
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
lordievaderGood morning07:07
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:25
Th3Mafia1What's a good label printing program for KDE? I know about glables but I don't want to install that because of the gnome dependencies09:58
OerHeksopenoffice gives tons of label/businesscard/cdlabels and such10:23
OerHeksor libreoffice, whatever you like best10:24
m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to use clang7, but it only seems to be using clang6 (at least it's where the symlinks in /usr/bin point to)...how can clang++ point to clang++-7?10:48
tomreynm_tadeu: probably using update-alternatives12:06
nicholasthanmy hard drive report shows some bad sectors, can i do something about it or it is permanent?13:03
BluesKajnicholasthan, install smartmontools and use that to check your disks for bad sectors13:07
BluesKajand then one can have the bad sectors marked for avoidance13:09
OerHeksbad sectors grow, so replace ASAP13:48
=== rajesh is now known as Guest73925
IrcsomeBot1Naqi Bala was added by: Naqi Bala19:05
joshaye guys i have a problem, i installed kubuntu on a seperate drive than windows 10, and i dont have the boot option for windows 10 anymore21:55
ghorpapihello, I am using KDE desktop environment on top of Xubuntu OS. Is this okay or you would recommend me to do a clean install of Kubuntu instead? I installed Xubuntu initially because it's lightweight but I eventually needed more softwares that mostly required KDE features (e.g., Okular among others).22:26
ghorpapiXubuntu also had issues with my NVIDIA 1070Ti drivers22:27
ghorpapiI had screen tear and pixelated screens, hung up desktop after recovering from suspend etc.22:27
ghorpapiThose are gone after I installed KDE desktop in Xubuntu except the pixelated icons after wakeup sometimes. I can bear with that but if there won't be any problem making a fresh clean install of Kubuntu, I might go for it as well although I won't like to as it takes lot of setup time to make my computer feel home again22:29
=== bill is now known as Guest30121
=== bill_ is now known as sussedu
isomarigreetings, Is there a cosmic repo for libreoffice 1.6.2 ?23:12
valorie!info libreoffice23:25
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 (bionic), package size 11 kB, installed size 102 kB23:25
valorie!info libreoffice cosmic23:26
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:6.1.5-0ubuntu0.18.10.1 (cosmic), package size 12 kB, installed size 109 kB23:26
valorieisomari: ^^^23:26

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