
=== lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje
archetech Host: ubu-I3 Kernel: 5.0.0-7-generic x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Gnome 3.32.0 Distro: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo)10:53
hggdhI just found an interesting thing on my Disco install (upgraded from 18.04 -> 18.10 -> Disco): the systemd sshd.service disappeared. I only found about it this morning, when I was checking some FW changes16:23
hggdhand yes, openssh-server was installed. I resolved it by apt --reinstall install openssh-server. I have no clue when the service unit was lost16:23
nacchggdh: when it was gone, i guess, did you check if the file was owned by the package (via dpkg -L ) ?16:29
nacc(e.g., the machine would fail debsums check, i think)16:29
hggdhnacc: no, I did not. I am back-tracking now thru the apt and system logs to see if something comes up16:33
naccyeah, i'm not sure they log enough to tell you that, if it was a bug in the packaging16:34
naccbut very strange16:34
lordcirthhggdh, sshd.service is a symlink to ssh.service; was ssh.service gone as well?16:51
hggdhlordcirth: there is no sshd.service in the package, only (ssh|ssh@).service17:25
lordcirthhggdh, perhaps the symlink is created by an install script?17:25
hggdhit might. It is there on 18.04 but, even after --reinstall it is not on Disco. OTOH, the service now starts on Disco17:26
hggdhI will have to expand the package and look at the ./debian17:28
erle-Will Kernel 5.0 be in 19.04?20:34
OerHekserle-, no, but 18.04 + hwe could give 5.x20:34
OerHekserr 19.04 dingo already has 5.x20:35
OerHeksmisstake with 18.1020:35

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