
norttihi, I'm trying to set up chinese (simplified) IME on lubuntu 18.04, and so far with every IME system I have tried (ibus, scim, uim, fcitx) the system installs correctly and picks up whatever pinyin input I install for it, but I can't actually activate the IME in leafpad or in firefox09:25
norttiI have tried to use im-cofig (with ibus and with fcitx) and set the environment variables by hand (with ibus), but they don't seem to have any effect09:26
titsukinortti: hi, I'm using fcitx-mozc (Japanese IME) on lubuntu 18.10 and it works fine to me. AFAIK, fcitx has its own config menu (its GUI) and you can set user-installed IME via this config.09:46
norttiyeah, that part works fine. just nothing else seems to recognize I have fcitx running09:50
norttidid you have to do any additional configuration in addition to installing fcitx?09:50
titsukinortti: I didn't need to do any other configuration.09:51
titsukinortti: but you may need to reboot your computer.09:51
norttidoes not seem to have had any effect09:56
titsukinortti: Sorry, I have never used lubuntu 18.04, so I don't have good idea...09:58
norttimmh, thanks anyways. will try to see if I can adapt information from say arch10:01
norttilooks like if I manually do "export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx" in my ~/.profile then it'll work10:10
titsukinortti: that's good to hear10:11
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lubuntu_n00bNotebook Toshiba Satellite M40-284; Lubuntu 18.04 32-bit; can't change LCD backlight; "/sys/class/backlight" is empty14:17
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