=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [08:47] Right, so tried the nice importer script, but xfconf balks at gsettings commands giving these errors https://paste.unit193.net/?66346b3acc074b94#KmdZpooBcCh5Wz2gBreUwgJ0fADUSfBtw4kFfH2eHO0= [09:34] Unit193, suppose we can file a bug report to xfconf and see if we can improve it there [09:35] ochosi, we use feh these days in ubiquity since it's basically fail-proof [09:35] So yeah, config migration script is a bust. :/ [09:36] :( [10:38] cyphermox: I don't suppose you're still the ubiquity guy? === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [11:53] Unit193: I can still do ubiquity stuff, what's up? [13:38] bluesabre, i have a wallpaper draft that i can likely make "final" today, are you around at some time before UI freeze to do the upload? [13:41] bluesabre, bbabl, you have a PM [20:29] cyphermox: Was just wondering about https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/364282 before time runs out. [20:34] Unit193: thanks for reminding me [20:35] nice! [20:35] xnox will be happy [20:36] Thanks! [20:36] Unit193, hullooo! [20:37] Howdy, knome. [20:37] (: [20:38] hi, I strongly suggest including "fonts-noto-color-emoji" by default, IMHO a modern distro should have that included, even if many won't use it, it's nice to be able to see what others send (monochrome icons are really small and mostly unreadable) [20:38] Spass, we had a discussion about this and iirc, most of the team thought color emojis were meh ;) [20:38] before - https://ibb.co/St0FhLt and after - https://ibb.co/2czvb2r [20:40] oh ok, thanks knome, too bad [20:40] since I'm here, might as well ask [20:41] or not, it's not really relevant [20:43] cyphermox, we don't care, go ahead :P [20:44] well, it's a policy question really [20:44] do you care much if other flavours can also upload xfce* packages and the like [20:46] my answer isn't an official statement, but i guess it would depend which flavors and if we they communicated about it with us [20:46] or say, if I shuffle the packagesets "a lot" and in the process remove some upload rights you might "care" about -- the packages would remain in universe and everything all the same, just that one might need to be explicitly MOTU to upload them [20:46] knome: I'm talking about status quo here: currently flavours that include xfce as a DM do get to upload it if they have uploaders for their packageset [20:47] are there others than studio? [20:47] (and xubuntu, ofc) [20:47] doesn't look to be the case === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [20:48] oh, you guys do your own uploader vetting for xubuntu, correct? [20:49] cyphermox: Our lead dev isn't MOTU, only Xubuntu packageset (and he's more fitting for upload than I am, he does work upstream as well.) [20:49] socially yes, but we do not have delegation to grant upload rights afaik. [20:50] ok [20:50] We don't, still have to go to the DMB. [20:50] ok [20:50] I would expect it would be just a formality though; where people can naturally "graduate" from packageset to MOTU easily [20:51] right now I'm just thinking; so I can prepare for making changes (which I think we shouldn't do until post-release anyway) [20:52] Unit193, did bluesabre apply for MOTU already? [20:52] knome: Not that I know of, just looked and he has an old application (last edited 2015) but that's it. [20:53] right... i wonder how many uploads he had done at that point then, and if he applied [20:53] because i would also think it would be a formality to jump from packageset uploader to MOTU, but i don't know what the reality is [20:54] at this point i definitely think there should be no stopper for bluesabre to be approved as a MOTU if he only applied [20:54] Still have to find a meeting at a time you can attend, get sponsors to endorse, etc. [20:54] indeed. these kinds of "just a formality" things tend to get tedious because of silly things like this. [20:55] cyphermox, ^ a note to you too in case you happen to be involved with these processes... [21:09] I am [21:09] we want to make it easier [21:10] indeed bluesabre has only xubuntu packageset [21:12] sure, we were pondering whether the application for MOTU was prepared but never submitted. my memory doesn't serve back to 2015... [23:21] We need to keep an eye on https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14972 I think. [23:21] bugzilla.xfce.org bug 14972 in General "met.no sunrise API needs to be updated another time." [Normal,New] [23:46] * Unit193 tempted to steal the patch as-is.