[02:20] Whoa, Launchpad tracks Gitlab links now [02:20] That's handy [07:12] good morning [07:12] Salut didrocks [07:22] Morning didrocks and jibel [07:22] &hey duflu [07:24] hi duflu === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:23] morning [08:24] Morning willcooke [08:24] hey willcooke [08:31] duflu, do you know - did any of your performance fixes land in Disco and get on the ISO yet? [08:32] reason being, I reinstalled Disco on to my test laptop yesterday to do the installer slideshow screenshots. It feels really smooth [08:34] willcooke, technically yes if you count the release bugs (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/monday-11th-march-2019/10092/7) and all the work that got upstreamed in 3.32. But also /no/ because the fixes we discussed have not made it. I only proposed one of them, still awaiting review (https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/merge_requests/27) [08:34] GNOME issue (Merge request) 27 in mutter "debian/patches: Fix high output latency in Xorg sessions" [Opened] [08:35] duflu, aren't you distro patching something? [08:35] oh wait [08:35] technically yes [08:35] good morning desktoppers [08:35] so yeah, I think I'm seeing the results then, nice work [08:35] hi oSoMoN [08:36] willcooke, thanks, yeah. But still the answer is no - neither of the fixes discussed in email are there [08:36] Morning oSoMoN [08:37] hey willcooke, duflu [08:43] Morning desktopers o/ [08:43] oi oi Wimpress [08:43] morning Wimpress [08:44] Hi Wimpress [08:44] Long time no see [08:44] That applies to everyone here actually [08:49] Ubuntu makes an appearance in the Android developer docs https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator [08:49] Oooh! 18.04 too [08:50] didrocks, relevant to your interests ^ [08:52] Also https://developer.android.com/studio/install#linux [08:52] nice \o/ [08:56] oSoMoN: I heard a podcast praise Fedora for shipping a touch enabled Firefox by default. [08:56] Seems they're using Material Design in the app(s). I wonder what toolkit [08:57] Was trivial to enable via about:config [08:57] Is that something we could also enable by default? [08:58] Wimpress, I suppose so, if it just works [08:58] I don't have a touch-enabled device to confirm that, though [09:03] I have a few touch enabled laptops. Happy to test a build. [09:03] yoi [09:05] Wimpress, what's the setting? [09:06] yoi Laney [09:07] good morning desktopers [09:08] Morning Laney and seb128 [09:08] hey duflu [09:09] Wimpress, oSoMoN, why is not default upstream? (usually it's sign that there are drawbacks) [09:11] seb128, did you notice LP can track Gitlab now? :) [09:11] I did wonder that seb128. [09:12] duflu, yes, it I was subscribed to the bug and tried that on friday :) [09:15] hey seb128, Laney, Wimpress [09:15] something went slightly wrong there though [09:15] the default tracker for GNOME changed in launchpad [09:15] which means any old bug watch is leading to a 404 gitlab url rather than to the still existing bugzilla page it references [09:16] I wonder if the gnome bug tracker should be changed back and a new gnome-gitlab added or something, but then I'm unsure launchpad can have 2 upstream bugtrackers for the same component [09:16] lut didrocks [09:17] kenvandine, jbicha, unsure if that's useful to one of you bug desktop list got a build fail for gnome-system-monitor on xenial, 'Could not find a required package in 'build-packages': python3-distutils' [09:17] snap build I mean, using the xenial backport ppa, so I guess a 16 build of the snap [09:18] willcooke: can you create the new topic in team-update please? :) [09:19] sure can [09:19] hey andyrock, how are you? [09:19] hey hey seb128 [09:19] fine, what about you? :) [09:20] good, just a bit tired [09:20] andyrock, https://community.ubuntu.com/t/monday-18th-march-2019/10198 [09:20] sorry for the delay [09:21] weeks a too crazy busy, I keep picking things that seem worth SRUing/fixing in my daily triage which adds to the backlog and days are often cut with meetings and IRC/emails discussions, so I end doing work late to feel like I did get some work done at least :/ [09:24] duflu, why do you think bug #1817338 is a pulseaudio issue? afaik it works with the pavucontrol tool and with old g-c-c, it seems more likely a bug in the panel redesign? [09:24] bug 1817338 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Disco) "HDMI sound output not selectable in 19.04 (but works in 18.10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817338 [09:24] seb128, because one user suggested it might be. But I suspect they are wrong [09:24] k [09:25] I would be surprised if that was pulseaudio [09:25] oh, speaking of which [09:25] hey robert_ancell :) [09:25] yo [09:25] robert_ancell, welcome to the other side [09:25] The dark side. [09:25] robert_ancell, we were talking about bug #1817338 ... did you see it/look at it yet, do you think it's likely be on the g-c-c side or pulseaudio? [09:25] bug 1817338 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Disco) "HDMI sound output not selectable in 19.04 (but works in 18.10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817338 [09:26] seb128, already discussed with him :) [09:26] what was the outcome? [09:26] I haven't looked in depth but it seems like g-c-c is the first thing to check. [09:26] (if reopening followed that discussion it would have been good to put the context on the bug as you edited it) [09:27] Getting them to run the old g-c-c would rule that in or out. [09:27] robert_ancell, k, thx [09:28] You would need to explain how though. A lot of bug reporters get stuck on requests like that without instructions [09:28] Yeah, that's why I haven't requested it yet :) [09:28] robert_ancell, I can try that today if that's useful [09:29] but I feel like any case we need to debug it [09:29] so unsure it puts us closer from resolution/is an useful thing to spend time on doing [09:29] seb128, it would be. I think it's going to be hard to debug without the exact hardware but if it doesn't occur with the old g-c-c and then we can make a new g-c-c with some logging in a PPA then we'll have a chance. [09:30] If the old g-c-c doesn't work then that immediately makes it look like a pa issue. [09:30] robert_ancell, from the description it sounds like "exact hardware" might be an hdmi device with sound, e.g a TV [09:30] It would probably be possible to extract the old binary and run it assuming other deps didn't change [09:30] I don't know how much variation there is in pa between HDMI, but hoping it is as simple as that. [09:31] also julian's comment state that any device change is buggy for him [09:31] see comment #10 [09:33] seb128, meeting! [09:34] joining! [09:52] robert_ancell, so I just tried on the inspiron with a cheap in-ear headset from a conf, switch from it to the laptop speaker doesn't work (test still output on the headset, closing/Restarting g-c-c and the headset is selected) [09:53] robert_ancell, install g-c-c/cosmic it works, I tried by starting pavucontrol, the output in there change as soon as I click on another line with g-c-c 3.30, it nevers change with 3.32 [09:53] duflu, ^ [09:53] seb128, nice [10:02] seb128, sounds like pulseaudio was unmodified and not the problem? [10:04] duflu, that's my undestanding, I marked that line invalid again and commented with the details on my testing [10:20] Trevinho, andyrock, Laney, updates from yesterday still have gnome-shell locking on sound indicator scrollwheeling [10:21] (rebooted the machine since the upgrade so it's not a reload of shell problem) [10:21] working here [10:21] seb128: the fix was in mutter [10:21] seb128: weird, that was also a freeze exception [10:21] andyrock, 3.32.0 installed [10:21] * Laney scrolls weeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [10:21] Don't do i- [10:22] the bts is pa_mutex_lock/pulse_driver_cancel/... [10:22] top of bt [10:22] seb128: can you send me the full bt? [10:24] bah, no, I killed gnome-shell and can't reproduce now [10:24] I'm going to keep an eye for it [10:25] but that was a fresh boot after upgrade, so there is still an issue, but it's not easy to trigger than before [10:28] fun, scrolling over the icon does a riffle sound, it used to only play the sound when changing with keys I think [10:29] that because we've a distro patch to enable the sound [10:29] and our distro patch was triggering the issue [10:30] who even mouse wheels on that thing? [10:30] * Trevinho always [10:30] 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 [10:30] Laney, worse, there's an ongoing debate on whether left or right is up/down with natural scrolling [10:31] ban all scrolling [10:31] should do like for games: provides a setting [10:31] seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/update-notifier/livepatch-indicator/+merge/364327 [10:31] Laney: you're old [10:32] Ah it's like I never missed the sprint banter at all [10:32] * seb128 does [10:33] andyrock, k, will review that (and the other ones you listed in your weekly report) [10:33] willcooke, btw, sound keys do work on current disco from the day without any modifier here [10:33] no fn nor alt [10:33] just pressing the keys [10:34] seb128, cool. I think it's a BIOS option to change what they do, so maybe I changed sometghing there [10:34] (though iirc there might be a bios option to define the default behaviour of the fn key, either being f or multimedia ones, so we might have a difference there) [10:34] :) [10:34] heh [10:34] :) [10:36] Or if it's a Chromebook then hardcoded to Fn, but painted as multimedia keys [10:37] no, it's a inspiron 11 :) [10:40] the new trash icon looks nicer [10:40] the blue was out of style with other icons I found [10:40] yep, first thing that frederik told me on telegram :p [10:57] is that only me/my screen who find the 'user profile' picture difficult to see/guess it's clickable in the users settings panel? (same problem with GTK_THEME=Adwaita btw)? [10:57] seb128, I put you down as a reviewer for the slideshow changes, hope that's ok. Feel free to move it somewhere else. I could use some pointers on what to do about the new string as well. [10:57] willcooke, k, I'm happy to at least have a look [10:57] wdym about the new strings? [10:58] I added a new one, I dont know what the impact of that is [10:58] you shouldn't have anything to do, just get the update uploaded and the system should import them etc [10:58] or who I need to tell [10:58] ah kk [10:58] nobody, we are not in UIF yet [10:58] they pop up in the "unstranslated" section on launchpad then [10:58] which the translations team work on [10:59] I have a feeling that /something/ had to be done, like a script needed to be run against the HTML to populate the po files or something..... I can't remember, but I just have this idea that it needed special attention. I'm probably wrong [10:59] seb128, @user settings: Yes, hard to see on my screen. Light grey on white [10:59] not obvious what I can do in that panel [10:59] If I tip the screen back, then I can see the outline better [10:59] willcooke, thx, I will report upstream [11:00] like it's a contrast issue [11:00] thanks seb128 # [11:00] willcooke, I will check for the strings to make there they end up in the translation template from the package build [11:00] np [11:00] * willcooke -> early lunch. Sort my glasses out. bbiab [11:02] willcooke, enjoy! [12:12] seb128, Laney when you got some spare time can you take a look at https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3653 and https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3654 [12:12] I checked on two VMs and the fix seems to work [12:12] also the cosmic one is already in proposed [12:13] there is no urgency :) [12:13] * andyrock relocates to the office [12:13] sure [13:46] Laney: hey, I wonder if you could point me in the right direction. I'm on disco and wanted to try default gnome. when I go to gdm, I see Gnome, Ubuntu and Ubuntu on Wayland. logging into Gnome gives me wayland. there is no Gnome on Xorg (or Gnome Classic for that matter). is this intended? [13:47] I think I can edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and disable wayland entirely, but I feel like something else is maybe wrong. I'm on intel if that helps [13:48] jdstrand, that was discussed on #ubuntu-devel yesterday, it's basically an upstream choice to provide xorg only as a fallback for when waylands fail [13:48] oh, interesting [13:49] ok, so if I really wanted x11, I can use /etc/gdm3/custom.conf. got it [13:50] jdstrand, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2019/03/11/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t15:46 [13:50] jdstrand, yeah, or delete the session/create manually one for gnome/xorg [13:51] oh hehe, I have the exact same issue as juliank with gnome-terminal-server and everything :) [13:51] I'm going to check that when I get a chance at some point, because I think it used to work (gnome-xorg option). [13:53] oh, I don't have gnome-session-flashback installed. that explains that one. perhaps create a gnome-session-xorg for people who want it back? [13:54] I will look at some point [13:55] * jdstrand also wonders why half the time the mouse cursor is shown as spinning... [13:55] that isn't meant for anyone to answer [13:57] though, if someone happened to know otoh about a keyboard shortcut to bring up the dash in focus without going through Super then ctrl+alt+tab, that would be cool (google is failing me, but please don't google on my account :) [14:02] jdstrand, what are you trying to access by doing that? [14:03] I have my my most used applications there. I guess I could access them via Frequent [14:04] and alt+tab to cycle through [14:04] the default gnome experience doesn't show the dash. I'm used to just clicking on stuff so trying to see about mouseless options [14:06] better keyboard navigation is on our roadmap for next cycles [14:06] but I don't know offhand about your specific question [14:07] seb128: note, I just experimenting with pure gnome-shell, not the ubuntu session [14:07] that's fine. I don't think it is supported, probably because of Frequent [14:07] yeah, I understood that :) [14:10] heh, k. I saw "our roadmap" and was confused for a sec [14:17] ah, ok, if I copy over /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-xorg.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-xorg-something.desktop and adjust the Name in that file, it showed that name [14:18] right [14:21] thx [14:25] dear reftests [14:25] how do I make you save your images? [14:26] AH an absolute path [14:26] hum, I'll prepare the livecd-rootfs change for languages, but won't upload it today before 2 days off. Not taht crazy ;) [14:26] that* [14:27] didrocks, fixing installed languages? [14:27] yep [14:27] but I guess that doesn't fix the keyboard step being in the wrong locale? [14:27] those shouldn't be related [14:27] k, just checking [14:28] the issue is really "ubiquity doesn't remove additional default languages" [14:28] I guess we should get that keyboard thing on some list [14:29] it's rls-dd-incoming tagged [14:29] I do plan to raise it to foundations in our sync up meeting [14:29] yes I know, but that doesn't go to desktop team which was kind of my suggestion [14:30] which isn't this week :/ maybe that should be raised via email [14:30] willcooke, ^ wdyt? [14:30] right [14:30] otp, stand by [14:30] I'm still annoyed that they don't review those bugs periodically [14:30] there's foundations team meeting today isn't there? [14:30] on irc [14:30] could raise it in there [14:30] #ubuntu-meeting? do you know what time? [14:31] I might lurk and ask [14:31] no tomorrow [14:31] 1500 UTC [14:31] thx [14:31] * seb128 will crash their party [14:32] otherwise that's probably one for us to help with [14:33] yeah [14:33] we are on the path to own ubiquity *g* [14:33] * Laney cries at eog [14:34] resets the zoom percentage when you switch to a different image [14:34] * didrocks cries at rhythmbox [14:34] (who is next?) [14:34] :( [14:34] now do a happy one [14:34] didrocks, I guess that one is my fault for reassinging that bug? :p [14:34] * Laney is happy with gvfs atm [14:34] seb128: yep, really need to find a good and reproducible test case [14:35] just browsing files on my desktop at home in the library from here [14:35] working nicely [14:35] this is a little bit hairy [14:35] re-ordering columns in german isn't enough? [14:35] nope [14:35] sorry :( [14:35] bah, you grumps [14:35] disco (with the patch removed) or bionic [14:35] lol [14:35] I'll try with various mp3s [14:35] * seb128 is happy about new round avatar icons in disco [14:35] and adding german characters to it [14:36] and today's update fixing the scaling issues on greeter and indicator! [14:36] also the new non-blue-trash wooot [14:36] :) [14:36] that the one I'm really happy about ^ [14:40] can't see the difference in these images [14:40] oh reftests [14:42] HAH my guess worked [15:05] kenvandine, just a quick follow-up on my issue with spotify I mentioned yesterday, it's actually the top of the window that goes behind the top bar of gnome-shell when I maximized spotify. which is weird [15:05] but I cannot reproduce since I restarted gnome-shell [15:05] ah... [15:06] great [15:06] maybe gnome-shell was updated [15:18] willcooke, k, commented on the slideshow mp, 'make pot' is what updates the template; let me know if you want to do that/add the commit or if you prefer me to merge & do that [15:18] on that note going back from $lunchplace, so offline for ~15min or so [15:59] hey everyone o/ [16:00] seb128, I've done the make pot and pushed a new commit [16:00] hi clobrano [16:00] willcooke, thx [16:01] seb128, also, what was the question earlier? I read the scrollback, but I'm not sure I get the context [16:01] willcooke, let me try to remember, that was many moons ago in another context and other work :) (closed IRC since) [16:02] I was looking at https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/904, but I am still not sure how to test this together with ubuntu's version of the dash [16:02] micheleg issue 904 in dash-to-dock "Gnome Shell 3.31.92 overview mode dock is black" [Open] [16:02] however I noticed that setting 'transparency-mode' to DYNAMIC instead of DEFAULT fixes it [16:03] if I'm not wrong, this setting is overrided by ubuntu@dash-to-dock [16:03] mh, yes the setting is set there [16:05] seb128: if you are in the area of the ubiquity-slideshow, can I please ask that you also look at my outstanding merge request (on behalf of Ubuntu Budgie) - thx [16:05] fossfreedom, I can try, unsure I have cycles for that today though [16:07] willcooke, oh, foundations don't seem to review their rls-dd-incoming tagged bugs (or they ignore the ubiquity ones), which means we are going to end up again in having firefight ubiquity regression at release sprint unless something is done [16:07] willcooke, it was a topic previous cycle, can we maybe remind them that though ought to be looked at before the release wekk? [16:07] seb128, ack. I've got a meeting with Pat tomorrow, I will raise it then [16:07] thx [16:08] oh, no I don't, that's next week, oki I will speak to Pay [16:08] thought we were going to ask in their team meeting tomorrow [16:09] ok, lets do that then, thanks [16:09] I still plan to do that, having Will asking next time he has an opportunity doesn't hurt though [16:10] Lets see what they say tomorrow, and then I can speak to Pat if needed [16:10] +1 [16:10] right [16:10] I'll put it on the agenda anyway [16:10] just seemed like re-opening the earlier settled discussion [16:10] well, will came asking what the ping was about [16:11] and I forgot/lost the context [16:11] ok, not interested in arguing, you and I both know what happened [16:11] anyway, sorted out [16:11] I ask in their meeting [16:11] then we see what's next :) [16:11] I hope they welcome outsiders [16:11] sometimes things get settled, randomly re-opened, and then become unsettled [16:12] I think last time I did that, some gave me the look of "what are you doing in our meeting" :p [16:12] I see that in this team from time to time and was trying to stop it happening this time [16:12] cool, hope it works [16:12] yeah, good point [16:12] thx for the reminder [16:12] I mostly didn't have the backlog in buffer at this point [16:12] but I had a reminder for tomorrow :) [16:20] Trevinho: I am not sure if I got it right, but it seems that the override is not working. The file 10_ubuntu-dock.gschema.override sets it to "ADAPTIVE" and instead gsetting get returns "DEFAULT" [16:22] clobrano: mhmhmh, might be a session thing? let me check [16:23] Trevinho: manually `gsetting` it works fine [16:24] fossfreedom, I merged the budgie upload, I review the webkitgtk/2 changes later [16:24] [16:24] [16:24] [16:24] [16:24] [16:24] clobrano: [16:25] Laney: sorry, what does that mean? [16:26] adaptive isn't there [16:27] that's the new version of the code which removed it [16:27] whoever uploaded it I guess forget/didn't know we changed the default [16:27] Laney: ah yes, but latest ubuntu version still has it [16:28] nope [16:28] ^ but I changed the override file to DYNAMIC and still didn't work [16:28] (also, I thought the agreement was to have slight transparency on the dock, where it's now FIXED) [16:28] the branch doesn't have ubuntu5 [16:28] oh [16:28] * Laney eyeballs Trevinho [16:29] just in case you didn't know: adaptative was the "sync with panel dynamic transparency" [16:29] mhhm [16:29] (and change panel dynamic transparency as well if you get the dock solid) [16:29] no knowledge on that, just saying why the override doesn't work any more [16:30] I guess it shuold be set back to DEFAULT or FIXED (I don't remember the difference between those) [16:30] should* [16:30] also, if we want slight transparency on the dock, it should be investigated what values to put [16:32] clobrano: after changing the override you need to glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ for it to work, fwiw [16:33] Laney: ok thanks, I didn't know [16:37] kenvandine, I don't forget about you/the gnome-charmap, I started poking, need to step out to pick the kid but I keep poking later :) [16:37] seb128: no worries, thanks [17:15] * Laney almost dropped seb128's gtk 3.24.5-1ubuntu2 :> === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [17:22] andyrock: seems Trevinho published those unity branches directly, you don't need my review then [17:23] archive backdoor [17:23] Laney: niceee, thanks Trevinho [17:23] why Trevinho can do that? :O [17:23] I'm the unity king! [17:24] looks like I'm whitelisted on all unity stuff... [17:25] can't remember what the rules are exactly [17:25] I do know they are naughty though [17:26] but nobody cared to change it over the years so I guess accepted now [18:14] ruh roh, Disco daily not booting in vbox for me [18:16] correction, is booting, no gdm. Switching to vt 2 and 1 gets gdm on the screen, but doesnt work [18:16] I can type in the boxes, but nothing is shown, switch away, switch back and it shows that there is some text after all [18:16] smells like that same video issue we had earlier in the cycle [18:17] complains of out of video ram [18:18] increasing vram to 40 meg from 16... [18:18] (oops) [18:18] and now it works [18:18] well done me [18:25] Laney, sorry, I did the work for gtk in the vcs but looks like I forgot to push, tried that now but it conflicts :/ [18:25] I have to go for sport, will look more later [18:28] see you seb128 [18:29] Good evening [18:31] hi frederik-f [18:32] Does anyone know, why the power icon and the online-accounts icon names got changed in bionic? It must have bionic in the past 5 days or so. Just updated my system and the icons went away. We have a fix for this though, but I am still curious because normally the gtk apps remain unchanged once installed via .deb, or? Issue: https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/1259 [18:32] Fix: https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/1262 [18:32] ubuntu issue 1259 in yaru "preferences-system-power-symbolic.svg and preferences-desktop-online-accounts-symbolic.svg not being used" [18.04, 19.04, Open] [18:32] ubuntu issue (Pull request) 1262 in yaru "Bionic: New symlinks for gnome-control-center" [Open] [18:32] uhm what did I trigger there? Gitbot? :D [18:32] *discovering the world of IRC* [18:34] frederik-f, I don't know I'm afraid, but someone will, we just need to wait a bit [18:35] willcooke: no hurry, it was just weird, because those UI changes normally are not backported, if I remember correctly [20:21] night all [20:57] mdeslaur: weird, I happen to be in gnome shell wayland and pasaffe is using the x11 backend (I know because I can't use the clipboard for a wayland app) [20:57] mdeslaur: if I start it with: GDK_BACKEND=wayland pasaffe, then it works with the wayland app [20:58] jdstrand: weird [20:59] mdeslaur: of course, if iirc, all the browsers are using xwayland so fixing that (I suspect it is down in gir1.2-gtk-3.0, but I don't know this) would break the most common use case [20:59] mdeslaur: I wonder when things will ever work right :\ [21:06] mdeslaur: meh, now it seems to be working correctly. jeez I forgot how terrible the clipboard handling is in wayland [21:23] seb128, what sort of device is the in-ear headphone you were testing bug 1817338 with? [21:23] bug 1817338 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Disco) "Changing sound output doesn't work in gnome-control-center 3.32" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817338 [21:24] bluetooth? [22:12] robert_ancell, no, cheap cable one [22:13] in a jack [22:13] on the inspiron11 [22:13] seb128, did it give you both the speaker and headphone as options? On mine the speakers are replaced with a headphone option. [22:14] g-c-c? [22:14] seb128, oh, and do you happen to know how to make debcommit make an ubuntu tag instead of a debian one? [22:14] seb128, yeah [22:14] yes, it lists the laptop audio and the headset [22:15] is that gbp workflow/git tag you want? [22:15] if so that's debian/gbp.conf include that line [22:15] debian-tag = ubuntu/%(version)s [22:16] seb128, want is a strong word :) I just notice it doesn't match the existing tags and then I manually change it which is a pain to do. [22:16] then you tag with [22:16] gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only [22:16] that should do the right thing [22:16] our branches should have the right config already [22:17] This is on g-c-c and I see the config is right, but everytime I run "debcommit -r" it does it wrong [22:17] I don't know about that [22:17] seb128, do you have anything in ~/.gbp.conf? [22:17] the documented/Recommended workflow is to git commit debian/changelog with a "upload to " message [22:18] and then [22:18] gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only [22:18] oh, ok [22:18] unsure what debcommit does, maybe it's buggy [22:18] or not compatible with gbp [22:20] robert_ancell, about your audio issue, is pavucontrol listing more than one output? [22:20] if not I guess pulseaudio is being weird on your config :/ [22:21] maybe you have more luck connect to a tv via hdmi or to a bluetooth headset? [22:21] ah, I saw you uploaded a fix [22:21] you figured it out? [22:22] seb128, there's definitely some code missing, but not sure if there's other issues. I found a way to get PA to make a test output device. [22:27] robert_ancell, k, I will test your fix and let you know if it works :) [22:28] seb128, I just noticed it doesn't handle a NULL case, so will re-upload with another fix [22:28] robert_ancell, btw I opened bug #1819925 today as well which is probably for you [22:28] bug 1819925 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Opening applications's detail fail for snaps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1819925 [22:28] seb128, yeah, kenvandine has already pinged me about that ;) [22:28] k, good :) [22:29] I saw Jeremy also found some issues/commented on the upstream mp [22:29] oh well, we have time for some bugfixing/iterations still :) [23:15] kenvandine, so I poke a bit at gnome-characters snap, I copied gtk3-demo in the snap userdir and started that, the font picker there doesn't list Noto Emoji either, nor does fc-list ... so I guess it's a fontconfig level issue, maybe a core18 one? [23:16] like what conf.d/conf.avail is being used [23:22] kenvandine, I'm calling it a day but I'm going to have a look at the fontconfig thing tomorrow (unless you/James poke at it/have an idea by then) [23:22] night desktopers