=== Menzador is now known as Guest12500 | ||
=== Guest12500 is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Menzador | ||
=== Guest41079 is now known as Menzador | ||
=== Menzador is now known as Guest9531 | ||
=== Menzador95 is now known as Menzador | ||
ubottu | tomreyn called the ops in #ubuntu (penegorgoman8777) | 12:27 |
leftyfb | Can we get some help in #ubuntu please? | 12:28 |
pragmaticenigma | user penegorgoman8777 in #ubuntu has ignored repeated attempts to observe and respect channel guidelines. Is there an op available... the !ops has been triggered multiple times now for the same person / ip address | 12:29 |
leftyfb | ~usuario@ this person has been joining since January spewing garbage and is still in the process as we speak | 12:29 |
ubottu | blackflow called the ops in #ubuntu (@ would like your attention:) | 12:30 |
leftyfb | DalekSec: can we set that as a perm ban please? | 12:31 |
Unit193 | Oh yey, looks like a spanish school... | 12:36 |
Unit193 | Semi-dynamic, it looks like...Eh. | 12:38 |
leftyfb | That same ident/ip has been joining since January | 12:39 |
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