
tdaitxI believe so, let us know when you update the bug (in case I miss the email)03:59
tdaitxarch specifc package have been uploaded with the exception of openjdk-lts (it is currently building in the test ppa and I am waiting to do the usual openjdk testsuite checks)04:00
tdaitxhad 2 issues on android-tools:04:00
tdaitx- android-platform-art depends on an arch:all package that has not yet been made available on cosmic (not sure why android-tools was not yet copied from bionic to cosmic)04:00
tdaitx- android-sdk-meta creates a binary package with the same version in both bionic and cosmic, thus the cosmic build fails during internal ppa "upload" because of the binary deb conflict04:00
tdaitxthe list of packages is as follows:04:00
tdaitxppa-android-tools: android-platform-art android-platform-dalvik android-platform-external-libselinux android-platform-frameworks-base android-platform-libnativehelper android-platform-system-core android-platform-system-extras android-sdk-meta f2fs-tools04:00
tdaitxppa-apps: java3d libjogl2-java scilab visualvm04:00
tdaitxppa-stage3: openjdk-11-jre-dcevm openjdk-lts openjfx04:00
tdaitxppa-stage5: jxgrabkey04:00
tdaitxppa-tomcat3: swt4-gtk tomcat-native04:00
tdaitxandroid-platform-art worked now, it seems that I was too eager and missed publication of a few archs for android-platform-system-core04:06
tdaitxsil2100: sbeattie: btw, openjdk-lts (for cosmic) has finished building in the test ppa, I checked the buildlogs and test results seem ok, so I have copied it to stage 3 earlier today17:19
tdaitxit should be finished and published in 10~11 hours, depending on the armhf build17:19
tdaitxI bumped the version to 18.10 and updated the control file, so it builds with gcc8 instead of gcc717:20
huehnertdaitx: ant patch added to the issues + some comment on testing we did already19:26
huehnerdoko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ant/+bug/180838319:26
huehnerlet me know if we can do anything else to get this moving...19:27

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