome-3-26-1604 listed in snap list19:05
willcookekenvandine, what did you do to recreate?  Just keep reinstalling?19:05
willcookeI see the same problem in the live session btw19:06
kenvandinewell, i switched back to the iso from 2019031119:08
kenvandinewhich i am sure i tried yesterday19:08
kenvandinemy last few installs today was from the 20190309 iso19:08
willcookek, Im going to try a different ISO19:08
kenvandinethe forum post originally reported based on the 20190309 iso19:08
* willcooke wonders if he wrote the wrong ISO to his USB stick19:09
kenvandineshouldn't matter19:09
kenvandineit's definately busted in monday's iso19:09
kenvandinei'm downloading today's now19:09
Chipacakenvandine: and what's in the logs?19:12
kenvandineChipaca: the journal is empty19:12
Chipacakenvandine: entirely? or just -u snapd?19:12
popeyvalentind: there is a snap called review-tools which you can find in the snap store. install that and then "snap-review (your snap)"19:15
ewpsorry i'm asking so many questions. is it possible to do something like this in the snapcraft file? ln -s /etc/ssl/certs $SNAP/etc/ssl/certs/19:15
popeyvalentind: that will run the same snap review tool that the store runs19:15
popeyvalentind: saves you time by running it locally before pushing to the store19:16
valentindpopey, Good to know.19:16
kenvandineChipaca: just -u snapd19:18
kenvandineChipaca: this must be related, but at the end of "snap tasks 1" it says waiting for restart19:19
kenvandinemaybe it's failing to restart the daemon?19:19
kenvandineour friendly systemd :)19:19
Chipacakenvandine: is there anything snapd-related in the journal without -u snapd?19:28
pedronisdid you post tasks 1 somewhere?19:29
willcookeI purged snapd on a broken system.  Reinstalled it, installed core, installed gnome-3-26-1604, installed gtk-common-themes, installed gnome-calculator19:44
willcookerestarted my session19:44
willcookecalculator works19:44
willcookeso afaict, installing the snaps as per the seeds file works as expected19:44
Chipacawillcooke: is there any way to set SNAPD_DEBUG in the cd such that it's already in debug at seed time?19:45
Chipacaewp: what're you trying to do?19:45
willcookeChipaca, I might be able to get in to the chroot and edit the service file before rebooting... lemme see19:45
Chipacawillcooke: it loads /etc/environment if that's easier19:46
Chipaca(you might see debug output from snap as well as from snapd, but eh)19:46
kenvandineChipaca: journalctl |grep snap19:56
kenvandinereturns nothing but udev events19:56
kenvandinenothing else19:56
willcookek, I edited /etc/environment, added those debug lines, nothing in the logs.  Checked env and they are set20:02
mwhudsonlet's just skip 19.04, everyone can cope with waiting for 19.10 right?20:07
mwhudsonwillcooke: dmesg? maybe something is segfaulting20:08
willcookelooks ok20:09
willcookeI'll try editing the service file20:10
Chipacai'm EODing20:16
Chipacawillcooke, kenvandine: forum or email with updates plz20:17
Chipacaor telegram if you're desperate20:17
willcookecheers Chipaca20:17
kenvandinecheers Chipaca20:17
willcookeI need to go soon too20:17
willcookeStill no logs.  I need to admit defeat for today.  Will try again tomorrow20:19
willcookeIf anyone is interested in playing, it should be as easy as spinning up a new VM with todays disco ISO20:20
willcookenight all20:21
mupPR snapcraft#2501 closed: nodejs pluging: support for type str bin entries <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2501>20:25
jdstrandpedronis: hey, I've been trying for days to get PR 5644 to have a succesful test run, but haven't been able to. the weirdest is CLA check, which says: email: Invalid email &#x27;zyga@xenial-server&#x27;.21:14
jdstrandThe command "./tests/lib/cla_check.py" exited with 1.21:14
mupPR #5644: interfaces: add audio-playback/audio-record and make pulseaudio manually connect <β›” Blocked> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5644>21:14
jdstrandpedronis: I made the changes, but you marked it as blocked, I guess cause the tests hadn't passed, but the failures seem unrelated...21:14
* jdstrand will keep mashing buttons I guess21:15
jdstrandpedronis: fwiw, the CLA failure seemed to happen after a recent merge with master21:16
zygajdstrand: I know what that is21:40
zygaYou need to rewrite history to fix my email21:41
zygaSorry about that21:41
jdstrandzyga: huh?22:21
sergiusensjdstrand: the logic might be wonky, usually a rebase with master instead of a merge will fix it23:20

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