
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== Israphel is now known as Guest20288
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
enigma1945I installed a youtube channel, I need suggestions. "Generate Ethereum Private Key and Python". Would you like to make suggestions? https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucg7xsysmqo3ibyogkkqj8 by12:43
xubuntu43whi how do I tell which version of xubuntu I have?18:58
Spasshello xubuntu43w, run "lsb_release -a" in your terminal19:01
xubuntu43wthanks 18.04 bionic19:13
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
gnrpSpass: Is this the "official" way?21:54
Spassnot sure :) official is a strong word, but that command just works22:00
SpassI guess you could check your repositories (/etc/apt/sources.list) also and see what release it has in it22:01
gnrpthat's what I was proposing so far always, but I thought there might be a better way22:03
gnrpe.g., when the update manager proposes the upgrade22:03
Unit193lsb_release is the way to go, though you could cat /etc/os-release22:11
PadreVuadorMuitos brasileiros perdidos por aqui?23:57

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