
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Friday!07:59
marcustomlinsonGood morning :)07:59
dufluMorning oSoMoN, marcustomlinson and seb128?08:00
oSoMoNhey marcustomlinson, duflu08:01
jibelHi all08:03
oSoMoNsalut jibel08:03
dufluHi jibel08:13
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke08:21
dufluHi willcooke08:22
willcookeHappy Friday!08:26
* willcooke checks calendar08:26
seb128lut oSoMoN08:39
seb128& jibel08:39
seb128hey duflu willcooke marcustomlinson08:39
oSoMoNsalut seb12808:39
seb128happy friday desktopers!08:39
marcustomlinsonHa! Happy Friday indeed08:41
willcookehi seb128 marcustomlinson08:46
marcustomlinsonmorning willcooke08:47
* Laney nods09:02
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!09:05
Laneyhey seb128, happy friday to you :>09:09
oSoMoNmorning Laney09:14
dufluMorning Laney09:15
seb128changing location, bbiab09:25
jibelThe issue with spotify happened again. When I launch the snap there is no window decorations, I've to resize the window to make them appear09:26
jibelI've this message in the logs09:26
jibelmars 15 10:23:28 sark org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4668]: Window manager warning: Treating resize request of legacy application 0x4200001 as a fullscreen request09:26
seb128best to open a bug specifying the session( wayland or xorg), the screen resolution you use and maybe a screenshot showing how spotify is placed/looking09:35
seb128bug on gnome-shell09:35
seb128andyrock, hey09:49
seb128andyrock, you need a FFe bug for the indicator, can you open one?09:49
jibelseb128, I reported bug 1820230 with a test case. Nothing critical but annoying09:50
ubot5bug 1820230 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "spotify (snap) starts in fullscreen without windows decorations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182023009:50
seb128jibel, thx, and indeed, that's the sort of annoyance we should try to get rid of09:51
dufluOh dear. Too easy for me to confuse ~/git/mutter/clutter/clutter for ~/git/clutter/clutter10:05
dufluThat wasted some time10:05
seb128duflu, btw sounds like about time you think about the w.e :)10:10
seb128jbicha, is there any reason you didn't sync you geary update to disco?10:20
seb128duflu, I think your comment on bug #1819890 and I can confirm the issue10:33
ubot5bug 1819890 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Restarting gnome-shell displays images of applications running on other workspaces" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181989010:33
seb128if you open e.g gedit on workspace 1, nautilus on 2, evince on 3, go to 3, do 'r' you end up on 3 with evince but with ghost rendering of e.g nautilus10:34
seb128switching workspaces nautilus is still on 2 as expected and gedit on 1, so it does remember where things are10:34
seb128and that wipe the 'ghost' apps10:34
seb128anyway, not an important bug10:35
seb128but still one10:35
dufluseb128, OK thanks. I thought it might be a new form of bug 1181666 but maybe not10:36
ubot5bug 1181666 in GNOME Shell "gnome-shell randomly blocks mouse clicks from working in app windows" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118166610:36
seb128willcooke, oh, re your slider comment from yesterday in the sound panel; I didn't check the code but my guess would be that it's expecting10:45
seb128when you enable the boost you get a legend/mark10:45
seb128and it's probably another widget/variant and the arrow helps to see on the scale value10:45
willcookeseb128, ah yeah.  I did wonder if that was the case.  If feels a bit arbitrary to me, but it's not a big deal10:50
willcookethe transition between the two is pretty cool10:50
willcooketoday's pulseaudio oddness:  why isnt spotify making any noises, but I can hear everything else.....10:50
seb128is the volume for that stream to 0 in settings?10:51
willcookejust poking around in pavucontrol :)10:51
seb128poke around the default tools!10:52
willcookeyeah, seems the stream was muted10:52
willcookeI wonder why10:52
seb128does spotify has a sound control? maybe you did it inapp?10:53
willcookeI'll see if I can recreate it10:53
willcookeno buggy10:53
willcookeit *is* buggy10:53
seb128is launchpad/librarian slow for others as well?10:59
seb128shrug, launchpad :/11:00
acheronukcan't even download a .dsc (502 Proxy Error)11:12
jbichaseb128: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/geary/issues/260 and https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19545511:15
ubot5bugs.webkit.org bug 195455 in WebKitGTK "REGRESSION [GTK] 2.23.92 ppc64el and s390x crashes" [Normal,New]11:15
gitbotGNOME issue 260 in geary "0.13 fails to build on s390x" [1. Crash, Client, Opened]11:15
seb128jbicha, that's impact .1 but not .0?11:15
jbichathe webkit issue might be because we switched dh to use cmake+ninja but I haven't had the time to do the rebuilds and re-tests11:15
jbicha.0 built on ppc64el at the time, .1 had a regression fixed in .2 but then webkit broke ppc64el again11:16
seb128k, sounds like there is a reason, I just wanted to check it's not an overlook, thx :)11:16
jbichaeither way, we need to do something about s390x or it will still be stuck in disco-proposed11:16
jbichaI'm kinda hoping xnox would help with geary/s390x since he synced geary 0.13.0-1 :) :)11:17
andyrockseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/182025911:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1820259 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add a indicator to show the status of Livepatch" [Medium,New]11:42
seb128andyrock, hey, thx!11:42
seb128Trevinho, did you see my ping from the other day to include https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes/+merge/362923 in https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3641 ?11:52
Trevinhoseb128: ah, I saw it... I forgot the tab open somewhere though :(12:29
seb128Trevinho, no worry :)12:29
xnoxjbicha, heh, well i synced it in because of amd64, cause i thought all my mail issues could be fixed now, but it didn't.12:32
xnoxseb128, jbicha - neither ppc64le nor s390x are web-browser supportable arches. And so far it has been out of scope for me to look into. Nor there was any progress when we asked ibm to help.12:32
seb128xnox, we should probably just nuke things from those arches then...12:53
willcookexnox, btw I pinned your java post on the hub for the next two weeks, so it will always appear at the top (users can dismiss it locally if they wish)13:34
xnoxwillcooke, nice.... i still don't have powers to edit the foundations section post.13:38
xnoxwillcooke, i like the desktop team updates there, by the way.13:38
willcookesec, maybe I can do that13:38
xnoxpopey, i wonder why it's discourse.ubuntu.com, and not like the rest of them: community.monzo.com, community.freetrade.io, etc. surely community.ubuntu.com sounds nicer and more human =)13:39
willcookexnox, seems I'm a mere moderator, so I cant13:40
willcookexnox, it *was* community.u.c but it was decided that it should be changed13:40
willcookepopey, could you make xnox a moderator of the Foundations category13:41
popeyon it13:56
willcookethx popey14:00
seb128Laney, can you help me with a stupid autopkgtest question14:01
Trevinhoseb128: in the mean time, libunity still fails https://launchpadlibrarian.net/415258488/buildlog_ubuntu-disco-amd64.libunity_7.1.4+19.04.20190315.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz14:01
seb128ipset (6.38-1 to 7.1-0ubuntu1)14:02
seb128autopkgtest for firewalld/0.6.3-4: amd64: Regression ♻14:02
seb128Laney, how do I tell it to try with the proposed version of firewalld?14:02
seb128I've a feeling it's a firewall/0.6.3-5ubuntu1 to add with a keyboard to the url14:02
seb128but I can't never rememner how exactly14:03
popeyxnox: in theory you're now a mod14:03
* seb128 is reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/AutopkgtestInfrastructure#Bug_reporting 14:04
seb128I could do all-proposed but that's not really what I want14:04
Laneyseb128: locally?14:29
seb128Laney, no, archive14:29
Laneyok, then https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#How_to_re-run_autopkgtests_with_dependencies_on_other_packages_in_the_proposed_pocket14:29
seb128thx, I was onthe wikipage :/14:30
seb128I knew it was somewhere14:30
seb128bah, wrong tab closing :p14:31
seb128let's see how that goes14:32
seb128Laney, unsure if that's an easy one or something you would prefer someone non desktop to review, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/1820259 ?16:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1820259 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add a indicator to show the status of Livepatch" [Medium,New]16:37
seb128it should be a no-op for disco16:37
seb128but we need it to start the bionic SRU process16:37
Laneyis it urgent?16:43
LaneyI have it in the email queue but wasn't going to look at those right away16:43
seb128Laney, I guess not, I wanted to review/merge that today to have it off my list but next week is ok16:46
seb128it's more my personal mental problem to want to clear my todo before the w.e :p16:46
seb128bah, I'm down an hole with firewalld16:47
seb128so the remaining issue is an iptables one16:47
seb128which is fixed upstream but require changes from libnftnl16:47
seb128which aren't in any release16:47
seb128I don't feel like I understand iptables enough to start backporting unreleased new features16:48
seb128I'm going to dump what I know in a bug16:48
seb128Laney, wdty about skipping the firewalld failure? the other issues are resolved16:48
seb128I should probalby mention that on -devel16:49
seb128Laney, details on #ubuntu-devel, it's not especially for you though I would still welcome your opinion on skipping the firewalld results to unblock pygobject/nm/gtk17:02
Laneyit'd probably make sense, let me finish this fix then I can be at your service :>17:02
seb128ignore the ffe for today17:05
seb128next week is fine17:05
oSoMoNI'm calling it a day, have a great week-end everyone!17:22
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
Laneythere we go17:41
Laneynow you can see GNOME on Xorg again /o\17:41
willcookenight all17:49
willcookehappy weekend17:49
seb128back, sorry dropped offline for a bit I think17:56
seb128have a good w.e desktopers18:13
seb128Trevinho, ricotz, hum, I don't understand the new commit thing on https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/364120:11
seb128but the ppa build failed20:11
seb128protocol-scope-interface.vala:134.7-134.46: error: Synchronous out-parameters are not supported in async methods20:12
seb128      out HashTable<string, Variant> out_hints,20:12
seb128ricotz, seems that's not addressed in https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes/+merge/362923 ?20:12
ricotzseb128, hmm, the fix for this error is literally the first hunk of the merge20:24
seb128ok, so maybe that has to do with the missing commit thing20:25
seb128which I don't understand20:25
ricotzthere are two commit in this merge20:25
seb128well the mp was added today20:25
seb128which is a commit not considered?20:25
ricotzsee "Unmerged revisions"20:25
seb128but why did it not merge those?20:27
ricotzhow would I know the answer to that ;)20:27
seb128I was asking in case20:28
seb128Trevinho might know20:28
seb128maybe it has to do with the revisions approved in the mp20:28
ricotzno idea what is happening behind the scenes there20:31
ricotzthe package changelog says "disco/libunity: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes"20:33
seb128ricotz, k, I've a guess that it's because the mp was not approved, I did that now and retried a build20:35
seb128ricotz, thx for responding, sorry for pinging you about infra things20:35
ricotznp, I am hoping this eventually works out20:38
seb128ricotz, Trevinho, k, it failed again but the new log is more useful, the first mp failed to commit due to a lack of commit message in the mp (I'm pretty sure that used to error out with a clear message on the web service side?), I added one and retry20:58
seb128ricotz, can you write a commit message that makes sense for a package upload for yours? it's used for the changelog20:58
seb128I changed it because 'This is WIP and should be picked up by someone knowing more about reverse-dependencies.' is not something that gives confidence in an upload20:59
tjaaltonshould the gtk scrollbar be fully visible on disco?21:48

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