
floridagram-bot6<RazPi> I made it!12:57
floridagram-bot6Siva Machina was added by: Siva Machina13:32
floridagram-bot6<Siva Machina> For some reason my account on Telegram was deleted.13:34
floridagram-bot6<KMyers> Strange13:35
floridagram-bot6<Siva Machina> Oh yeah I need a link or to be re added to the Disney group13:37
floridagram-bot6<Ivoriesablaze> i know, one sec13:37
floridagram-bot6<Ivoriesablaze> give me a few minutes, i'm in the middle of something13:39
floridagram-bot6<Siva Machina> https://twitter.com/telegram/status/110688725385338060813:48
floridagram-bot6<Ivoriesablaze> ah, no worries, then13:49
floridagram-bot6<KMyers> Wow. That sucks14:08
floridagram-bot6<Ivoriesablaze> he's back14:09
floridagram-bot6<SivaMachina> And I am back....I think14:09
floridagram-bot6<ahoneybun> IRC to Telegram bot is going down for a bit.17:25

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