
qwebirc38896I need help00:41
black_13what is a good irc group to ask basicnorking questions of00:42
Bashing-om!ask | qwebirc3889600:43
ubottuqwebirc38896: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:43
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:44
OerHeksnor sure what norking is00:44
qwebirc38896Who can help me00:44
black_13OerHeks: its what a mommy and daddy do when the the really like one another00:44
qwebirc38896I'm in the installation process and I have just booted up Linux through my USB , I would like do download it on my USB and download it on my laptop because the laptop I'm using is my sisters and I don't want it to effect any of her files. For the installation type , do o select install Ubuntu alongside windows 7 ,  or00:46
qwebirc38896Something else00:46
OerHeksqwebirc38896, create some free space from within windows 7, and choose alongside in the installer00:47
qwebirc38896How do you do that ?00:48
OerHekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoResizeWindowsPartitions#Windows_Disk_Management --- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot00:50
qwebirc38896Thank you00:50
qwebirc47824 I'm in the installation process and I have just booted up Linux through my USB , I would like do download it on my USB and download it on my laptop because the laptop I'm using is my sisters and I don't want it to effect any of her files. For the installation type , do o select install Ubuntu alongside windows 7 ,  or something else01:05
jcb2016hello im trying to install the latest version of weechat 2.3 but ubuntu only has 1.9 i tried to install the backport but that is a low version also. what do i do to fix this?01:07
qwebirc47824I'm in the installation process of installing Ubuntu , I have booted up ubuntu from the USB that Im installing it on , since this is my sister computer how which instellation type do I use ? Something else or install Ubuntu alongside windows 7 ? I since my sister is letting me use her laptop , I don't wanna errase any of her files as well01:08
OerHeksjcb2016, beta dingo will have 2.4 , and supported cosmic 2.2 https://launchpad.net/weechat/+packages01:18
OerHeksso, build yourself if you *need * a newer, i see no ppa01:19
ramrebolHello. How can I know if is possible to install ubuntu in a pc: aspire 3 A314-31-C0V3    is there a list in some place?01:22
guivercramrebol, try it on your actual hardware - https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/try-ubuntu-before-you-install01:23
fleabeardtrying to install lamp-server via tasksel in ubuntu 18.04 and am getting this error > https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JZ8mRfKTyk/ any ideas?01:24
black_13what is the commad to set the ip on particular ethernet device01:26
ramrebolthanks guiverc !01:26
fleabeardsudo apt install dialog fixed it :)01:27
guivercblack_13, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html.en#ip-addressing  (ip addressing section)01:30
black_13what is the "/24" mean01:30
guivercblack_13, a ~decent explanation (network mask) at https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=75183401:33
jcb2016OerHeks: what is beta dingo an cosmic 2.2? why isn't it backported or in the ubuntu repos?01:42
k_sze[work]How do I output a recursive tree of all the real packages that a meta package installs with apt?01:45
OerHeksjcb2016, no, but if you find a reason, security wise, you could file a SRU01:52
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:52
Bashing-omk_sze[work]: /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package_name>.list :list of files and directories installed by the package.01:59
k_sze[work]Bashing-om, thanks02:01
Bashing-omk_sze[work]: :)02:01
whoareUin iptables's manual , "iptables -L"  is  "List  all  rules  in  the selected chain", and "iptables -S" is "  print all  rules  in  the selected chain", only one word differ, i feel they are the same meaning, but the output is different, why?02:31
amazoniantoadhow do I add a program to run as a service?02:33
rypervencheamazoniantoad: Which program?02:42
amazoniantoadrypervenche, gogs03:01
amazoniantoadI'm trying to add it to startup but it's not working03:01
leftyfbamazoniantoad: gogs in not an ubuntu package03:02
rypervencheamazoniantoad: The website has instructions on how to do this, if you read them.03:03
rypervencheAlthough it's not implemented very well.03:04
lost_hi all03:06
lost_i need some hints to fix a problem. i cannot open "about this computer" in unity nothing appear03:08
lost_any bots03:12
AntiochAm having trouble with all of my docker containers being unable to bind ports ("[ERROR] Binding socket failed for ErrNo 13, Permission denied"), looked at dmesg and saw this error:03:18
Antioch[ 95.284882] audit: type=1400 audit(1552570349.804:8): apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="docker-default" pid=1934 comm="mydocker" family="inet" sock_type="stream" protocol=6 requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create"03:18
AntiochDoes anyone have any idea how I can troubleshoot this? Or where I can inspect the docker-default profile to see what's going on?03:19
AntiochOddly, I also get a similar error with ntpd. Perhaps something in common?  [   16.906547] audit: type=1400 audit(1552620080.425:3): apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" pid=1265 comm="ntpd" family="inet" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create"03:22
lost_cant help you but often remove and install set things up03:25
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
Antiochalready tried to reinstall docker03:28
Antiochand this is on a pretty much clean netinstall.03:28
lost_i recall few weeks ago packagekit was the culprit of a bunch of errors. but now its fixed!03:30
AntiochI looked at /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd and I didn't see anything in there denying access to anything. Moreover, I see that "capability net_bind_service" is listed. I wonder if there is an issue with my networking somehow?03:32
AntiochTBH I have no idea about apparmor or how it works03:32
lost_did you try to remove and install shared-mime-info ?03:34
lost_another thing you might try to scan fsck for orphan files03:41
shibbolethanyone tried the new rpi images?03:44
\dev\cacheHi, I wold like to mount my /home dir on seperate drive instead of the OS drive what would be the safest option without corrupting the whole O/S03:45
shibboleththat would be very easy03:46
shibbolethmount /path/to/new/part /mnt ; rsync -avtpP /home/ /mnt/, umount /mnt03:47
shibbolethnow edit the fstab to have it mounted as home03:47
Bashing-om\dev\cache: See:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving .03:50
lost_its always better to have another hdd then spliting partitions03:51
\dev\cachelost_: I have an ISCSI target which attaches as a hard drive to the client03:52
\dev\cacheI am going to store all the homes in there so that way even if the server breaks most configs data etc will be ready to go again reducing downtime03:53
Antiochlost_, what will reinstalling shared-mime-info do?03:53
lost_anti: it should link all args to the right executable03:57
lost_dev: my best is umount03:59
lost_override for key “transparency-mode” in schema “org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock” in override file “/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_ubuntu-dock.gschema.override” is not in the list of valid choices; ignoring override for this key.04:01
lost_i got this error but dont know what it is04:01
Antiochlost, thanks for the suggestion. I tried it and rebooted, but things are still not working.04:04
lost_anti: are you running beaver or disco04:07
Antiochto be honest, neither. I'm using the pve 4.15 kernel from proxmox (which is based on Ubuntu LTS)04:09
lost_long term support should be good but often going up to 18.10 can fix and mess more things up who knows?04:14
=== TabMasher is now known as EuphOria
AntiochDoes this mean that apparmor was unable to load the docker profile?05:16
Antioch[   16.382452] audit: type=1400 audit(1552622190.907:7): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="docker-default" pid=1301 comm="apparmor_parser"05:16
Antiochthat is output from dmesg.05:17
jcb2016hello i just installed ubuntu as the guest os it has guest additions installed also. for some reason it won't go full screen or resize. the host is windows 10. any ideas?05:22
jcb2016wrong channel that should be for #vbox :D05:25
W4lterK0vacshey guys even though i set blank screen timer it wont work and my monitor stayed up all night05:28
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
lotuspsychje!es | ivan_06:21
ubottuivan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:21
HoplandAnybody know how to figure out of the nvidia dGPU is running WITHOUT loading the nvidia module? I'm on an optimus machine...06:56
Guest62161whats the best linux07:05
HoplandGuest62161: There is none. There are distros however that meet stricter demands than others. Distros like Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Debian (though Debian is in some turmoil right now), even Gentoo to some extent. But in the end it all depends upon need and usage.07:07
Guest62161how is debian right now07:08
HoplandIt's a bit of a mess to be honest. It used to be in the vanguard of LTS distributions, but in recent times it's fallen a bit behind thanks to the development process having been to politicised. Politicised in the sense of how things are supposed to be done, how bug reports work, how packages are made - and not to mention distributed. I think an average Debian package takes 7 hours to distribute...07:10
HoplandI'm just paroting some podcast, but Ubuntu, Fedora, people really like MInt, people really like Manjaro... not that I would suggest anything but Ubuntu in here. Which, btw: this is the #ubuntu channel, so we probably need to take this discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
HoplandAs for me... the dGPU NVIDIA card is running. Even if the prime-select has selected Intel and even if I try to say manually switch it off with bbswitch (something I probably shouldn't be mixing with prime). I've read it may have something to do with my kernel parameters. To be clear: I want the proprietary NVIDIA driver, but I don't want it running all the itme.07:23
Guest38095need a pc that pwns07:28
HoplandActually considering removing nvidia driver and nouveau to instead use IOMMU08:05
Hoplandnouveau doesn't work with dri using this very bespoke 1060 model in my laptop, and prime just doesn't work for me with the proprietary nvidia drivers08:06
lotuspsychjeHopland: card with optimus id reccomend using the nvidia driver08:08
lotuspsychjeHopland: otherwise you cant benefit performance/powersaving mode08:08
RumenHi there. Gnome-Shell changes non stop the settings turning off all things I have and I have to turn on non stop many things like "theme", "suspend button", "system monitor" and others how can I fix it?08:10
Hoplandthe big problem with that is that I have selected intel (which is confirmed with prime-select query) and the nvidia gpu is still active08:11
HoplandIt's running and sucking juice from my battery, which means it won't be lasting long out in the wild08:11
lotuspsychjeHopland: that doesnt seem to supposed..what ubuntu version is that?08:12
Hopland19.04, but it was the same in 18.1008:12
lotuspsychjeHopland: for more stable experience, compare with LTS08:13
HoplandI'm really not sure that's going to help. ASUS Zephyrus M (the system in question) is fairly new and required changing of kernel parameters to even boot. I'm also still struggling with function keys and the seperation of input devices. After some googling the problem seems to be across 18.04, 18.10 and in my testing even in 19.04.08:15
HoplandIf I nuke and pave going to LTS only to discover it does nothing... I'm going to be very disappointed and angry08:15
lotuspsychjeHopland: liveusb to the rescue to test08:15
HoplandI'd rather try to figure it out on this system08:16
lotuspsychjeHopland: also nvidia drivers, try out the ubuntu graphics ppa to compare performance with08:16
lotuspsychje!nvidia | Hopland08:16
ubottuHopland: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa08:16
lotuspsychjeHopland: also if you find a bug in a driver, please !bug it08:17
HoplandAlright - upgrading now08:22
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
=== conjo is now known as emuexport
nikolamAm I right that this would limit Firefox to useing no more then 3GB of RAM at all times:08:44
nikolambash -c 'ulimit -v 3G; /usr/local/bin/firefox %u'08:44
nikolamThis is because I have problem with Firefox filling RAM on 18.04 LTS, and then machine freezes (usually many tabs and loading more videos)08:45
lotuspsychjenikolam: firefox isnt really lightweight these days08:45
nikolamyeah but I am using it intensively many tabs etc. and pages are big.08:46
lotuspsychjenikolam: what the total of your ram? and what kind of harddisk are you using?08:46
nikolamAnd also main problem is not killing Firefox, main problem is why whole machine freezes because RAM is filled...08:46
nikolam8GB, Yet I use (limited) amount od RAM for ZFS caching08:47
lotuspsychje!info preload | nikolam this can help08:47
ubottunikolam this can help: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2build1 (bionic), package size 33 kB, installed size 102 kB08:47
lotuspsychjenikolam: the better you tweak your machine overall, the better also firefox will work08:47
lotuspsychjenikolam: you have an ssd or spinner?08:48
nikolamYes, yet Linux per se shouldn't just freeze all operation (except network is working at that times), just because some App is hungry.08:49
nikolamSpinner on this install, but planning to reinstall on SSD08:49
nikolamBut I plan to use ZFS on SSD for fresh install, not Btrfs like now on spinner/regular HD08:49
lotuspsychjenikolam: ssd would be reccomended in your situation, you could let firefox work on the ssd a bit too08:50
lotuspsychjecache 008:50
lotuspsychjenikolam: also keep in mind bionic's gnome version also sucks alot of candy08:51
nikolamlotuspsychje, didnt' understood last thing. To set Firefox not caching data on disk? I think issue is filling RAM, you think it is actually the speed of the HD?08:51
lotuspsychjenewer gnome versions, will get the performance tweaking08:51
nikolamI have already put swapfile on ZFS on SSD if that is important08:51
nikolamAH, Ubuntu is now on Gnome, I see. I am on Xfce / xubuntu08:52
lotuspsychjenikolam: im just saying there's a lot of tweaking you can do for overall system smoothness08:52
lotuspsychjenikolam: firefox will also benefit that08:52
lotuspsychjenikolam: swappiness tweak + ssd can also help08:53
nikolamlotuspsychje, what you recommend to set after installing 'preload' ?08:53
lotuspsychjenikolam: preload just needs a reboot, no settings needed08:53
nikolamOk, great.08:53
ducassepreload will only make firefox start faster08:53
nikolamAnd at the end, you think that "  bash -c 'ulimit -v 3G; /usr/local/bin/firefox %u'  " would limit FF to 3G?08:54
lotuspsychjenikolam: alot of FF speed tweaks out there too in about:config08:54
nikolamYeah, but only one I really need is not to kill the ssytem when filling RAM. You are probably right, maybe Firefox itself has it's settings for RAM usage...08:54
ducassenikolam: best thing you can do is probably to not use as many open tabs08:55
nikolamYou are probably right. I like more system to control applications and not other way around :P08:56
lotuspsychjenikolam: you can also compare FF with chromium for lighter usage08:57
nikolamI think on test I have been looking in previous years, FF always had less RAM usage for as many Tabs as Chromium08:57
nikolamAlso I use Noscript to stop unwanted scrips and content, that's how I survive with many tabs :P08:59
HoplandHere's a question... how do I figure out the power consumption of each PCIe device? The reason I'm asking is I need a way to figure out if NVIDIA dGPU is still running, even thoough the nvidia module is not loaded09:12
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:25
HoplandGood morning :)09:25
=== sinner is now known as Guest27800
elias_aBluesKaj: Good morning but where does the sun rise now?09:30
BluesKajelias_a, depends where you are :-)09:31
=== EuphOria is now known as Pentagonal
kj4it will rise in Nova Scotia soon09:33
ducassein the east, usually09:33
HoplandCod sarn it, I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn off the nvidia dGPU. The general solution seems to be installing bbswitch, loading it at boot, using the option bbswitch loadstate=0 but that just froze my system09:36
Hoplandcod sarn it. I can't figure out how to turn off the NVIDIA dGPU. The solution that worked for most people was to install bbswitch-dkms, enable it in /etc/modules, then adding option bbswitch loadstate=0 in /etc/modprobe.d/bbswitch.conf09:37
Hopland-.- dang riot.im09:37
blackflowHopland: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/78is1r/complete_disable_of_discrete_gpu/09:39
HoplandIn the end it might just be some ASUS ROG tomfoolery that's tripping me up09:39
blackflowI don't get it tho', why install the GPU if you won't use it.09:40
HoplandI have an optimus laptop. It would be great to use intel when I'm out and about, sitting at some bar or cafe, and also to preferably logout or reboot to get into nvidia mode so I can do some gaming at home :)09:41
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette
Hoplandthe trick here is power-consumption and use case09:42
OerHeksif it is a laptop, one can prevent loading the driver, but turn off completely is a mess https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/175718009:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757180 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidia-prime can't switch off the discrete GPU" [High,Fix released]09:43
Hoplandprime-select is supposed to diasble the nvidia card, but as some people have pointed it there is a regression beyond 17.04 (I think) where the NVIDIA dGPU isn't turned off when switched from, meaning it will run at a higher power consumption and heat up the share heat pipe between the CPU and dGPU, meaning fanspin and excessive heat...09:43
OerHeksif your bios gives no option to disable, no clue09:44
BluesKajthe optimus hybrid gpu system can be a pita to resolve09:45
ubottuUbuntu uses nvidia-prime to support optimus videocards.09:46
BluesKajHopland, ^09:46
Hoplandand apparently the bug that was supposed to be fixed in version 0.8.6 of nvidia-prime still persists in version 0.8.1009:48
HoplandThe reason being of course that this system has been frankensteined together by ASUS (it's a ROG, specifically the Zephyrus M). I couldn't even get it to boot without adding a few boot parameters. Not to mention that the bulk of the fn keys are seperated into their own input device.. which is weird. in any case: fix gpu issue > fix keyboard issue > figure out how to control keyboard backlight > figure out how to control fan09:49
Hoplandspeed, if at all possible. But now I'm stuck on the dGPU issue.09:49
Guest74971how much is a good ram09:51
Guest74971how much ram is a good ram09:51
HoplandThe weird thing is that this doesn't seem to be an issue in 16.04, but in 18.04 and upwards09:51
HoplandGuest74971: I'd say 16GB is a must for anyone doing more than browsing.. but you could do with 8GB09:52
OerHeksGuest74971, we are not the yellow pages, ask in ##hardware perhaps? this is ubuntu support solely09:52
OerHeksmuch as in $?09:52
Guest74971what about 64?09:53
Guest74971does ram size need os support09:54
BluesKajmy laptop only has 8GB and it run great, all depends on how you want to use it09:54
OerHeksno, ram size depends on your hardware/chipset09:54
buttros_Hello everyone! Is there a reliable weather app for gnome 3?09:54
OerHeksbuttros_, install gnome-tweak-tool & gnome-shell-extensions & gnome-shell-extensions-weather, logout, login and set it up09:56
OerHeksgnome-tweak gives you access to the extentions09:56
buttros_OerHeks: Thanks!09:56
zap0i need to swap out the gfx card...... i suspect this one is faulty..  i get screen corruption, then a complete lockup09:57
OerHeksinstall synaptic, to see more extentions09:57
Hoplandzap0: has it worked before?09:58
zap0i have had this issue about 10 times in the last 3 days.09:58
zap0reboot required :(09:58
* Guest74971 is unable to join ##hardware09:59
zap0is there some alternative nvidia drivers i can install?09:59
OerHekszap0, does this occur at login, or random?09:59
OerHeks!register  | Guest7497109:59
ubottuGuest74971: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.09:59
zap0occurs after about 10 or 15 mins use.   specifically triggered by running a graphical program.10:00
OerHekssome channels require registration with #freenode, spammers and lamers10:00
OerHekszap0, what videocard exactly?10:00
zap0and one time at login after a forced reboot... the screen was lack for, maybe, 5mins.  and i pressed alt-tab and i saw the login boot splash purple for about 100ms10:01
zap0then black again.10:01
zap0nvidia GTX 5xx something10:01
Guest74971can you register a guest10:01
OerHeksGuest74971, ask in #freenode .. but i guess 'guest' is not available10:02
lotuspsychjeGuest74971: read the tutorial OerHeks linked you10:02
zap0as per usually..  the issue is a little vague therefore google searching returns random stuff....  but it "seems" like lots of googling is saying the nvidia drivers might be a bit flaky... and i should maybe reinstall or replace them?!?10:02
lotuspsychjezap0: when volunteers ask details, please be specific not 'something'10:04
zap0facts:  a see screen corruption moments before the lockup.  i see the screen corruption moving about (so it's still "running" at this point).  then it finally just locks up.10:05
lotuspsychjezap0: on graphics situations we like to know: chipset, driver version, kernel version etc10:05
OerHeksther eis a boot option 'nomodeset',  but i have no idea this is your solution10:05
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:05
Guest74971my ubuntu crashes, going ubunuts10:10
Guest74971how is derbian10:17
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!10:18
RumenHi there. Gnome-Shell changes non stop the settings turning off all things I have and I have to turn on non stop many things like "theme", "suspend button", "system monitor" and others how can I fix it?10:29
=== Taco is now known as tco
abhijainCan I copy Macs file in Ubuntu without changing file system10:50
tomreynabhijain: for APFS, there is only an experimental file system driver for linux so far.11:03
tomreynalso a commercial, read-only one.11:03
tomreynfor hfs+, there is read-only support in ubuntu. write-support is possible but requires changes from within os x: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus11:06
tomreynabhijain: this browser tab is flashing for a reason.11:13
HoplandH'okay... so the nouveau drivers are absolutely useless on the ASUS ROG Zephyrus M.. I've tried plenty kernel parameters to get it to work, but the instant it tries to set a mode... kernel panic. I disabled modeset, even blacklisted nouveau, but when doing xrandr --listproviders... kernel panic.11:24
HoplandThe only viable option is to stick with the official nvidia drivers, which I'm reinstalling as we speak. But the original problem still persists... in that even though prime-select has selected the intel drivers and the nvidia module has been unloaded the dGPU is still active and takes up precious resources11:25
blackflowThat's like driving a tank to the store and complaining it slurped ten gallons just to start it.11:26
blackflowbattery power and longevity    <>    gaming machine11:26
bhuddahHopland: can you disable it in the bios? (don't know if you already looked there)11:26
HoplandNo, no I can't. At the same time I don't want to. I want to be able to switch between the two, even if I have to reboot. Intel for when I'm on the go, nvidia for when I want to game.11:27
bhuddahwhen you reboot you can quickly enable it again...11:27
bhuddahbut okay. it was just a random thought.11:28
HoplandNo no ^^; didn't mean to sound dismissive11:28
HoplandIt's not possible to switch off the dGPU in BIOS11:28
HoplandThe ASUS UEFI BIOS is very limited in what you can do with it :/11:28
bhuddahwell. so it's not an option no matter how you look at it \^^11:29
HoplandPretty much11:29
HoplandIt's a very weird laptop though... nothing works as expected. I'm sure there is a solution somehow, but it will take some doing to figure it out.11:29
tomreynyou're on the latest bios, supposedly?11:30
HoplandYes indeed11:30
tomreyn'gaming laptops' are quite commonly 'weird'11:30
HoplandThis is just the first problem I want to solve... there are some more weird things I have to fix11:31
HoplandThe first was touchpad not working.. acpi mode had to be set. The second is the dGPU running even though intel has been selected with prime... then there's the case of how fn keys are seperated into their own input device (excluding media playback keys for some reason) which means I can't turn up or down brightness using those key functions... then there's the case of the keyboard backlight, which is an entire mystery unto11:32
BluesKajHopland, did you install nvidia prime as suggested earlier, if so the nvidia gui should give the enable/disable option11:32
HoplandHad that from the start11:33
Hoplandeven if I select intel, log out, reboot, the dGPU is still active and sucking a lot of power and heating up the dual heatsink11:33
BluesKajdon't think logout is sufficient, a reboot should work11:35
tomreyndo yourself a favor, return this device, buy a power efficient (and well supported) laptop and a light-weight desktop with a dedicated graphics card. it'll be half the price with a better user experience.11:36
blackflowtomreyn: +111:36
Hoplandagain: even with a reboot the dGPU is still active. Even though the module hasn't been loaded and nouveau is blacklisted. Though perhaps I should try to blacklist the nvidia driver as well...11:36
Hoplandtomreyn: 1) too late for that, and 2) that's defeatist talk11:37
HoplandI'm going to solve these issues and blast "You're the best around" afterwards11:37
tomreynHopland: there are challenges where winning means not to take the challenge, because the challenge is just wrong.11:38
blackflowthe only winning move is not to play :)11:38
HoplandIn any case I have three ways of solving this: 1) get the nvidia drivers to work, 2) get the nouveau drivers to work or 3) find a way to disable and power off the nvidia card from boot and leave it at that11:39
blackflowHopland: btw did you check my reddit link I posted earlier?11:39
HoplandI do believe I did... but maybe I should revisit it11:40
BluesKajHopland, no point in disabling the nvidia driver, besides don't think the driver is to blame, there's something else causing your machine to overheat, think you need to refocus on other possible causes.11:40
HoplandAh yes. acpi_call doesn't work. I get AE related errors.11:40
HoplandSame here. Some say it's because of faulty setting of dotfiles in /etc/modprobe.d11:41
BluesKajHopland, they wouldn't be faulty unless you edited them11:49
HoplandNo no - in that the blacklisted lines were added before the nvidia card was disabled, effectively making it run without being loaded or in use11:50
HoplandIt's an issue that did not affect 16.04, but that did affect 18.04 and upwards11:50
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sumitcn!any sanji12:03
sumitcn!any BaW12:04
tomreynsumitcn: do you need any help?12:05
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sumitcnNo , But I want file a issue , I have asusu FX570U . I installed ubuntu 18.04 but the os was unable to detect my wifi adapter .  I am now  shifted to 18.10 . The problem was with the latest realease. Thanks12:08
tomreynsumitcn: which one do you have?12:10
tomreynsumitcn: you can file issues using the "ubuntu-bug" application.12:11
sumitcnNow , I have 18.10 but it was a big pain . I tried nearly 3-4 times installing driver and ubuntu but 18.10 is working fine now .12:12
tomreynsumitcn: installing which driver for which hardware exactly?12:12
espBerryhow can i zip folder including subfolder?12:13
leftyfbespBerry: zip <folder>12:13
espBerrywhat is best way to compress folder?12:13
espBerrywith zip? or something?12:13
espBerryleftyfb: ?12:14
tomreynespBerry: i think "zip -r" is how you recursively zip directories using zip12:14
leftyfbespBerry: best is relative. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?12:14
tomreynthere is not "best" without further criteria12:14
espBerryi want to compress folder including subfolder /var/www/ folder including subfolder12:15
espBerryzip -r12:16
leftyfbespBerry: zip -r will work or gzip or xz or tar. There's many ways to do it. Best is only relevant to you and your personal requirements12:16
leftyfbespBerry: each of those commands has a man page that tells you how to use them12:17
espBerryok then i will use zip -r12:17
leftyfbespBerry: zip -r folder.zip folder12:17
leftyfbespBerry: according to the man page12:18
espBerryah good thanks12:18
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HoplandSo I've postponed the nvidia issue and now I'm workong on the keyboard backlight issue12:33
Hoplandthe backlight seems to be situated in /sys/class/leds/asus::lightbar - but after echoing "0" to ./brightness it's still stuck at 1412:34
Hoplandmax_brightness says 1...12:34
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adikwokhello please help, is there any lubuntu irc channel? i just ask how to put the date n time in lubuntu login screen into my lxde desktop.12:44
adikwokthe clock position is good. and seen only the digital date + time without any background. i can not find clock like that in my lxde clock12:45
supamanadikwok: yes, there is a channel #lubuntu12:49
adikwoksupaman: ok, thx supaman12:49
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adikwoksupaman: oo. btw sir, how to check whether ubuntu or lubuntu that im using now?12:51
supamanadikwok: not sure if lubuntu sets this but lsb_release -a should show you what version your running12:53
adikwoksupaman: because when i typed: lsb_release -a  it is written ubuntu 18.04.2 but my login screen is lubuntu12:53
supamanadikwok: ok, ask them in #lubuntu if they have a method of determining if your running lubuntu12:55
adikwoksupaman: version. ubuntu . login screen: lubuntu . desktop: lxde12:55
iorialubuntu ( lxde)  it's just a Desktop Environment; the core system is the same12:55
ioriaadikwok, echo $DESKTOP_SESSION12:56
leftyfbioria: that can be misleading since with gnome, it just says "ubuntu"12:56
adikwokioria:  echo $DESKTOP_SESSION . brought me blank12:57
ioriaadikwok, env | grep -i desktop12:57
iorialeftyfb, echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP12:58
adikwokioria: root@ub5:~# env | grep -i desktop12:58
ioriaadikwok, just that ?12:59
leftyfbioria: looks promising to me. Though I don't run other DE's so I can't test the others :)12:59
adikwokioria: yes, just that12:59
adikwokioria: echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP . brought me blank too13:00
ioriaadikwok,  paste  'env'13:00
TJ-Is there an ID3 (audio file tags) tool that can copy tags from one file to another? Most I look at seem to only support editing but not copying13:02
ioriaadikwok, env | nc termbin.com 999913:02
adikwokioria: this what i was looking for. re-reading how to paste to bin :]13:03
adikwokenv | nc termbin.com 999913:03
ioriaTJ-,    maybe puddletag (not sure)13:05
TJ-ioria: From what I can see so far that only works on the target file, although the Functions facility might have something, I'll have to dig deeper13:05
ioriaadikwok, what are you logged in ?13:07
adikwokioria: im at lxde now.13:08
adikwokioria: its the fastest for my old laptop with 2gb ram n no vga card13:08
ioriaadikwok, i don't think so13:09
ioriaadikwok, on Lubuntu DESKTOP_SESSION=Lubuntu13:10
adikwokioria: where did you read that?13:11
ioriaadikwok, by env on a Lubuntu box13:11
ayekatUSER=root, PWD=/root, HOME=/root?13:12
adikwokioria: so, what to do? i logged in to lxde13:12
adikwokayekat: strange or not?13:13
ioriaadikwok, bye13:13
ayekatadikwok: it's generally considered bad practice to log in like root, espeically to a graphical session13:14
ayekatadikwok: then again, I don't know this well enough to tell whether that would cause DESKTOP_SESSION not to be set13:14
* ayekat assumes the choice of display manager might also play a role13:14
adikwokioria: thx for helped13:15
adikwokayekat: USER=adi13:17
ayekatso logging in as root was indeed the cause13:17
ayekatlesson learned for today: don't log into a graphical session as root, it'll cause all sorts of oddities :-)13:18
adikwokayekat: lesson learned.13:18
adikwokioria: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION13:21
adikwokayekat: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION13:21
ayekatso yes, you're running LXDE - what was the question, actually?13:22
ayekatoh - it should be 'Lubuntu'?13:22
ioriayou cannot login as root unless you set the passwd and modify lightdm.conf13:22
ayekatah yeah, it seemed a bit odd to me as well that the display manager would even allow that13:23
adikwokayekat: i installed gnome, ubuntu 18.04, my login screen lubuntu, my desktop lxde13:23
adikwokayekat: my lsb_release -a : ubuntu 18.04.2 bionic13:24
ayekatadikwok: so you installed ubuntu, but later decided you wanted to use LXDE rather than GNOME?13:24
adikwokayekat: i was asking. how to put digital date+time in lubuntu login screen into my lxde desktop since its appearance is good. only digital, no background, and the position sharp at the top corner not blocking any windows icon13:25
adikwokayekat: so you installed ubuntu, but later decided you wanted to use LXDE rather than GNOME?13:27
adikwok ~ actually, yes. seniors in this channel ever advised me this before. first i stubborn, due to spend 30+ days just to setting gnome from dual boot.13:27
adikwoklater seniors advised me to try due to my old laptop limitation13:27
cnnxhow do I update my kernel to version 5.0?13:28
cnnxon ubuntu13:28
ayekatadikwok: what do you mean with "digital"? just the time in HH:MM format? or stylised in some retro-digital way?13:28
ayekatadikwok: also "at the top corner" == in the status bar at the upper edge of the screen? or as part of the desktop background?13:28
adikwokayekat: yes, HH:MM13:28
adikwokayekat: i can not send a screenshot here. . the position in the screen is like it is floating at the top right corner. so it wont blocked any desktop icon, if any13:30
ayekatcnnx: not sure if that's still a thing, but it appears ubuntu also has backports repositories: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports13:30
AyahDoes anyone know how configure an apache2 vhost when it comes with a snap package (Nextcloud)?13:31
ayekatcnnx: but what problem are you trying to solve?13:32
AyahActually it doesn't even have to be a vhost, but I'd prefer it13:33
ayekatadikwok: I'm not quite sure what you mean, but conky could be an option... or just modifying your statusbar to display the time somewhere13:33
tomreyn!latest | cnnx13:33
ubottucnnx: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.13:33
cnnxok ty13:34
Ayahneever mind. I found it :p13:34
HexaByteHi guys. How can i specify just tcp port with ufw? Example dot working because i add /tcp: ufw allow from to any port 106/tcp13:34
tomreyncnnx: 19.04 will come with 5.0, and sometime after that this or a newer kernel will become available to the latest !LTS release as part of hardware enablement13:35
tomreynin the meantime you can only use unsupported !mainline builds13:35
HexaByteHow can I make this tcp only rule: ufw allow from to any port 106 ?13:35
AyahHexaByte, there are numerou answers to that question. Search google. I used to have it in my cheatsheet but I cannot find it13:36
lotuspsychjeHexaByte: #netfilter13:36
HexaByteAyah: i did search goolge, and no example uses tcp/udp/.. in case as mine13:36
HexaBytelotuspsychje: ufw has nothing to do with netfilter13:37
ryuoHexaByte: tcp/106 ?13:37
HexaBytei know how to code directly in iptables13:37
HexaByteryuo: no13:37
HexaBytei tried that13:37
HexaBytebefore coming here13:37
adikwokayekat: where to modify the status bar?13:37
HexaByteERROR: Bad port '106/tcp'13:37
ryuoufw limit 2222/tcp comment 'SSH port'13:37
AyahAlso, cockpit is an awesome package13:37
ayekatadikwok: I don't know, search the web :-) (I don't use LXDE, but I'm pretty sure there's some resources on it)13:37
ryuoHexaByte: it has a proto argument in the manpage.13:38
ryuoHexaByte: it comes before the 'from'13:38
HexaBytewill do man ufw13:38
ryuoproto tcp13:38
HexaBytetnx for helping13:38
adikwoktomreyn: 19.04 will come with 5.0, and sometime after that this or a newer kernel will become available to the latest !LTS release as part of hardware enablement .13:39
adikwok~ thx for inform . so i will just wait for 5.0 at LTS13:39
ryuoi guess the shorthand only works for simple rules.13:39
HexaByteryuo: once again thank you for help, it works now13:39
HexaByteufw syntax is not consistent :-) don't see how it simplifies management, but oh well, will learn to use it13:40
ryuoHexaByte: well, you can always try nftables if you want greater consistency.13:40
TJ-Any ideas where Thunar stores audio-file (WAV) metadata? Apparently not in the file's metadata - at least ffmpeg sees alternative values which don't seem to be in the original file13:40
ryuobut it has no integration with software packages like ufw does.13:40
HexaByteI was ordered by customer to do it with ufw :-)13:40
HexaBytetnx again13:41
adikwokayekat: ok . thx for helped.13:42
john_doe_jrI have a rather large ova file that I would like to split apart…what is the best way to do that?13:50
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: split apart?13:50
john_doe_jrleftyfb: well it's too big…13:51
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: too big for what?13:51
john_doe_jrleftyfb: I've tried to use rsync to transfer the file but I've lost the connection twice.13:51
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: how big is it? Why are you trying to rsync it? Over a local network? wifi? wired? over the internet?13:52
john_doe_jrleftyfb: from my house to work13:52
john_doe_jrthrough ssh13:52
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: you can look into casync13:53
OerHekstar it, and split13:54
TJ-john_doe_jr: see "man split" ... you can recombine at the other end with "cat 1 2 3 4 > myfile.ova"13:54
leftyfbcasync is made for this sort of thing13:54
OerHekstar cf - <dir>|split -b<max_size>M - <name>.tar.13:55
JuJUBeeCan somone point me towards a how-to so I can set up internal DNS in my classroom?  I want to be able to access servers by name if possible.13:55
TJ-Shame there's no way to split and pipe to stdout :)13:55
leftyfbJuJUBee: your router should be able to do that13:55
leftyfbJuJUBee: just point DNS (via dhcp) to your routers ip13:56
JuJUBeeleftyfb, my router is my ubuntu 18.04 box13:56
TJ-JuJUBee: you could use avahi (multicast DNS), see avahi-daemon and avahi-browse13:56
JuJUBeedo I need to install bind?13:56
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leftyfbJuJUBee: for avahi, no. For a proper DNS server, yes13:56
TJ-JuJUBee: with Avahi each system advertises itself (using avahi-daemon) as hostname.local and other systems on the network collect the adverts13:57
leftyfbTJ-: it also requires every host on the network to be running an avahi/bonjour service13:58
JuJUBeeTJ-, I have a domain name already pointing to my gateway/webserver.  Can I use this internally?  Say I have foo.com pointing to my server (externally) can I make hosts internally be host.foo.com?13:58
lotuspsychjeTJ-: this what you looking for? https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/media-tags13:58
JuJUBeeOr would it be better to use something like foo.local internally?13:59
leftyfbJuJUBee: not unless you're running a remote DNS server hosting the domain allowing updates from your local network (not trivial)13:59
leftyfbJuJUBee: better off with .local13:59
JuJUBeeleftyfb, OK, so what is best way to proceed?13:59
pragmaticenigmaJuJUBee: .loc is the accepted industry practice for setting a private network TLD13:59
john_doe_jrTJ-:  Didn't even know about split…thank you.  What would be the best size to split the files into or does it matter?14:00
leftyfbJuJUBee: https://blogging.dragon.org.uk/dns-bind9-dhcp-ubuntu-16-04-2/14:00
pragmaticenigmaJuJUBee: like example.loc would be fine14:00
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: look into casync. It was made for the express purpose for your situation14:00
TJ-john_doe_jr: a size that is not going to entain too long resending if the connection drops during transfer, I guess14:00
pragmaticenigmaJuJUBee: Also, for a simplier DNS setup, look into dnsmasq ... it's much simplier than bind, and appropriate for smaller network setups14:00
john_doe_jrTJ-: what size would u recommend?14:01
john_doe_jrTJ-: 1 GB chunks?14:01
pragmaticenigmajohn_doe_jr: that would depend on your bandwidth and what you have been experiencing for successful transfer before the connection drops14:01
JuJUBeeleftyfb, pragmaticenigma thanks.  I'll read up on dnsmasq and check out that link from leftyfb14:01
TJ-john_doe_jr: how long does it take to transfer 1GB? is it likely to be interrupted, do you want to spend that time again if having to resend?14:01
rasmalabarI am using 18.04, and Wifi does not work properly after resume. I tried a few solutions suggested in the internet, but nothing has worked so far.14:02
pragmaticenigmaJuJUBee: An advantage of dnsmasq is it can also be setup as a DHCP server, and can auto register the computer name into the domain14:02
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: as can the instructions I posted14:02
rasmalabarsyslog has no information, need help in troubleshooting and identifying a permanent solution.14:03
JuJUBeepragmaticenigma, I currently use isc-dhcp and would like to keep it that way14:03
leftyfbJuJUBee: +114:04
lotuspsychjerasmalabar: could you pastebin: sudo lshw -C network && uname -a && lsb_release -a14:04
leftyfbJuJUBee: then the instructions I posted will fit perfectly for you14:04
JuJUBeeleftyfb, that links seems to use bind, correct?14:05
leftyfbJuJUBee: yes14:05
rasmalabarlotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/3fdu3kCz14:05
lotuspsychje!uptodate | rasmalabar14:06
ubotturasmalabar: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.14:06
JuJUBeeleftyfb, I thought bind was difficult and dnsmasq was simpler?14:06
john_doe_jrTJ-: how do u split a file but part files use an extension called '*.part'?14:06
leftyfbJuJUBee: bind is more difficult but a lot more powerful.14:07
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: did you look at casync?14:07
rasmalabarOkay. I will upgrade the system and will come back if the problem persists. Thank you!14:08
lotuspsychjerasmalabar: good luck!14:08
TJ-john_doe_jr: something like "split -b 100M -d input_file" would, I think, give you 00input_file, 01input_file, ... and so on14:10
fleabeardhello friends, would it be possible to take an ssh key from one of my pc's and use it on this pc? I have a VPS that I setup on one machine and it uses it's ssh key for access and I would like to gain access from this machine as well. Is this the proper approach?14:11
leftyfbfleabeard: yes, just copy the public key14:11
fleabeardcool, thanks leftyfb!14:12
lordcirthfleabeard, the best way is to generate a new key for the new machine, and copy it's pubkey onto the target's authorized_hosts14:12
leftyfbfleabeard: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/key/14:12
leftyfblordcirth: $best14:12
fleabeardthanks guys, I'll give both a look :)14:12
lordcirthleftyfb, ?14:12
leftyfblordcirth: generating new keys for every machine is one way to do it. It's only ${best} for those cases where it is.14:13
lordcirthleftyfb, I posit it is the best default for anyone who has to ask.14:14
JuJUBeeI want to run internal dns in my classroom.  I would like to use something like foo.local for domain.  Can I configure dnsmasq on the ltsp server to handle this or should I install dnsmasq on my gateway/dhcp server?14:18
leftyfbdnsmasq (if that's what you go with) should be on installed on your gateway/dhcp server14:19
JuJUBeeleftyfb, so I can install it on multiple servers without problems?  The ltsp server config seems completely commented out.14:21
fleabeardlordcirth, doing some googling about generating a new key for the new machine. As I'm understanding it, I'll do 'ssh-keygen' from the new machine to generate a key (I don't have one sitting in my .ssh directory already, just known_hosts), but I'm confused on how I would copy it to the target's authorized hosts? I'm assuming I could copy/paste it in nano or something?14:22
leftyfbJuJUBee: multiple servers? You only want 1 DNS server on the same subnet14:23
leftyfbJuJUBee: unless you're going to get into load balancing or failover. If so, you're not going to use dnsmasq for that14:23
JuJUBeeleftyfb, so ltsp seems to use dnsmasq for something, not sure though.  I will check with the developers there14:23
leftyfbJuJUBee: I would assume LTSP should already have local resolution working14:24
Tenkawaltsp has a whole system packaged together from the description I'm reading from apt-cache14:26
Tenkawaso it sounds like the whole thing should be self contained if set up properly14:27
john_doe_jrcat x?? > MYBIGFILE…is the ? the same as a wild card?14:27
Tenkawa?? I think is wilcard t o two places14:28
Tenkawaer to14:28
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: do you have me blocked?14:28
Tenkawadont quote me14:28
Tenkawatheres some regexp ?? magic you cam use14:29
Tenkawabut I'm rusty14:29
JuJUBeeTenkawa, so the dnsmasq.conf file is all commented out.  I added a domain=foo.local and restarted dnsmasq but hostname -f returns LTSP-Server only14:29
Tenkawaer can14:29
john_doe_jrleftyfb: no14:29
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: ok. Have you looked at casync which would do exactly what you want more efficiently then what you're trying to do?14:30
leftyfbJuJUBee: please seek additional support with this in #ubuntu-server. You'll get better help there.14:30
JuJUBeeleftyfb, ok, thanks14:30
TenkawaJuJUBee: yeah that sounds more like the dhcp is going goofy14:31
JuJUBeeTenkawa, so my dhcpd.conf file has option domain-name "foo.local";14:35
TenkawaJuJUBee: when you do a ps auxwww on the server grep out and see if its running dnsmasq or dhcpcd14:40
Tenkawaer dhcpd14:40
Tenkawathat'll tell you which file its reading14:40
JuJUBeeTenkawa, dnsmasq14:42
Tenkawaso it definitely needs the dnsmasq.cong settings14:42
Tenkawaer conf14:42
Tenkawayou'll definitely need to talk to the ubuntu-server channel14:43
Tenkawai havent worked on dhcp side in years14:43
TenkawaI'm extremely rusty14:43
JuJUBeethanks anyway14:43
Tenkawasorry I couldnt help more14:43
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rasmalabarI upgraded my system and restarted. But Wifi is erratic after resume. It does not connect and I have to recycle it once or more to get it working.15:02
nisstyrerasmalabar: what chipset?15:09
nisstyrethere is an open kernel bug for some broadcom chipsets where it disconnects a few hours after resuming or randomly15:10
nisstyreit essentially hangs the entire card15:10
nisstyrethe workaround is to disable power management on the card15:10
nisstyreor downgrade your kernel15:10
spinningCatthere is no package like that apt install unity8-desktop-session-mir15:13
spinningCatis it outdated https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/ubuntu-16-04-unity-8-desktop-progress-video15:13
geodb27People : hi ! I have a strange behaviour on my ubuntu machines : the /var filesystem seems to have some over-estimated occupied disk space upon time. For example, on one of my machines, the /var was said to be full (no space left on device) and there appeared to be 50% left (measured after reboot). How could I track what is responsible of this ?15:14
leftyfbgeodb27: how are you determining available space?15:14
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OerHeksspinningCat, jups, outdated, you can install ubuntu-unity-desktop & mir https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mir-1-0-0-release/807915:16
geodb27leftyfb: df -h seems reasonable enough, I'd guess. However, when the machine come to "no space left on device", some tools seem to confirm this over-estimated space occupied (like apt-get upgrade).15:16
leftyfbgeodb27: df -h / ; df -h /var15:16
leftyfbgeodb27: also, what version of ubuntu and why did you create /var as a separate partition?15:17
tgm4883@OerHeks isn't that unity 7?15:17
geodb27leftyfb: ubuntu 18.04 LTS and indeed, /var is a separate partition. As a matter of fact, it is a lvm, and we have other lvms mounted in /var (/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd, /var/lib/lxd, /var/log which are all separate lvms).15:18
spinningCatwhy will i install mir?15:19
OerHekstgm4883, oh right, unity 8 is only available for the phone?15:19
tgm4883OerHeks: possibly. I'm looking to see if there's a way to install it for desktop but coming up empty15:19
geodb27So, I can't suspect a logrotate problem, since /var/log is a separate partition.15:19
leftyfbgeodb27: sudo ncdu /var15:20
tgm4883OerHeks: spinningCat this is probably your best bet https://ubuntu-touch.io/get-ut15:20
leftyfbgeodb27: why did you make /var it's own partition if you have most things under it also their own partitions?15:20
spinningCatjust need unity15:21
tgm4883OerHeks: spinningCat nm, that isn't what I thought it was15:21
tgm4883spinningCat: I don't think you can get unity 8 on desktop. You can get Unity 7, as OerHeks suggested previously15:21
hggdhcsinfo hggdh15:27
geodb27leftyfb: I suspect (but I'm not sure enough) a problem with files created and somehow "rotated" as would do logrotate. Maybe (but again I'm not sure) some daemon that checks for updates...15:28
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rasmalabarI am using Ubuntu 18.04. Wifi does not always connect on resume. I have tried many of the solutions provided on the internet. I also did an upgrade as suggested in this forum. No luck yet.15:33
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sentimenthi. what are my options for turning my Ubuntu machine into an android tv box?15:53
sentimentI know there's Kodi, but how about a web browser?15:53
tomreynsentiment: we only support ubuntu here. android is not ubuntu.15:56
sentimentthat was a general question15:57
sentimentabout the options to use Ubuntu as a smart tv solution15:57
tomreynyou specified "android", so i'm pointing this out.15:57
ryuosentiment: there's no way to turn Ubuntu into an android box. you'd need to install android to do that.15:57
tomreynyou can use ubuntu for a tv / movie platform.15:57
ryuois myth buntu still a thing?15:58
sentimentNo, sorry if my question wasn't clear. I'd like to set it up so that it acts like an android tv box15:58
sentimentI don't want to pay for an android tvbox15:58
ryuosentiment: there's an x86 android port if that's all you wanted to use it as...15:59
ryuosentiment: but, you can try kodi from the repos. but i'm not an expert on that use case.15:59
sentimentI'd like to hook up my machine to the tv and use a remote control to control Ubuntu using a simple interface ala Android TV or xmbc15:59
tgm4883ryuo: unless you're recording, mythtv isn't necessary15:59
sentimentyes Kodi sounds interesting, though it doesn't have proper web browser does it?16:00
tgm4883sentiment: then use kodi and buy a remote control that acts as a mouse/keyboard16:00
leftyfbsentiment: use kodi. Look for solutions within the kodi community for features you want16:00
ryuosentiment: hm. you'll need something compatible with lirc. that's the only software i know of for "tv remotes"16:00
sentimentok thanks16:01
tgm4883ryuo: most of the remote support is built into the kernel now, has been for years16:01
tgm4883i mean, you can use lirc if you want. But why would you want to16:01
ryuotgm4883: ok.. i've never used such a thing. but tell sentiment, not me.16:01
ryuothey're the one that asked for information.16:01
wozyim always install lamp server with tasksel16:07
wozyso i trying to do a quick script that i can run in every installation to save time16:07
wozyI can do apt-get update | apt-get install tasksel | tasksel 16:07
wozyand now how do i select the lamp server?16:07
ducassesentiment: really, of all you want is a media player box, there are specialized kodi-based distros for that, like libreelec16:08
ducasse*if all you want16:08
tgm4883wozy: select it from the list?16:08
wozyin a bash script16:08
wozyi am writing a bash script to do the install16:09
tgm4883wozy: why would you try to automate a user interface?16:09
wozyis not to automate a user interface16:10
wozyi always install the lamp server16:10
tgm4883wozy: that seems silly to me, but in any case. Have you tried "tasksel install lamp-server"16:10
wozyin all the vps i deploy16:10
wozyis just to save time16:10
ducassewozy: 'apt install lamp-server^'16:10
tgm4883wozy: seems like there's much better ways for configuration management than a bash script, but in any case, the docs suggest that the tasksel command that I listed should work16:11
tgm4883wozy: especially since installing lamp-server via tasksel is the example they use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel16:11
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=== kk4ewt is now known as Southern_Gentlem
yasumi2136how to search a package with apt-get in order to show version available?16:23
gyles19yasumi216: apt-cache policy packagename16:24
yasumi2136thank you gyles1916:30
joshua__Hi all16:45
joshua__Today I upgraded 6 machines from cosmic to disco16:46
joshua__While 4 work fine now, I have trouble with getting Xorg to work on the 2 remaining ones16:46
joshua__Both have a (different) intel graphics card and use the i915 driver16:46
leftyfbjoshua__: disco is not released or supported yet. Go to #ubuntu+1 to discuss or help with it's developement16:47
OerHeksjoshua__, join #ubuntu+1 until release16:47
joshua__thank you16:47
=== SatoshiRole1 is now known as SatoshiRole
threadstackIs there a c++ compiler, officially supported by Ubuntu - other than gcc?17:17
threadstackOerHeks: Thanks! Trying to get around this problem. https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6722417:20
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 67224 in c "UTF-8 support for identifier names in GCC" [Enhancement,New]17:20
OerHekssuch old bug, still valid?17:21
OerHeks!info gcc17:21
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.176ubuntu2.1)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:7.3.0-3ubuntu2.1 (bionic), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB17:21
threadstackOerHeks: It is. main.cpp:8:14: error: stray ‘\303’ in program int F��rsta;17:25
threadstack'\303' = ö, so the identifier should be Första but the gcc compiler just can't handle it.17:26
DiceHello, I have the current setup for running my minecraft server on ubuntu 18.04: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dXsjpSs8yS/ and it runs it as root, which changes the owner of some of the files to root as well. I want to run this as the user "minecraft", how do I fix this?17:37
lordcirthDice, well, first, rewrite that as a systemd minecraft.service file. Then set User=minecraft17:38
lotuspsychjeDice: can this help? https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-minecraft-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux17:38
lordcirthCreating the user first, of course17:38
Dicelotuspsychje: sadly not as that is for the minecraft client. The server config documentations I've found don't have a solution for it either, though17:39
Dicelordcirth: systemd is an alternative to rc.local then?17:40
gyles19Dice: I use a modified copy of mineserv, and I put it in a user's ~/bin, and launch it as that user.  I run multiple servers in separate home directories so they don't collied with each other.17:40
OerHekshttps://www.linode.com/docs/game-servers/how-to-set-up-minecraft-server-on-ubuntu-or-debian/ is clear about the user miecraft17:40
OerHeksreally, easy to find17:40
lordcirthDice, systemd replaced all that stuff in 16.04.17:41
lordcirthDice, wait, are you running minecraft through Tor?17:42
Dicelordcirth: no, that's just another thing I added to rc.local17:43
lordcirthAh ok. Another reason to separate things into .service files17:43
gyles19lordcirth: systemctl enable rc-local, then modify your rc.local to insert 'su -c "startminecraft.sh" minecraft' or something similar.  man su for details.17:49
lordcirthgyles19, it's Dice that was asking. I was just telling him to use systemd.17:49
gyles19lordcith: Oops.  Sorry.17:50
gyles19dice: I've never wanted to configure my minecraft servers to auto-start at host boot; if the box booted unattended the minecraft world could have taken damage, and I prefer to manual launch after such events.    If minecraft had a thing to fsck the world files and exit if errors, I would rework my setup.17:52
cheeserific_I messed up. My system is on an lvm drive, I accidentally used fdisk to overwrite the partition table, delete partitions, and create a new one thinking it was a usb drive. Luckily, it looks like the new partition failed, but the partition table is messed up still and I can't boot into the system. I'm on a live usb right now. Can I recover the system or at least find some way to get a specific file (my configuration)?18:00
likemindeadWhat's the best PSX emulator these days?18:01
ikanoboricheeserific_: You can take a look at testdisk.18:01
ikanoboriOtherwise likely creating a new partition table that contains the entire disk and trying to recover from there (make a copy before attempting any recovery)18:02
cheeserific_ikanobori: How can I do #2 with lvm?18:03
ikanoboriDid you have LVM setup over partitions or with raw block devices.18:05
OerHekslikemindead, 'best' is subjective, pcsxr is nice, else http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/PlayStation_emulators18:07
travisgriggsjust noticed that desktop terminal program runs dash instead of bash in bionic-beaver. Where do I augment my PATH for dash? .bash_profile hacks ton’t seem to apply...18:07
lotuspsychjelikemindead: there seems also to be the snap: pcsx2-tabetai  0.1      lolsmth    -      Sony PlayStation 2 emulator.18:07
likemindeadThanks, OerHeks !!!j18:07
likemindeadI never played FF VIII. Thought I'd give her a go.18:10
ikanoboritravisgriggs: dash works the same as dash with regards to files. What type of session are you doing?18:10
ikanoboriSpecifically, .bash_profile is for login shells.18:11
travisgriggsi’m not sure anymore now. basically just hit the “grid” button, typed terminal, and hit return. i thought i was running dash because /bin/sh links to dash. but an env in my terminal shows SHELL=/bin/bash. Either way, it doesn’t seem to run my single line ~/.bash_profile18:11
ikanoboriThere you go, it's not a login shell :)18:12
ikanoboriYou likely want to use .profile18:12
ikanoboriActually the man page seems to say:  When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc18:13
cheeserific_ikanobori: I was over one partition I believe18:15
ikanoboricheeserific_: Then I think but I am not very good at this that (after you make a copy of the disk) you can recreate the partition table with a single partition and the same settings and it should be fine (tm).18:16
cheeserific_ikanobori, oi, I hope18:18
m0rd3caiI hope someone can help me here, im having trouble removing a package from APT. the file was installed through a script which pulled the .erb file from github. Now I cant locate the uninstall script.18:18
lotuspsychjem0rd3cai: you have errors in apt?18:19
lordcirthm0rd3cai, you say a file was installed from a script. Are you sure it even used apt?18:19
pragmaticenigmam0rd3cai: can you provide us a copy of the script that was used? please paste it to paste.ubuntu.com18:20
m0rd3caicurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rapid7/metasploit-omnibus/master/config/templates/metasploit-framework-wrappers/msfupdate.erb > msfinstall && \18:20
m0rd3caithats the script. No im not 100% sure but it shows when i 'apt list'18:21
gyles19m0rd3cai: dpkg -l | grep metasploit18:22
gyles19If that matches anything, you can "apt-get remove metasplit-framework", from looking at the install_deb function in that script.18:23
m0rd3caiyea i tried that, no luck there. im pasting the script now18:24
gyles19did the dpkg show anything?18:24
grkblood13is there a way to alt+tab to a specific window by default?18:25
leftyfbgrkblood13: no. That's not what alt+tab is designed for18:26
OerHeksm0rd3cai, that script you posted, is for lucid ... lolz18:26
grkblood13ive tried to change focus at startup with xdotool and wmctrl but they dont seem to do the trick18:26
gyles19m0rd3cai: Yes, that's the bootstrap script, and it leads to the link you posted earlier.  That second script sets up apt to install from their repo, package name appears to be metasploit-framework.18:26
gyles19Are you sure it actually installed?18:27
m0rd3cairally glad you mentioned that gyles19, metasploit did show up in dpkg and its now gone18:27
gyles19then it seems you managed to remove it.18:27
gyles19grkblood13: windows/focus management is a function of the window manager your system is using.  Which are you running and have you checked its options/preferences for focus?18:30
m0rd3caigyles19: appreciate the suggestion!18:32
BlastuRhey! is there a way for me to automatically install ubuntu on a bunch of computers and automatically setup things like what extra packages to install, add printers and etc?18:33
grkblood13gyles19, lxde18:35
gyles19grkblood13: And what is it you wanted to change?18:36
OerHeksBlastuR, maybe, write a preseed file https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt18:37
OerHeksand bionic, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apbs04.html18:37
grkblood13i wanted to focus on a window at boot, something thats not working with xdotool or xmctrl18:37
grkblood13alt+tab will work though18:38
grkblood13so there much be some difference in how that works and how those two programs work18:38
klemaxHello, how to correct if a printer works properly?18:39
gyles19grkblood13: its been ages since I configured lubuntu's desktop.  the session launch setup I use opens a terminal window at the end and that last window has focus by default, I didn't have to monkey with xdotool or anything.18:39
lotuspsychjeklemax: print a testpage?18:39
klemaxlotuspsychje: I mean ubuntu side18:40
OerHekshow to correct?18:40
klemaxTest page is not working18:40
klemaxis there a driver or package that i need to install?18:41
lotuspsychjeklemax: wich printer do you have, on wich ubuntu version?18:42
klemaxlotuspsychje: 18.04 - canon lpb 600018:43
lotuspsychjeklemax: did you try to add your ptinter via systemsettings?18:44
klemaxlotuspsychje: yes i did18:45
lotuspsychjeklemax: you might need this: https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/support/details/printers/laser-single-function/imageclass/lbp6000?tab=drivers_downloads18:46
OerHekshttp://www.openprinting.org/printer/Canon/Canon-LBP6000_LBP6018 = no18:47
klemaxlotuspsychje: I thought it was packaged18:47
OerHeks!info printer-driver-cjet18:48
ubottuprinter-driver-cjet (source: cjet): printer driver for Canon LBP laser printers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.9-7 (bionic), package size 27 kB, installed size 75 kB18:48
lotuspsychjeah nice find OerHeks18:49
klemaxOerHeks: so its not supported on Linux?18:49
OerHeksbut maybe that 60000 is not in the list18:49
klemaxThis package is installed18:49
OerHekshence openprinting, the basic place to look for printers18:49
grkblood13join #lxde18:51
=== Taco is now known as bulkshp
grkblood13how do I focus on a browser window opened via .xsessionrc on boot? neither xdotool or wmctrl seem to be doing the trick18:52
TechnologicalHello! Anyone mind pointing me to instructions on how to properly manage network interfaces on ubuntu 18.04? I heard it uses netplan or something but netplan seems like crap to me.18:52
grkblood13keyboard entries arnt being recognized until i click on the window with the mouse18:52
leftyfbgrkblood13: what exactly are you building?18:52
grkblood13wrong channel18:53
grkblood13i thought i was in lxde18:53
=== bulkshp is now known as Taco
klemaxOerHeks: I am gonna try to install driver  from the link that lotuspsychje gave.18:54
lotuspsychjeklemax: if both, do not work you might consider a new !bug for your canon18:54
Dicelordcirth: thanks, I made it work with the solution you gave me19:01
lordcirthDice, good19:01
klemaxlotuspsychje OerHeks: thanks for your help guys19:02
lotuspsychjeklemax: did it work?19:03
klemaxlotuspsychje: I have not tried yet, if it works, i will let you know19:04
pi0does anyone know how to setup ubuntu as an AP19:31
lordcirthpi0, a wifi access point? Well first you need the right hardware19:33
xamithanthere is an option "turn on wifi hotspot"19:33
xamithanDon't even need to config anything19:33
Cybertinushi, I've had mulltiple times that when I enter my password on the console of a Ubuntu 18.04 VM, right after it boots, that Ubuntu still wants to start some services so it notifies my of that. But at that point I'm entering my password. The result is that the remaining part of my password comes visible on the screen, in plain text19:34
Cybertinushave other people seen the same behaviour? And have you fixed it?19:35
pi0do i need gnome19:35
pi0or can this be basic cli19:35
pragmaticenigmaCybertinus: Is this within the TTY?19:36
leftyfbxamithan: where do you see that option?19:36
Cybertinusjust now I had the same affect that it started some services when I was entering a password on a sudo-prompt, the password became visible as plain text. It was even processed as a command when I pressed enter...19:36
leftyfbpi0: you do not need a DE in order to setup a hotspot.19:37
Cybertinuspragmaticenigma: yes, this is just on the console of the Ubuntu 18.04 console, jus tthe TTY19:37
pragmaticenigmaCybertinus: Does changing the TTY to one of the other available ones help?19:38
leftyfbxamithan: oh, would you look at that19:38
xamithanin the wifi settings.  I don't use gnome anymore but it was there last I looked19:39
leftyfbpi0: looks like it would be a lot easier to just run the desktop since there's literally just a menu item to select for it: https://vitux.com/make-your-ubuntu-pc-a-wireless-access-point/19:39
pragmaticenigmaCybertinus: Do you have some sort of custom service that you have added? Is there a service that is setup to export output to TTYs?19:39
Cybertinuspragmaticenigma: no, I haven't added anything. It is a stock, clean Ubuntu 18.04 install. all I've done to this VM is update it, for the past few months19:40
pi0i installed ubutu mini19:41
pragmaticenigmaCybertinus: is it possible to provide an example of the messages that you are seeing? it might help to narrow down what service decided to interupt the screen19:41
pi0now i need to add desktop settings19:41
Southern_Gentlempragmaticenigma, look at nm-cli19:42
pragmaticenigmapi0: While you can certainly use Ubuntu to host a Wireless AP, there are distributions out there with most of this already preset and ready for installation.19:42
leftyfbpi0: there's ways to do it without the GUI, but it's a lot easier with19:42
Cybertinuspragmaticenigma: I try to make a screenshot in a while. The machine is updating now, so I can't scroll back to the output19:42
leftyfbapparently there's now a snap that makes it simple as well19:43
leftyfbpi0: ^19:43
pi0nice i will do that19:43
pragmaticenigmaCybertinus: okay, I know that there are ways to configure a service to output to TTYs ... but I'm not sure how to identify them19:43
pragmaticenigmaSouthern_Gentlem: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking/telling me19:44
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pi0only thing now is that i have ubuntu mini installed19:45
pi0do i just apt install desktop19:45
pi0or is there a way to install desktop minimal19:45
leftyfbpi0: look at the link I just gave you. You can do it easily without the GUI19:46
Sushi-san 19:47
pragmaticenigmahello kiara19:50
kiarahola hablas español19:50
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lordcirthFervik, hi20:15
buttros_Hello everyone! Is it a good idea to install Ubuntu-Budgie as additional desktop environment in Ubuntu 18.10 Gnome?20:15
FervikSomeone is hère?20:15
lordcirthbuttros_, you mean, will it break things? It shouldn't.20:17
OerHeksbuttros_, adding a desktop is no problem, removing one can be interesting20:17
OerHeksi would seperate installs, no mixing programs, but that is just me20:18
OerHeks(technically it should work fine)20:18
buttros_lordcirth: is that for sure?20:18
OerHeksinstall, logout, change de, login20:18
lordcirthbuttros_, I'm sure it won't cause major issues. Might randomly change one of your default programs or something.20:19
lordcirthYou do have backups anyway, right?20:19
buttros_OerHeks: That's what I intend to do, yes I have backups20:19
OerHekshave fun!20:20
buttros_lordcirth: I do have backups20:20
klemaxI got some video freezing issue and some apps were appearing there in dock panel even if they are killed. Thats my experience in Budgie20:24
cansuphey someone help me plz but i prefer turkish20:31
lordcirth!tr | cansup20:32
ubottucansup: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:32
cansupthnx bro20:33
fleabeardhello friends, trying to add a ppa but am getting this error > sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found20:35
gambl0rei cant open any applications. im getting a 'KDEInit could not launch ....'20:36
fleabeardnevermind, got it sorted with sudo apt-get install python3-software-properties20:37
fleabeardwelp, may have spoke too soon as it doesn't seem to work still :/20:40
lordcirthfleabeard, software-properties-common ?20:41
lordcirth!pm | cansup20:42
ubottucansup: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:42
pragmaticenigmafleabeard: what are you trying to install?20:43
fleabeardlordcirth, that was it, thanks!20:43
jamie_1hey, im currently having some issues with removing a sign in from nautilus network folder20:46
jamie_1i went to sign into one and forgot to change the work group and it just fails with connection but wont let me choose to do it a different work group... ass soon as i try to connect with url it just proceeds to try to connect with old creds20:47
jamie_1i have also checked in the passwords and keyrings application and i dont see it.20:48
OerHeksmaybe something in settings > sharing ?20:54
OerHeksor ~/.config/nautilus/servers20:54
jamie_1OerHeks: i looked in the drop downs and i cant find any settings20:59
jamie_1nvm i forgot gnome has the drop down in the top bar21:00
jamie_1whatever ill figure it out at a later date21:00
joshbennerJust started seeing failures when trying Ubuntu 16.04 netboot installs. linux-image-4.4.0-143-generic postinst is failing with "linux-update-symlinks: not found".21:16
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: does the same thing happen with 18.04?21:17
joshbennerI haven't tried 18.0421:18
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: the error you're receiving is strange, but possible something was sync'ing on the mirror during install and timedout. Do you know what mirror you were set to download from?21:20
joshbennerI can arrange hitting another mirror for a retry. Is that worth a shot?21:21
gyles19joshbenner: linux-update-symlinks is a proggie provided with package linux-base, there are bug reports last year about trusty and xenial kernals that lacked that binary.  It's back in linux-updates.  does your system have the updated package on it yet?21:28
joshbennerpragmaticenigma: Just tried using a mirror listed as "up to date" (Princeton Mathematics) and got the same failure.21:28
joshbennergyles19: This is happening during initial install.21:28
gyles19which iso image are you using?21:28
joshbennergyles19: Netboot installer.21:28
gyles19Are you using the Netboot with HWE Kernel?21:29
OerHeksthat is not possible, that combo21:30
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: What selections are you making when prompted for what to install? I remember getting odd errors and then found that if I just use mini to install the core of the system, them install the packages, desktops, etc that I want, it was fine21:30
joshbennergyles19: I'm using the files from here, retrieved a couple weeks ago: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/21:31
pragmaticenigma* install the additional packages after21:31
joshbennerpragmaticenigma: I'm using a preseed script. Let me see if I can interpret that into an answer...21:31
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: preseed is all I needed21:31
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: If you were to not use the preseed, does it succeed?21:32
joshbennerpragmaticenigma: Specifically, I'm using this line: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect minimal, ssh-server, openssh-server21:32
joshbennerpragmaticenigma: I'm trying to figure out if I have a way to do a non-preseed manual install on my infra... ;)21:33
joshbennerinfrastructure -- this is a server in a larger environment, and when I trigger a provision process, it does PXE loading of the netboot image. Trying to recall if I have a way to make it not do that.21:34
joshbennerMaybe I can just interrupt it and take over...21:34
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: sounds cool, a little more advanced than anything I have done. I do recall last time I attempted to install that I tried to request the install of ssh server and the install failing... I think that's why I just went the route of not selecting anything and having the install succeed21:35
joshbennerHmm. Is there a way to force preseed to use the previous linux-image version instead of grabbing the latest?21:36
joshbennerWe literally installed 9 servers today, and this 10th one failed because it just happened to grab this one-step-newer package during install.21:37
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: I don't think so, short of building your own local mirror21:37
joshbennerWe do a local proxy cache to avoid killing the mirrors... but I'm wondering if we need to start doing a full local mirror to control versions. This is the second time in a couple weeks that changes in the upstream repos has broken server builds.21:38
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: sounds to me that might be a good idea if you're doing a lot of build outs like this21:39
joshbennerOoh, our preseed template includes an option for specifying the kernel image... giving that a shot...21:44
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: cool, would be interested to know if that works out for you21:44
joshbennerI'll update here with result in a few mins...21:44
joshbennerpragmaticenigma: that worked! Included this line in preseed: d-i base-installer/kernel/image string linux-image-4.4.0-142-generic21:53
pragmaticenigmajoshbenner: Awesome... might that be worthy of a bug ticket?21:55
joshbennerpragmaticenigma: Probably? Can you point me in the right direction for that?21:56
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:56
pragmaticenigmaThe link there will have the instructions for manually submitting21:56
pouchHi everyone22:14
jcb2016_How do you boot to an emergency she’ll do I can uninstall things with apt?22:20
jcb2016_So I can*22:20
Bashing-omjcb2016_: Can you boot to the grub boot menu ? from there advance options -> recovery kernels,22:22
jcb2016_Bashing-om: when I boot it just days Ubuntu then loads everything22:25
Bashing-omjcb2016_: legacy boot: as soon as the bios screen cleras depress abd jold a shoft key, UEFI then spam the escpape key, to get brub boot menu.22:26
Bashing-omjcb2016_: * clears depress and hold a shift key ,, shesh fingers not where they should be and not paying attention to what I am not doing :(22:28
database2ld cannot find -lc22:30
jcb2016_Bashing-om: will I have access to apt and internet?22:33
Bashing-omjcb2016_: Yes, you "can" .E enable networking prior to activating the root console in the recovery menu.22:34
kiaraalguien habla22:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:40
kiaratu hablas22:41
OerHeksenglish only, kiara22:41
geardhey guys, i'm looking to backup my home directory before reinstalling. 'rsync -av --include ".*" /home/geard/* /mnt/backupdevice/' will this grab everything and retain permissions?22:47
OerHeksi would add -R recursive22:50
gyles19Geard: rsync isn't my personal goto option for a one-off backup.  I either use tar, as in tar czvf /home/myname /mnt/backupdevice/myhomedir.tgz22:52
gyles19geard: or I use an old-school pipe: cd /home/myname && find . -depth -print | cpio -padvm /mnt/backupdrive22:53
gyles19geard: I don't use rsync manually often.  my man page on it suggests -r for recursive, -R for relative, and test with -n/--dry-run to check what it copies.  the --include wouldn't be necessary, it's there to combine with --exclude patterns. by default it should get .dot files.22:58
pragmaticenigmaI personally prefer rsync, since I usually am backing up a directory over the network and it allows me to stop the process and then pick it back up again with out having to start all over23:01
geardgyles19:  i was going to avoid the tar because its a laptop and wanted to potentilaly run it in several batches. but I do like the idea of having a single file as the output23:09
gyles19geard: Several Batches? I'm trying to wrap my 6pm friday brain around why a laptop makes a difference. :D23:11
gyles19geard: You have a massive /home directory?23:11
isomarigreetings, Is there a cosmic repo for libreoffice 1.6.2 ?23:13
gyles19Isomari: are you looking for an ancient release, or did you mis-read the version number on a repo? The current release is 6.2.1 from upstream.23:20
isomarigyles19: :-) my mistake. I meant 6.2.123:21
isomariwhenever I try to update, I keep getting 6.1.523:22
gyles19isomari: Yes, ubunto standard repos tend to lag behind upstreams.  You can download the deb file for 6.2.1 directly from libreoffice and dpkg --install that.23:22
gyles19isomari: Disco repos have 6.2.1 but that hasn't been backported to cosmic.23:23
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette
pragmaticenigma!latest | isomari23:30
ubottuisomari: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.23:30
isomarigyles19: I have disco on my laptop with 6.2.1. But my workstation is using cosmic. How can I use the backports on cosmic only for libreoffice?23:32
pragmaticenigmaisomari: you can't23:32
pragmaticenigmaisomari: Is there a particular feature you are seeking in the latest LibreOffice?23:32
gyles19isomari: It's not in any release's backports yet.23:33
gyles19isomari: You can download a .deb file from the original website that should run fine on cosmic, but their site doesn't recommend doing that if you want stability, you're in a corporate environment, etc.  I've done that in the past on my home gear and it worked okay.  If you really want 6.2.1 that's going to be your only option for cosmic right now.23:34
pragmaticenigmaisomari: it should be noted the downloading and installing applications outside of using Ubuntu's own package management and default supplied repsitories will make it difficult to trouble shoot your system should you seek help here in the future. Unless you really have a strong reason or need to have the latest, it is recommended to stay with the version supplied by the default repositories.23:37
pragmaticenigmaisomari: if you are concerned about security patches, those are applied to the versions made available in the default respositories.23:39
isomariAdvice taken. I'll keep 6.1.5. Thank you all.23:39

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