anibic | !register | 00:00 |
ubottu | For information on registering your IRC nick, see - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 00:00 |
cym | best channel? | 00:05 |
cym | !yes | 00:05 |
Randolf | I'm looking at the tutorial for installing Ubuntu Linux 18 from a USB memory stick, but it seems to be missing the steps required for setting up the USB memory stick with the installation files: | 00:17 |
Randolf | What do I need to do to get this part going? Thanks. | 00:17 |
Ben64 | what os are you on now | 00:18 |
Randolf | Ben64: My current (old) laptop is Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS. I have a new laptop that came with Windows 10 but I want to overwrite that (I haven't used it yet). | 00:20 |
Ben64 | then just use dd to write the iso directly to the flash drive | 00:20 |
Randolf | I want to get whatever is the most current stable release of Ubuntu Linux (18.10?) and put that on my USB flash drive. | 00:20 |
Randolf | install. | 00:20 |
Randolf | Oh, okay. | 00:20 |
Randolf | dd can do that? | 00:21 |
Ben64 | yep | 00:21 |
Randolf | I didn't know. Nice! I always thought dd needed the same geometry to do its raw copying. | 00:21 |
Ben64 | and 18.04 is what i would recommend | 00:21 |
Randolf | Oh, okay. That version is working very well for me, except that it doesn't support the newest version of TLS in Apache HTTPd. | 00:22 |
Randolf | For my laptop that's fine though. | 00:22 |
Randolf | Why do you recommend 18.04 instead of 18.10? (I'm just looking at the download page.) | 00:23 |
Ben64 | because of the long term support | 00:23 |
Ben64 | other releases only have 9 months of support | 00:23 |
Randolf | Oh, I see, that's what the LTS means, and 18.10 will be discontinued long before 18.04. That makes sense. | 00:23 |
Ben64 | so 18.10 will be dead in July of this year | 00:23 |
Randolf | Oh. | 00:24 |
Randolf | Wow. | 00:24 |
Randolf | That's a very good reason. | 00:24 |
Ben64 | yep, i've been on LTS since 8.04 | 00:24 |
guiverc | Randolf, 18.10 will release-upgrade to 19.04 coming out next month.. the non-LTS requires 6-9 month bumps to the next release | 00:25 |
Randolf | guiverc: Thanks. That's good to know. I look forward to trying 19.04. | 00:25 |
sudo18 | 18.04 is moving to 19.04? | 00:29 |
Ben64 | not by default, no | 00:29 |
sudo18 | goddamnit. i just kinda learned how to click on shit. | 00:29 |
=== gms is now known as Guest90050 | ||
sudo18 | is dota 2 gay friendly on ubuntu? i want to make sure i'm friendly to the programmers | 00:31 |
sudo18 | asking for a gay friend. thanks | 00:32 |
Deihmos | anyone know how you customize the context menu when you right click on the desktop? | 00:38 |
hggdh | sudo18: please mind your language | 00:39 |
sudo18 | what did i say? gay? | 00:41 |
Eickmeyer | sudo18: Among other things. | 00:42 |
sudo18 | meh | 00:42 |
hggdh | sudo18: no, not meh. You have been warned | 00:43 |
sudo18 | i suppose i have. | 00:43 |
sudo18 | i'm a bit of a pot stirrer | 00:45 |
hggdh | sudo18: not here, no. | 00:45 |
sudo18 | i tend to be wreckless. | 00:46 |
sudo18 | where shall I get my fix | 00:46 |
sudo18 | lo | 00:47 |
hggdh | sudo18: please behave | 00:47 |
sudo18 | i have some ubuntu questions. | 00:48 |
hggdh | just go ahead and ask them. But, please, keep on-topic | 00:48 |
sudo18 | why is bluetooth so flaky on 18.04. i have tried a number of times to connect and keep connected, my headphones. can someone direct me to a resource, or man that can explain how bluetooth works in 18.04 so that i can please fucking get my fucking headphones please to work please that is all, suck a nut about your topic, i don't like you | 00:50 |
Eickmeyer | sudo18: Language. | 00:51 |
=== gms is now known as Guest7781 | ||
threadstack | Anyone awake? =] | 01:23 |
tomreyn | that doesn't seem to be an ubuntu support question | 01:24 |
threadstack | Fair enough. Any officially supported IRC clients? Currently using <NotSoFriendlyNameHere> and it's way out of date/not so great on Ubuntu. | 01:25 |
Bashing-om | threadstack: Your choice of an IRC client depends on your choice for how you use irc - Me, I prefer terminmal based irssi. | 01:27 |
hggdh | and I use weechat. | 01:28 |
tomreyn | !info weechat | 01:28 |
ubottu | weechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.1-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 63 kB | 01:28 |
tomreyn | !info irssi | 01:28 |
ubottu | irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.5-1ubuntu4.1 (bionic), package size 695 kB, installed size 2538 kB | 01:28 |
threadstack | Bashing-om: I'm using BitchX | 01:28 |
tomreyn | !info hexchat | 01:28 |
ubottu | hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14.1-2 (bionic), package size 342 kB, installed size 1039 kB | 01:28 |
tomreyn | !info bitchx | 01:28 |
ubottu | Package bitchx does not exist in bionic | 01:28 |
tomreyn | so of these, only irssi is in main. | 01:29 |
tomreyn | ...meaning 'officially supported' | 01:29 |
threadstack | Ah, thanks! =] | 01:29 |
Randolf | NotSoFriendlyNameHere? Ha, that's probably the IRC client called BitchX. | 01:42 |
[rg] | sh on ubuntu runs dash? | 02:07 |
[rg] | the shebang? | 02:07 |
calher | yes | 02:08 |
calher | no bashisms | 02:08 |
[rg] | ok, cool | 02:10 |
=== Taco is now known as drydog | ||
Menzador | Wait, is that a new thing now? I'm pretty sure we ship bash by default | 02:17 |
hggdh | bash is shipped, but /bin/sh is dash | 02:17 |
Menzador | Ah, thank you | 02:17 |
hggdh | (I prefer bash for most of what I do) | 02:17 |
threadstack | Can someone CTCP me? =] | 02:26 |
the_actor | Hi guys, I just installed Ubuntu 18.4 LTS, there is no additial software installed past the base packages. I also enabled SSH during install. SHH works fine over the network, but refuses to connect remotely. I have verified this is not a routing and or port blocking issue. Additionally ufb status shown the firewall is inactive. Any ideas? | 02:27 |
threadstack | the_actor: Does the port show as open/listening? | 02:28 |
the_actor | you mean in the config file? | 02:28 |
the_actor | threadstack: The SSH config file is default- port 22. I have tried changing it to 8000 9000 . . . | 02:30 |
threadstack | Oh, does SHH = SSH? =] | 02:30 |
cim209 | the_actor: check /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 02:31 |
the_actor | cim209: I have checked it, what in perticular should I be looking for? | 02:31 |
cim209 | at the very top, port 22 should be commented | 02:31 |
cim209 | you can uncomment it then change the port then sudo service ssh restart | 02:32 |
the_actor | cim209: I have done this. Same response. I tried changing it to 8000, 9000 . . . | 02:32 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: how are you attempting to remote connect to your SSH server? | 02:33 |
cim209 | try sudo service sshd restart | 02:33 |
the_actor | cim209: I have set this up many times before, this is the first time I am doing so on Ubuntu | 02:33 |
cim209 | it "should've" worked | 02:34 |
cim209 | maybe reboot? | 02:34 |
the_actor | cim209: I have done this several times. it changes the port successfully, but remotely the ssh client just hangs. | 02:34 |
VitoG | too many losers | 02:34 |
the_actor | cim209: As soon as i'm on WiFi it start to work, hit it from an outside IP it hangs. if I redirect the IP to a diffrent virtual server, the router passes the request just fine showing the ISP and router are not blocking it. | 02:36 |
[rg] | can people run different install package of architectures from their own? | 02:36 |
the_actor | cim209: Is there some new security feature perhaps in 18.4? | 02:36 |
[rg] | wow thats a mess | 02:36 |
cim209 | the_actor: oh you're changing the ssh port from a desktop ubuntu | 02:36 |
the_actor | cim209: no | 02:36 |
pragmaticenigma | VitoG: trolling is not welcome here, please see !guidelines for more information | 02:37 |
[rg] | is it possible to install a package of an architure differnnt from the host | 02:37 |
the_actor | cim209: the server is a KVM instance running on a virtualization server | 02:37 |
cim209 | the_actor: are you SSHing to a domain or IP | 02:37 |
cim209 | if domain, is the domain pointed to your vps IP | 02:37 |
the_actor | cim209: Yes the local IP works fine the remote IP hangs, same for remote domain. | 02:38 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: Your question do not make anysense... please try rephrasing them and be more detailed to help others understand | 02:38 |
cim209 | there should be no firewall or anything like that enabled by default | 02:38 |
cim209 | even ufw is off by default | 02:38 |
threadstack | the_actor: Any chance you can do a tcpdump? | 02:38 |
cim209 | speaking of that, check sudo ufw status | 02:39 |
[rg] | ok | 02:40 |
the_actor | cim209: I have a Ununtu Server LTS just installed with SSH at listening at port 22, If i ssh it works, if I change the port and ssh -p 8000 it works, if I ssh the gateway IP addres the request seemes passed over by router and simply hangs. | 02:40 |
[rg] | what package architectures can you install from? | 02:40 |
Santy | hola buenas noches gente como les va? | 02:41 |
threadstack | the_actor: Are you using iptables by any chance? | 02:41 |
Santy | estoy buscando gente que sepa de ubuntu, para hacer un trabajo, puedo pagar$$ | 02:41 |
the_actor | Santy: not unless it is installed by default | 02:42 |
Bashing-om | !es | Santy | 02:42 |
ubottu | Santy: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:42 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: That still makes no sense... what do you mean by architecture? | 02:42 |
the_actor | I guess my network is haunted, there must be an invisible packet goblin . . . | 02:43 |
[rg] | packages have an architecture tag like amd64, sparc, noarch etc | 02:43 |
Santy | I'm looking for people who separate from ubuntu, to do a job, I can pay $$ | 02:43 |
cim209 | the_actor: why would you ssh into the gateway IP | 02:43 |
the_actor | The gateway is set up to forward to the server | 02:44 |
pragmaticenigma | Santy: This is not the place to put advertisements | 02:44 |
pragmaticenigma | !guidelines | Santy | 02:44 |
ubottu | Santy: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at | 02:44 |
pragmaticenigma | !ot | Santy | 02:44 |
ubottu | Santy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:44 |
the_actor | cim209: how else would I remotely SSH into the box? | 02:45 |
threadstack | the_actor: Do you mean VIP address or LoadBalancer IP when you say "gateway IP address"? | 02:45 |
cim209 | the_actor: by using the IP address your host gave you? | 02:45 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: You can only install packages for your system archetecture... that's why they're labeled as such. You cannot install something for SPARC on amd_x64, they are totally different CPUs with different programming | 02:45 |
the_actor | cim209: In the house, I use, outside I use the public gateway IP which forwards to the local ip and port. | 02:46 |
cim209 | thought you were sshing to your vps and not your home machine? | 02:46 |
the_actor | my VPS server is in my office at the house. | 02:46 |
cim209 | oh | 02:47 |
cim209 | yeah idk, that's a third party (home router) issue | 02:47 |
threadstack | tcpdump or WireShark or NetMon or the like on the client might point to the potential problem, like if it's not completing the three-way handshake. | 02:48 |
[rg] | pragmaticenigma: ok, you should be able to get x86 on amd64? | 02:48 |
the_actor | cim209: I put togeather a virtulization server from parts at goodwill for me and my friends to practice coding on. This is an issue with one of the Ubuntu Servers running in KVM, I have been able to do this fine in CentOS, Redhat, and Debian the only oddball out is Ubuntu 18.4 LTS which is freaking out | 02:48 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: to a certain point, yes | 02:48 |
the_actor | I would love to know what the hell is going on with my SSH requests. | 02:49 |
[rg] | pragmaticenigma: ok so say you did that for two packages x86 and amd64, the history log would record them seperatly right | 02:50 |
[rg] | they are distinct packages | 02:50 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: Please get to the point of your question. What are you trying to do? | 02:50 |
cim209 | the_actor: nice | 02:50 |
the_actor | There has to be some super savy Ubuntu detective guru here to help . . . I'm hoping . . . right? | 02:50 |
the_actor | cim209: it will be nice if I can get the darn thing to work | 02:51 |
[rg] | I am trying to make a script that will list manually installed packages | 02:51 |
cim209 | check your port forwarding in your router | 02:51 |
cim209 | last resort is to call your ISP | 02:52 |
the_actor | cim209: I switched from CentOS to Ubuntu because I liked the doccumentation and the community better for webserver type stuff, but now I'm stuck. | 02:52 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: That is a topic for a programming channel... find a channel for the language you are writing in using !alis | 02:52 |
cim209 | the_actor: yeah running a web server at home is finnicky | 02:53 |
[rg] | howso | 02:53 |
cim209 | the_actor: because your ISP might not approve of it | 02:53 |
[rg] | its has to do with ubuntu package format | 02:53 |
[rg] | and log format | 02:53 |
the_actor | cim209: I know my ISP is not the issue, if I log in to my router and swtich the IP to another virtual server it work fine. The request seems to be seen but Ubuntu will ignore it if it is from an outside address. | 02:53 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: you just said manually installed packages... that's not a supported topic here... | 02:53 |
[rg] | ok, i should say, installed by user via apt | 02:54 |
[rg] | not from source | 02:54 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: If you are looking for a listing of packages installed through apt... there are already tools that do that type of listing for you | 02:54 |
threadstack | the_actor: How is port-forwarding set up for the client in KVM? hostfwd=tcp::8022-:22,hostfwd=tcp::8090 | 02:54 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: look at the documentation for apt, apt-show-versions | 02:55 |
the_actor | threadstack: I'm not sure the hosting server it EdgeLinux from Antsle, I mainly only use the web interface, but I set up a virtual interface that is bridged to the router, the router assigns the ip based on mac address. | 02:56 |
pragmaticenigma | [rg]: logs are also documented by the packages themselves. where they write to, what format the use, etc. These are research topics which are out of scope for this channel. You're welcome to ask them in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss.... as far as the programming part you are attemptnig to do, again, I would encourage you to find a channel specific to the language you're writing your application/script in | 02:57 |
the_actor | threadstack: let me see if I can find more info | 02:57 |
the_actor | threadstack: It is showing it is bridged via br0, there are 2 virtual nic interfaces | 02:59 |
threadstack | Does it forward ports or is just 22 to 22? | 02:59 |
threadstack | I suspect what's happened is that you've forwarded to a port that might be reserved for something else, so you try the handshake and the client "hangs" because it's not getting a response back. | 03:01 |
threadstack | This would explain why it works internally but externally it's no go. | 03:01 |
the_actor | threadstack: The way the system is set up, there are two virtual NICS. NIC 1 is set up by the system and is on its own subnet. NIC 2 is the one I added and bridged to the main subnet and set up forwarding rules for it to receive the packets. | 03:02 |
threadstack | I could very well be talking out of my ***, though, so take it with a grain of salt /but/ the symptoms sound like you're knocking on a door that doesn't reply to that knock. | 03:02 |
the_actor | threadstack: you may be on to someting, because I dont get an error | 03:03 |
the_actor | threadstack: let me try to delete the default interface and see what happens | 03:04 |
threadstack | A network packet capture would show this, in either no ACK or no SYN-ACK. | 03:04 |
the_actor | threadstack: Sorry, I dont know how to do that | 03:05 |
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the_actor | threadstack: You were right, it was some conflict | 03:06 |
threadstack | BOOM. Headshot. | 03:07 |
the_actor | threadstack: The minute I deleted the default interface that the virtualization server set by default and left only the bridge I created, it began to work. | 03:07 |
threadstack | Then that was probably split-routing. Not the same thing but would've been the same symptom, if it didn't know how to traverse out. | 03:08 |
threadstack | Glad it's working, now, though. =] | 03:08 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
the_actor | threadstack: You know man, I was one of the first CCNA's in Houston to ever pass the original program. I dont know what it is like now, but it was some hard core bare metal stuff back in the day. It is rediclous how the general public thinks that just anyone can understand the dynamics of network engineering. I don't think it is well understood that even trained experts will be scratching their heads every | 03:10 |
the_actor | once in a while. | 03:10 |
the_actor | Everybody, thank you for your help. Thanks for making this community awesome! | 03:12 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
espBerry | how can i install pip on ubuntu? | 03:37 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
Iwonder | Hi | 03:47 |
Iwonder | anyone here can help me how to make a swap partition? after installing fresh ubuntu | 03:47 |
mallu | I have an Ubuntu 14.04. Everytime I reboot the server, it gets stuck at Starting SSH server or Stopping save kernel messages. It never gets to login prompt. Any help would be greatly appreciated | 03:49 |
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
moe_ | Question: will ddrescue be better at recovering data from a drive that was accidentally erased for a few minutes before realizing (Seatools Erase command, I believe it overwrites with zeros). | 03:55 |
moe_ | I unplugged the drive after stopping command and was not able to use it until it was repartitioned w/ ext4 and then to NTFS, for obvious reasons it's not showing data but wondering how far a zero-write can go in a few minutes on a 6TB drive | 03:56 |
mallu | I have an Ubuntu 14.04. Everytime I reboot the server, it gets stuck at Starting SSH server or Stopping save kernel messages. It never gets to login prompt. Any help would be greatly appreciated | 04:03 |
guiverc | Iwonder, the easiest method to create a partition in my opinion (any including swap) is to boot a live system (eg. Ubuntu install media) and use `gparted` to create it. edit fstab to use it is pretty easy too | 04:05 |
guiverc | espBerry, `sudo apt install python-pip` | 04:06 |
anibic | !register | 04:07 |
ubottu | For information on registering your IRC nick, see - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 04:07 |
guiverc | mallu, i don't know, but I'd reboot, edit grub & ensure 'quiet splash' isn't active so you see more more clues; then maybe try booting to 1/single (runlevel 1) mode & if login got there, manually starting things... (until you found what) | 04:09 |
mallu | guiverc: how do I change the runlevel 1 while booting up? | 04:14 |
guiverc | using grub, <e> to edit and add a ' 1' or ' single' to the linux kernel line (the line I suggested removing quiet splash from if there; quiet hides some messages - you want to see them all) | 04:15 |
=== Guest41079 is now known as Menzador | ||
mallu | guiverc: I'm able to boot into single mode! | 04:18 |
guiverc | i expected you would be mallu | 04:18 |
mallu | guiverc: so I think one of the service in runlevel 3 is the culprit | 04:18 |
mallu | wondering how I can identify which one | 04:19 |
guiverc | mallu, I suspect so too, but the walking forward till you have an issue is harder; why I suggested the quiet splash & boot first - hoping for clues with all messages displayed... | 04:19 |
mallu | there is no quiet splash option in grub | 04:20 |
mallu | guiverc: also I am running this in VMWare if that makes any difference | 04:20 |
guiverc | meaning you've seen all messages already (no splash as you have no gui no doubt) ... look in usual logs, inc. journctl for clues.. i'm not a sysadmin so have only walked a system to boot a few times & couldn't reliably walk you there sorry (too long ago, pre sysd days..) | 04:22 |
mallu | guiverc: thanks. The weird part is I am able to ssh into the server from another one | 04:25 |
guiverc | that'll be a HUGE clue to someone, alas not me sorry. it reads like it's fully booting up to me, but local terminal services maybe aren't.. | 04:27 |
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mallu | when I type the command runlevel it is saying N2. Is it really 2 or actually 3? | 04:39 |
guiverc | mallu, runlevel reports prior.runlevel & current (N means there is no prior) | 04:40 |
guiverc | or it is 'unknown' | 04:41 |
mallu | guiverc: shouldn't the default runlevel be 3 though? | 04:41 |
guiverc | my default is 5; but I've got a desktop ubuntu. I don't know the server default, but wouldn't be surprised if it was 5 there too but sorry I don't know | 04:42 |
mallu | guiverc: I got it. /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf has runlevel | 04:43 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
fishfox | Hey all, upgraded my kernel and lost my nvidia drivers. So I purged everything and installed nvidia-drivers-418 but the module doesn’t load | 05:01 |
fishfox | I also don’t seem to have anything in /lib/modules | 05:01 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
bbbbbb | hello | 05:40 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
guiverc | bbbbbb, G'day. If you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it, and be patient waiting for a response, someone will answer if & when they can. | 05:48 |
cfhowlett | !ping | 06:02 |
ubottu | pong! | 06:02 |
lotuspsychje | greeting cfhowlett long time no see :p | 06:07 |
cfhowlett | yowza^3 lotus | 06:08 |
shamnas | hai | 06:50 |
navi_ | if i want to search sublime in my system then what is command to see the exexutable file ?i want to add sublime as default editor in filezilla | 07:37 |
Kriss3d | anyone good with the new netplan in xubuntu 18.04 ? for some reason my interfaces file gets ignored | 07:40 |
Triffid_Hunter | navi_: 'which sublime' I guess | 07:41 |
=== Katnip is now known as Guest26382 | ||
=== Guest26382 is now known as katnip- | ||
dirtwash | if I wanna change kernel boot paremter I edit /etc/default/grub and run update-grub no? coz I tried and it doesnt use the new parameter after boot.. | 07:47 |
dirtwash | ubuntu 16.04 | 07:47 |
guiverc | dirtwash, if you have more than one grub installed it may not the owner of MBR, does your running system own the MBR/grub-stage-0? maybe check the line you changed wasn't commented out too | 07:50 |
=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver | ||
dirtwash | guiverc: not a comment issue, its just 1 grub | 07:57 |
dirtwash | default unbutu install, nothing but KVM VMs on this machines, nothing runs there | 07:58 |
guiverc | they were my only thoughts dirtwash sorry | 07:59 |
dirtwash | yea mine too, i did this a million times | 08:00 |
=== katnip- is now known as Katnip- | ||
Bilbo0 | The unix timestamp generator told me "1552216023" but with "--before date 1552216023" it gives me the following errors and doesn't run "Only show and process deleted entries if they are deleted .extundelete: Some unrecognized options were found. Use --help for a usage message.extundelete: Error parsing command-line options." | 08:02 |
Bilbo0 | I am trying to use a extundelete option that wants me to put a date for it's "--before date" option. I was told "you could just use an online unix timestamp generator and copy/paste if you want" but that's not working. The unix timestamp generator told me "1552216023" but with "--before date 1552216023" it gives me the following errors and doesn't run "Only show and process deleted entries if they are deleted .extundelete: Some unrecognized | 08:03 |
Bilbo0 | options were found. Use --help for a usage message.extundelete: Error parsing command-line options." | 08:03 |
Bilbo0 | Can anyone please help? | 08:06 |
=== root is now known as Guest13177 | ||
geirha | Bilbo0: I'm unfamiliar with that command, but it's probably supposed to be either ''--before 1552216023'' or ''--before-date 1552216023'' | 08:17 |
=== Guest13177 is now known as mocxz | ||
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: there's no date | 08:22 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: they mean in the man page to replace date with your actual date, so --before 1552216023 | 08:23 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: geirha that was it, the man page made it look like date was part of the option command | 08:23 |
Bilbo0 | I also want to unmount the drive but it says its busy, I've tried closing down everything related to it but it still won't mount | 08:24 |
Bilbo0 | Ok it says " check it with fsck before using extundelete" what's fsck for? check for what? | 08:27 |
ZX454 | file consistency check | 08:32 |
Delphin | for some reason in Ubuntu I cant add a vpn connection via the GUI because its greyed out, anyone know how to fix it? | 08:35 |
ZX454 | What version of Ubuntu do you have? | 08:38 |
zeta | In Ubuntu 18 desktop error reporting there is just "send report" or "cancel", no way to see the report to make sure it's relevent | 08:38 |
Delphin | 16.04.1 | 08:38 |
ducasse | Delphin: make sure the necessary packages are installed | 08:38 |
Delphin | oh I fixed it, it was packages | 08:39 |
Bilbo0 | Extundelete says "check it with fsck before using extundelete" it means like checking to see if the FS is messed up? is this really necessary before trying to recover files? | 08:44 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: if the manual or program itself tells you to do it, then why not just follow the instructions? there's probably a reason for that recommendation. | 08:47 |
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Bilbo0 | ducasse: Well if nothing else, I can't get that to work | 08:53 |
ZX454 | Is that the full error? | 08:54 |
lotuspsychje | Bilbo0: are ou still messing with filerecovery? photorec would have done the job long time ago.. | 08:54 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: did you make an image of the disk and working on that? | 08:55 |
EriC^^ | cause you should.. | 08:55 |
Bilbo0 | lotuspsychje: Does photorec allow you to recover only files after a certain date? | 08:55 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I am not sure, probably not | 08:56 |
lotuspsychje | Bilbo0: just think by yourself what kind of filetype you want to recover | 08:56 |
lotuspsychje | Bilbo0: and recover whole disk | 08:56 |
Bilbo0 | lotuspsychje: It's not about file type, i want only files after a certain date, I DO NOT WANT TO RECOVER THE WHOLE #%!^ DISK | 08:57 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: do you mean fsck won't check the filesystem? | 08:58 |
ZX454 | Bilbo0: Just run fsck? | 08:58 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: Yes, it says "" when I try | 08:59 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: did you try doing what it suggests? | 09:00 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: That message is unclear but I tried several different variants on what I could guess it meant and they didn't work | 09:01 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 09:01 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: in that case i am sceptical extundelete will be able to recover anything | 09:02 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: That doesn't make sense, being able to scan for errors in the FS or not should not matter for being able to use extundelete | 09:03 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: reading the superblock does | 09:04 |
Bilbo0 | Let's forget fsck. I try running the command sudo extundelete --before 1552216023 /dev/sdb2 --restore-directory /directory/path and it tells me "Only show and process deleted entries if they are deleted before 1552216023.extundelete: Some unrecognized options were found. Use --help for a usage message.extundelete: Error parsing command-line options" | 09:07 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: try putting the --restore-directory option in the middle | 09:09 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: it is in the middle, which middle, please reform the command and show me | 09:10 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: extundelete [options] device-file... it says to put it at the end, options in the middle | 09:10 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: put /dev/sdb2 at the very end | 09:10 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: So put that at the end and leave the rest the same? | 09:10 |
EriC^^ | yeh | 09:11 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: It didn't work, do I want a slash before and/or after the direct/path? before and or after dev/sdb2? | 09:12 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: before is fine, paste errors | 09:13 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: use absolute paths, yes | 09:13 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: So before, and not after? "paste errors"? What are you referring to? | 09:14 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: What are absolute paths? | 09:15 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: starting with a forward slash, listing the full path | 09:16 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: Do I end with a forward slash? | 09:17 |
ducasse | doesn't matter | 09:17 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: | 09:17 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: Ok but the command's still not working | 09:17 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0> EriC^^: It didn't work < paste what it said | 09:17 |
ducasse | ^^ use a pastebin | 09:18 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I did, Here it is again I try running the command sudo extundelete --before 1552216023 /dev/sdb2 --restore-directory /directory/path and it tells me "Only show and process deleted entries if they are deleted before 1552216023.extundelete: Some unrecognized options were found. Use --help for a usage message.extundelete: Error parsing command-line options" | 09:18 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: put /dev/sdb2 at the end | 09:19 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: try sudo extundelete --before 1552216023 --restore-directory /directory/path /dev/sdb2 | 09:20 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: I tried that, same error | 09:20 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: is there a space in the path? | 09:20 |
Bilbo0 | There is a space between directory/path and /dev/sdb2 | 09:21 |
ducasse | but not in the path itself? | 09:21 |
Bilbo0 | there is a space in the path itself | 09:22 |
Bilbo0 | anime movies | 09:22 |
ducasse | quote the path (or escape the space with \) | 09:22 |
Bilbo0 | I don't get what you mean by escape the space | 09:22 |
Bilbo0 | you mean put \ instead of space? | 09:23 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: --restore-directory "/path/with space/goes/here" | 09:23 |
Bilbo0 | And by quote the path you mean " on either side touching? | 09:23 |
EriC^^ | and/or and/or | 09:23 |
ducasse | or \ before the space | 09:23 |
ducasse | but only use one of those options | 09:24 |
Bilbo0 | Ok some progress, different errors still blocking me | 09:25 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: pasting errors helps | 09:26 |
Bilbo0 | | 09:28 |
Bilbo0 | I had the recovery directory set to read only. I unmounted it and it still didnt work, same error | 09:29 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: paste what you ran too | 09:30 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I ran exactly what you said to run | 09:31 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: what did you use for /directory/path | 09:31 |
Bilbo0 | with quotes around the path | 09:31 |
Bilbo0 | quotes | 09:31 |
EriC^^ | i mean what did you use exactly | 09:32 |
EriC^^ | brb | 09:32 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: paste exactly what you ran + the error so people can know how to help you better, otherwise they're going to be guessing and they cant help you efficiently and effectively | 09:35 |
ducasse | like we had to guess there was a space in the path | 09:35 |
bkero | Heya, it looks like is only responding on 80, not 443. | 09:36 |
bkero | Tested from multiple sources. | 09:36 |
Bilbo0 | Sorry copy paste error, missed some of the content | 09:36 |
bkero | Actively refusing connections. | 09:37 |
Bilbo0 | sudo extundelete --before 1552216023 --restore-directory "/media/path/anima movies/" /dev/sdb2 EriC^^ ducasse | 09:38 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: "/media/path/anima movies" is on your current pc? type ls -l "/media/path/anima movies" | 09:40 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: also type "mount | grep sdb2" | 09:40 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: /media is used for mounting drives, are you sure there is any data there to recover? | 09:40 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: I don't fully understand you but test disk sees the missing directory I am trying to recover | 09:41 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: The end of that path is missing, a folder mysteriously gone I wish to recover | 09:42 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: by --restore-directory it means that where it will save the restored files, not where it looks | 09:43 |
Bilbo0 | and yes on my current PC on a separate drive from system | 09:43 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: That is not what I was told, so what informs it where to restore from? | 09:43 |
ducasse | opposite, EriC^^ | 09:44 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: --restore-directory is where to look for data | 09:44 |
Bilbo0 | I was told I control where it saves by running the command from where I want it to save to | 09:45 |
EriC^^ | ah i see, my bad guys | 09:45 |
Bilbo0 | So anyway I'm still stuck | 09:46 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: try "mount | grep sdb2" please | 09:46 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: i still say you should not ignore the advice to run fsck, but first make an image | 09:47 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: try without the leading "/" in 'media/path...' just cause the manual states it doesnt need it, just in case its messing it up somehow | 09:48 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: I still say fsck won't run and I lack the space to make a image of an entire drive or whatever your talking about | 09:49 |
bluefox83 | just installed the latest ubuntu and i'm having trouble getting rid of the favorites bar, it should disapear when i hit the super button... | 09:49 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: you could only image '/dev/sdb2' | 09:49 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: well, it's your data | 09:49 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: did you run mount | grep yet? | 09:50 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: It's your advice I literally can't use and you haven't explained the purpose for anyway | 09:50 |
Bilbo0 | not sure, reading chat history | 09:50 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: if you're using the disk, the more you use it the more the likelyhood your files will be gone, also working on the disk and running fsck etc might cause changes that are unexpected and you might lose more chance to get your stuff back | 09:51 |
Bilbo0 | one sec, I don't think I did, trying now | 09:51 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I said before it's not on the system disk | 09:52 |
Bilbo0 | its not being used | 09:52 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: k so this is just a i deleted some files by mistake scenario? | 09:53 |
EriC^^ | is the disk healthy? did you try a smart test? still waiting for the mount | grep answer | 09:53 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: No, it's a folder mysteriously vanished a couple days ago scenario | 09:54 |
Bilbo0 | As though it self deleted or something, | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | interesting | 09:54 |
ducasse | and the partition was not cleanly unmounted | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | aha | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: did you check the disk health? | 09:54 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: How? | 09:55 |
EriC^^ | sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb | 09:55 |
EriC^^ | please run mount | grep sdb2 ... | 09:55 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: anyone giving advice on data recovery is going to tell you to make an image first, to avoid overwriting the data you're trying to recover | 09:57 |
ducasse | just saying | 09:57 |
EriC^^ | especially if stuff is magically disappearing, you'll want to make a current state image of it and keep it | 09:57 |
Bilbo0 | Eric You're mount grep commend isn't working, it goes right back to a command line | 09:58 |
Bilbo0 | with no feedback | 09:59 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: that means it's not mounted | 09:59 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: proper course of action here, image /dev/sdb2 then run fsck and try extundelete again | 10:00 |
Bilbo0 | dev/sdb3 on /media/path type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered,uhelper=udisks2) | 10:00 |
EriC^^ | that's a different partition though | 10:01 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: What do you mean by image? | 10:01 |
Bilbo0 | it was suppose to be sdb3, but changing it to the right one didn't change any of the errors | 10:01 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i mean a bit-by-bit copy of the partition , sudo dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=/path/to/saved/image bs=1M status=progress conv=notrunc | 10:01 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: O.o | 10:02 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Out of the question, I don't have space for a copy of the full partition just to recover say 600mb, that's absurd | 10:02 |
EriC^^ | brb, if you decide to image make it conv=notrunc,fsync make sure the disk is healthy as well might want to use gddrescue package if it's not | 10:03 |
ducasse | it's not absurd, it's sound advice. you just don't want to hear it. | 10:03 |
Bilbo0 | And I said time and time again that fsck doesn't work! | 10:03 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: It is absurd, please move on | 10:03 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: Let me put it this way, it's literally not a option as well as everything else | 10:04 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: it's not 'absurd' it's your data, you want to do that fine, we're just giving you sound advice, you're free to do whatever you want with your files, including risking their permanent loss | 10:04 |
Bilbo0 | So let's not argue about that anymore | 10:04 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: k, then run fsck as suggested by extundelete, and cross your fingers, also now are you sure it's /dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdb3 ? | 10:05 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Are you saying trying to recover one folder might jeopardize the whole partition? Restore programs only read from the recovery disk, not write. | 10:05 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: It's 3. And FSCK DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!!! | 10:06 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: "If you decide to continue, extundelete may overwrite some of the deleted files and make recovering those files impossible." | 10:06 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: again, "doesn't work" doesnt help us, and did you run the smart test? | 10:06 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I asked how to run the smart test and you didnt answer, I gave the exact fsck error before too | 10:07 |
EriC^^ | i did, scroll up | 10:07 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: sorry i wasnt following earlier, please paste the fsck link again | 10:08 |
Bilbo0 | Ok one sec on the smart mo tool and the fsck error | 10:08 |
ducasse | EriC^^: it said it couldn't read the superblock, and to try an alternative location | 10:08 |
EriC^^ | aha | 10:08 |
Bilbo0 | I don't know what that means | 10:08 |
ducasse | no, that's why you're seeking help | 10:09 |
Bilbo0 | right | 10:09 |
akash | hey | 10:09 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: the superblock contains important info about the filesystem, luckily it has backups in various places in the disk though | 10:10 |
Bilbo0 | besides that fsck thing was with a earlier malformed version of the command, it doesn't say that now, so what exactly should I run for fsck? | 10:10 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: first things first, run the smart test | 10:11 |
akash | this is crazy | 10:11 |
lotuspsychje__ | akash: can we help you? | 10:11 |
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akash | i am soo very new to this thing | 10:11 |
lotuspsychje | akash: you joined the ubuntu support channel | 10:12 |
lotuspsychje | akash: here is where you can aks questions about ubuntu problems | 10:12 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: " Completed without error " | 10:13 |
Bilbo0 | akash: As in ask about something you don't understand and someone may or may not be able to answer | 10:14 |
Bilbo0 | give as much detail as possible | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: type 'sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb | nc 9999' | 10:15 |
akash | what is this all about | 10:17 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: | 10:18 |
Kai | hey | 10:18 |
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akash | are bhai kaisangya | 10:18 |
Kai | are bhai aakash | 10:18 |
EriC^^ | akash: it's a support channel for ubuntu, people have problems or questions they need help with they come ask and get help if someone knows and is willing to help | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: disk is good no bad sectors at all | 10:19 |
Kai | hello everyone | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: the fsck command is 'sudo fsck -f /dev/sdb3' | 10:20 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: try "dumpe2fs /dev/sdb3 | grep -i superblock | nc 9999" | 10:21 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Hmm it worked this time, maybe I had the command wrong before. Anyway aside from amount of files and blocks it only said "1.4% non-contiguous" What ever that means, it doesn't sound very concerning | 10:21 |
EriC^^ | that sounds good | 10:22 |
zeolo | hi | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | yeah it just means 1.4% of files are fragmented (pieces arent after eachother and scattered) | 10:23 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: try the extundelete command again and see what happens | 10:23 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Does that look good to you? | 10:24 |
Kai | hey | 10:25 |
BluesKaj | hi Kai | 10:25 |
Kai | where are you from? | 10:26 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Same result | 10:26 |
Kai | @BluesKaj | 10:26 |
BluesKaj | Kai, this isn't general chat channel. Ifyou have an ubuntu question, then ask it | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ah ok | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i think there's some kind of syntax error going on | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: what did you mean by '(list of contents of directory I have cd'd to to receive the recovered data)' ? | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: where was the absolute path of the dir that got deleted? (relative to the partition itself) | 10:35 |
EriC^^ | like if you used to mount it at /media what then did you cd to get to it? | 10:35 |
octo8 | Hello, some developer (who recently became a manager) was assigned a simple application project, an app to reserve houses and such, he said "good, we will start with writing a catastrophic escape plan"... I laughed up really hard, do you think this is funny? i work with them as a freelancer though... | 10:36 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: That quote seems wrong, not sure if I typod or if thats a combination of two things or what not. From what I understand what ever location of the command prompt I run the command from is where the saves from the restore go | 10:37 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: You mean how many folders was the missing folder buried in? | 10:38 |
ducasse | octo8: stick to support, please, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:38 |
octo8 | ok | 10:38 |
kwevoel | Hey everyone, when listing all usb devices using lsusb, would it show devices plugged into a USB Hub - or only the HUB? | 10:38 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: yup that's true, no, well kind of, i mean if you used to mount it at /media/exthdd you'd get /media/exthdd/mystuff/anime movies | 10:39 |
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EriC^^ | Bilbo0: you know what i mean? | 10:39 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Sorry, still struggling to understand you | 10:40 |
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EriC^^ | Bilbo0: where did you used to mount the hdd? | 10:40 |
EriC^^ | when you access the "anime movies" dir, that's now missing right? | 10:41 |
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EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i'm trying to see what the path is relative to only the /dev/sdb3 filesystem, so in our example it would be "mystuff/anime movies" | 10:42 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I mount it through file manager, I don't know what Id use to mount it via command. What's missing is a folder | 10:42 |
Bilbo0 | what's missing is the anime movies part | 10:42 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ok, the filemanager usually mounts it at /media/<username>/<filesystem label or uuid> | 10:43 |
Bilbo0 | it and everything inside it is what I want to bring back, and all subfolders too of course | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: so before when you used to mount it, you'd click on it and see what exactly? | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i mean was the "anime movies" dir right there? or you'd have to click on dirs to get to it? | 10:44 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Again, it's a folder, id see the folder, you don't mount folders. Now I dont see the folder and neither do commands | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ok perfect, that's what i wanted to know | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | 1 sec | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: type 'sudo extundelete --before 1552216023 --restore-directory "anime movies" /dev/sdb3' | 10:45 |
Bilbo0 | I was running a file comparison program to remove redundant files and before it saw the folder but then when I went to alter redundant files in said folder "nothing there" and then when I go there it is indeed not there | 10:45 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: why use the timestamp though if you want the whole of anime movies dir? or you just want specific files/dirs in it? | 10:45 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Because I have probably deleted files in there before it went missing, and I don't want to bring them back | 10:46 |
Bilbo0 | since I probably deleted them for a reason | 10:46 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ah i see | 10:46 |
EriC^^ | k, try the extundelete command above | 10:47 |
kwevoel | Hey everyone, when listing all usb devices using lsusb, would it show devices plugged into a USB Hub - or only the HUB? | 10:47 |
Bilbo0 | so not the full path, just the folder itself? | 10:47 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: yeah | 10:47 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Same messages including the "Could not find correct inode number past inode 2." and operation not permitted at the end stuff | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: according to their help page, it says you'll get that inode 2 error if the directory was misspelt | 10:55 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: can you run "sudo testdisk /dev/sdb" | 10:55 |
threadstack | kwevoel: It shows me the "hub" and the device. | 10:56 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: What do you want me to do in testdisk? | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: go to the partition, and press "p" over it to list the files | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | then immediately take a screen shot of the missing dir if possible | 10:57 |
FreeBDSM | ehlo, is this a snap or not? | 10:57 |
EriC^^ | dont go into any dirs at all, press "p" then screenshot | 10:57 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ^ | 10:57 |
Bilbo0 | Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions [ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils [ Geometry ] Change disk geometry[ Options ] Modify options | 10:57 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: "analyse" | 10:58 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Yes, it sees the missing directory, I said that earlier | 10:58 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i want to see it clearly, cause the error msg is about it not finding the dir we gave it | 10:59 |
ducasse | EriC^^: case issue, maybe? | 10:59 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: check_FAT: Unusual media descriptor (0xf8!=0xf0)Warning: number of heads/cylinder mismatches 64 (FAT) != 255 (HD)Warning: number of sectors per track mismatches 32 (FAT) != 63 (HD) | 11:00 |
kwevoel | Thanks threadsack, can you confirm this is an actual physical USB hub to which you plug other USB devices into? | 11:01 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: That's not about the missing directory but error messages that come up quickly when doing analyses | 11:01 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ok, did the /dev/sdb3 partition show up? | 11:02 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: The partition shows up, but it doesnt describe it as sdb3, I know its the right one from the partition label | 11:03 |
Bilbo0 | Most of what it shows is MS data and some numbers | 11:04 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: alright, highlight it and press "p" | 11:04 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Analyses doesn't work like that, it doesn't allow me to pick a partition, it scans the full drive. But another part of scandisk is where I can see the missing directory | 11:06 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: alright, get to that part and press "p" | 11:07 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Maybe I should let it finish its scan first? | 11:07 |
Bilbo0 | 36% | 11:07 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: if you see it it's not important, press enter and then highlight and p | 11:08 |
EriC^^ | make sure the size matches up at the bottom of the screen when you highlight it | 11:08 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Not sure what you mean by enter and highlight and p and sizes match | 11:11 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: press enter to stop the scan, use the up/down arrows to highlight the partition, look at the bottom where the stats are and see the size if it's right in GB | 11:12 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: It's not showing the partition yet, just this ms data # stuff | 11:12 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: please can you make a screenshot, it would facilitate stuff alot | 11:13 |
Bilbo0 | To see the missing directory I need to choose advanced and list | 11:13 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I have navigated to the missing folder through advanced->list now what? | 11:15 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: potato potata.. this is pretty trivial and mundane stuff we're wasting time on, meanwhile you're being too stubborn to follow directions | 11:15 |
EriC^^ | and not to be an ass, but you did the same thing before with fslint or whatever when you wanted to rename the files, and deleted them by mistake | 11:15 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: That's not what happened, and besides screenshots what havent I obeyed? | 11:16 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i'm not going down that hole | 11:16 |
EriC^^ | :D | 11:16 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I am doing as you said, now what? | 11:17 |
EriC^^ | anyways, did you list the files of the partition or not yet? | 11:17 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I don't understand the question | 11:17 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i asked you to highlight the partition and press p to list the files, you literally said you've done this before and seen the files, what's the problem? | 11:17 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: to do this where? | 11:18 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I told you, I do advance and choose list and I can see the missing files, I did that | 11:18 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: ok take a screenshot please | 11:19 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: No, that's saying you don't trust me and want to see potentially personal stuff. You dont need a screenshot, tell me what you want to know | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i dont not trust you, it's nothing personal, i searched your error and the dev related guy said it's related to a misspelt dir or wrong dir, so this is the obvious next step | 11:20 |
blackflow | EriC^^: your patience with people who don't really want to be helped, is admirable! | 11:21 |
EriC^^ | also as i said you can just show the missing dir, crop the pic or whatever | 11:21 |
Bilbo0 | The only thing p does is the same as pressing the up key | 11:21 |
EriC^^ | blackflow: it's basically at the very last thread at this point, but whatever | 11:21 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: There is nothing to know, it's there, that's all there is to know | 11:21 |
Bilbo0 | Whats a screenshot of it being there in red suppose to do, prove that I'm not lying? | 11:22 |
zetheroo | Is there a specific date for Ubuntu 14.04 EOL? | 11:22 |
zetheroo | All I can find is April 2019 ... | 11:22 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: maybe there's 2 space and you didnt notice, maybe, i dont know cause the next logical step isnt being done cause you're having an ego issue | 11:23 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Two spaces? | 11:23 |
JimBuntu | zetheroo, I don't think they publish an exact date, but I would expect it to be around the middle to end of the month. | 11:24 |
zetheroo | JimBuntu: Ok | 11:24 |
Trangar | In ubuntu 18.10, is there a way to completely disable workspaces? | 11:25 |
blackflow | zetheroo: also not strictly EOL but entering ESM. | 11:25 |
blackflow | (EOL for general public, I suppose, yes) | 11:25 |
zetheroo | blackflow: that's essentially EOL for us ;) | 11:25 |
guiverc | zetheroo, it'll be on or after 17-april-2019 (date of release in 2014 + 5 years) but LTS are usually end-of-month | 11:26 |
praytothee | Dear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL) | 11:26 |
blackflow | zetheroo: ah, April 30th: | 11:26 |
zetheroo | blackflow: Perfect - thanks | 11:27 |
praytothee | Dear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL) | 11:27 |
blackflow | zetheroo: mind you, it's not as if a switch is flipped and 14.04 stops working. it's just that updates stop coming in :) | 11:28 |
zetheroo | blackflow: yeah, I know ;) | 11:28 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Two spaces? | 11:30 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: is it capitalized in any way? | 11:30 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: it could be anything.. if you do decide to screenshot + crop, shift+prntscrn should get you there iirc | 11:30 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: Yes, two letters are capitalized, does that really make a difference? I thought things like this were cap insensitive. | 11:34 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: linux is caps sensitive | 11:34 |
ducasse | Bilbo0: if you weren't hiding things we would have caught this ages ago | 11:35 |
Bilbo0 | ducasse: Tried correct case, same diff | 11:36 |
Bilbo0 | I mean same result | 11:37 |
bcx | update-manager says i'm up to date while `apt list --upgradable` show (not held) packages and `apt upgrade` proposes to apply them . What can I do to get update-manager to install those ? | 11:37 |
Bilbo0 | OK some progress. I tried a truncated path, not the full path or the folder, just each folder bit after entering. It says "34 recoverable inodes found." but the recovery folder it made is empty | 11:43 |
EriC^^ | truncated path? | 11:46 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: what command did you run exactly? | 11:46 |
tomreyn | bcx: i'd assumed update-manager would offer those, too. you can run it with --debug, this may provide a better idea of why it doesn't | 11:46 |
tomreyn | also i'd recommend not setting packages to be held, unless you're very aware of the implications on other packages and security patches. | 11:48 |
bcx | tomreyn: `update-manager --debug` shows no output in terminal, except "WARNING:root:can not import unity GI Namespace Dbusmenu not available | 11:48 |
bcx | " | 11:48 |
tomreyn | bcx: which ubuntu version are you on? | 11:49 |
bcx | tomreyn: i am aware and have a few of them: docker-ce, tesseract-* | 11:49 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: sudo extundelete --before 1552216023 --restore-directory "/path/Anime Videos/" /dev/sdb3 but that doesn't matter, what matters is it saying it found 34 recoverable inodes but it doesn't recover any of them. | 11:50 |
JimBuntu | case also doesn't matter | 11:50 |
bcx | tomreyn: i'm using bionic, update-manager ignores recent ubuntu-snappy update 2.37.4+18.04 | 11:51 |
bcx | in bionic-updates | 11:51 |
tomreyn | ubuntu-snappy - transitional dummy package | 11:51 |
bcx | ok found out | 11:52 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: why are you using "/path" there? | 11:52 |
bcx | i got pinned bionic-proposed * at -1 | 11:52 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i explained earlier you need to give it the path relative to the filesystem, if you said you press "p" and immediately see "Anime Videos" then you have to give it --restore-directory "Anime Videos" | 11:53 |
bcx | as latest snapd package is both available in bionic-updates (pinned 500) and bionic-proposed (pinned -1) update-manager ignores the package while apt cli does not | 11:55 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: I mentioned before but pressing "p" in testdisk only works as a upkey, so you're barking up a wrong tree with this "p" stuff | 11:55 |
usuario | heuvhrjfebjfbnrjvnfjg | 11:56 |
tomreyn | bcx: IMO, apt pinning and "apt-mark hold" (and even more so aptitudes' separate mechanism for holding packages) are mostly recipes for breaking your system. i try to stay away from them, or when i use them, document these changes thoroughly, so i'll know which non standard behaviours to to expect. | 11:56 |
usuario | hello | 11:56 |
usuario | i am new here | 11:56 |
tomreyn | !support | usuario | 11:56 |
ubottu | usuario: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 11:56 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i meant listing files, you optd to use advanced > list, same difference | 11:56 |
usuario | what is this ? | 11:57 |
bcx | tomreyn: as explained this is a bug in update-manager ignoring packages if ANY source is -1 pinned while apt cli checks all sources | 11:57 |
tomreyn | usuario: you joined the ubuntu support channel. we only do support questions + answers here. please join #ubuntu-offtopic or other channels for other pruposes, such as social chats. | 11:58 |
Bilbo0 | EriC^^: Anyway none of this touches it not restoring while saying there is stuff to restore | 11:58 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: what? lol | 11:58 |
EriC^^ | Bilbo0: i am done, gl with your quest my friend | 11:58 |
tomreyn | bcx: oh i didn't see you explaining this was a bug in update-manager. has it been filed, yet? if not, will you do it? | 11:59 |
bcx | i won't too busy for now, sorry | 11:59 |
tomreyn | so expect to run into it again soon. | 11:59 |
tomreyn | you can always do so later. | 12:00 |
bcx | i will | 12:00 |
bcx | in the meanwhile i need to find a workaround | 12:00 |
tomreyn | these are several: use apt / apt-get, don't use pinning, don't use -proposed | 12:01 |
bcx | tomreyn: the general idea is that update-manager does not consider ALL sources for a package, should check the python source to understand why | 12:02 |
tomreyn | bcx: btw. pinning to -1 is not defined. | 12:02 |
tomreyn | actually that's wrong, sorry | 12:03 |
bcx | tomreyn: check "P < 0" | 12:04 |
tomreyn | bcx: i concur that update-manager seems to misbehave there | 12:04 |
tomreyn | bcx: i was just reading the man page | 12:04 |
tomreyn | maybe if you set priority=10 or 1 it will have the same effect | 12:05 |
tomreyn | 0 < P < 100 | 12:06 |
tomreyn | causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of the package | 12:06 |
tomreyn | ...and no longer make update-manager misbehave. | 12:07 |
bcx | tomreyn: i want to enforce user-interaction for proposed packages | 12:07 |
bcx | tomreyn: however my assumption was false, removing proposed source does not workaround the issue | 12:07 |
tomreyn | i guess neither pinning to -1 or to 0< P <100 will provide any kind of (graphical) user interaction. | 12:08 |
tomreyn | looks like you created a nice overly complex dependency hell there already. i'll leave it you to it. ;-) | 12:09 |
bcx | tomreyn: well, apt deals great with my hell, update-manager does not | 12:10 |
bcx | tomreyn: and as i said i completely removed proposed and you can see my hell is quite standard | 12:12 |
bcx | tomreyn: update-manager still does not try to upgrade snapd | 12:13 |
tomreyn | yes this package looks pretty standard. | 12:13 |
tomreyn | maybe its relations to other packages (or other packages' relations to this package) are why update-manager doesn't think it's safe to upgrade it. | 12:14 |
simpledat | Hi | 12:16 |
bcx | tomreyn: i also selected "Display immediately" for "When there are other updates" in "Software & Updates" / "Updates" tab | 12:16 |
simpledat | Whats the latest python version for ubuntu? | 12:16 |
tomreyn | !latest | simpledat | 12:16 |
ubottu | simpledat: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 12:16 |
tomreyn | simpledat: the version of python available and maintained with backported fixes and security patches dpends on the ubuntu version you run. | 12:17 |
tomreyn | there may be multiple python versions which can be installed side by side.# | 12:17 |
simpledat | tomreyn: Whats the stable version of python for ubuntu stable? I mean. | 12:18 |
tomreyn | simpledat: "ubuntu stable"? | 12:18 |
tomreyn | all releases are considered to be stable. | 12:18 |
simpledat | What version of ubuntu is for normal users? | 12:18 |
tomreyn | any supported version | 12:19 |
bcx | simpledat: 3.6.5-3 for bionic and 3.6.7-1 for cosmic, check here | 12:19 |
tomreyn | personally i recomend using LTS releases | 12:19 |
simpledat | I guess Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS ? That most new users should go with right? | 12:19 |
bcx | simpledat: so | 12:20 |
simpledat | bcx: Thanks | 12:21 |
tomreyn | simpledat: 18.04.2 would be my personal recommendation. the latest stable (but non LTS) release is 18.10. | 12:21 |
usuario | mum are you here | 12:22 |
usuario | ??? | 12:22 |
tomreyn | usuario: stop it, please | 12:22 |
usuario | okey no fight please | 12:22 |
usuario | i am new here | 12:23 |
bcx | tomreyn: update-manager is still the recommended way for upgrades in bionic ? checking whether ubuntu/gnome-software does better ... no | 12:23 |
usuario | what it this place?? | 12:23 |
tomreyn | usuario: i told you last time you were here some minutes ago. this is for ubuntu support. ONLY. | 12:23 |
bcx | tomreyn: it's a pity that only CLI apt can properly upgrade while update-manager & packagekit don't | 12:26 |
penegorgoman8777 | i need money for bitches ,someone can help me??? | 12:26 |
tomreyn | bcx: it is. what i do when software doesn't work as expected is to work out whether it's due to y local configurations or not. if not, i look for an existing bug report. if there is one, i mark it as affecting me, and subscribe to it. if there is none, i file one (which affects + subscribes me automatically). i don't usually insist on finding assistence with complex situations on irc. | 12:26 |
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tomreyn | "it is" referred to update-manager still being a supported method for installing updates. | 12:27 |
tomreyn | !ops | penegorgoman8777 | 12:27 |
ubottu | penegorgoman8777: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax | 12:27 |
ducasse | penegorgoman8777: the door is over there ---> - have a nice day | 12:27 |
tomreyn | ^ third time | 12:27 |
penegorgoman8777 | i am gay i have a channel of nopor gay | 12:28 |
penegorgoman8777 | someone fuck with me | 12:28 |
bcx | tomreyn: maybe i will workaround this by using and configuring it to launch `apt dist-upgrade` in terminal ... | 12:29 |
bcx | less ... graphical/noob-friendly though | 12:29 |
bcx | this extension seems more aligned on apt results | 12:30 |
Ykon | hello.. i have one question that i want to store command answer in one file (e.g:- ls >> temp.txt) that store in temp.txt file but i want to locate that file in the directory .. can you guys tell me how to do that? | 12:30 |
penegorgoman8777 | help i fuck my mum i she call the police and this fuck me in the ass every day ,my ass is red with blood | 12:30 |
blackflow | !ops | @ would like your attention: | 12:30 |
ubottu | @ would like your attention:: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax | 12:30 |
tomreyn | Ykon: what is your overall goal there? | 12:31 |
tomreyn | i.e. why are you doing this. | 12:31 |
Ykon | tomreyn :to store the command answer in a directory->in .txt file | 12:32 |
leftyfb | Ykon: sounds like you already know how to do that. What part of you having trouble with? | 12:33 |
Ykon | leftyfb, : i want to store that .txt file in directory | 12:34 |
leftyfb | ok, ls >> /path/to/directory/temp.txt | 12:34 |
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Ykon | leftyfb, : please wait a minute i will try | 12:35 |
tomreyn | Ykon: storing the output of ls in a file in a given directory is the immediate task you're working on, but it is surely part of something greater, right? there are existing utilities for all kinds of use cases, so i'm wondering whether you're recreating the wheel. | 12:35 |
tomreyn | s/all/many/ | 12:36 |
leftyfb | Ykon: are you doing this as part of a homework assignment? | 12:36 |
sd-dev | exit | 12:39 |
sd-dev | woopsie! | 12:39 |
Ykon | yes i this my extra activity work given by my college | 12:40 |
leftyfb | Ykon: ok, then seek help from your instructor. | 12:40 |
Ykon | leftyfb, : bash: Desktop/CONF/: Is a directory this error i got after this ls >> /path/to/directory/temp.txt | 12:41 |
tomreyn | Ykon: we don't provide help with homework assignments here. | 12:42 |
Ykon | leftyfb, : thank you!! ^.^ done! ... actually i am going to do space in between path and file name | 12:43 |
tomreyn | the idea there is that you learn to research things on your own, by reading available documentation. and if you get stuck, report back to your instructor, so they can improve their tasks. | 12:43 |
Ykon | tomreyn, leftyfb : sorry | 12:44 |
tomreyn | Ykon: no worries, but please remember it. ;-) | 12:45 |
bolyon | Hi guys. | 12:45 |
bolyon | Please , can someone help me with sip trunk under goip-4 with issabel pbx? | 12:45 |
pragmaticenigma | bolyon: This channel support Ubuntu OS... that doesn't sound like an Ubuntu related topic | 12:46 |
bolyon | ok pragmaticenigma | 12:47 |
bolyon | people seems quite on asterisk channel. | 12:47 |
pragmaticenigma | !alis | bolyon : you could try searching using this method | 12:47 |
ubottu | bolyon : you could try searching using this method: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 12:47 |
bolyon | Ok pragmaticenigma, I will try it. thanks | 12:48 |
pragmaticenigma | bolyon: Any help channel on freenode is being operated by volunteers who are often working professionals themselves. You have to have patience, stay in the channel and wait. Keep an eye on the channel, to see when it is most active. That might be a better time to ask | 12:49 |
bolyon | pragmaticenigma: indeed. I did not think about it. Okay. | 12:50 |
nmrh | is there a recent review (say past six monthes) of benchmarks on ubuntu and older cpus (like i5 m540 or 2520M) with and without hyperthreading enabled | 12:54 |
nmrh | i can always time the activities I'm doing, I'm curious about when I might want to turn it on | 12:56 |
blackflow | nmrh: if there is anything, it'd be on and by take those numbers with a grain of salt though. | 12:57 |
nmrh | yea i've been there - guess I'll try looking a little harder | 12:58 |
opilab | I'm setting up Dovecot and don't have a /etc/pam.d/imap file, how can I get this? Thanks | 13:30 |
blackflow | opilab: there's also #dovecot here on Freenode for additional help | 13:32 |
opilab | blackflow: awesome thanks so much | 13:33 |
ioria | opilab, it's not in dovecot,it's in cyrus : | 13:38 |
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran | ||
Malgorath | Hey was hoping you all could help with an issue. I have 2 video cards, nvidia 620 and a 430, they both 'work' fine and are detected correctly. But my issue is I had to setup a second screen (screen0 and screen1 <-- new one) but when I load desktop i can move my mouse to the screen1 but I just have an X for a mouse. I think this means no desktop is being loaded on this screen. How can I get all my screens to work as one? | 14:14 |
lordcirth | Malgorath, you have each monitor plugged into a different card? | 14:15 |
elias_a | Malgorath: What do you mean by "as one" - same content in both or what? | 14:15 |
Malgorath | lordcirth, yes, 2 of them are plugged into the 620 and working fine, the 3rd is only in the 430 and it works but I have no desktop | 14:16 |
Malgorath | elias_a, I'd like to be able to use the 3rd monitor like I do the other 2, right now its just a black screen with a X for the mouse | 14:16 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: it sounds like the second video card is running as a separate X-session instance | 14:17 |
Malgorath | How do i get them to work together, I added the second card to get my 3rd monitor working as I was using a USB to VGA adapter in windows 10 fine | 14:18 |
Malgorath | but it wont work with linux apparently no matter what I do | 14:19 |
Malgorath | So extra card | 14:19 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: It's been years since I had to work with this type of setup... I wish I could remember | 14:19 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: I can't verify if this article is still true, but you might be able to find some terms to search with: | 14:22 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: There are few volunteers here that are really good with graphics card issues, it would appear they are currently unavailable at the moment | 14:23 |
Malgorath | Looks like compiz isn't starting on second screen from that link, just trying to figure out where to put that script | 14:25 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: That link is from 2012... the landscape is very different now | 14:26 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: for now, I'd poke around in the nvidia display settings tool... look for settings related to extending desktops | 14:27 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, nothing in nvidia-settings about extending desktop just adding screens and such | 14:30 |
elias_a | Malgorath: Please tell what use case you have: 1) all monitors displaying same image or 2) all monitors being a part of 3 monitor desktop setup. | 14:30 |
pragmaticenigma | elias_a: I don't think they're that far along... | 14:31 |
elias_a | pragmaticenigma: I don't get your point. | 14:32 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: In the best you can, detail for us what cards you have, monitors you have, how the monitors are connected (i.e. which monitor to which card and port) | 14:32 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, | 14:35 |
freelancerbob | what is doing this command ? sed 's/main$/main universe/' /etc/apt/sources.list | 14:35 |
johnfg | hi folks | 14:36 |
pragmaticenigma | freelancerbob: without context, no one here could tell you | 14:36 |
johnfg | With the problem I had with the sudo and the rogue group, I removed ubuntu, reinstalled, and all is pretty well. | 14:36 |
Malgorath | elias_a, my monitors are 2x (DVI & HDMI) into the 620. 1x VGA into 430 | 14:36 |
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Malgorath | freelancerbob, that command just does a search and replace on your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 14:37 |
Malgorath | the first part is a regex | 14:37 |
leftyfb | freelancerbob: it adds " universe" to the end of any line ending with "main" in your sources list. Basically, it enabled universe. But you should just use add-apt-repository for that | 14:37 |
johnfg | Question: when apt suggests packages, to go along with what would be installed, is there a way, other than copying whichever of them I may want, to add them all? | 14:38 |
leftyfb | johnfg: apt-get has --install-suggests , not sure about apt | 14:39 |
Malgorath | <-- that was sudo hwinfo --gfxcard --monitor | 14:41 |
elias_a | Malgorath: Ok. Good for you. Hope you will get help as that does not answer my question at all. Take care! | 14:41 |
klehoux | | 14:41 |
pragmaticenigma | klehoux: Please do not post link in chat without a description | 14:42 |
pragmaticenigma | klehoux: If you are pasting log files or similar material, we ask that you use instead | 14:43 |
Malgorath | elias_a, not sure what else your wanting, i described the connections and gave hwinfo. | 14:44 |
Malgorath | really wish I could just run my windows on the 3rd screen instead of dual booting >.< | 14:45 |
freelancerbob | leftyfb: and what does mean $ after main ? | 14:46 |
leftyfb | freelancerbob: I told you | 14:46 |
freelancerbob | leftyfb: thanks :) | 14:46 |
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ryu | hello? | 15:11 |
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Guest2617 | what is it | 15:11 |
OerHeks | hello Guest2617 , see topic | 15:11 |
Malgorath | <-- that was sudo hwinfo --gfxcard --monitor Trying to connect 3 monitors to 2 GPUs. 2 on screen0 work fine, its the 3rd on screen1 I'm having nothing start (no DM) just a black blank screen with X for mouse | 15:15 |
Natalie | Any clue what an empty `.cloud-locale-test.skip` file is doing in my home directory? | 15:19 |
OerHeks | the locale not being configured properly on the service you connect to? | 15:23 |
pragmaticenigma | Natalie: what's in the file? | 15:23 |
Natalie | pragmaticenigma, It's an empty file. I'm guessing it's being used as a flag? | 15:23 |
=== spritualinferno_ is now known as danteinferno | ||
ruathym | i have a brother mfc-8950dw printer, which works nice under ubuntu 18.04 except for one thing. the printer offers an option called "secure printing", in which you can type a four-digit code by printing your document. unfortunately this options is missing, also with the drivers by brother. my question: can i just edit the specified ppd file under /etc/cups/ppd to add this function? | 15:33 |
OerHeks | interesting issue, if you *can* and have knowledge howto, sure, and you might want to share it back | 15:34 |
ruathym | well, my question was not accurate ;) is it enough to change the specified ppd file alone? | 15:39 |
OerHeks | I have no clue myself, you might want to reask in ##cups | 15:41 |
nacc | ruathym: is interesting | 15:41 |
ubottu | bug 1488885 in cups "gnome print can not use secure print (Canon)" [Unspecified,Closed: notabug] | 15:41 |
un4ooR6f | apt install firefoxdriver | 15:44 |
un4ooR6f | Reading package lists... Done | 15:44 |
un4ooR6f | Building dependency tree | 15:44 |
un4ooR6f | Reading state information... Done | 15:44 |
un4ooR6f | The following additional packages will be installed: | 15:44 |
un4ooR6f | chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-chromedriver python-selenium | 15:44 |
ruathym | so the secure printing function does not work with a canon printer, but with a brother printer? | 15:46 |
pragmaticenigma | ruathym: no, that's not what that means | 15:47 |
Malgorath | So I made it worse at least lol, down to one monitor | 15:50 |
bcx | tomreyn: found out the sync issue between CLI apt & GUI update-manager: "Update-Manager::Always-Include-Phased-Updates "True";" | 15:51 |
Malgorath | <-- that was sudo hwinfo --gfxcard --monitor Trying to connect 3 monitors to 2 GPUs. 2 on screen0 work fine, its the 3rd on screen1 I'm having nothing start (no DM) just a black blank screen with X for mouse. Also no mouse or keyboard input on the black screen | 15:51 |
OerHeks | Malgorath, so you use an onboard and plugin card? | 15:52 |
OerHeks | did you set onboard as primairy ? else it should be disabled.. some bios versions give an option to use both | 15:53 |
ruathym | pragmaticenigma: okay; currently i check, if the named variables in this report exists in my ppd file | 15:56 |
pragmaticenigma | ruathym: I don't know anything about printer driver files, this is not the best forum for help on that. You might want to look into a developement channel that is more familiar with those | 15:58 |
Malgorath | OerHeks, I have 2 video cards(non-onboard) a nvidia 430 and 620 | 16:00 |
ruathym | pragmaticenigm: sure, but thanks anyway | 16:02 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: Did you ever create a xorg.conf file? | 16:02 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: or has one been created? | 16:02 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, yes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 16:02 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: Try moving that file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak and reboot | 16:03 |
OerHeks | Malgorath, thanks, just checking, and see pragmaticenigma; you might need to write a proper xorg.conf | 16:03 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, is my xorg.conf file | 16:04 |
pragmaticenigma | OerHeks: I'm wondering if the xorg.conf file is from an old profile, preventing xorg from auto setting up with multi monitors | 16:04 |
acemikoder | slm millet | 16:04 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, the xorg.conf has multiple monitors/screens setup and they work I just have no desktop on them | 16:04 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: newer versions of xorg do not require the xorg.conf file... x11 auto detectives and generates a profile on boot | 16:05 |
pragmaticenigma | *on each boot | 16:05 |
OerHeks | check systemsettings > devices> displays to see if you can enable it | 16:06 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: that's why I'm asking if moving the file to a back up, and rebooting estabilishes all the screens to be used | 16:06 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, I'll reboot in a sec, just had an update running | 16:07 |
Malgorath | OerHeks, it doesn't see the second GPU | 16:07 |
Malgorath | only shows 2 monitors not 3 | 16:07 |
pragmaticenigma | yikes... an update while troubleshooting | 16:08 |
pragmaticenigma | this may get interesting | 16:08 |
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Malgorath | Well now the monitor is off without the xorg.conf file pragmaticenigma | 16:12 |
pragmaticenigma | okay, now that we have a clean slate, we could open nvidia settings and see what it is detecting | 16:13 |
tianyi93 | NickServ tianyi93 zty199309. | 16:13 |
pragmaticenigma | tianyi93: you need to change your password now | 16:14 |
tianyi93 | NickServ tianyi93 zty199309. | 16:14 |
pragmaticenigma | tianyi93: you need to change your password now | 16:14 |
pragmaticenigma | tianyi93: NEVER identify to nickserv in channels... use the server channel | 16:14 |
Malgorath | or message the bot directly | 16:15 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: I'm sure that's what they're attempting to do... but missing the /msg part | 16:15 |
threadstack | tianyi93: Change your password. | 16:15 |
Malgorath | yeah | 16:15 |
OerHeks | read the manual properly > /msg (etc) | 16:15 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, so I just sudo nvidia-settings and it showing both cards | 16:16 |
leftyfb | lol | 16:16 |
OerHeks | nice, Malgorath | 16:16 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: that's a good sign, both cards are detected... check both cards to see if either has itself marked as inactive | 16:16 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, it shows the monitor hooked up to the 430 just disabled | 16:17 |
johnfg | Are mysql-server and mariadb-server the same? | 16:17 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: No | 16:18 |
johnfg | debian and ubuntu differentiate them then? | 16:18 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: so try to enable it? | 16:18 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: No | 16:18 |
teward | johnfg: they are two separate unique pieces of software | 16:18 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: Please do research elsewhere, this is a support channel | 16:18 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, just overwrite xorg.conf then and reboot? | 16:18 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: You should be fine, we backed up the original file when we moved it | 16:19 |
Malgorath | Well the screen is on now and the mouse is back but now I can't move a window between screens on the working desktop | 16:21 |
threadstack | Are the positions inverted? What happens if you move it the opposite way? | 16:22 |
OerHeks | maybe you can fix that is systemsettings, or gnome-tweak-tool ? | 16:22 |
Malgorath | its reading off screen as stuck on the edge and nothing in settings seems to fix this | 16:23 |
Malgorath | threadstack, its not backwards | 16:25 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, any other ideas? | 16:28 |
pragmaticenigma | I can't think of anything | 16:31 |
yavinenana | hi guys I've a problem with mi login user . When I try to login with user called jenkins . I see that root closed my connection inmediatly | 16:34 |
yavinenana | | 16:34 |
Malgorath | pragmaticenigma, I wonder if its as simple as starting the desktop on another screen but I can't even click or type on the black screen, just see the mouse running around | 16:34 |
yavinenana | this is auth.log | 16:34 |
pragmaticenigma | Malgorath: Seeing the black X means the monitor is working and X is displaying output... I don't know what could be preventing you from seeing your desktop extend out to that monitor... | 16:35 |
ioria | Malgorath, i'm a bit rusty in multi-monitors setup , but are you sure that gnome3 supports more than 2 monitors ? | 16:36 |
yavinenana | even I tray to give bash but the result is the same | 16:36 |
yavinenana | \join #linux | 16:37 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: Don't cross post | 16:37 |
Malgorath | ioria, it was till i rebooted after installing newest nvidia drivers, if i could I'd go back to the nouveu drivers but when i try I don't get anything | 16:37 |
ioria | Malgorath, you don't get anything with nouveau ? | 16:38 |
Malgorath | ioria, it worked the first time, but after reboot I am down to 2 desktops(can't move windows between the 2 monitors) and the other monitor works but nothing displays but the X for a mouse(no DM) | 16:40 |
ioria | Malgorath, reboot after installing nvidia ? | 16:40 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: If I'm reading the logs correctly... you can't do what you are attempting to do | 16:40 |
Malgorath | man times yes | 16:40 |
Malgorath | er many | 16:41 |
ioria | Malgorath, no, i mean stopped working after installing nvidia ? | 16:41 |
threadstack | Sounds like it was working before, when they had the nouveu driver[s] | 16:42 |
donofrio | is inxi getting bad weather data for anyone else or just me.... | 16:42 |
pragmaticenigma | donofrio: That is not an Ubuntu Support topic... please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 16:43 |
ioria | Malgorath, check Base Mosaic in nvidia-settings | 16:43 |
Malgorath | ioria, yes | 16:43 |
yavinenana | @pragmaticenigma | 16:43 |
yavinenana | mr pragmaticenigma | 16:43 |
yavinenana | when I try to login with command: $ sudo su - jenkins | 16:44 |
ioria | Malgorath, so, in the worst case switch back to nouveau | 16:44 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: yeah... you can't do that | 16:44 |
Malgorath | ioria, where would I find that setting at? | 16:45 |
yavinenana | but before I did that , even with my user ubuntu work fine | 16:46 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: try just "su - jenkins" | 16:46 |
yavinenana | | 16:46 |
ioria | Malgorath, (if still exists) | 16:47 |
yavinenana | I don'tput password to jenkins | 16:47 |
Malgorath | ioria, I have Xinerama there | 16:48 |
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yavinenana | and the user with who I try to login is in the group sudo (ubuntu have sudo) | 16:48 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: how was the jenkins user created | 16:48 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: first, this would be a lot less confusing if you didn't use "ubuntu" as your primary username | 16:49 |
tgm4883 | pragmaticenigma: that's the default username on many cloud installs IIRC | 16:49 |
ioria | Malgorath, and no Base Mosaic ? | 16:49 |
Malgorath | nope | 16:50 |
yavinenana | I try to login from user root , but the result is the same . THe user jenkins was created when I installed a dpkg to jenkins service , before I always login with the same way | 16:52 |
yavinenana | sudo su - jenkins but , something happened :( | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: what's the output of 'grep jenkins /etc/passwd' | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: also, why are you trying to switch to that user? | 16:54 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: what does "grep -i jenkins /etc/passwd" give you? | 16:54 |
yavinenana | ubuntu@jenkins-172-30-0-195:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep jenkins jenkins:x:112:116:Jenkins,,,:/var/lib/jenkins:/bin/bash | 16:54 |
yavinenana | soryr | 16:54 |
yavinenana | sorry | 16:54 |
yavinenana | jenkins:x:112:116:Jenkins,,,:/var/lib/jenkins:/bin/bash | 16:55 |
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EriC^^ | yavinenana: can you run "sudo grep jenkins /etc/shadow | cut -c9" ? | 16:57 |
yavinenana | tgm4883: because I 've some works that user jenkins run , like to crons or scripts ... or run playbooks (that's is why its important for me recover the login or know what happend) | 16:57 |
yavinenana | $ sudo grep jenkins /etc/shadow | cut -c9 | 16:58 |
yavinenana | output: $ * | 16:58 |
mantise | hi | 16:59 |
EriC^^ | yavinenana: hmm does "sudo -iu jenkins" work by any chance? | 17:00 |
mantise | im trying to open a port in my firewall. did sudo ufw allow port/tcp - anything wrong ? | 17:00 |
mantise | when i do status verbose, i get status inactive | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | mantise: you need to activate ufw first if you haven't | 17:01 |
lordcirth | mantise, if ufw isn't turned on, changing it won't do anything. And it's off by default | 17:01 |
lordcirth | So, are you sure you need to open the port, since it would be let through by default? | 17:02 |
yavinenana | $ sudo -iu jenkins | 17:02 |
yavinenana | killed | 17:02 |
EriC^^ | yavinenana: interesting | 17:02 |
mantise | oh i see. well i need to open a port for plex media server. its open thru my firewall now. but its still getting blocked :( | 17:02 |
yavinenana | me estas cargando boludo ¬¬ | 17:02 |
xamithan | You probably got a firewall on your router|gateway too | 17:02 |
xamithan | Offtopic for this chan though | 17:03 |
mantise | yea i know. my internet provider did open the port. so it shouldnt be the issue | 17:04 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: what version of ubuntu is this? | 17:04 |
mantise | i get this message: Fully accessible outside your network | 17:04 |
mantise | You can access this server from signed-in Plex apps or in a browser at ------ but after a minut, it gets blocked again | 17:04 |
yavinenana | Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS \n \l | 17:05 |
yavinenana | tgm4883: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS \n \l | 17:05 |
EriC^^ | yavinenana: try "sudo -s /bin/sh -u jenkins" | 17:05 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: thanks, let me try to reproduce this issue | 17:05 |
lordcirth | mantise, it works for 1 minute, then stops? | 17:05 |
EriC^^ | there was a guy lately who said when he logged in via bash he got "Killed" but sh worked, wonder if it's the same issue | 17:05 |
mantise | lordcirth, yes like something blocks it. its the remote access within plex media server. I just tought it was a firewall issue in ubuntu | 17:06 |
lordcirth | mantise, no normal firewall is going to stop 1 minute in. Check the service logs. | 17:07 |
mantise | lordcirth, ill try that :) | 17:09 |
yavinenana | <EriC^^>: ~$ sudo -s /bin/sh -u jenkins | 17:09 |
threadstack | mantise: This is a Plex problem. | 17:09 |
threadstack | | 17:09 |
OerHeks | oh, you must pay :-D | 17:10 |
OerHeks | go XBMC/Kodi | 17:10 |
threadstack | Precisely, every 1 minute of play? Second result on DDG. | 17:10 |
lordcirth | That makes much more sense, yes | 17:10 |
OerHeks | good find, threadstack | 17:11 |
threadstack | Just doing the nerd's work. =] | 17:11 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: where did you install jenkins from? | 17:15 |
EriC^^ | yavinenana: did it work? | 17:16 |
yavinenana | it doesnt work | 17:17 |
EriC^^ | ok | 17:17 |
yavinenana | tgm4883 : i installed from dpkg package | 17:17 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: where did you get that package? | 17:17 |
gambl0re | what do i do if my computer is basically frozen or extremely laggy | 17:17 |
yavinenana | this was created a user jenkins | 17:17 |
yavinenana | sure | 17:17 |
yavinenana | jenkins_2.7.4_all.deb | 17:17 |
yavinenana | this package | 17:18 |
gambl0re | i tried doing the whole alt+printScr REISUB stuff and its not working | 17:18 |
mantise | threadstack, ok :/ must be. because my internet provider opened the port. maybe it will take some time, before its updated tho | 17:18 |
gambl0re | ive tried alt+ctrl+f1. not working | 17:18 |
B1ack0p | hi there | 17:18 |
B1ack0p | i installed fingerprint-gui on my ThinkPad x201 laptop but it doesnt work on login screen | 17:18 |
B1ack0p | at the setting of fingerprint gui i am facing error as " Could not find UUID " after i setup fingers | 17:19 |
B1ack0p | how can i fix the error and activate fingerprint at login screen? | 17:19 |
threadstack | mantise, I think the account you've signed into the client with needs the Plex Pass to play videos for t > 1m | 17:19 |
OerHeks | gambl0re, do a hard reset and a memtest86 run | 17:20 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: did this work previously? | 17:20 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: do you have libpam-fprintd package installed? | 17:20 |
B1ack0p | TJ-: i installed fingerprint-gui | 17:20 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: it may depend on the package I mention, but you should check it is installed, and if so, if it is configured to be used by PAM | 17:21 |
yavinenana | tgm4883: before work fine , even I configured crones , run playbooks ansible ... all from jenkins user | 17:22 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: and then something changed, and you don't know what? | 17:22 |
B1ack0p | TJ-: it recognises the device and i setup my fingers but still it doesnt show up in login screen | 17:22 |
pragmaticenigma | yavinenana: the question was "where" did you get the package from | 17:22 |
B1ack0p | i configured already | 17:22 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: does it work for a TTY (text console) log-in? | 17:23 |
B1ack0p | is libpam-fprintd package different? | 17:23 |
OerHeks | B1ack0p, after installing, you need to logout/login again, then setup with the new session defaults | 17:23 |
B1ack0p | OerHeks: i already logged out/in even rebooted but still no | 17:23 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: it's the PAM that handles the device for log-in | 17:23 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: I'm unable to reproduce that issue on 16.04.6 with jenkins 2.7.4 | 17:24 |
B1ack0p | TJ-: i dont understand PAM | 17:24 |
yavinenana | may be a cron to did that , even jenkins system in browser | 17:24 |
yavinenana | work fine | 17:24 |
B1ack0p | there is "Test PAM service " in the configuration menu | 17:24 |
yavinenana | the problem only is in the login | 17:24 |
B1ack0p | sudo is marked | 17:24 |
threadstack | B1ack0p: | 17:25 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: PAM == Pluggable Authentication Modules,and it is used for all session/login authentication. If you want to use a fingerprint as the 'secret' then libpam_fprintd's module needs to installed AND configured in /etc/pam.d/ | 17:25 |
yavinenana | I see the crones that was configured for me and , i see anything like this were empty | 17:25 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: maybe something in your ansible config did it. But it doesn't happen on a default fresh install and if you don't know what you changed it would be difficult to figure this out without sinking a ton of time into it | 17:27 |
B1ack0p | it says "your fingerprints saved to /var/lib/fingerprint-gui/user | 17:27 |
yavinenana | tgm4883: how can I recover this user ? I should need to erase ir ? first ? | 17:28 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: no idea as I don't know what you did to break it | 17:28 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: check if the PAM module is enabled with "grep -rn fprint /etc/pam.d/" | 17:28 |
qwebirc18074 | hello | 17:28 |
B1ack0p | ~$ grep -rn fprint /etc/pam.d/ | 17:29 |
B1ack0p | /etc/pam.d/ | 17:29 |
B1ack0p | /etc/pam.d/gdm-fingerprint:22:password required | 17:29 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: that looks good | 17:29 |
qwebirc18074 | I downloaded the ubuntu terminal on a windows 10 OS and don't know how to access my home file directory | 17:29 |
B1ack0p | let me try again | 17:29 |
tgm4883 | yavinenana: you could try something like "machinectl login" or "machinectl shell" | 17:29 |
TJ- | B1ack0p: so the issue may be the display manager/greeter combination | 17:29 |
B1ack0p | ~$ fingerprint-gui | 17:30 |
B1ack0p | Gtk-Message: 20:29:53.657: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar" | 17:30 |
B1ack0p | Gtk-Message: 20:29:53.670: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" | 17:30 |
B1ack0p | TJ-: | 17:30 |
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yavinenana | tgm4883: ok , I'm going to try | 17:30 |
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OerHeks | !wsl | qwebirc18074 | 17:30 |
ubottu | qwebirc18074: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see | 17:30 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc18074: your drives are mounted in /mnt | 17:32 |
qwebirc18074 | so just do a cd /mnt/c/ | 17:33 |
qwebirc18074 | ? | 17:33 |
pragmaticenigma | qwebirc18074: Please see what ubottu said... WSL support is not available here | 17:33 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc18074: that would get you to your C drive yes | 17:33 |
B1ack0p | brb - reboot | 17:36 |
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Kon- | Just recieved kernel on Bionic but the updated linux-image-generic keeps getting kept back by apt. Have others had this as well? | 18:13 |
lotuspsychje | !info linux-image-generic bionic | 18:15 |
ubottu | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB | 18:15 |
Kon- | Interesting. -47 is in bionic-proposed | 18:16 |
lotuspsychje | Kon-: you run proposed for a specific reason? | 18:17 |
Kon- | !info linux-headers-4.15.0-47 | 18:17 |
ubottu | Package linux-headers-4.15.0-47 does not exist in bionic | 18:17 |
Kon- | Uh oh. I have this installed | 18:17 |
Kon- | !info linux-headers-4.15.0-46 | 18:18 |
ubottu | linux-headers-4.15.0-46 (source: linux): Header files related to Linux kernel version 4.15.0. In component main, is optional. Version 4.15.0-46.49 (bionic), package size 10731 kB, installed size 75368 kB | 18:18 |
pragmaticenigma | Kon-: Do you have a PPA enabled that may have supplied the unsupported kernel? | 18:18 |
Kon- | lotuspsychje: I thought bionic-proposed was just used for things coming down as updates. | 18:19 |
Kon- | As far as PPAs, the headers in question say the origin is the Ubuntu repos | 18:19 |
hggdh | Kon-: any -proposed pocket will have packages that have NOT yet been verified. They may work (probably/hopefully) or may kill thousands of kittens | 18:20 |
pragmaticenigma | Kon-: no, proposed is not used as a staging place for updates | 18:20 |
pragmaticenigma | proposed is more where contributors supply "proposed" package updates for consideration... they may or may not work, and may or may not be accepted | 18:21 |
leftyfb | Kon-: might I suggest the latest hwe kernel? | 18:22 |
anibic | I have tested with Nvidia 390 and 340 driver on Ubuntu 18.10 on my system having discreet Gtx 560 ti and onboard Radeon 3000. Installing both the drivers gives me a boot stuck scenario even before login screen appears. | 18:23 |
Kon- | leftyfb: Probably wouldn't hurt | 18:23 |
leftyfb | Kon-: sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 | 18:23 |
Kon- | I do now realize I have proposed in sources.list.d. But my GUI apt frontend says I'm marked to recieve some "pre-released updates," but not all. | 18:25 |
Kon- | How can I check this in apt in more detail? | 18:25 |
pragmaticenigma | anibic: Is this for a laptop? | 18:25 |
lotuspsychje | pragmaticenigma: his original issue was booting back to login, on nouveau | 18:26 |
leftyfb | Kon-: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 18:26 |
lotuspsychje | pragmaticenigma: then i adviced to try installing 390, wich seemly didnt work well | 18:27 |
anibic | My custom built PC (asrock 960 gc-gs fx, and fx 4300, 8gb ram and msi gtx n560ti hawk twin froze.) | 18:27 |
Kon- | leftyfb: proposed is not mentioned in that file | 18:27 |
Kon- | For reference, this is the only indication I have that anything from proposed is being pulled | 18:28 |
lotuspsychje | Kon-: try to pastebin, so volunteers can think along with you | 18:28 |
Kon- | Sure | 18:28 |
anibic | With Nouveau driver i was facing occasional log out from user. | 18:28 |
Kon- | | 18:29 |
leftyfb | Kon-: apt-cache policy linux-image- | 18:29 |
pragmaticenigma | nouveau wouldn't log you out anibic ... x-server was likely crashing and resetting | 18:29 |
anibic | lotuspsychje: You ruined my day yesterday. | 18:30 |
pragmaticenigma | anibic: please try to stay on topic... | 18:30 |
Kon- | leftyfb: I actually don't have that package available. The only -47 available is an unsigned image | 18:31 |
Kon- | But it did pull down the headers and headers-generic | 18:31 |
leftyfb | Kon-: I would just install the hew kernel and remove the 47 | 18:31 |
anibic | lotuspsychje , yesterday advice me to install nvidia 390 driver. | 18:31 |
lotuspsychje | anibic: we tested the 390 driver as you had problems on your system | 18:32 |
anibic | it's ok . i was joking. | 18:33 |
anibic | today I am reinstalling it over again also I have added a new SSHD to my system. | 18:34 |
anibic | So now I have a 1tb firecuda SSHD and an old 1tb Barracuda. | 18:35 |
anibic | I am installing 18.10 on the Firecuda. | 18:36 |
nicomachus | anibic: have you considered sticking with an LTS release like 18.04 to help stabilize the driver issues? | 18:36 |
opilab | nicomachus: when would you recommend not going lts? cases when you're using highly supported hardware like gtx 980s, intel i3/5/7 etc? | 18:39 |
OerHeks | i would use 18.04 + hwe, for much better hardware than gtx980 .. more like 2048 | 18:40 |
OerHeks | !hwe | 18:40 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 18:40 |
tgm4883 | LTS ftw, don't use test releases | 18:41 |
nicomachus | opilab: honestly, I never recommend non-LTS. | 18:41 |
lotuspsychje | opilab: non-lts is good for testing candidates, newer packages,.. | 18:41 |
lotuspsychje | opilab: or needed for newer hardware | 18:41 |
OerHeks | .. one is free to do so | 18:41 |
opilab | huh i see | 18:42 |
PigDude | Anybody here have experience troubleshooting webcam issues? I have a Logitech C920 that always works in Hangouts, intermittently works in Cheese, and never works in Skype... | 18:52 |
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OerHeks | in the skype snap ? | 18:53 |
PigDude | I installed Skype using some PPA of theirs (`deb [arch=amd64] stable main`), not Snap, should I try reinstalling with Snap? | 18:54 |
OerHeks | snap should work fine, no idea about their repo/version | 18:55 |
PigDude | hm OK, I've never used Snap to install anything, I'll take a look, thanks! | 18:55 |
OerHeks | snap 8.41 and repo/unstable the same | 18:56 |
OerHeks | | 18:56 |
OerHeks | i guess you have the stabe repo? | 18:57 |
PigDude | do you mean for Snap or the PPA? It looks like the PPA was the stable repo | 18:58 |
PigDude | `skypeforlinux` is (the package I just uninstalled) | 18:59 |
OerHeks | ppa | 18:59 |
stoned | how to set custom dns in ubuntu 18.04 (I want to use opendns or google dns servers) | 18:59 |
stoned | I tried to find /etc/resolv.conf and I can't find it | 19:00 |
PigDude | OerHeks, the snap version is working with my webcam! | 19:00 |
PigDude | I wonder what the difference was. I've always avoided Snap, will have to consider this in the future | 19:00 |
PigDude | thanks OerHeks ! | 19:00 |
OerHeks | PigDude, here it does, i have the logitech 720 | 19:01 |
OerHeks | have fun! | 19:01 |
pragmaticenigma | stoned: that is because in 18.04, /etc/resolv.conf is no longer used | 19:04 |
pragmaticenigma | stoned: /etc/network/interfaces ... entry with "dns-addresses," | 19:04 |
Kon- | leftyfb: I'm on the HWE kernel and it's fine, but I'm curious what the point of the Xorg HWE is. It seems even the version numbers are the same there | 19:07 |
oscar__ | hola | 19:07 |
PigDude | stoned, if you're using NetworkManager you can edit the interface's IPv4 settings (right click icon in try, "Edit Connections", select your connection, click the gear icon/button, click "IPv4 Settings" tab, update "DNS servers:" field). I believe you also have to change method to "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" for the interface | 19:08 |
PigDude | stoned, *icon in tray | 19:12 |
blackflow | pragmaticenigma: stoned: /etc/resolve.conf is very much used, it's just not a static file but dynamically created under /run and that's a symlink | 19:15 |
blackflow | every program using glibc will need a valid resolv.conf, be it a static file or a symlink, but it has to contain a "nameserve" entry | 19:15 |
blackflow | s/resolve/resolv/ | 19:16 |
blackflow | what pragmaticenigma probably meant was that by _default_, the configured stub resolver, systemd-resolved, wants you to define nameserver, search and other options elsewhere, in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf. | 19:17 |
Heisenbergg | Can I get help here on deja-dup? It's driving me nuts! | 19:18 |
pragmaticenigma | Heisenbergg: Please ask your question, if someone here is able, they will attempt to answer or direct you to a better resource | 19:19 |
Heisenbergg | Okay. I made a fresh new back up of my home folder yesterday. I set a password for the back-up as well. It all worked nicely and the data was backed-up. I even used duplicity verify, to verify the back-up, and it told me it was fine. Today a scheduled incremental back-up should take place. It asks for my password, and it doesn't accept it when I put it. I am certain it is the same password. I use it every where! This is not the first time this is | 19:22 |
Heisenbergg | happening. The Internet says the version of gpg could be important, but I have the latest version. | 19:22 |
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Heisenbergg | Ubuntu 18.04, gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.4, duplicity 0.7.17, deja-dup 37.0 | 19:24 |
Tenkawa | Anyone know of any good screensavers that could test out the gpu somewhat and look neat? xscreensaver is just kinda feeling aged | 19:24 |
pragmaticenigma | Tenkawa: This channel is dedicated to support topics only. Requests and polls for recommended software should be asked in #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:26 |
Tenkawa | pragmaticenigma: ok | 19:26 |
Tenkawa | fair enough | 19:26 |
Tenkawa | btw that should reallt be in /topic | 19:27 |
pragmaticenigma | it is | 19:27 |
=== Guest12138 is now known as Uncle_Joe_St | ||
Tenkawa | umm actually its not | 19:27 |
pragmaticenigma | right here: #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, 18.10 | 19:28 |
Tenkawa | nothing about other channels etc | 19:28 |
Tenkawa | just to be fair | 19:28 |
pragmaticenigma | Tenkawa: consider yourself now informed... please move on | 19:28 |
Sven_vB | is there an elegant way to re-define (parts of) the keyboard layout just for gnome-calculator? I'm running it with locale en_US but I use a german keyboard so my numpad's decimal point key produces the wrong character. | 19:31 |
Ool | Hi, I don't manage to launch a memtest86+ , because I don't have it in the grub menu. I thought it's about UEFI. is it possible ? | 19:31 |
pragmaticenigma | Sven_vB: I believe you can define the keyboard layout independent of the system locale... no? | 19:33 |
Ool | I think I have memory pb … but not sure | 19:33 |
pragmaticenigma | Ool: Are you on a live disk, or booting form the local drive? | 19:34 |
Ool | from HD | 19:34 |
phocking | hey im having a trouble with a service not starting after i used update-rc.d | 19:34 |
Ool | pragmaticenigma:you think the only way is to do it with a live(something) ? | 19:35 |
phocking | why would that be? how do i troubleshoot that? | 19:36 |
xamithan | Is that on 12.04 ? | 19:36 |
Sven_vB | pragmaticenigma, yes, they're independent. that's why the problem occurs: gnome-calculator expects "." but the keyboard layout has ",". that's intended in all other programs, so I wouldn't want to change the global system setting. | 19:37 |
pragmaticenigma | Sven_vB: sadly, I don't think there is a way to specify the keyboard layout by application | 19:38 |
Sven_vB | I thought of starting g-c in german but then when I copy/paste the numbers have the wrong format | 19:38 |
Sven_vB | pragmaticenigma, then maybe intercept and harmonize its input somehow? | 19:38 |
pragmaticenigma | Ool: It's possible that an update to grub lost track of it... or it somehow was removed from the system ... I know that it has always been included on the install image iso | 19:39 |
Sven_vB | or maybe should I just use another calculator program? any recommendations? | 19:40 |
pragmaticenigma | Sven_vB: really don't know... it's a usage case that I imagine is specific to your setup | 19:40 |
pragmaticenigma | Sven_vB: Or I'm just not understanding the exact issue | 19:41 |
Tenkawa | Ool: dpkg -l | grep memtest | 19:41 |
Tenkawa | does that show a package installed? | 19:41 |
pragmaticenigma | I've got to drop off for a while... hopefully another volunteer here can assist | 19:41 |
Tenkawa | or is this machine currently down? | 19:41 |
Sven_vB | pragmaticenigma, I know at least one other dev using en_US locale Ubuntu on a german computer with german keyboard. :) | 19:42 |
Tenkawa | Sven_vB: I used en on gb and fr kbs | 19:43 |
Tenkawa | granted its been years and years since I set it up | 19:43 |
Sven_vB | the problem seems to be the mismatch between the preferred number format and the keyboard layout. | 19:43 |
Tenkawa | you just have to do the mappings | 19:44 |
Sven_vB | Tenkawa, how do I "do the mappings" for one specific program? | 19:44 |
Tenkawa | Sven_vB: yeah its the same with uk numbers to usa numbers | 19:44 |
Ool | Tenkawa it was not installed, I install it, but no change | 19:44 |
Tenkawa | Ool: you have to update-grub | 19:45 |
Ool | yes | 19:45 |
Tenkawa | even after reboot its not in the list? | 19:45 |
Ool | yes | 19:45 |
Tenkawa | that is indeed odd.. | 19:45 |
Tenkawa | let me check something | 19:46 |
Ool | I have no dual boot not sure for UEFI it's a 18.04.2 | 19:46 |
Tenkawa | Sven_vB: there might be a mapping you can do but that will be window manager specific | 19:46 |
Sven_vB | Tenkawa, thanks, I'll investigate that | 19:47 |
Tenkawa | oh | 19:47 |
Tenkawa | memtest is a non gpl thing | 19:47 |
Tenkawa | ahhhh | 19:47 |
EriC^^ | Ool: you can download memtest online and run it | 19:48 |
Ool | it's not a bits problems ? I found a link, but closed it, and I don't find it again | 19:48 |
Tenkawa | OOL: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall memtest86+ | 19:48 |
Tenkawa | see if it grabs the whole routine again | 19:48 |
Tenkawa | I hope I never need to run that on here | 19:49 |
Tenkawa | 16g ram | 19:49 |
Ool | | 19:50 |
EriC^^ | Ool: | 19:50 |
Ool | Memtest86+ does not work in UEFI mode because it is a 16-bit program. | 19:50 |
Tenkawa | EriC^^: problem is getting it back into uefi | 19:50 |
EriC^^ | Tenkawa: what do you mean? | 19:50 |
Tenkawa | it disappeared apparently | 19:51 |
Ool | or it was never here (on this computer) | 19:51 |
EriC^^ | Ool: care to elaborate? | 19:51 |
Tenkawa | ahhh | 19:51 |
Tenkawa | I thought you said it was there at one time | 19:51 |
EriC^^ | Ool: are you running ubuntu right now on the PC? | 19:52 |
Tenkawa | my bad | 19:52 |
Ool | for the moment PC is down | 19:52 |
EriC^^ | Ool: what's the actual problem you're having? | 19:52 |
Ool | I thought RAM problem, I want to use memtest as usual, but it was not here, tomorrow I try with a live , but I would like to know if it's possible to add the memtest menu | 19:54 |
EriC^^ | Ool: for uefi usually memtest isnt in the grub menu, if you want to do a memtest download v8 from the website link above | 19:55 |
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EriC^^ | Ool: or just use a live usb + boot it in legacy mode | 19:56 |
Tenkawa | brb | 19:56 |
Ool | EriC^^: yes yes | 19:57 |
Ool | EriC^^: I hope , one of this day , it's possible to find a UEFI compatible version directly on ubuntu | 19:59 |
Ool | arf not it disco, it will be the same version§ion=all | 20:00 |
Ool | perhaps the next LTS | 20:00 |
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL | ||
ppf | chrome 70 does not detect my microphone | 20:09 |
ppf | it shows up in pavucontrol and other apps can use it | 20:09 |
ppf | what can i do? | 20:09 |
OerHeks | upgrade | 20:10 |
OerHeks | chrome is @ v73 | 20:10 |
Kon- | I can confirm memtest doesn't show up in grub-efi but I do have it on my grub-pc (legacy mode) Bionic install | 20:10 |
ppf | OerHeks: fair point, just a sec | 20:11 |
OerHeks | that means you have not upgraed for 3 months? sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # and reboot with a newer kernel, openssl and other nasty bits | 20:11 |
sonicwind | #ubuntu-discuss | 20:12 |
sonicwind | oops | 20:12 |
ppf | OerHeks: retrying. no difference | 20:13 |
lordcirth | ppf, you rebooted? | 20:13 |
ppf | my booted kernel is 4.18.0-16 | 20:13 |
ppf | full-upgrade installed fwupd fwupd-signed gnome-settings-daemon gnome-settings-daemon-schemas google-chrome-stable libfwupd2 qt5-assistant qttools5-dev-tools resolvconf | 20:13 |
ppf | nothing i'd associate with sound | 20:14 |
OerHeks | chrome stable, good | 20:14 |
ppf | so how do i configure microphone in chrome anyways? | 20:15 |
OerHeks | restart chrome, settings > advanced> content settings > microphone | 20:15 |
ppf | that's only about allowing and blocking access | 20:15 |
Heisenbergg | Now duplicity cannot verify my back-up either. | 20:16 |
OerHeks | ppf, if that does not solve, i have no clue | 20:17 |
phocking | hey i added something to rc.d | 20:17 |
ppf | so there's like no way to configure the audio device in chrome? | 20:17 |
phocking | but im not even seeing it try to run it in syslog | 20:17 |
phocking | other stuff starts | 20:17 |
phocking | am i missing something really simple because im dumb? | 20:17 |
ioria | ppf, correct me: it's application-case not general | 20:18 |
blackflow | phocking: rc.d? pastebin what you did, please | 20:18 |
ppf | ioria: yeah, it's not working in chrome | 20:19 |
ppf | mumble is fine | 20:19 |
ppf | games are fine | 20:19 |
phocking | i don't need a pastebin it was a one-line | 20:19 |
phocking | update-rc.d jira defaults | 20:19 |
ioria | ppf, under "Privacy and security," click Content settings -> Media -> Exception | 20:19 |
ppf | ioria: no media here | 20:20 |
blackflow | phocking: yeah but where did you put that. rcX.d is a dir that symlinks into init.d that expects full breed init scripts. | 20:20 |
phocking | there are scripts in rc.d and init.d and when i run what those call it comes up fine, but it isn't going in when it hits that runlevel whenever i kick the box over | 20:20 |
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phocking | blackflow: it has the init scripts already | 20:20 |
OerHeks | phocking, what ubuntu version? | 20:20 |
hansh | is there a bash command log for root on 18.04? | 20:20 |
phocking | i didn't make my own, it came with the package i installed | 20:20 |
hansh | after running `sudo su` ? | 20:21 |
blackflow | phocking: I have no idea what you're doing there, hence the pastebin which would explain everything: what you did, to which files. | 20:21 |
ioria | ppf, what you have in Content settings ? | 20:21 |
phocking | 18.04 | 20:21 |
phocking | blackflow: | 20:21 |
phocking | i did nothing to any files | 20:22 |
blackflow | phocking: unless you mean you enabled or disabled an init script? | 20:22 |
phocking | they are installed by default from the package | 20:22 |
phocking | yeah isnt that what update-rc.d does? | 20:22 |
blackflow | phocking: is there a systemd unit? that will be used if present, even if init.d script exists | 20:22 |
OerHeks | hansh, not in /var/log, but "sudo journalctl _COMM=sudo" could show history | 20:22 |
OerHeks | systemctl enable jira && systemctl start jira | 20:23 |
phocking | blackflow: how do i check that? when i look in /etc/systemd i just see basic stuff | 20:23 |
blackflow | phocking: ^^^^ | 20:23 |
ppf | ioria: like, everything? location, camera, microphon, notifications, javascript, ... sound, ... | 20:23 |
blackflow | phocking: what OerHeks said | 20:23 |
phocking | it says jira Default-Start contains no runlevels, aborting | 20:24 |
phocking | theres another file on the atlassian site that has runlevels i think | 20:24 |
phocking | i just didn't want to go dicking around with those files imo the package should just do it right :/ | 20:24 |
blackflow | phocking: okay which package is that btw? | 20:24 |
ioria | ppf, and manage Exception ? | 20:25 |
blackflow | phocking: a package on ubuntu that has a runnable service would have a valid systemd unit OR a valid init script (that's then converted by systemd on the fly with the generators). I want to look into the package and see what's going on, so which package is that? | 20:26 |
blackflow | the only jira thing I see are ruby and python clients. | 20:27 |
ppf | ioria: no | 20:27 |
phocking | blackflow: im looking rn | 20:27 |
blackflow | phocking: if that's a server suite, then you should be asking Atlassian for support. | 20:28 |
phocking | blackflow: i guess its not an ubuntu package but i manually installed it | 20:29 |
blackflow | phocking: ask Atlassian then. | 20:29 |
phocking | lol | 20:29 |
OerHeks | so you did not perform: systemctl enable jira && systemctl start jira | 20:29 |
ppf | OerHeks: does chrome show a dropdown menu in the content settings for you? | 20:29 |
ppf | because i have no such thing | 20:29 |
OerHeks | that error that you posted, is from that rc | 20:29 |
phocking | OerHeks: i did the first one, and it errored out | 20:30 |
blackflow | phocking: what's funny? if theer's a problem with running their suite, surely they should provide support? you're paying for the license anyway. | 20:30 |
phocking | blackflow: oh im not being snarky or anything, i just hate dealing with atlassian support and probably will bang my head against it more | 20:30 |
phocking | OerHeks: yeah that was update-rc.d error | 20:31 |
phocking | evidently systemctl invokes update-rc.d | 20:31 |
blackflow | phocking: thing is I'd suggest you to write a proper systemd unit for that, but I haven't seen the insides of the init script to tell you how exactly to do that | 20:31 |
phocking | i think imma try to update that rc script with something different and see if that makes it work | 20:31 |
OerHeks | oh, the do not give a systemd service file, silly software dudes.. but you can find the answer here, somewhere .. | 20:32 |
OerHeks | Lolz | 20:32 |
ppf | OerHeks: wtf it doesn't work in firefox either | 20:32 |
OerHeks | ppf, then is is a pavu contrrol issue? | 20:32 |
OerHeks | pulseaudio-module-jack maybe missing | 20:32 |
ppf | OerHeks: i mean, it looks that way, but how | 20:33 |
blackflow | phocking: look there's a service unit in that thread by Nic. see if that work. I'd totally recommend you to try and have a systemd unit if at all possible. | 20:33 |
blackflow | phocking: and don't forget to `systemctl daemon-reload` after you place the unit file in /etc/systemd/system/jira.service, and then `systemctl enable jira.service` `systemctl start jira.service` | 20:35 |
amazoniantoad | is there an osx emulator for ubuntu? Not virtualbox | 20:35 |
leftyfb | amazoniantoad: OSX is an OS. Not hardware that requires emulation. | 20:35 |
blackflow | and a UNIX no less! | 20:36 |
OerHeks | amazoniantoad, what have you found sofar? | 20:36 |
leftyfb | amazoniantoad: feel free to ask for support in #apple or #osx (not sure which exits) about running OSX in a virtual machine | 20:36 |
ppf | OerHeks: it was missing, but installing didn't change anything | 20:36 |
OerHeks | ppf, restart chrome i guess? | 20:37 |
ppf | i restarted the computer | 20:37 |
amazoniantoad | OerHeks, Something called Darling | 20:40 |
amazoniantoad | leftyfb, thanks | 20:40 |
siavash | hi | 20:44 |
amazoniantoad | hi | 20:45 |
ppf | apparently chrome isn't talking to pulse at all? | 20:45 |
philip__ | Olá | 20:46 |
ppf | ioria, OerHeks any additional thoughts? | 20:46 |
philip__ | I'm stay again | 20:46 |
ioria | ppf, nope, sy | 20:47 |
phocking | blackflow and OerHeks : thank you both so very much | 20:49 |
phocking | i got that shit fixed with your expert assistance | 20:49 |
OerHeks | phocking, have fun! | 20:49 |
phocking | oh heck yeah | 20:50 |
phocking | i'm having a blast | 20:50 |
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blackflow | phocking: I'd say "and consider gitlab instead" but that thing is yucky! | 20:50 |
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ppf | pacmd is showing different things than pavucontrol | 21:00 |
ash_worksi | can you split screen the "files" app? | 21:04 |
ash_worksi | like, you can have tabs | 21:05 |
tgm4883 | ash_worksi: you used to be able to do that, but I believe it was removed | 21:05 |
ash_worksi | I see | 21:05 |
tomreyn | ash_worksi: you can have two processes side by side, though, | 21:15 |
tomreyn | after opening the first, press ctrl-n or right click the panel icon and select 'new window'. drag and drop should work fine. | 21:16 |
Heisenbergg | Has anybody performed a successful back-up with encryption using deja-dup here? I would like to know what I'm missing. | 21:16 |
tomreyn | ash_worksi: ctrl-t actually adds a new tab. | 21:18 |
tomreyn | (on 18.04, that is) | 21:18 |
ash_worksi | tomreyn: yeah, I saw that, just thought it was slightly more convenient to have them side-by-side in 1 window | 21:22 |
ash_worksi | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 21:22 |
the_actor | Sup people, how is everyone! | 21:28 |
the_actor | I was wondering if anyone had info for the supported method of enabling a CGI diercotry for Apache in Ubuntu 18.4 LTS. Do I just add the info in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf? or is there a diffrent recommended place to put the args +Options +ExecCGI . . . ? | 21:32 |
the_actor | I know lots of diffrent setups will work, but I am trying to stick to the official way of doing things. | 21:32 |
Ben64 | probably in the config for the site | 21:32 |
the_actor | Ben64: You mean under each virtual host? | 21:33 |
ikanobori | the_actor: Preferably in the virtual host configuration for that specific domain which should be in /etc/apache2/sites-available and symlinked into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled | 21:33 |
ikanobori | If you are adding it to *all* virtual hosts then the file you mentioned is fine. | 21:33 |
the_actor | I see, so that would be a global change vs per virtual host? | 21:34 |
the_actor | Do I have to manually create a sym link or does the enable command do it for me? | 21:35 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: NEVER adjust apache2.conf file | 21:36 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: ok, I may have. | 21:36 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: What is the ideal setup? | 21:36 |
pragmaticenigma | use the folders conf-available, mods-available, sites-available to modify configurations... and the a2en* and a2dis* functions to turn them on and off | 21:37 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: one sec . . . let me double chech to tell you how and what I did. | 21:37 |
pragmaticenigma | in the mods-enabled, conf-enabled, sites-enabled are symlinks that point to their *-available namesakes... when the conf is enabled, it will be in the *-enabled folders | 21:38 |
pragmaticenigma | as a symlink | 21:38 |
pragmaticenigma | if I need to override a global setting... I place a configuration in conf-available that is set as the earliest alphanumeric value so it will load after the primary apache2.conf file has been parsed. There should be a brief set of documentation in apache2.conf explaining a lot of this and where to look for more information | 21:41 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: This is all I put in there. <Directory /home/steve/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> | 21:41 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: that should have gone in your sites-available folder | 21:42 |
ppf | OerHeks: so quick update: it appears pulse has picked the wrong default source | 21:42 |
ppf | and i can't seem to be able to change it | 21:42 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: oh, in the site's presonal config file? | 21:43 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: and that is the wrong syntax for options as well as permissions | 21:43 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: Well, I am all messed up then | 21:43 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: Do you have a link to a manual or something that sticks to the standard where I can learn what to do. | 21:44 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: just a side bar...please tell me that this is not accessible on the internet? | 21:45 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: yes it is, but it is a throw away system. just for learning | 21:45 |
the_actor | It is just a VM I set up to try to learn. | 21:46 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: Should I take it down? | 21:47 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: YES! | 21:47 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: while it might be "just for learning" ... your system is vulnerable, and a misconfiguration could mean it gets compromised and brought into a bot network or used for other purposes... it isn't the harm that it causes you, it's the potential harm it could cause others when your machine becomes an unwitting participant | 21:48 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: ok done | 21:48 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: while it might be "just for learning" ... your system is vulnerable, and a misconfiguration could mean it gets compromised and brought into a bot network or used for other purposes... it isn't the harm that it causes you, it's the potential harm it could cause others when your machine becomes an unwitting participant | 21:48 |
leftyfb | the_actor: by "accessible on the internet" pragmaticenigma means, can you get to this machine over the internet? Not does it have internet access | 21:49 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: I see, so where can I learn to start off right? | 21:49 |
leftyfb | the_actor: if it only has internet access but there's no ports forwarded to access it remotely, then you're fine | 21:49 |
the_actor | leftyfb: Hi, good to see you. | 21:51 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: I don't have a single resource off hand, a lot of it has come from the nearly 2 decades of managing systems... and I still learn new things, mostly through reading up on articles and instructions on server hardening | 21:52 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: It is very difficult to find a guide that sticks to the standards. Even the offical manuals can be vague. | 21:53 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: the first step is really learning this stuff in a safe environment, where the server isn't accessible on the open internet. don't forward or enable access to your server until you are certain you've done everything you possibly can to protect it | 21:54 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: the number one resource, | 21:54 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: Is there a diffrence in how Ubuntu manages or has the configs structured, or do all the distros pretty much stick to the standards? | 21:56 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: distros do their best to keep the documentation in sync to what is supported by the distro, sadly, documentation is almost always an after thought and most of it is offered as a convience | 21:57 |
the_actor | pragmaticenigma: Thanks | 21:57 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: This page shows how to setup personal sites for users: | 21:58 |
pragmaticenigma | the_actor: These commands would get you started: "sudo a2enmod userdir && sudo systemctl reload-or-restart apache2.service" | 22:01 |
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pragmaticenigma | the_actor: this page will help you with creating the appropriate options: | 22:03 |
opilab | is backing up my entire system with a gpg encrypted tar a good idea? does gpg have some file size limit? | 22:14 |
pragmaticenigma | opilab: what is the purpose of the backup? | 22:15 |
opilab | just a backup incase things go south with updates, config, etc | 22:16 |
everlite | Ciao a tutti :P | 22:16 |
pragmaticenigma | opilab: use a tool to back up your system. Something like Clonezilla... it can back up an entire disk, and encrypt it if you desire. Most of all, it will handle all those pieces for you, and verify that your back up is restorable | 22:17 |
opilab | pragmaticenigma: gotcha, feels safer to me too | 22:18 |
pragmaticenigma | opilab: one other thing to remember... write the password down, and store that in a safe place offline (in a safe, or lockbox) ... you *WILL* forget your password in the heat of the moment when you need to restore | 22:19 |
tomvolek | HI : I have few Ubuntu 18 behind home wireless router, bind9 fails to get started, why is this ? | 22:20 |
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BarrieButsers | Anyone know a good (free) android emulator for linux? Tried virtualbox with android vdi`s but they all s***k. Nothing works really. | 22:23 |
pragmaticenigma | BarrieButsers: this channel focuses on providing support for Ubuntu. For software recommendations and polling, please use #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:23 |
pragmaticenigma | tomvolek: what do you need bind9 for? | 22:23 |
Ool | tomvolek: systemctl status bind9 , journalctl -xe , and check your log perhaps in /var/log/syslog /var/log/named/* | 22:24 |
tomvolek | pragmaticenigma: I am setting up kuberneetes on three nodes, and I found out the reason kubernetees doest come up on reboot is because bind is down... | 22:24 |
OerHeks | BarrieButsers, there is anbox, and android studio | 22:25 |
OerHeks | | 22:25 |
tomvolek | on teh host resolve.conf i see the ISP IP for DNS , I have added my three host Ips to the /etc/hosts files of each server behind the home wiresless router . | 22:26 |
opilab | OerHeks: anbox looks real neat, never seen that before | 22:26 |
tomvolek | I can ping my servers from each other and form my mac laptop , i have asked the wiress router to issue teh same Ip to each server after reboot based on their MAC Id | 22:27 |
BarrieButsers | OerHeks: ok, i`ll give that a try. | 22:27 |
BarrieButsers | pragmaticenigma: ok, thanks for the info | 22:27 |
tomvolek | Ool : systemctl status bind9 shows : loading configuration: failure | 22:28 |
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pragmaticenigma | tomvolek: that would indicate you have something configured wrong in your config setup for bind9 | 22:29 |
Ool | but did you sure you need it ? if you use the /etc/hosts file | 22:29 |
tomvolek | Ool , exactly I thought host file will overwrite resovle.conf, but it seems like kubernetes uses bind to find the host server name/ip | 22:30 |
tomvolek | pragmaticenigma : where would I look ? where is the bind config file ? :) | 22:31 |
Ool | where did you install bind ? are you sure it's not working if you desinstall it ? | 22:33 |
Ool | to use bind you need to read docs | 22:34 |
tomvolek | Ool: this is new ubuntu 18 install, i dont recall i installed it individually , doesnt get installed by default ? | 22:34 |
tomvolek | I am reading on that .. looking at /etc/bind | 22:35 |
Ool | a DNS server ? | 22:35 |
Ool | by default | 22:35 |
Ool | no | 22:35 |
tomvolek | ya, I thought so, so I am not sure how it got installed, but as I mentioned it seems like Kuberneets is using bind or needs a DNS server, I am researching it at the moment. | 22:36 |
OerHeks | install bind9 bind9utils and | 22:37 |
tomvolek | Thanks Oresrian I was reading it .. | 22:38 |
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