lubot | <teward001> the heck is up with cdimage and unstable download speeds 😐 | 00:13 |
lubot | <Eickmeyer> @teward001 [the heck is up with cdimage and unstable download speeds 😐], Evvverrryyyythhhiinnnnggg iisss slllooowwwwwwwwwww tooooodaaaayyyyy. | 00:15 |
lubot | <teward001> loo | 00:16 |
lubot | <teward001> lol* | 00:16 |
lubot | <teward001> problem was actually zsync | 00:16 |
wxl | it's almost as slow as compiling in a vm | 00:16 |
wxl | oh wait | 00:16 |
lubot | <teward001> TL;DR: don't use the zsync snap 😛 | 00:16 |
Eickmeyer | wxl: +1 | 00:16 |
wxl | XD | 00:16 |
wxl | Eickmeyer: i'm actually doing it as we speak XD | 00:17 |
lubot | <teward001> wxl: not as slow as decompiling you using a Java based decompiler lol | 00:17 |
wxl | i'm still ignoring you XD | 00:17 |
lubot | <teward001> lol | 00:17 |
lubot | <teward001> wxl: now that I have the ISO I"m spinning the VM now :) | 00:17 |
lubot | <teward001> to TEST | 00:17 |
lubot | <teward001> do we have replicateable conditions, CPU cores, RAM allocation, etc.? | 00:17 |
Eickmeyer | I triggered an Ubuntu Studio image rebuild to hopefully get us our first image in a week after fixing a bug in a package causing livecd-rootfs too freak out. I expect it to be done Saturday. XD | 00:18 |
wxl | the conditions are not entirely clear EXACTLY but it seems that there's some proportion of size of mailbox to available memory. if you have a big mbox it should be no issue. basically you just open the inbox and twiddle one of the sorting columns a couple times | 00:18 |
wxl | HAHAHAHAHAH | 00:19 |
wxl | but it won't be because of the builders... but the uploading XD | 00:19 |
lubot | <teward001> 4vCPU, 8GBRAM | 00:19 |
lubot | <teward001> god I love having a powerful computer xD | 00:19 |
wxl | dan had 15 with 8gb and i think 17-20 with 32gb | 00:20 |
lubot | <teward001> heh | 00:20 |
wxl | i had 20 with 2gb but most of the messages were really small | 00:20 |
wxl | which is why i think it's an issue of mbox size | 00:20 |
lubot | <teward001> 20 emails you mean | 00:21 |
wxl | y | 00:21 |
kc2bez | I had a couple of HTML messages but most were small test messages to myself. | 00:21 |
wxl | most of mine were subject: test body: test and plain text to boot | 00:21 |
lubot | <teward001> *deploys system "FLOOP"* | 00:22 |
wxl | omg this is the longest last 2% of compiling ever | 00:22 |
wxl | and it's for the freaking tests wth | 00:23 |
teward | wxl: segfault replicated | 00:29 |
teward | but I have FAR more email than any of you who're testing | 00:29 |
lubot | <lynorian> I would try if I didn't have google block me from imap on my main email address | 00:30 |
wxl | XD | 00:31 |
lubot | <teward001> replicated but then reopened and couldn't replicate utnil I opened my trash which had 50 items in it and tried to sort replicate | 00:32 |
lubot | <teward001> which was odd | 00:32 |
wxl | this is my backtrace with the the latest git | 00:33 |
teward | hmm | 00:34 |
teward | wxl: you did the compiling with debug symbols didn't you :p | 00:34 |
* wxl shrugs | 00:35 | |
wxl | it's close enough to the upstream backtrace that i'm not too concerned | 00:35 |
wxl | | 00:35 |
ubot93 | KDE bug 399863 in trojita "segfault when repeatedly sorting" [Normal, Confirmed] | 00:35 |
lynorian | is phab back up but not sending email yet? | 00:57 |
kc2bez | I got my verification email earlier. | 00:58 |
lubot | <teward001> lynorian: check your spam | 00:58 |
lubot | <teward001> or send me via PM on IRC your email address you used | 00:58 |
lubot | <teward001> lynorian: also remember Phab got nuked - data loss is a pain | 00:59 |
lubot | <teward001> so if you HAD an account you don't anymore unless you reregged. | 00:59 |
lynorian | got sent to spam | 00:59 |
lynorian | yes I knew that | 00:59 |
lubot | <teward001> as I would expect unfortunately :P | 00:59 |
lubot | <teward001> lynorian: I'm working with SImon and Canonical SA to set up a dedicated 'better' system that will be dedicated to sending mail for Lubuntu infrastructure/services, but I need some DNS stuff done first 😛 | 01:00 |
lubot | <teward001> (so waiting on SA) | 01:00 |
lubot | <profetik777> @teward001 [longer than usual hang time can happen due to unrelated things (hardware age for …], it is an older device. | 03:07 |
wxl | @teward001: what's the word, bird? | 03:58 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> THE BIRD IS THE WORD | 03:59 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE BIRD IS THE WORD | 03:59 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> | 04:00 |
lynorian | tsimonq2: do we know how long it will take for pushing to phab to work again? | 04:35 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @lynorian [<lynorian> tsimonq2: do we know how long it will take for pushing to phab to wor …], Another day or two | 04:35 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Not too long | 04:36 |
lubot | <teward001> @wxl [<wxl> @teward001: what's the word, bird?], hm? | 12:35 |
lubot | <teward001> oh | 12:35 |
lubot | <teward001> wxl: i confirmed the crash bug :P as for the rest of LUbuntu's infra, well... *throws salt at @tsimonq2* | 12:35 |
lubot | <teward001> Simon's working on phab :P | 12:35 |
lubot | <teward001> and I'm waiting on hearing back from SA about the SMTP server :P | 12:35 |
wxl | i guess we missed our meeting eh? | 21:21 |
wxl | @teward001 did you leave any comments anywhere re: bug 1797665 | 21:23 |
ubot93 | Bug 1797665 in trojita (Ubuntu) "segfault when repeatedly sorting" [Medium, Confirmed] | 21:23 |
lubot | <kc2bez> If you need anything wxl let me know. | 21:24 |
wxl | thx dan | 21:24 |
wxl | @tsimonq2 we going to skip this week's meeting? | 21:24 |
* lynorian is not feeling the best today | 21:24 | |
wxl | sorry :( | 21:25 |
wxl | i just got back from a bunch of back to back doctor's appointments and medication acquisitions | 21:25 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Sorry, I've been running around | 21:55 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> My update: still reading through the Debian packaging guide intro that Hans sent. Haven't had time to look at it except on morning train commutes. Seems cool though and I like the progression in terms of volunteer job titles they list for maintainers. I tried asking on Ubuntu-Devel earlier this week but no one was on that knew abo | 22:07 |
lubot | ut Auto Pilot automation. Not sure who else to ask or just to go ahead and see how we can implement it ourselves anyway. That's all for me. | 22:07 |
lubot | <teward001> @wxl no I didnt | 22:29 |
lubot | <teward001> been ultra stressed with work and other things | 22:29 |
wxl | @teward001 i hear you. when you get a chance, please and thank you | 22:29 |
lubot | <teward001> but I will add a note and stack trace of I can find the one I got. Still want to get the ddebs to test though to see if it's a Qt trace or actually internal so they can see where in that codebase the crash happens | 22:30 |
lubot | <teward001> because things. | 22:30 |
wxl | sounds good to me | 22:30 |
lubot | <teward001> stuck waiting for LP and Keyservers to fix though have a (lib)parted debdiff that I am working on for Bionic with an SRU. | 22:31 |
lubot | <teward001> so the trojita issue isnt at the top of my list | 22:31 |
lubot | <teward001> at least at the moment. | 22:31 |
wxl | all good. i appreciate the help | 22:32 |
lubot | <teward001> glad to help :) Just gotta balance everything heh | 22:34 |
wxl | indeed | 22:34 |
wxl | also ew how did you get stuck with the parted issue? | 22:35 |
lubot | <teward001> volunteered to prep the debdiff for the SRU. | 22:35 |
wxl | ah, experience :) | 22:35 |
lubot | <teward001> FAT tables on resize in Bionic arent recognizable ON windows after resize, an upstream bug with an upstream patch :P | 22:36 |
lubot | <teward001> all the work for ME is done already lol. At least the bulk of it is | 22:36 |
lubot | <teward001> and yes this adds to the things I can quote on an application :P | 22:36 |
lubot | <teward001> experience is good, but I also wasnt busy for a bit so making a debdiff was easy | 22:37 |
lubot | <teward001> still waiting on the LP fix though so it accepts the PPA upload for build tests heh | 22:38 |
wxl | are the builders all hogged up or is lp just being a boo boo head? | 22:38 |
lubot | <teward001> TL;DR gpg keyserver issurs | 22:39 |
wxl | blah | 22:39 |
wxl | dumb | 22:39 |
lubot | <teward001> keys not showing up in some cases | 22:39 |
lubot | <teward001> IS was working on it | 22:39 |
lubot | <teward001> I could always use an OLDER key to sigh with but | 22:39 |
lubot | <teward001> sign with* | 22:39 |
lubot | <teward001> might as well wait for IS to fix the keyserver issue heh | 22:40 |
guiverc | my late update i never pressed enter for: (1) apology for bad lp.bug.reports; sorry (2) i'm having trouble with pain so doing little. (3) my plan today was to ask for tasks, short/simple & not requiring great concentration to do when i can (when you come across some...) | 23:42 |
wxl | no problem guiverc :) | 23:42 |
wxl | hope you feel better | 23:43 |
wxl | @lynorian: were you ever able to reproduce again? | 23:45 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1816665 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu 19.04 daily no keyboard input on live session" [Undecided, Incomplete] | 23:45 |
lubot | <lynorian> I don't think so not sure last time I tried | 23:46 |
wxl | next time you get a chance see if you can. if not, i guess we'll call it a fluke and invalidate it. | 23:46 |
lynorian | nope can't reproduce | 23:56 |
wxl | could you make a quick comment as such and i'll invalidate? | 23:56 |
lubot | <lynorian> wxl done | 23:58 |
wxl | and done | 23:58 |
wxl | thx | 23:58 |
wxl | that said i think the usual daily testing would be nice guiverc if you want something to do | 23:59 |
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