[22:30] hi there hggdh, pinging you to request a cloak [22:30] What's your LP page? [22:30] Unit193: ~sergiusens [22:32] Alright, cool. [22:34] thanks for taking the time to look into this :-) [22:34] Unit193: just acking the request. [22:35] hggdh: Oh heh, I found someone else to ack it for me. :) [22:35] cool [22:36] sergiusens: Can you put something in /msg nickserv set email ? This is very useful if you ever forget the password to your account or whatnot. [22:36] (I'd recommend against @ubuntu.com address.) [22:37] certainly, let me do that [22:37] sergiusens: Congrats! [22:39] thanks, this was long overdue :-) [22:41] Happy to help.