
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Add 19.04 desktop wallpaper, ready for the UIFe process. @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=b2896fad311c2279905712be5d2614b89912af21 (by Pasi Lallinaho)10:25
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Revert "Add 19.04 desktop wallpaper, ready for the UIFe process." @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=f0ee363a10533a5e37fd40905bbb62781aca5c50 (by Pasi Lallinaho)10:55
knomeUnit193: do we need to registed launchpad "series" now that we're using git and you can't bind git branches to series?10:58
knomeuife bug #1820388 (pending plymouth wallpaper update, so don't sub others yet)10:59
ubottubug 1820388 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) " [UIFe] New wallpaper for Xubuntu 19.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182038810:59
bluesabreknome, yeah, the lp series don't do anything for us now, so we just use the branches instead12:09
knomegood to know12:10
knomedo they even do anything for the history, eg. should we just delete them all to avoid confusion if they are hollow?12:10
bluesabreThat... I don't know12:11
knomebecause they do not link to any branches obviously12:12
knomethis doesn't look like anything that's useful for anybody12:12
bluesabreYeah, that looks useless12:13
knomeneither does this, and is just a boring/confusing/useless/outdated list: https://launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/+series12:13
bluesabrefair point12:14
knomeand i don't think we use the series for anything internally either; there are no milestones or blueprints12:14
knome(and once i get my act together and finish the development tracker code, we don't have to do blueprints on launchpad for anything)12:15
knomeso i will go ahead and delete these all for -artwork to begin12:15
bluesabreSounds good to me12:15
knomeson woke up, so now i can go work on my desktop; brb12:15
knomeaaahhh... there are some old bzr branches for the old series12:18
knomeso those should be kept12:18
knome...i guess12:18
knome"View Bazaar branches" show this: https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/+branches12:21
knomedoesn't show any old series branches12:21
knome..but they exist, like here: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/zesty/files12:21
knome...what? :P12:21
knomeoh, any active status12:22
knomebluesabre, Unit193: to both of you, how do you feel about keeping old stuff in bzr branches? do we let them just be, or do we want to migrate them as git branches?12:27
bluesabreknome, I think it makes sense to migrate them to git so everything is in one place12:28
knomeyeah, me too12:28
knomeand that way we can remove the series for good12:28
knometbh, we can remove those series now12:28
knomethe bzr branches do not need the series to exist...12:28
knomecan of worms.12:30
knomewe need to unlink these first12:30
bluesabrehoo boy12:30
knomei guess i'll just mark all of the series obsolete12:31
bluesabreI've actually gotta step out for a bit, but I'll bbabl12:31
knomeyeah, i think i'll be gone then12:31
bluesabreseeya knome, have a fun day12:31
knomebluesabre, your tutorial misses the requirement to have bzr-fastimport installed12:36
knomenp. :)12:37
knomealso misses explanation on importing from different location (eg. bzr and git branches live in different dirs, but i assume you just change the "." part in the fast-export command12:38
knomealso doesn't mention if the git branch needs to exist before importing12:38
bluesabreI think `--git-branch=0.1` does that12:39
knomeand oh, yes i understand the "different dirs" problem now12:40
knomebasically just do >file instead of piping to git-import, then run git-import with the file12:41
knomelet's see if i blow up something :)12:42
knomebluesabre, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rf8TZMBR5f/12:45
knomewhere xubuntu-artwork is the dir for the git repository12:45
knomealso need to remember to cd ..12:46
knomebluesabre, updated https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gN33H9K6XT/12:50
knomealso git fast-import didn't work with a file parameter, needs piping12:54
knomeheeeey :D https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/+git/xubuntu-artwork/+ref/karmic12:57
knomedoing another automated test.13:00
knomefun! https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/+git/xubuntu-artwork/+ref/jaunty13:01
knomebluesabre, another thing, i'm not sure the last command (--tags) is needed, i keep getting a message telling the tags are rejected since they already exists -- even the tags that come from the new branch!13:13
knomei should be able to migrate all branches from bzr to git before i leave and when i get back i will look at deleting those bzr branches and stuff13:20
knomeok, all xubuntu-artwork branches are in git now.13:25
knomehave a nice saturday!13:25
knomenuked the series for -artwork, branches are still intact20:35
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Transition xubuntu-artwork for elementary-xfce-icon-theme package @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=8788b9a5f97a49ebbfdc56917d8764d5cbf412d0 (by Sean Davis)20:38

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