
studio-user804hey guys, just reinstalled ubuntu studio fresh, and am getting errors with setting up the audio, jack server cannot connect and wont run...any suggestions where to start?16:33
Eickmeyerstudio-user804: Which version of Ubuntu Studio?16:33
studio-user804latest let me check16:33
studio-user804sorry I am new at this, under the system information tab I cannot find the version16:36
Eickmeyerstudio-user804: Okay, open a terminal and type "lsb_release -a".16:36
studio-user804ok it says no lsb are available Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS release 18.04 bionic16:39
EickmeyerThat's fine. Was looking for the 18.04. FYI, that's not latest, but it's the LTS, which is still supported.16:39
EickmeyerYou will want to add the Backports PPA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA16:40
EickmeyerAdding that, and using the version of Ubuntu Studio Controls included, will make your life much easier with Jack.16:40
studio-user804thanks, but how do I add that PPA?16:42
EickmeyerFollow the instructions in that link.16:42
studio-user804Thanks will do :)16:43
Eickmeyerstudio-user804: Once that's done, learn about Ubuntu Studio Controls here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls16:44
studio-user804:( still no go installing that PPA, error reading that address and service is unavailable16:47
EickmeyerAre you running those commands in a terminal window?16:47
studio-user804yes with sudo16:47
EickmeyerCan you post a paste of the terminal output in paste.ubuntu.com ?16:49
studio-user804will do just a sec16:49
studio-user804here is the paste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kPrmPwbjw6/16:51
EickmeyerUhoh... keyserver might be down.16:53
EickmeyerTry typing: sudo apt-key adv -vv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80/ --recv-keys 1220A5ECBA1FE99F04CBF741F596CF7036BBAA6D16:53
studio-user804I tried that https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BXx4mJymgp/16:55
EickmeyerOkay. type: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntustudio-ppa/backports16:56
EickmeyerThen add it again: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntustudio-ppa/backports16:59
studio-user804seeing that I am starting  afresh, could you maybe route me to the latest 32bit version, I had installed the 64bit but that clashed with my studio work and could not get Wine to work with my VSTi's, the 32 bit versions work 100% exept I cannot get Jack to work now16:59
Eickmeyerstudio-user804: If you follow the instructions I'm giving you, it will give you an application that bridges 32-bit VSTs to 64-bit systems.17:00
studio-user804so should I just reinstall 64bit and start frfom scratch?17:01
Eickmeyerstudio-user804: I don't think that will help you.17:01
studio-user804I shall wait a while then and try to install that PPA later when the server is up17:02
EickmeyerYou need to remove it first, otherwise you'll have zero luck with that. Hence, I instructed that.17:03
EickmeyerBasically, the gpg key process didn't complete, so the PPA is stuck in your sources list without a matching GPG key.17:03
EickmeyerYes. sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntustdio-ppa/backports17:04
EickmeyerThat will remove it.17:04
EickmeyerThen we need to try adding it again.17:04
EickmeyerI just tried adding it on my system, and it went fine.17:04
EickmeyerSo, that means the keyserver is back.17:04
studio-user804:) ok, didnt know that17:04
studio-user804fantastic, I got the PPA and its busy with upgrade now, do I need to reboot the system once its done?17:09
Eickmeyerstudio-user804: Should be no need. While you're in the terminal, type "sudo apt install carla carla-bridge-linux32 carla-bridge-linux64 carla bridge win32 carla-bridge-wine32" That will give you a plugin host.17:14
EickmeyerThen un Ubuntu Studio Controls.17:14
Eickmeyerstudio-user250: Welcome back.17:18
studio-user250AH MAN, still have the same problem, on startup I get  a system program error and a request to report it, I report it, but I cannot tell what the error is. I started Jack and still have the same issue https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7v55V8crBh/17:22
Eickmeyerstudio-user250: how are you starting Jack?17:23
EickmeyerWe no longer support starting Jack with qjackctl as it makes it too complicated. Please use Ubuntu Studio Controls for starting Jack.17:24
studio-user250With QjackCtl left top blue icon dropdown17:25
Eickmeyerstudio-user250: Don't use QJackCtl.17:25
EickmeyerUse Ubuntu Studio Controls.17:26
studio-user250where do I find the studio controls?17:26
EickmeyerRead this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls17:27
studio-user250Thank you Eickmeyer, seems fine now, last question, is it safe to use Patchage as a GUI for connections?17:34
Eickmeyerstudio-user250: Yes, but we recommend Carla as it's much more fully-featured.17:35
studio-user250is it available on the software centre or as an additional download?17:36
Eickmeyerstudio-user250: It's easily installable with Ubuntu Studio Installer, or type  "sudo apt install carla carla-bridge-linux32 carla-bridge-linux64 carla bridge win32 carla-bridge-wine32" in a terminal.17:38
EickmeyerThat will give you Carla plus the wine bridges.17:38
studio-user250Thanks a million bud :)17:38
EickmeyerYou're welcome. :)17:38

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