
cjwatsonmwhudson: --force-same-destination --include-binaries00:01
mwhudsoncjwatson: oh!00:01
cjwatsonyou otherwise remember the trick correctly00:01
* mwhudson reads gud00:01
mwhudsonah i need to wait for at least one binary to be published it seems00:04
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soupdiverThe build of my package, "randomly" stopped working. It complains it can't fine the GPG to verify the repository. However, I have no idea where this key suddenly comes from. Locally a different key is shown for signing and my profile also refers to the correct key but the build machine is using a different one. Any help is welcomed. Buildlog: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/415216201/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-amd64.dev_0.0.18_BUILD06:12
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soupdiver"Keyserver maintenance in progress" ah I guess this could correlate with my problem06:17
Chipacamorning! I asked a team with a ppa to enable s390x and ppc64el, and they told me that «I tried to enable these in https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ubuntu/candidate but got mysterious errors after triggering builds. The build pages just say “Failed to build” with no build log.»09:16
acheronukstill issues today?09:18
wgrantWe've recovered the bad keyserver's database and its keys should hopefully be replicating out now09:21
acheronukwgrant: so PPA upload acceptance can still take ages?09:22
wgrantacheronuk: It's not that it takes ages. It's that some keys are unavailable so verification fails.09:23
wgrantBut we'll reprocess the failed uploads when the keys are restored.09:23
acheronukI see. ok. thanks09:23
acheronukI shall resort to pbuilder for now :D09:25
acheronukwgrant: does the same go for uploads to main archive? I assume so?09:28
wgrantacheronuk: Yes09:28
wgrantIt's a problem with keyserver.ubuntu.com, which is where Launchpad gets its keys09:28
acheronukI figured so, but had to check in case there was some cache or other difference09:31
acheronuknot a problem ATM09:31
cjwatsonThere is a small amount of caching, but mostly not enough to be actually helpful09:31
cjwatsonChipaca: The builds were taken out by the keyserver outage.  I've retried them and they seem happier now.09:37
Chipacacjwatson: aha! thanks09:37
ChipacaI'll let them know09:37
sil2100Hello! Apologies for that, but I have a bunch of requests to change the mirror branch URLs for some of our projects...09:46
cjwatsonsil2100: Sure, just drop them in a paste09:46
sil2100Some time ago I actually asked them to be changed to the current ones, but now we have to change those back ;/09:46
sil2100On it!09:47
sil2100(since we have upload permissions to the original branches now)09:47
cjwatsonRight, I saw that chatter in #snappy or wherever it was and thought you'd be knocking on our door soon09:49
sil2100Sorry for the wait, got distracted again, here's the branches needing switching to snapcore again:09:57
sil2100cjwatson: thank you!09:58
cjwatsonsil2100: all done10:01
sil2100cjwatson: thanks again!10:16
acheronuk502 Proxy Error on downloading files ATM11:10
cjwatsonacheronuk: How long before you asked that here?  There were alerts for about 20 minutes, but they cleared five minutes before you asked here.11:14
cjwatsonApparently mainly just Swift being busy due to rebalancing11:14
acheronukcjwatson: not long, and also failed on some retries AFTER I asked here11:20
acheronukit now works11:20
cjwatsonI've retried the package builds that failed with "Chroot problem" for the last couple of days.11:26
cjwatsonHm, still some.11:27
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seb128hum, just got an upload rejected12:50
seb128Unhandled exception processing upload: HTTP Error 502: Proxy Error12:50
cjwatsonYeah, see #launchpad-ops / #is-outage12:54
cjwatsonSwift pain12:54
seb128k, thx, I mentioned it because I though that was earlier/resolved, seems not I just saw the new topic change12:55
cjwatsonWell it has nothing to do with the keyserver stuff12:56
cjwatsonBut yeah, seems to be an unexpected consequence of PS4 Swift maint12:56
acheronukso PPA uploads still not appearing. is that keyserver now, or the other thing?13:04
cjwatsonacheronuk: Specific search terms please?13:08
cjwatsonLike package names or something13:08
acheronukcjwatson: zanshin_0.5.0-2build1~ubuntu19.04~ppa1 kjots_5.0.2-1ubuntu3~ubuntu19.0413:11
cjwatsonI don't see either of those in logs at all ...13:12
cjwatsonWhen were they uploaded?13:12
cjwatsonOh, process-upload is also super-slow right now because it has to talk to the librarian and the librarian is timing out13:14
cjwatsonThe last run started around half an hour ago; it's typically much quicker13:14
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Keyserver unstable | Librarian unstable | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
acheronukcjwatson: 12:52 or less than a min after for zanshin13:15
acheronukok, so hit by that delay13:16
cjwatsonRight, so it hasn't got to that yet, due to the Swift/librarian trouble13:16
cjwatsonSysadmins are working on it13:16
acheronukfair enough. just thought better query in case you though PPA upload were fixed, and it turned out not13:17
acheronukI can wait :)13:17
cjwatsonacheronuk: Those two just processed13:23
acheronukcjwatson: great. :)13:24
* acheronuk sees the emails13:24
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Librarian unstable | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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Ant_222Hello, all. I have created a project with a Git repository, but see no easy way for a casual unregistered user to download my sources. Requiring that he install a Git client is an unjustified overhead. Can I setup my project so that an archive with the latest sources is always available?19:37
cjwatsonAnt_222: Rather than answer in both places, I'll answer on answers.launchpad.net19:45
cjwatsonAnt_222: Er, I mean on launchpad-users@19:46
Ant_222cjwatson: Oh, I didn't know my question had made it there.20:10
Ant_222Found your answer in the archive, should a Gmane problem.20:12
Ant_222Thank you, and good bye.20:12
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