
vorloncyphermox: can you tell me why zita-ajbridge is not showing up in the output of http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/disco/ubuntustudio despite having Task: ubuntustudio-desktop-core, ubuntustudio-desktop ?01:26
Unit193mwhudson: Hrm, something weird in golang?  https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=gocryptfs&suite=unstable built fine a couple days ago, but in Ubuntu it failed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gocryptfs/1.6.1-1, while retrying it now it's gotten even worse: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/9970424/+listing-archive-extra01:28
Unit193Though backporting a couple libs and trying on cosmic was fine: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/9583688/+listing-archive-extra01:28
Unit193I did find https://github.com/golang/go/issues/2683201:29
mwhudsonis our golang-golang-x-sys out of date?01:30
mwhudsonour default _go_ is somewhat behind debian's01:30
Unit193It's older than Debian's.01:30
Unit193Stuck in proposed, it seems.01:31
mwhudsonUnit193: does your ppa have proposed enabled?01:31
mwhudsonthe arm64/armhf failures are timeouts?01:32
Unit193It has backports, which may well exclude proposed.. :/01:32
mwhudsongolang-go.crypto tests fail01:33
mwhudsondunno what's up with that01:34
Unit193Based on Debian, autopkgtest will fail.01:34
mwhudsonsounds like time for a hint01:38
sarnoldI thought that said "sounds like time for a pint"01:39
mwhudsonthat said TestInvalidTerminalMode has been there since 201201:39
mwhudsonmaybe openssh-server ignores rather than failing invalid terminal modes now?01:43
mwhudsonorrr maybe the packaging changed so this test is actually run now01:47
mwhudsonno, no idea01:54
mwhudsonban i386: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vcpN3kDJfb/02:30
sarnoldwow. how'd that happen.02:37
sarnoldI mean I know floating point means you get the usual "lolwtf" output.. but still. that's not even close. :)02:37
mwhudsononly happens with rustc 1.32 too02:38
mwhudsonat least i think, i haven't absolutely checked that02:38
mwhudsonum no it happens with 1.31.0 too02:45
sarnoldhmm looks like he's upstream for typenum. TIL. :)02:58
Unit193mwhudson: That one sitting in -prop, can you retry arm*?03:30
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+build/16490024 suggests it should build fine.03:30
rbasaktjaalton: why aren't you following the SRU verification instructions?12:10
rbasakPlease comment explaining what testing you performed and what versions you tested before you change the tag to done.12:11
rbasakI can't be bothered to go through all your bugs where you haven't done this. Please go over them, tell me when they're all done, and then I'll take a look.12:11
tjaaltonrbasak: so if the description already says the test case, I'd need to again say what was tested?12:17
tjaaltonand how12:17
tjaaltonassuming this is mesa12:18
rbasaktjaalton: "I followed the test case described in the bug description and the results were X" would be sufficient then (together with confirmation of the package versions tested)12:18
rbasakI don't understand why you think just changing the tag is sufficient. If it were, why do you think we manually review instead of having a bot that just autoreleases on the tag change?12:19
rbasakWhat do you expect me to manually review if you say nothing?12:19
tjaaltonrbasak: which bug are you talking about?12:20
rbasakI was triggered by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/178992412:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1789924 in mesa (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Missing Intel GPU pci-id's" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:21
tjaaltonit adds pci-id strings12:23
rbasakThen I looked at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1815172 and you haven't confirmed the package version tested (as requested in the long standing template, and something I've brought up on ubuntu-devel@ before)12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1815172 in linux (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Black screen on skylake after 18.0 => 18.2 update" [Medium,New]12:23
tjaaltonI can grep the dri driver for the strings if that's enough. I don't have the hw12:23
tjaaltonyes the test case probably is overly optimistic in this case12:23
rbasakOK, so say what you can and cannot do, what you consider to be sufficient testing, etc.12:24
rbasakThis is a perfect example. You didn't actually test, and in the bug you're implying you did.12:24
rbasakThe SRU team is supposed to make a judgement call.12:24
rbasakYou are preventing the SRU team from being able to do so by saying nothing.12:24
tjaaltonI don't know what you're asking for 181517212:26
tjaaltonthe change in 18.2.2+ was already verified, bug reopened because the new .changes file in 18.2.8 referenced the same bug (again)12:26
tjaalton(because 18.2.2+ never got in cosmic, then bionic got the new 18.2.8 backport)12:29
rbasakI don't think that's at all clear from your comment.12:29
rbasak"bionic was already tested earlier": when? What package version?12:29
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tjaaltoncan't bother to go back to #13?12:30
rbasakIt wasn't obvious to me that this was relevant, because you apparently can't be bothered to actually explain and seem to expect me to mindread.12:30
rbasakAnd given that you just admitted you tried to slip one past the SRU team in 1789924, I think my position is justified.12:31
seb128you guys should perhaps step back and calm down a bit and assume people have good intend...12:33
seb128tjaalton, it's standard practice to comment while change the tag to specify the version you tested (that was added due to the fact that we had regular cases of users testing and commenting that the fix worked/didn't work but sometime they still had the old version or a wrong one installed, stating the version used helps to give confidence the right one was used)12:34
seb128it also doesn't hurt to state how/what you tested, again we had users who just changed tags12:34
seb128so saying "I went through the testcase with version <v> installed, all worked as expected" isn't much12:34
seb128tjaalton, seems reasonable?12:34
tjaaltonI should've said something in this bug yes. but upstream adding 10 pci-id's is impossible to verify along the sru rules12:36
tjaaltonsame is true for any bug that requires certain hw12:37
seb128it's fine, sometime we can't test, then just add a comment "I didn't test by lack of access to the hardware, but the fix is right on principle and we didn't get report of regressions so ti makes sense to validate the SRU"12:37
tjaaltonno, of course isn't impossible, but adding pci-id's is *trivial*12:38
seb128yeah, it's fine12:38
seb128just add the reason12:38
seb128the SRU team usually agrees when the rational makes sense12:38
seb128I've no been annoyed by e.g libmtp updates which add a stack of new device ids and where we can't test them all12:38
seb128just state that there is little potential for regression by adding those and that we tested and nothing is obvious broken on other systems12:39
tjaaltondid my best12:57
tjaaltonthis time12:57
dokotjaalton: could you have a look at the resteasy3.0 autopkg test regression in cosmic-proposed? All archs. http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/d/dogtag-pki/cosmic/amd6413:38
dokosucceeded in bionic-proposed13:39
tjaaltondoko: ok13:54
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tjaaltondoko: well, that's odd, seems as if certutil failed.. anyway, that's while setting up pki-tps which likely no-one uses, so I think you can just ignore it. I don't have time to test it myself now14:13
dokotjaalton: ok, thanks for checking14:26
seb128unsure who unblocked curl if it's a side effect of other changes, but thx :)15:19
vorloncyphermox: I guess you missed my question about zita-ajbridge showing up in the ubuntustudio tasks but not in the packageset16:42
cyphermoxvorlon: currently on a ho with rbasak to try and clarify our disagreement on packageset matters16:49
cyphermox(or our lack of disagreement and figure out a good way forward, and then propose that to the DMB as a whole)16:50
cyphermoxit's been quite useful to make use of higher bandwidth16:50
Laneythat package ends up in desktop-core16:52
cyphermoxLaney: you saying it should?16:53
Laneynot necessarily16:53
cyphermoxafaict it does not right now16:53
Laneybut that's why you don't get it in ubuntustudio16:53
Laneysure it does, grep your germinate-output16:53
cyphermoxI was looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/disco/desktop-core16:53
Laneynot that, the germinate generated thing16:54
cyphermoxI know16:54
Laneyok, well they're not the same thing16:54
cyphermoxno, I know; I'm just saying it's neither in that, generated this morning, nor in ubuntustudio16:54
cyphermoxso clearly there is still a subtle bug in the packageset update script16:55
LaneyI'd think you would want to investigate why germinate is putting it in 'desktop-core'(*not* the packageset)16:56
cyphermoxit looks to me to be entirely because it's only transitively referred to by desktop-core.16:59
Laneythat's what I'm saying17:00
Laney+    'ubuntustudio/desktop-core': ['ubuntustudio'],17:01
cyphermoxyes, I'm looking at that17:01
sarnoldbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/181916218:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1819162 in openssh (Ubuntu) "package openssh-server 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8 [modified: usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/sshd.conf] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:19
sarnoldbdmurray: https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/390119:00
Eickmeyervorlon: I'm looking at the logs from the latest build failure for ubuntustudio. Are we any closer to a solution? An idea I had was to remove the update-grub command from the postinst just to get it building again, but I know that would interfere with your investigation.19:56
mwhudsonUnit193: sure19:58
vorlonEickmeyer: if you want to drop the update-grub call, feel free; I don't think it significantly blocks my investigation.  The consequence is that new installs of Ubuntu Studio will have the bootloader unthemed in the meantime, but that seems to be status quo20:12
Eickmeyervorlon: Doesn't update-grub have to run at the end of the installl anyhow?20:14
vorlonEickmeyer: yes, I suppose it does at that20:16
Eickmeyervorlon: Okay. I'm going to go ahead and make the modifications in  the ubuntustudio-look package.20:16
Eickmeyervorlon: Quick question: since this will require a re-upload, should I bump the version number completely or just tack a "-1" on the end (e.g. 0.57-1)?20:19
vorlonEickmeyer: since this is a native package, you would normally bump the version number20:20
Eickmeyervorlon: Thanks.20:20
vorlona -1 would suggest you're switching it to non-native20:20
EickmeyerGood to know20:21
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Eickmeyervorlon: I pushed the commit for the fix, and since it's under my PPU list, I'm learning how to upload it now, or at least looking for the wiki. :/21:19
vorlonEickmeyer: I don't know that the actual acl has been edited yet in order to let you upload21:21
Eickmeyervorlon: Oh, okay. In that case, it's ready, have at it?21:21
EickmeyerI did push the tag this time. :)21:22
cyphermoxEickmeyer: in progress21:22
Eickmeyercyphermox: Awesome, thanks.21:22
cyphermoxactually, if vorlon wants to apply commands I'll send them in a bit21:22
cyphermoxvorlon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/181997021:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1819970 in ubuntu-community "[TB/DMB] PPU rights for eeickmeyer" [Undecided,New]21:26
vorlonyeah, let me run the commands and then Eickmeyer can do the upload himself21:27
vorloncyphermox: grub2-theme-ubuntustudio sees to not be the correct source package name21:31
Eickmeyervorlon: That's because I made an error when creating the project on launchpad. It's grub2-themes-ubuntustudio. Themes plural.21:32
EickmeyerOnly reason for that was because it's forked from grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate. Themes plural again.21:32
vorlonEickmeyer: got it21:33
vorlonEickmeyer: acls added21:33
Eickmeyervorlon: Much appreciated.21:33
vorlonand I'm confused that the acl for 'carla' worked21:33
EickmeyerYeah, that shouldn't have considering it's not even there yet.21:33
cyphermoxI think LP knows about it because it's been uploaded to a PPA before.21:44
* Eickmeyer is currently uploading ubuntustudio-look directly for the first time21:51
EickmeyerTIL my upload speeds stink.21:52
Eickmeyerbbl, leaving to get my son from school21:54
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Unit193mwhudson: Thanks!22:48
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