
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ochosiisn't it UIF today?09:52
ochosifwiw, we still have a slight issue in our plymouth fsck progressbar - i recently noticed it's blue and doesn't work on all background (e.g. purple)09:53
ochosinot sure i'll have time to fix that today09:53
ochosibluesabre: if you have time to upload elementary-xfce and greybird and if it helps, i can do quick releases of both (not even sure right now if there's a big delta)09:54
bluesabreochosi, freeze window closed yesterday, so everything will need UIFe's :) Feel free to do some releases though and we'll get them in09:55
ochosiah, ok, at least we're not in a hurry then :D09:55
bluesabreochosi, the plymouth thing might not be an issue... the wp drafts I've seen are dark-colored09:56
ochosiyeah, not for this release09:56
ochosibut for the future i'd prefer to fix it09:57
ochosiare we already shipping/using xfce4-screensaver in the upcoming release?09:57
ochosi(sorry, i'm a little off track lately)09:58
bluesabreochosi, not for this release, lots of things threw me off development in the last few months09:58
bluesabreplanning to for the start of e though09:58
bluesabreI think... studio might be considering it for disco though09:59
ochosioh ok, wow10:00
ochosiwell anyway, will be a good switch i think10:00
ochosii don't have time to invest into light-locker anymor10:01
ochosiand some of the inherent problems cannot be solved from within light-locker anyway...10:01
bluesabregot a new performance release coming in a few days, https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-screensaver/tree/NEWS10:02
bluesabrebeen suspending my laptop in various configurations a lot the last few days for some extended testing :D10:03
ochosii've also finalized the colord frontend integration btw10:10
ochosiso i'll merge that in a few days i think10:10
ochosidid some final code review, indentation fixes etc10:10
ochosibut it should be good to go10:11
ochosionly nuisance is that xiccd is not as stable as i would wish10:11
ochosiso at some point i guess i need to do the server side of colord...10:11
bluesabreochosi, but I think the current implementation is good for now :)10:15
bluesabreonce that's merged, I'll run it through coverity scan for a spot check10:15
ochosigood idea10:26
franksmcbI know the test case results were clearned from the iso tracker.  Are y'all looking for more runs of the test cases at this time?17:12
=== Spass_ is now known as Spass

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