
barnino hablo espaniol00:04
barniwhere are zou from esppaniol00:05
OerHeksbarni, keep this channel free for ubuntu support, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks00:05
HoloIRCUser1Ich have keine annung deutsch 😂00:06
HoloIRCUser1I m new here Barni00:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:07
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
barniwhere are zou from00:13
Vic2Suddenly I can no longer use ntp, though ntp is installed ... this is ubuntu 14.04 desktop00:14
Vic2what is the full path to ntp?00:14
OerHekslocate ntp would tell00:16
guest-ttdjq1hi all00:20
guest-ttdjq1need help00:20
Vic20erHeks along with 1000 other files with ntp in the name ... what dir would that typically be in ?00:22
OerHeksin /etc/init.d/ntp perhaps?00:23
* flyingbutter masterbates to anime00:24
* flyingbutter bukakes beowuff 00:25
Vic20erHeks yeah that starts the daemon ... but I need to do the command 'ntp -gq' and I am getting file not found.00:25
=== Taco is now known as Elon-Musk
OerHekssudo ntpd -gq https://askubuntu.com/a/25600400:26
guest-ttdjq1I don’t know where the users are. I’m left with a guest login to the system, but he doesn’t have enough to open the hard drive. Nothing. Only live cd?00:28
espBerryhello how can i open new terminal with script?00:33
espBerryno one is here?00:36
guest-ttdjq1I dont know my friend :( but, im here)00:37
espBerrymy script is ‘python3 exam.py’ that is repeated only 5 times. but when i execute it it execute only first line, i want to execute all line at same time00:38
EriC^^espBerry: what terminal program00:38
espBerryEriC^^: i use only script on terminal00:38
Vic2if you replied 0erHeks - I was disconn .... please repeat, sorry.00:39
=== san is now known as Guest11438
MenzieVic2 - he said [ sudo ntpd -gq ] and referenced (OerHeks) sudo ntpd -gq https://askubuntu.com/a/25600400:40
MenzieIt's "ntpd," not "ntp"00:41
Vic2Yep Menzie ... thank you.  To which I replied that I had been doing that for months ... but suddenly today I am getting sudo: ntp: command not found00:41
MenzieVic2 - weird, is the ntp package installed?00:42
Vic2Grrrr ... thanks!  I am embarrased now ... yes it is ntpd, not ntp.  sigh.  Thanks Menzie00:43
MenzieYou're welcome :)00:44
Vic2I usually look back in bash history for the command as I can never remember it ... dunno why it was like that.  Oh well, thanks again.00:44
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
James_EppHey folks. I'm hoping to get redirected to a good resource (I'd even take a manpage or something) to understand filesystem permissions. I understand how to use chmod/chown and understand the octal masks at a basic level but I want to know more about effective permissions, how permissions accumulate, how perms are inherited if at all, and so on. Any suggestions?00:51
guest-ttdjq1I’m left with a guest login to the system, but he doesn’t have enough to open the hard drive00:53
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
shadowrammarrowing on history gives me characters instead of the history text. what did I do wrong?01:02
shadowrammI googled it and all the "answers" are just explinations of what can cause this, not how to fix it. Which I understand are related...01:03
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: If you have lost your access to the priviledged account - there is the recovery console with root access as an alternative.01:04
jcb2016anyone here use the mate desktop?01:04
shadowrammBashing-om , google single user mode01:05
shadowrammoh, you were answering, not asking.01:05
Bashing-omshadowramm: There is that too :)01:05
shadowrammmy bad01:05
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: sudo: невозможно изменить на root gid: Операция не позволена01:07
guest-ttdjq1sudo: не удаётся инициализировать модуль политики01:07
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Sorry, English is the only human language I comprehend.01:08
shibbolethsomeone has to explain the letter ж01:09
shibbolethlike, wtf?01:09
shibbolethalso, is the Cyrillic alphabet based on the latin onem but whoever lifted it was dyslexic?01:10
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: wait a few second please01:11
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: sudo: cannot be changed to root gid: Operation not allowed01:11
guest-ttdjq1sudo: unable to initialize policy module01:11
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: ubuntu: - easiest way is via the grub boot menu - advanced options -> recovery console.01:13
guest-ttdjq1I tried first to do just that. Did not work out.01:17
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: "Did not work out." can be a thousand things that I will not take the time to work through, So tell us exactly what does happen.01:18
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: In the recovery mode of the grub bootloader I try to start the system in superuser mode, asks for a password, I enter, but nothing happens. Says that the password is incorrect.01:21
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: In recovery mode "you" are root - there is no password. What is the end goal here that you must resort to a root console ?01:22
guest-ttdjq1Sorry, maybe Google translator made a little mistake with the translation. What does "ultimate goal" mean? I want to see the logs. I can't even begin to understand the problem.01:26
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Up - is yours01:26
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Understand the difficulty to translate. Have you attempted help in the Russian channel ? What release are you on ( systemd makes a difference) .. and what logs do you want to see ?01:28
jameshjacksonjrYeah Google translation is always never correct01:32
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: I’m sitting for the first time in my life in the IRC channel :) I don’t know how to use it all. It's not difficult for me to translate sit. The main thing is not what country we are from, and the main thing is that we are all people with problems and the desire to help - yes?01:33
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Great .. yes --- we do all we can to help. In that regard to help I try and determine the problem. and direct efforts to fix. OK - can you presently boot to the login screen ?01:37
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Yes, I can.01:39
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Do I do this?01:40
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Outstanding .. now at the login screen execute key combination ctl+alt+F2, here is a comsole interface. login here with user name and your password. success ?01:43
k0nichiwafree command line utility for working with files with NRG extension ?01:45
k0nichiwasome idiot has packaged a set of manuals as an NRG image01:45
k0nichiwai want to access the manuals so i need a way of extracting them from the NRG format01:45
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: I tried to go before so. Gives a message that such users do not exist. And even the root user is not a creature.01:45
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Ouch. Then we are back to acccessing the root acount .. several ways to access the root account, easiest is to boot to the grub boot menu -> advanced options -> recovery kernel -> and in that menu select "root shell".01:49
gdb(assuming that still exists!)01:57
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: At least tell me which way to think? Search services do not help.02:10
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Right now we do not have any info to draw any conclusions - nor know which way to look. Now if we must one can boot a liveDVD/USB and mount the install partition. From there if you want we can look at what is in the system log files.02:13
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Yes, I also thought in this direction, but unfortunately I can not open my own hard drive, because there are no permissions to this02:16
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: "root" can do all things. We do need to exercise an option to gain a console interface; somewhere :)02:17
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: "20:49 < Bashing-om> guest-ttdjq1: Ouch. Then we are back to acccessing the root acount .. several ways to access02:19
Bashing-om                    the root account, easiest is to boot to the grub boot menu -> advanced options -> recovery02:19
Bashing-om                    kernel -> and in that menu select "root shell".02:19
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Earlier, in the version of Ubuntu 10.04, I needed to do this, I remember about this possibility ... The system does not see, as I understand this user.02:25
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: And if we can get to a terminal .. then we can investigate why "that" user is unknown, Be aware I am running short on time and I have other interest I must soon attend to.02:29
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Of course, I understand that I delay you. I will now start downloading the latest version of Ubuntu from the official site. It will take time, so you can not wait for me. In general, I thought so that it is worth doing just that. This is the easiest way. Simply, the fact is that I, in the absence of experience, admitted that there are other solutions to my problem. Thanks for the help!02:34
[J]oulessoftware upgrade installed new kernel. cannot start virtualbox. /sbin/vboxconfig fails.02:35
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Others are here too to assist, I will return in an hour or so for another short time. We can continue then, yes ?02:36
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Здуфыуб ыещз ф ауц ыусщтв02:36
guest-ttdjq1Please, stop afew second02:37
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: waiting :))02:37
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Shouldn't I, in the process of downloading from the official distribution site, authorize this action on behalf of the superuser?02:39
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: What ? to download and burn a liveDVD/USB does not require any elevated privileges.02:40
=== conjo is now known as snickerZ
=== snickerZ is now known as SNookerZ
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: I understand, thank you for help! )02:41
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: No real help yet - that process is just beginning :P02:42
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Oh. Wait please02:43
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: waiting .02:44
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Everything is fine, I beg your help.02:56
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: Still here .. but I must soon depart for a time .02:57
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: And if I have a 32-bit operating system, and 64 is downloaded - in that case I can hope for success?03:03
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: No. A 64 bit software will not run on 32 bit hardware.03:04
Bashing-omguest-ttdjq1: I must be away for some time. I will return later.03:07
guest-ttdjq1Bashing-om: Have a nice day!03:08
=== sorin-mihai_ is now known as sorin-mihai
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
sebsebsebshadrowramm: hi03:30
SNookerZhi sebsebseb- hey all i was wondering if there are any virus's in the wild that affect ubuntu 18.04 desktop03:30
shadrowrammwell, we could go and search the database...03:31
SNookerZin days gone by i was told no virus on linux period because it too small a target03:31
sebsebsebSNookerZ: good a support issue or sort of :)03:31
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:31
sebsebsebthat bot response si a bit old but yeah03:32
sebsebsebSNookerZ: you can get malicous software03:32
sebsebsebSNookerZ: for Linux distros, but03:32
sebsebsebit's pretty rare,  and you would have to install yourself or something usually03:32
sebsebsebjust get all the security updates from the repos of the distro that running and should be ok03:32
sebsebseband don't get programs off random websites as well,  just like with WIndows03:32
SNookerZthanks sebsebseb03:32
sebsebsebSNookerZ: most things you would want to run  will be in the package manager anyway if not  everything03:33
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.03:33
sebsebsebSNookerZ: your welcome03:34
=== shadrowramm is now known as shadowramm
=== Uncle_Joe_St is now known as llll
=== llll is now known as Uncle_Joe_St
SNookerZsebsebseb, i was wondering if theres any point running a av scan on linux if so what dir(s)-from what you said i assume the only point of having av on linux is to scan windows/other os files to keep the internet cleaner generally, is my assumption correct?03:45
sebsebsebSNookerZ: ha to keep the Internet cleaner  I like the sound of that, but sounds kind of funny03:46
sebsebseband no that was the bot factoid it's old though03:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone03:46
sebsebsebSNookerZ: most of the Internets servers are run by you guesseit Linux03:47
sebsebsebyou guessed it Linux03:47
sebsebsebSNookerZ: and so their  virus scanners tend to scan for Windows viruses03:47
sebsebsebthat can't infecta  Linux distro03:47
sebsebsebsince designed and made for WIndows03:48
sebsebsebSNookerZ: well they could maybe infect Wine and things like that a bit,  but that's  a compatability layour program for running  WIndows progarms with Linux etc,  so with the exception of that, won't do anything03:48
EickmeyerThat's when a good ol' "sudo apt purge wine" comes in handy.03:49
sebsebsebEickmeyer: well yeah maybe03:49
sebsebseband there's no Wine by default in most Linux distros03:50
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:50
jcb2016anyone use the mate desktop. i need help configuring it?03:50
sebsebsebjcb2016: sometimes I do, what's up ?03:50
jcb2016sebsebseb: how do you add icons to the desktop ie. computer, recycle bin, folders03:50
sebsebsebjcb2016: ah yes03:51
sebsebsebjcb2016: I am actsaully running unity 7 right now and that's what I got installed on this lap top currently, but I belive  there's still giong to be a desktop folder probably in  home03:51
sebsebsebyou could also try right clicking03:51
sebsebsebmaybe even trying to add from the menu's to the desktop by right clicking03:51
jcb2016sebsebseb: didn't work03:53
sebsebsebjcb2016: look for a desktop folder in home03:54
[J]oulesupdate installed 4.4.0-143-generic, after reboot, virtualbox cannot start any vm's. /sbin/vboxconfig fails03:54
sebsebsebnot used virtualbox properly for a little while now03:54
sebsebsebI think you might need to install the like virtuablox kernel  for the kernel that running03:55
sebsebsebif that makes sense03:55
[J]ouleswell i really rely on it03:55
[J]ouleswhere is virtualbox kernel?03:55
sebsebsebthat was just a normal kernel update yeah?03:55
sebsebsebif you load up the old kernel it will probably still work03:55
sebsebsebworth a test03:55
[J]oulesit was just a regular ubuntu 16.04 update03:55
sebsebsebbut   it should also be able to work with a new kernel03:55
sebsebsebVirtuablox like installs a thing for the kernel that's running I think, a module or whatever03:56
[J]ouleswhat it took was apt remove virtualbox*; apt install virtualbox,  then install extensionpak03:56
sebsebsebjcb2016: I had icons for Firefox and what not in Mate before, ok in a diffenrte distro, but still03:57
sebsebsebjcb2016: I don't like telling people to Google, but you could probably Google and get a better answer03:57
[J]oulesi tried apt install virtualbox-5.2, won't start vm's, virtualbox-6.0 wont start vm's03:57
[J]oulessomething is up with this newer kernel03:57
[J]oulesnot in a good way either03:58
sebsebsebthe kernel needs a moudle or something I think03:58
sebsebsebif you re install virtualbox that might help as well actsaully03:58
sebsebsebas in competly remove it03:58
sebsebseband re install03:58
[J]oulesi did that03:58
sebsebsebcan keep  the .virtualbox in home03:58
[J]oulesi tried apt install virtualbox-5.2, won't start vm's, virtualbox-6.0 wont start vm's03:58
sebsebsebmight be a bug with that kernel as well so it's not working, but not sure03:58
[J]oulesthat was after apt remove virtualbox*03:58
sebsebsebdid you try old kernel ?03:58
[J]oulesnot sure how to run older kernel03:59
sebsebsebGrub used to keep on adding kernels to the list03:59
sebsebsebas a new kernel was installed, old would stay, and could just pick old03:59
sebsebsebbut that may have changed now a bit03:59
[J]oulescan you tell me how i would get this box to use older kernel?03:59
jcb2016sebsebseb: i think i found it. its called Mate Tweak i can add computer, trash to the desktop. plus i can right click on stuff and click pin to desktop. thanks03:59
sebsebsebif it's instaled still, which it is likely to be , you should be able to boot it up from Grub04:00
sebsebsebjcb2016: they might have removed some settings yes04:00
sebsebsebjcb2016: mate tweak from where ?04:00
sebsebsebjcb2016: don't just get off some random site :D04:00
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)04:01
jcb2016sebsebseb: http://goinglinux.com/articles/Create%20MATE%20Desktop%20Application%20Icons%20_en.htm04:02
[J]oulesthis tells us how to boot older kernel04:02
sebsebsebyeah would boot it up some how from GRUB04:02
jcb2016sebsebseb: Mate tweak is part of mate its not an addon or anything04:02
sebsebsebjcb2016: then should be in repos or something04:02
uncool_in 18.04, have set no domain name, but 'hostname -f' is showing .lan as the domain name. how do i remove that? /etc/hostname just shows the hostname without .lan04:11
CoCo_Kid594hello all....04:28
uncool_there are no files under /etc/system/network/04:29
uncool_but i want to change the domain name. what file is systemd-networkd using if no files even exist there04:30
pragmaticenigmauncool_: Might help to start at the beginning... and explain what it is you are trying to do or what issue you have04:30
uncool_my router is handing out the .lan domain name, and only my 18.04 mahcines are using it. i need to have them not use that domain name, so hostname -f just has a hostname04:31
uncool_i used dhcp to get an available ip address, and then used that ip address as a static ip by editing 50-cloudinit.conf04:32
uncool_while there is no mention of a domain name in that file, systemd-networkd continues to use what it was given during the dhcp handout, and i need to know what to change do drop the .lan domain name. /etc/hostname is already just the host name04:32
pragmaticenigmauncool_: You can't...04:33
uncool_pragmaticenigma: ?04:33
uncool_of course you can04:33
uncool_where is the domain name being stored04:34
pragmaticenigmaThe value is generated and provided by the DHCP server... your box is merely reporting what it was told04:34
uncool_but i am no longer using dhcp04:34
uncool_but the domain it recieved, while using dhcp, persists on the system04:34
pragmaticenigmaYou can try this: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-change-hostname-on-ubuntu-18-04/04:34
pragmaticenigmaif that doesn't resolve it... then I wouldn't know where to begin04:35
uncool_i have already done this. hostnamectl does not report the domain name. the domain name is not in /etc/hostname or /etc/hosts, based on the research i have done, this is systemd-networkd, but i need to know where systemd-networkd is storeing the domain name it recieved during dhcp, when the box was configured to use dhcp previosly04:38
uncool_the man page for systemd-networkd says /etc/systemd/network/ but that directory is empty04:38
uncool_and none of the files in /lib/systemd/network/ mention the domain name04:38
uncool_it must be cached someplace else04:38
uncool_i mean, systemd-resolve --status shows domain, but systemd-resolve wont let me change it, it straight denies me04:40
uncool_fucking systemd04:43
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | uncool_04:45
ubottuuncool_: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:45
kr_60642!Poledra Watt-Evans, Lawrence - [Ethshar 01] - The Misenchanted Sword (v1.0) [htm].rar04:54
ubottukr_60642: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:54
pragmaticenigma!warez | kr_6064204:55
ubottukr_60642: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:55
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
jcottondoes anyhow know from LFD means in "Display control characters except for LFD and TAB using ‘^’ notation and precede characters that have the high bit set with ‘M-’"?04:58
jcottonfrom cat's help04:58
jcottoni assume it means linefeed04:58
pragmaticenigmajcotton: what is LFD?04:58
jcottonthat's what i'm asking04:59
jcotton*anyone know what LFD means04:59
pragmaticenigmajcotton: LFD is for line feed04:59
jcottonusually i see it as just lF05:00
pragmaticenigmaLFD is from when control characters all used 3 character notations.. like NUL05:01
chalcednymy husband has libre office on ubuntu 16.04. he keeps some documents in writer. one of them has somehow spawned a chart that he doesn't want and doesn't know how to get rid of. Help?05:05
k0nichiwai need to circumvent a firewall preventing me from ssh to my ubuntu server05:12
k0nichiwamy current plan ... disavble apache on my ubuntu server and conficure sshd to use port 80 in addition to poert 2205:12
k0nichiwais there some way to get ssh to foreward a different port on the server, say 22210, to port 22 , and i could ssh in from my laptop using ssh -p 22210 ?05:13
k0nichiwathe firewall may block 22210 also05:13
pragmaticenigmak0nichiwa: that depends on where the file wall is, if it is at the ISP, there really isn't much you can do, and I'd be surprised if the ISP isn't blocking port 8005:14
k0nichiwaim on a public wifi05:18
k0nichiwait allows port 80 connections outward of course05:18
k0nichiwabut it blocking ssh ie port 22 connections outward05:18
k0nichiwaso i guess ill try using port 80 on my ubuntu server, have sshd listen on that as well05:19
k0nichiwabut i was just wondering if there is a way to do it with changing as few config files as possible05:19
k0nichiwaif the wifi firewall allows say some random port i could do it with a tunnel maybe05:19
k0nichiwaas it is, i will have to disable apache on the ubutnu server since its using port 8005:19
k0nichiwabut ive read a few attempts to explain ssh port forewarding and tunneling and i reallyd ont understand them05:20
k0nichiwaso apart rom all that ...is there areally good, precise, clear explanation of using ssh for poert forewarding and tunneling etc ?05:20
en1gmaaDell Precision M4800 runnung Ubuntu 18.04.2 x86_64 Desktop and am only getting 22MBs when using my full size SandDisk SDCARD in the (MMC) Slot? anyhow if i take that same card and plug it into a usb 3.0 adapter that has alot of connections on the end like the full size SDCARD im only getting 22MBs with then it will get over 80MBs05:31
en1gmaacan someone help with this? btw i just did a fresh install of 18.04.2 so it is really basically factory default except i install hexchat05:32
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pragmaticenigmaen1gmaa: The card readers are on a slower bus than the USB 3.005:33
en1gmaapragmaticenigma i dont think so. i read it was a bios setting and disabling legacy usb or something05:34
en1gmaai was hoping there was a for sure way to test as if i set that setting than i dont think i will be able to boot from usb05:34
pragmaticenigmaen1gmaa: Why wouldn't you computer be able to boot from USB? It's more rare that computers allow booting from the memory card readers05:36
en1gmaato my understanding it when legacy usb is disabled.05:37
en1gmaai think i will do a little testing. brb05:37
lystraI am trying to install ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso on an Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS system with KVM. I created a VM, like I've done with older Ubuntu releases, and booted from the ISO. I selected all of the defaults and received the following error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WFGBBWXHKq/. Any ideas?05:52
pragmaticenigmalystra: Can you elborate on what you mean by selected all of the defaults?05:55
lystrapragmaticenigma: I hit return throughout the installation process. The only time I used the up/down arrow keys were when I confirmed the destructive action of wiping the entire disk.05:58
pragmaticenigmalystra: well one problem I see is that you are using the 18.04 iso when you appear to want to install 16.0405:59
lystrapragmaticenigma: The guest VM should be 18.04, the latest Ubuntu LTS release but the host is running 16.04. I haven't had time to upgrade the host to 18.04 yet.06:00
pragmaticenigmalystra: oh... I misread06:01
pragmaticenigmalystra: i can't be certain why it failed at that step. only thing I can think of is to try again06:02
lystrapragmaticenigma: I tried changing from DHCP->static IP in the installation process and changing the LVM configuration, both of which caused a different type of failure. But, things scroll by so quickly.06:02
lystrapragmaticenigma: Ok, thanks. I've tried a few times already. I'll keep plugging away.06:02
pragmaticenigmafailing that, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server ... at the moment, most of the volunteers that are active here are based in North America (presently middle of the night here) ... you may want to try again during a week day around 1700 UTC06:04
lystrapragmaticenigma: Thanks.06:04
NorthwestVeganthats a strange error lystra06:06
lystraNorthwestVegan: Yep.06:14
lystraLooked at my KVM config and CPU was set to "Westmere". Changed that to "Hypervisor Default" and installation is going.06:14
NorthwestVegandoes the desktop installer work ok?06:14
NorthwestVeganoh cool06:14
lystraCouldn't change the IP from DHCP->Static through. Installer automatically restarted so just selecting the defaults. But, gonna try a reinstall with a different LVM config. Hopefully that works.06:15
NorthwestVeganyou should be able to change the ip settings after it installs06:16
lystraYeah, but redoing LVM is not as easy.06:17
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lavidhi all! I'm having some trouble with my headless ubuntu desktop audio. i think it's a permissions issue since i can play mp3s just fine when i'm superuser, but i just get crackling/distortion when i try to play them as my user. thanks in advance.07:32
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ducasselavid: have you tried creating a new user and testing as that?08:06
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lavidducasse: the end goal is to get mopidy working. oddly enough, it works fine as users: root, mopidy but it doesn't work as my user (the one created by default with the ubuntu installer)08:08
ducasselavid: that makes it sound like a user configuration issue08:09
lavidducasse: i haven't done much user configuring outside of trying to get mopidy working. so i'm not sure where i should be looking08:10
ducasselavid: first do as i suggested and create a new user to test as, to confirm or disprove.08:12
lavidducasse: when i try and create a new user (haven't added any groups or permissions, just `adduser testinguser`) i get the following: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (/run/user/1000) is not owned by us (uid 1001), but by uid 1000! (This could e g happen if you try to connect to a non-root PulseAudio as a root user, over the native protocol. Don't do that.)08:13
ducasselavid: how did you switch to that user?08:15
lavidsu testinguser08:15
lavidducasse: su testinguser08:15
ducassedon't do that, log in as it08:15
lavidducasse: got it. so when i do that, i hear silence. when i try to see if i need to unmute something alsamixer gives: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory08:17
ducassehmmm, try 'alsamixer -c 1'08:21
lavidducasse: invalid card index: 108:22
ducassesorry, this is out of my paygrade, i don't deal much with sound. hang around and see if someone else can help.08:24
lavidducasse: all good. thanks for trying08:24
lotuspsychjelavid: system up to date?08:26
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lavidlotuspsychje: this is a brand new install of 18.10 and yes, it's all up to date as of the past 24 hours. i'll update it now though just to rule that out08:27
lavidFWIW when i created that new test user, this is the output of pacmd list-sinks 1 sink(s) available.   * index: 0 name: <auto_null>08:27
lotuspsychjelavid: is it correct you never had sound working on this new install then?08:28
lavidlotuspsychje: not exactly. i can play music as root08:28
lotuspsychjethats some weird issue08:29
lavidlotuspsychje:  sudo mpg123 /var/lib/mopidy/media/Mingus/*08:29
lavidthat works great08:29
lotuspsychjelavid: did you try other playing methods?08:30
lotuspsychjelavid: wich DE are you on?08:32
lavidlotuspsychje: i played some flac files. too. this is a headless install08:33
lotuspsychjelavid: but you running ubuntu desktop right08:33
lavidlotuspsychje: yes, that's the distro08:33
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lotuspsychjelavid: try playing something with vlc or cvlc perhaps?08:36
lavidlotuspsychje: i feel like i'm missing something with the vlc command line: cvlc ./01\ -\ II\ B.S..mp3  VLC media player 3.0.4 Vetinari (revision 3.0.4-0-gf615db6332)08:44
lotuspsychjelavid: cvlc '/path/to/my.mp3' should work08:45
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lavidlotuspsychje: doesn't seem to. i think i'm just going to nuke this install and try again with 18.04.208:54
lotuspsychjelavid: can you provide us more details how you made desktop, headless?08:54
lotuspsychjelavid: maybe thats where it goes wrong08:54
lavidlotuspsychje: i just don't log into a DE.08:55
lotuspsychjelavid: yeah i understand that part, but normal desktop goes to gdm3 so how did you do it exactly?08:57
lavidlotuspsychje: i'm just gdm3 loads, but there's no monitor connected.08:58
lavidlotuspsychje: *i'm sure gdm3 loads, i meant to say08:59
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:23
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AlwaysInTimeAfter rebooting my ubuntu 18.04 (on a VM), the internet is not working. How do I fix this?09:27
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TankburnI guess starting with ifconfig would be your best bet09:42
neureI am looking for something which can show what networkd ports are being used by which processes10:05
blackflowneure: ss -4lnp10:06
blackflowneure: use just -p for a more comprehensive list of sockets in use, the above are only -l ones10:08
blackflow(you'll need root to see processes you don't own)10:09
PeppepSo. I'm about to upgrade to 19.04 instead of cramming for the midterm tomorrow. Go me!10:17
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BluesKajPeppep, 19.04 here as well, no issues on my set up so far, but I'm on KDE/Plasma. Your experience may be different. Keeping a stable version like 18.04 as a backup OS is recommended10:24
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blackflow19.04 Dancing Doggo10:26
PeppepBluesKaj: I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, so I still have Win10 dual-boot as a backup.10:29
BluesKajPeppep, hmm, W10 isn't a backup...an alternative, maybe :-)10:30
PeppepI was considering reinstalling 18.10 in any case, since I blindly tried fixing things with multiple solutions for the same problem during my first Ubuntu weeks10:30
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PeppepIt's a backup to be able to work for the rest of the day ;)10:30
* BluesKaj shrugs .....10:31
PeppepI'm not sure if we're discussing semantics, Linux vs Win or something else. I was sceptical about the move tbh, but after a month I've booted W10 once10:34
BluesKajPeppep, once you become accustomed to Linux, you'll find yourself booting into W10 less and less. :-)10:36
PeppepThe one time so far was just to check that nothing went wrong during the Ubuntu install, and I haven't booted it since then. So the frequency can't get much lower ;)10:38
PeppepRe 19.04, does the current "do-release-upgrade -d" build give me GNOME 3.32 but not kernel 5.0?10:39
BluesKajPeppep, the most recent 19,04 daily build should contain the generic10:41
ipraytotheeDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)10:43
ipraytotheeDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)10:43
cumaTürk olan birileri yok mu burada10:48
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BluesKajcuma, wrong chat10:56
cumamy voice problem continues10:57
cumamy psychology is broken10:58
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JantzHello am currently in the process of installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS but am having some difficulty, have the ISO on a usb and is plugged in but keep getting a 'reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key' have done a little tinkering in the bios to try and get it to boot properly from the usb am coming from a previously installed Windows 10 setup which I suspect had an amd driver conf11:37
guivercJantz, how did you write it to the USB - it needs to be expanded from the iso file to make it bootable11:38
nicofsIs there someone who can help me get my Netplan going? I only get DHCP running after explicitly using "sudo dhclient"; there is no IPv4 retrieved automatically.11:39
Jantzguiverc ok i just downloaded it on a Chromebook do you know if i can expand on it?11:40
JantzSo just open it yeah?11:42
guivercJantz, https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#0    I just `dd` the iso to thumb drives myself, https://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal may be helpful11:42
guivercJantz, eg. my last dd write command of iso is `sudo dd if=/..path../disco-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M && sync`11:44
BluesKajnicofs, using network-manager? . netplan yami should show: renderer: NetworkManager11:47
nicofs@BluesKaj but where?11:49
Jantzguiverc so there's an expansion process i need to do before it can be bootable yeah? And you don't know if i can do this on a Chromebook? The last thing i want to do is install Ubuntu on my mum's Chromebook so I'm being cautious11:50
BluesKajnicofs, /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml11:50
JantzI haven't done any sudo stuff before11:50
guivercJantz, i don't know chromebooks; I used the `dd` example as I'm hoping you may have that command (it's a generic *nix command many decades old)11:51
JantzYeah I'm on a phone right now pc is dead11:52
nicofsBluesKaj, what yamls should I have in that folder? Currently it's 50-cloud-init, 99_config - now I add 01-network-manager-all to be on the safe side? I haven't yet figured out how this works. Is there a set of must-have files or is the content important and I can name it how I desire as long as it's proper...11:52
BluesKajnicofs I have only one yami script:  network:   version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager11:57
tomreynJantz: to gte this right: your intention is to create a bootable usb stick on a chromebook, to be used for booting some other computer - correct?11:57
BluesKajnicofs, using ethernet here, not wifi11:58
Jantztomreyn correct, I've downloaded the 18.04 LTS iso file to a usb but don't know what to do further11:59
nicofsBluesKaj, I'm using ethernet and both my scripts use "NetworkManager". Every time I use "Netplan apply" my IPv4 (and thus my Internet) disappears.12:00
BluesKajnicofs, never used  "netplan apply", it should auto link to network-manager without having to enable it12:03
nicofsBluesKaj, what else should I do? I can't run dhclient every time I start the pc12:04
BluesKajnicofs, did you edit netplan yami on someone's suggestion, or is this "50-cloud-init, 99_config -", default in your version?12:06
nicofsBluesKaj, 99_config came as default, the other one I fashioned according to a suggestion12:07
BluesKajwhich other one?12:08
dffanyone here an ace at devilspie by chance?12:10
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igoryonyaHello, I have an ubuntu server 18.04 LTS. It has one problem on cli.12:15
igoryonyaOften the command output doesn't move the previous contents up, but owerwrite it partially and partially moving it up12:15
igoryonya, so it all get's mixed up and pretty much unreadable.12:15
igoryonyaI have other installations on other computers, but they don't have a such problem12:16
igoryonyaHow to fix it?12:16
dffwhich terminal emulator are you using to connect to your server12:16
dffand from which OS12:16
acresearchpeople, i am on ubuntu 18.10, i am trying to downgrade the kernel to linux 2.6.32 (long story as to why), these are the commands i will be using,    are they correct?  https://hastebin.com/pufehabine.cs    it is my first time doing anything with a kernel12:18
acresearchif someone can assist me, i would be greatful12:18
tomreynJantz: sorry, got busy elsewhere. so you should download the iso to some storage, maybe the default storage for the chromebook (i don't really know how chromebooks work), and then use a special software to write this isop file to a usb stick.12:20
igoryonyadff, any, i.e.: from other ubuntu server, yaguake, xterm, terminator, and locally on the server itself.12:20
tomreynJantz: does the chromebook provide a shell?12:20
igoryonyadff, usually, if by ssh, I connect from 18.04 server/desktop, 16.04 server/desktop12:21
Jantztomreyn i don't think so12:21
tomreynJantz: ctrl-alt-t should bring one up apparently12:23
nicofsBluesKaj, as far as I understand, the name of the config file is not important. I decided to remove one - so there is only one left. Renderer is "NetworkManager", reboot -> no IPv4.12:23
dffigoryonya: have you tried another shell than bash on the server?12:24
dffzsh or something12:25
OerHeksacresearch, 18.10 and kernel 2.6.x ?? really, even if it is a long story; no, i guess you will fail12:25
dffterminology a bit off, but you get my meaning12:25
acresearchOerHeks: why?12:26
tanja77how can I "roll back" nvidia drivers, lets say from 418 to 410 ?12:26
dffprobably because they arent compatible12:26
igoryonyadff, I didn't, just the default install, but 18.04 server on other computers, don't have that problem.12:26
OerHeksacresearch, because it is a very old kernel, and dependencies will not match.. but sure try it, make sure you have a backup of your important files12:26
dffigoryonya: trying zsh to see if it has the same behavior could narrow down the problem12:26
OerHeksit is not supported here, so you are on your own12:27
acresearchOerHeks: i have a new computer, so no files.12:27
BluesKajnicofs, run dhclient, it should stick on a reboot12:27
igoryonyadff, do you know, how to zsh on ssh session?12:27
igoryonyaor I can just run zsh after sshing to it?12:27
dffthat's what i would try12:28
nicofsBluesKaj, it doesn't. I have been rebooting for the past 4 hours. After each reboot I am back to no IPv4. Only manually running dhclient afterwards fixes the issue...12:28
Jantztomreyn: you are correct, I'm guessing your suggesting i do some shell stuff to get the iso file or contents in a desired state,   i wouldn't have the fuzziest clue, is there a function or type of thing i should be googling? It's not extraction like a zip file is it?12:28
tomreynJantz: no, it is not extraction like a zip file. what you need to do is a raw write of the iso image to a usb stick. on Linux, you can do this using the 'dd' utility on a shell.12:30
tomreynJantz: if you run "dd --version", do you get any useful output?12:31
BluesKajnicofs, you could set up a small script with sudo dhclint as the command in startup and shutdown. I'm not real familiar with gnome so maybe someone else can help you with that12:31
tomreynJantz: or maybe try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAAcQVJxfPk12:32
nicofsBluesKaj, I added dhclient to cron (my effort to have dhclient at start) - that didn't help. I'm on xfce anyway.12:33
tomreynJantz: ... i.e. use the "Chromebook Recovery Utility"12:33
BluesKajnicofs, not sure but don't crons time out after a bit12:34
tomreynJantz: here'S the shell approach i discussed above: https://askubuntu.com/questions/278403/how-do-you-make-usb-bootable-on-chromebook12:34
nicofsBluesKaj, I don't know. The cron job was yet another suggestion I found that worked for someone else with the same issue12:35
tanja77I have an nvidia gtx 1050ti with driver version 418, but I cannot get opencl support under 18.04, although I installed ocl-icd-libopencl112:35
tanja77what else can I do?12:35
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tomreyntanja77: maybe the source of your driver also provides a nvidia-opencl-icd-418 package?12:39
bandecchello can sb tell me how share or sync the newly installed fonts with all programs 'case only sees in office?12:42
bandeccbionic weaver12:43
tanja77Hi. When I apt install nvidia-opencl and let the bash completion show me the available packages, it shows me just older ones:12:43
OerHeksbandecc, if you added fonts, run: sudo fc-cache -f -v >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts12:44
tanja77before one week, ocl-icd-libopencl1 workes for me. Must have been because of an ubuntu update. But dont know how to figure that out.12:44
bandeccthank you the help OerHeks12:45
tomreynhey nicofs: you say you run xfce on a computer which does bring up its ethernet (not wireless) network link up on boot but doesn't get an ip address via dhcp, right?12:45
nicofstomreyn, yes. And prior to 18.04 (and I guess netplan) it worked...12:47
tanja77can I change between installed nvidia driver versions? lets say from 418 to 410 ?12:48
tomreynnicofs: which ubuntu version do you have now?12:48
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ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes12:48
nicofstomreyn, 18.04 LTS12:49
tomreynnicofs: is there a reason you do not want to use network manager and its GUI to manage your internet connection?12:49
nicofstomreyn, I'd love to just use the little icon in the bar. It just doesn't work12:50
tomreynnicofs: can you be more specific on "doies not work"?12:50
tomreyn* "doesn't work"12:50
nicofstomreyn, i don't get any IPv4 unless i manually run "sudo dhclient" in a shell12:51
tomreynnicofs: do you have router which is supposed to hand out an ip address to your computer using dhcp?12:52
tomreyn* have a router12:52
nicofstomreyn, my guess is that the update from 16.04 to 18.04 (and the change to netplan that came with it) botched a config file. I just can't figure out which.12:52
nicofstomreyn, my router works well for all other devices in the network. and did work well for the device in question prior to 18.0412:53
tomreynnicofs: there was no "change to netplan" during a desktop upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.12:53
nicofstomreyn, ok - then I am mistaken. That was what I read. Nevertheless there was some change somewhere.12:54
nicofs(And it ruined DHCP)12:54
tomreynnicofs: how did you install ubuntu initially?12:54
tomreynwhich ISO did you use, do you remember?12:54
Guest60869Ubuntu 14.04.6 HDMI Support?12:55
nicofstomreyn, it started out as a 14.04. image flashed onto the device12:55
tomreynnicofs: do you have a file /var/log/installer/media-info ?12:55
PeppepI just tried upgrading to 19.04. Now I'm stuck at the login screen, after entering the password, it seems to be working for a second, then I'm back at the login screen. I tried booting with the 4.18 (or 4.19?) kernel instead of 5.0, but it didn't help. Any troubleshooting tips?12:56
tomreynnicofs: oh you started with an image, that's an unusual way to install. is this special hardware then?12:56
PeppepI managed to get to tty3 and connect weechat12:56
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | Peppep12:56
ubottuPeppep: Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:56
PeppepThanks tomreyn12:56
nicofstomreyn, I don't have that file. It's an ARM single-board-pc (Odroid u3)12:57
ubottuDisco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:57
tomreynGuest60869: you can talk to ubottu directly if you want to test triggers. or search for factoids on http://ubottu.com12:58
tomreyni.e. please don't do it here12:58
OerHeksGuest, sure 14.04.x gives hdmi support12:58
tomreynnicofs: okay, please be sure to mention it when you run a port.12:58
OerHeksGuest, you don't want to install an ubuntu version that ends in a month, download 16.04 lts  or 18.04 lts12:59
tomreynnicofs: so you have the network manager applet, right? you can install xubuntu-desktop to ensure you have all packages installed which are needed to run the full desktop.13:00
Guest60869thx for helping guys13:00
nicofstomreyn, I have xubuntu-desktop, I have the applet, I can use it. It's just that whatever I set up there, I dont get IPv4 (I check via ifconfig)13:02
tomreyn!releasenotes | nicofs13:02
ubottunicofs: For release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases13:02
tomreynthings have changed in 18.04, you should read up on network management there.13:03
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tomreynnicofs: once you read this, i recommend you review your logs to get a better understanding of why network-manager fails to get an ip address assigned to the interface when it brings up the network interface.13:05
tomreynnicofs: you can review the full log since the latest boot (journalctl -b) or just the warnings and errors logged since booting (journalctl -b -p4). to share those outputs, you can piupe them into pastebinit (both a command and a package which needs to be installed initially) or into "nc termbin.com 9999"13:07
eraserpencilI cant seem to get nvidia-smi binary after installing the proprietary drivers13:08
code1I'm planning to move to Ubuntu from Windows and I have a 256 ssd drive. How should I partition it for Ubuntu 18.04?13:10
code1Does it still need a swap partition and should I have an ntfs partition for my windows stuff?13:11
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code1Not looking to duel boot but thinking of using Windows in a VM for anything Windows only.13:12
steve__swap partition is not needed anymore, ubuntu makes a swap file13:12
nicofstomreyn, http://pastebin.com/1NNhtVJp - but I don't see any network related info there13:13
code1steve__: ok so is the typical setup just one partition?13:13
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steve__depends what you mean with "windows stuff", if that means files that can be opened in open source software like pictures, videos, other media, office files that can be opened in libreoffice ets... then a ntfs partition is not needed13:14
tomreyncode1: if youi'll run a windows VM under ubuntu you most likel ywant this windows stored on the standard ubuntu file system. so far what you said just sounds like a ver ystandard installation, so you can just use the graphical installer with defaults, optionally adding lvm and encryption.13:14
tomreyncode1: typical setup is just one partition, yes. you *may* prefer a separate /home, but this could still be modified later if you do lvm.13:15
tomreyn(with some effort)13:15
code1ok thanks13:16
tomreynnicofs: hah you are on a 3.8 13 kernel13:16
steve__if you still need to work with windows files, for example on your work, you can always use a memory stick that is formatted in fat32 format13:16
tomreynnicofs: you should really consider a fresh installation there13:17
code1I guess if I run Windows in a VM on Ubuntu the VM will create an ntfs partition within the Ubuntu fs right?13:17
code1in a file I mean13:17
nicofstomreyn, I am painfully aware of that. Sadly I lack the ability to fashion one for this device.13:17
tomreyncode1: yes, in a file, which is then presented to the windows VM as a hard disk. it will create everything it does inside this file.13:18
code1tomreyn: ok. Is a separate home partition the best way to go?13:19
tomreyncode1: personally, i think a separate home file system (on lvm) is ideal for a desktop. but that's mostly so you can reinstall the OS easily later, without having to restore /home froma backup. YMMV.13:21
code1I want to make backing up as straight forward as possible. In linux is it enough to just backup the home directory if a system reinstall is required?13:21
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en1gmaim on ubuntu 18.04.2 amd64 Desktop using my laptop. i have a sandisk full size sdcard that only is getting about 20MB/s but if i plug that same card into my usb 3.0 adapter i get 80MB/s13:22
en1gmawhat is going on?13:22
code1tomreyn: that's sounds like want I want, do you have link on further reading, I'm going to lookup lvm now13:22
tomreynnicofs: if you have a separate computer, you should be able to just download an existing disk image and write this to your sdcard.13:22
steve__en1gma, probably because the regular sd card reader has usb 2.0 support, and your seperate card reader usb 3.013:23
en1gmasteve__ how can i tell how the mmc is usb 2.0 or usb 3.0?13:23
tomreyn!ports | nicofs13:23
ubottunicofs: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall13:23
tomreyn^ ignore13:24
steve__just by doing a speed test on the card with gnome disks13:24
nicofstomreyn, the only existing image is 16.04. That I can install and then upgrade to 18.04 - that would be a long way to quite possibly reproduce the issue I'm currently having13:24
en1gmasteve__ that dont tell me if its working as it should13:25
steve__if you get about 20MB/sec then it is usb 2.0, if you get more, it's usb 3.013:25
en1gmaoh crap. no way. ok can i buy a different mmc module instead of the one i have installed (that is usb 3.0) instead of usb 2.0?13:26
en1gmai have a dell precision m480013:26
steve__can't u just always use your usb 3.0 adapter?13:27
en1gmanot as a boot drive13:27
en1gmaplus i need the usb ports for my dongles13:28
en1gmathe mmc module lets me install ubuntu to full size sdcard or sdcard adapter and its nice and tucked away13:28
steve__i can use mine as boot drive... well for linux, not for windows afcourse13:28
tomreynnicofs: i would feel back about reusing a system which has been running for long with a vulnerable kernel, like yours.13:30
steve__yeah i know... the "nice and tucked away" is only possible on that laptop ons usb 2.0 speed i'm afraid13:30
tomreynnicofs: *feel bad13:30
ilias_grhi all13:30
tomreynnicofs: if you don't, you can try just installing a current kernel image.13:30
en1gmasteve__ oh man. i did a full wipe off my old 2.5 hdd and did fresh install to that sdcard. crap13:31
en1gmasteve__ ok thanks for your help13:31
tomreynnicofs: sudo apt install linux-image-generic and make sure this one will be loaded. how to make sure of this may be device specific on arm13:31
ilias_grdoes any maybe know how can i change panel's battery icon on xubuntu 18.04 ?13:32
nicofstomreyn, I just purged ifupdown to eliminate that as causing the issue. It didn't. I am very sure, the problem is a single line of code in a config file somewhere... building a new kernel is very difficult and messy.13:34
nicofstomreyn, thank you for your help anyway. I will try to tinker with various config files13:35
en1gmasteve__ i think i will boot into windows and do some speed tests there also. brb13:35
tomreynnicofs: good luck. the simple response would have been: not supported here.13:37
tomreynnicofs: maybe this helps https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?t=3176513:38
nicofstomreyn, I know. And I am very thankful for support beyond mainstream architecture.13:40
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tomreynnicofs: ;-) i didn't mean to provoke this, just to make you aware in case you'r enot.13:40
nicofstomreyn, I am aware of my ARM quirks since 2008 ;) - but sometimes (not always) even an issue on an ARM device can be generic and not rooted in the architecture. (And I still believe this is the case this time...)13:45
tomreynnicofs: much of the user space you have there will depends on newer kernel ABIs than what a kernel from some years ago will provide. it is well possible that this causes this problem (but indeed not certain).13:47
tomreynsystemd requires linux 3.13 as a minimum13:49
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nicofssorry - wrong keyboard13:49
steve__nicofs, now be careful not to use the wrong mouse :p13:51
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OerHeks!install | Guest2633713:52
ubottuGuest26337: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate13:52
nicofstomreyn, I estimate that inserting a new kernel has a 80% chance of destroying the system. I'll try solving the network issue with the current setup first. If the new kernel fails afterwards I'll have to start from scratch anyway.13:52
tomreynnicofs: from my perspective, this system is destroyed / not ubuntu. we can keep discussing this in #ubuntu-offtopic or -discuss if you like,.13:53
CoolerZhow do you scroll up in ubuntu 14.04 console only install?13:54
CoolerZi thought it was ctrl + arrow key13:54
CoolerZbut that doesn't work13:54
tomreynCoolerZ: shift and PgUp/PgDn. are you aware that this version is almost end of life?13:54
CoolerZtomreyn, yes13:55
steve__CoolerZ, after using ubuntu 14.04 you can upgrade to me, i'm also almost end of life :p13:55
CoolerZbut that goes up and down by an entire page13:55
CoolerZthis is a server environment that I don't have much say in13:56
PeppepI assume the answer is no, but maybe worth a shot - is there an easy way to rollback from 18.10 to 18.04? Or would reinstall be the best option?13:58
OerHeksPeppep, reinstall it is.13:59
steve__CoolerZ, can't u use the |less command?14:00
steve__CoolerZ, also try Shift + Ctrl + Up / Down14:00
tomreynCoolerZ: i don't think there is line by line scrolling14:00
arjuncr1hi, how to get ubuntu official membership ?, any one help ?14:05
jeremy31arjuncr1: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership14:05
OerHeksarjuncr1, read this part https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership14:05
tomreynCoolerZ: well you should still tell the admins that they need to upgrade it to not loose support entitlement.14:06
PeppepOerHeks: Okay, thanks14:08
CoolerZtomreyn, yeah there is no line by line scrolling14:13
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PeppepI usually disable/enable my Nvidia card from the Nvidia GUI settings, but am unable to boot now. /var/log/gpu-manager.log shows nvidia as blacklisted because it was disabled on my last normal boot, can I re-enable it from tty?14:27
ducassePeppep: see if it is blacklisted somewhere in /etc/modprobe.d/14:30
Jantztomreyn: i managed to get ubuntu up on screen but my key board all of a sudden is not working is there something i should know?14:33
tomreynJantz: not generally, no.14:34
tomreynJantz: try ctrl-alt-f3 and see if it still works there14:34
JantzYeah nothing14:35
tomreynJantz: what'S the hardware you're trying to install ubuntu on?14:35
tomreynwhich ubuntu version are you trying to install (sorry if we discussed this before, can't remember)14:36
JantzAmd cpu14:36
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tomreyna desktop system, a laptop,. something else?14:37
Peppepducasse: Yup, "nvidiab" is blacklisted in blacklist-framebuffer.conf. I'll try commenting it out, thanks14:37
JantzCustom pc14:37
tomreynJantz: how much ram? which graphics card? how did you create the installer image?14:38
tomreynand where does the boot get stuck14:38
Jantz16gb ram amd hd7970, i created The installer through Chromebooks recovery media14:40
leftyfbsounds very non-supported-y to me14:41
JantzThere was a couple of errors but i ignored them and pushed through an now stuck at who are you page coz dang keyboard not functioning14:41
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tomreynJantz: i guess the errors while writing the installer may explain the keyboard issues.14:43
leftyfbJantz: might I suggest using your mouse and the onscreen keyboard to download(from ubuntu.com) and flash a new install media using "Startup Disk Creator" that's built into ubuntu and reinstall?14:43
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Jantzleftyfb I'm limited to Chromebook and smartphone14:45
leftyfbJantz: why is that? What's wrong with the pc you're on right now?14:45
leftyfbJantz: besides the keyboard (use the onscreen keyboard)14:46
Jantzleftyfb the pc I'm on right now hasnt even been setup can i still use it?14:47
leftyfbJantz: oh, you're still in the installer?14:47
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leftyfbJantz: ok, if you're getting errors (which you have not specified here and ignored) then you should either try redoing the install media or maybe try the mini installer14:49
Peppepducasse: nvidia is still blacklisted after removing "blacklist nvidiafb" from blacklist-framebuffer.conf14:49
JantzYeah will try again14:50
JantzWhat's mini installer?14:50
ducassePeppep: you should probably look for 'blacklist nvidia' somewhere14:51
leftyfbJantz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:51
Peppepducasse: I did "grep nvidia *" :/ But I'm trying "sudo prime-select nvidia" now14:52
JantzYeah I'll try them all see what happens14:53
code1if I were to partition a 250gb ssd drive for root and home how much should go to each?15:01
BluesKaj20GB for / and rest /home if you keep / clean15:03
code1also when you install software does it go into the root partition which any settings going into the home partition? So if you need to reinstall the OS you also need to reinstall all software but the settings will remain?15:04
BluesKajcode, not all , just the non-default apps15:04
BluesKajcode1, ^15:04
code1BluesKaj: so things like Firefox, the whole program is installed in /home ?15:05
BluesKajset the mountpoint for /home during the install15:05
leftyfbcode1: I would just keep it simple and go with 1 partition. There's not much gain in separating the partitions these days15:06
BluesKajno the config files are tho15:06
code1leftyfb: ok what would I need to keep backed up, just home and on a reinstall just restore home?15:07
code1BluesKaj: so do you mean non-default apps are installed in /home?15:07
leftyfbcode1: Mostly /home. SOME apps will install settings in /etc, but not much15:08
leftyfbcode1: He's saying you do not need to install the default apps, like firefox. Because obviously they get installed by default.15:08
BluesKajcode1, the config files are , just need reinstall the non-default packages you added yourself15:08
leftyfbcode1: most applications, regardless if they are installed by default or not save their settings in some hidden directory structure in your home directory15:09
code1ah ok I see, thanks.15:09
leftyfbcode1: though, when upgrading across new versions of ubuntu, I wouldn't just copy back the entire home directory wholesale. Not all upgraded versions work properly with the old configs, including the desktop settings.15:09
leftyfbcode1: personally, I copy back everything in home that doesn't start with a dot and cherrypick the rest as needed15:10
leftyfbcode1: This also helps with preventing cruft15:10
code1That makes sense. What is a good backup strategy for Ubuntu?15:11
leftyfbcode1: I haven't liked any of the solutions out there so I wrote my own mainly using rsync15:11
JantzHappened to be the wrong Port15:12
leftyfb!who | Jantz15:13
ubottuJantz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:13
code1leftyfb: but the main thing is to keep /home regularly backed up and if the system gets wiped I can easily recover from here?15:13
leftyfbcode1: for the most part, yes15:13
leftyfbcode1: you'll need to reinstall your applications15:13
code1leftyfb: yep, is there a way to keep a list of apps installed so that you can just fire off one command to reinstall them all?15:14
code1I'm thinking in terms of python's requirements.txt file15:14
leftyfbcode1: I think people here have made some scripts, but in my testing they haven't always caught everything15:14
leftyfbcode1: There's apt list --installed # but that lists ALL installed packages. Including default and dependencies. So again, cherrypick15:15
ducasse!info apt-clone | code115:15
code1So it's usually a case of reinstall the os, restore /home and then reinstall the apps from memory or as needed?15:15
ubottucode1: apt-clone (source: apt-clone): Script to create state bundles. In component main, is extra. Version 0.4.1ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 12 kB, installed size 62 kB15:15
code1ubottu: thanks15:16
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:16
code1ubottu: even bots need appreciation :)15:17
ubottucode1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:17
code1leftyfb: it's funny because I think that's the same problem pip has when you try and freeze requirements - it includes all dependencies too15:18
leftyfbducasse: I feel that is very dangerous15:19
en1gmasteve__ i am booted into windows and the full size sdcard (32GB class 10) is in the mmc and still only getting 20MB/s O_o15:19
en1gmacrap its usb 2.0??? why did tjhey do that15:19
en1gmai need that to be usb 3.015:19
leftyfbducasse: Again, that just lists ALL packages that get installed after default. Including deps. Suggesting to just reinstall that list upon upgrading Ubuntu is a bad suggestion15:20
en1gmado they sell replacements that will fit in there? i think its part of the 54mm express card slot as the mmc is close to it15:20
leftyfben1gma: I think you want #windows for suppor15:20
en1gmawhy? it no more a windows problem then it is a ubuntu problem15:20
leftyfben1gma: ok, then you want #hardware15:21
en1gmait would be #dell wouldnt it? :)15:21
steve__nah, it's #hardware :p you would have this problem with any kind of laptop thats not the newest15:21
c0mradeI've just created a Facebook Messenger Bot and it got approved by facebook so anyone should be able to see and use it :). I named it "Bot Inc." or @BotInc, when you try to message it you'll see a bunch of commands. I hope you guys can try it :D15:22
tomreyn!ot | c0mrade15:22
ubottuc0mrade: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:22
steve__you would have to replace the whole motherboard with it if i'm not mistaken...15:22
en1gmayea true. i hadnt seen leftleg had typed #hardware when i was already typing #dell. #hardware sounds more appropiate15:22
steve__can't u just use a regular 2.5 hard drive for boot drive?15:23
steve__ssd are cheap now15:23
en1gmayea thats actually what i had it on. i had it on a 120GB hdd that hdparm -t -T said i was getting 66MBs so it wasnt too bad but it sure was freaking slow when i was in the os15:23
en1gmadrive light always on15:23
steve__take a 120GB ssd it will be much faster :p15:24
steve__how old is that laptop?15:24
en1gmai wonder if i can use that same 120GB hdd and a 16GB usb 3.0 or maybe even that mmc @ 20MBs and put a swap on there or maybe seperate directories i can put on them at time of install?15:24
en1gmalaptop pretty descent. i think its 2014 but it was high-end15:25
en1gma1080P, display port and hdmi and 4 usb 3.0, 1 usb 2.015:25
steve__the best way is to buy a cheap 120gb ssd, or 240gb if you need the space15:25
en1gmayep thats probably true. i was looking at them last night but i bought a 128GB micro sd for $20 for my phone. lol15:26
en1gmaalmost got a 120GB kingston ssd. maybe next month15:26
en1gmai need to do a fresh install of ubuntu 18.04.2 now that i know i cant do it on that mmc with sdcard15:27
en1gmawhere i did have it installed15:27
steve__you where better of by buying an ssd and wait for the micro sd card :p15:27
steve__i would say... wait with the fresh install until you have an ssd15:27
en1gmai know but i think i have about 100GB on google somewhere and google is ending some kind of service this april and i not sure if i gonna lose that data so i need to back it up (off the cloud)15:28
steve__you can back it up on the 128gb sd card till then :p15:28
en1gmathats true15:29
en1gmadamn it15:29
en1gmait was late when i ordered and i thought i thought of everything. oooops15:29
steve__thinking of everything is only possible when you are a night person :p15:29
en1gmai do have an hdd caddy coming for this laptop. i had been swapping out the hard drives by peeling off the tape that holds it in the side15:30
en1gmaso a caddy will help alot*15:30
en1gmai was up way past my bedtime :)15:30
steve__yeah a hdd caddy is very usefull for that15:30
en1gmabrb. dog15:30
buttrosHello! Gnome Shell Extensions Places and Applications not working in Ubuntu 18.10 . Anyone else with the same problem?15:31
OerHeksbuttros, install gnome-tweak-tool, to get access to gnome shell extentions15:32
OerHeksafter install, logout/login and have fun15:32
buttrosOerHeks: I already did all that. Their not working...15:33
steve__well he said have fun with it, not work with it :p15:33
OerHeksbuttros, define not working?15:33
buttrosOerHeks: Places extensions does not get installed at all, Applications extension gets installed but when you click on it, nothing happens...15:35
buttrossteve_: lol15:36
OerHeksbuttros, oh, it will work, you have to activate "hot corners" with gnome-tweak-tools. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032999/ubuntu-18-04-application-menu-not-showing-after-clicking15:37
buttrosOerHeks: I'll try, Thanks!15:38
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buttrosOerHeks: It did work! Thanks! Both extensions are working now.15:46
OerHeksbuttros, have fun ( again)15:46
OerHekspersonnally i do not want hot corners, but i have to live with that15:47
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buttrosOerHeks: Yes, but that's a minor problem...15:47
pikapikaWell I have concluded that there is definitely something wonky with the fonts in 18.04 that wasn't the case in 16.0415:54
pikapikaThe bug reports prove that I am not alone in thinking so15:54
pikapikaHere's to hoping they fix this bug as fast they can15:55
OerHekspikapika, yes, you said that yesterday too15:55
pikapikaI was going through the confusion of the five stages15:55
pikapikaat that time15:55
pikapikaI have reached full clarity right now15:56
pikapikaAnd this is the conclusion I put forward for now15:56
pikapikaAnyways, hope its fixed soon15:56
tomreynwith this approach, it comes down to religious hoping. your deity may or may not grant your wish.15:58
pikapikaI mean I am not expert enough to fix the problem myself, so its the same thing15:59
tomreynyou may want to try to actually identify the essence of the issue, and file a bug instead (after searching for existing bug reports for this ubuntu release), which may significantly improve your chances of seeing a fix happen.15:59
tomreyni see16:00
=== Mumung is now known as mumung
pikapikaI am quite sure its that freetype thing16:00
pikapikathat I linked above16:00
pikapikaAs in, yes, I have seen a bug report already filed and marked High priority16:00
pikapikadid a lot of apps switch to gtk3 in this version?16:02
pikapikaI believe that could be the cause of my theme breakage16:02
pikapikaBecause the "standard" themes work alright for me, which I assume are carefully designed to work well on both gtk2 and 316:03
pikapikaI wish there was a modern dark version of one of these standard themes16:03
pikapikaOr perhaps16:03
pikapikaI could start with the Adwaita base and start modifying things myself16:03
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Guest88695ok i put a (4GB sdcard into the mmc) i have (2) 32GB sdcards in a usb 3.0 sdcard adapter thing (usb corded)16:05
Guest88695can i put the two 32GB sdcards in a RAID0?16:05
MTechitmight be slow though16:05
Guest88695this sounds fun16:05
OerHeksyou can, as you can make a raid out of usb-floppydrives..16:05
Guest88695the sdcards get around 80MBs read16:06
OerHeksbut speed, will be horrible...16:06
MTechwho uses floppy drives?16:06
Guest88695ahhh true. i used to use 'dmraid'16:06
pikapikaWhere is the Window Manager theming data stored?16:06
pikapikaSame as the themes/.themes subfolder which is used for theming widgets?16:07
MTechwhat device are you using16:07
Guest88695so what would be the best way to split the filesystem split up? i only want the smallest part that dont get used very much on the 4GB and maybe the rest swap?16:07
Guest8869520MB/s swap # 3GB?16:07
OerHekslocate theme > /usr/share/themes/ perhaps?16:08
pikapikaYeah that was the folder I was speaking of16:08
pikapikaBut since WM theme selection is shown from a different settings window, I was wondering is it saved in a diff place or is it part of the same themes folder?16:08
MTechwhat device is everyone using?16:08
MTechi'm using odroid xu4 with ubuntu16:09
OerHeksMTech, this is technical support, wrong place to poll16:09
pikapikaIs the next lts gonna be 19 or 20 btw?16:13
CookieMthe latter16:13
pikapikaI mean16:17
pikapikaWM theme and widget theme can be different is what I am saying16:17
pikapikaI chose wm theme different from widget theme16:17
pikapikaSo I was thinking where is the unified configs for my present state/16:17
qwebirc24192Hi, got a login loop. Enter correct password, loops.16:19
qwebirc24192it's 16.04 LTS. did not install or do much of anything last session.16:20
pikapikaapparently its the metacity directory I need to look into16:21
ioriaqwebirc24192, can you open a console (ctrl+alt+fx) ?16:23
qwebirc82886sorry, got disconnected16:25
qwebirc82886got a good wifi link now. I'm the guy with the login loop16:26
ioriaqwebirc82886, , can you open a console (ctrl+alt+fx) ?16:26
qwebirc82886you mean +f3?16:26
qwebirc82886asking me for login16:27
ioriaqwebirc82886, login16:27
ioriaqwebirc82886, uname -r16:27
ioriaqwebirc82886, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade16:28
ioriaqwebirc82886, it installed something ?16:32
qwebirc82886yeah like 200 things16:32
ioriaqwebirc82886, sudo service lightdm restart16:32
qwebirc82886ok try to login again?16:33
qwebirc82886same error system program problem detected blinks in and out then loop16:33
ioriaqwebirc82886, ls -l /home/$USER  | nc termbin.com 999916:34
pikapikaoh wait16:34
pikapikaMy goddamn stupid brain16:34
pikapikaTheres an xfwm folder there of course16:34
pikapikaoh no, there wasn't anything related to sizes there16:35
qwebirc82886temporary failure in name resolution. You wanted actual $USER, not my username right?16:36
pikapikaits based on a bunch of images16:36
pikapikaSo I'll have to resize the images16:36
ioriaqwebirc82886,   you user you're loggin in16:37
ioriaqwebirc82886, ls -al /home/youruser   | nc termbin.com 999916:38
tomreynthis will disclose the name of the files in your home directory16:38
OerHeks$USER is technically the current username, good for scripting16:39
ioriaqwebirc82886, or run    ls -al | grep root16:40
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tomreynphoenix_firebrd_: could you please disable nickname switching (at this rate) while you're in #ubuntu ? thanks.16:41
pikapikaI did it tomreyn!16:43
pikapikaEdited a bunch of xpm files with a text editor to change the sizes, and to scale the designs manually where necessary16:44
pikapikaAnd now I have think titlebars :)16:44
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pikapikaNext task is to modify the widget theme16:48
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murthytomreyn: sorry16:51
murthytomreyn: Dont know how to do that16:51
murthytomreyn: I am using Konversation16:52
qwebirc41669Hello I want to install ubuntu on a 32 bit pc16:52
tomreynmurthy: you have probably configured it to change your nickname when you're away. just don't do that. you can use /away16:52
qwebirc41669I need help16:53
tomreynqwebirc41669: won't be supported much longer, but so far you can use any flavor but the default one.16:53
tomreyn!flavors | qwebirc4166916:53
ubottuqwebirc41669: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours16:53
OerHeksqwebirc<numvber>  download xubuntu and have fun16:53
pikapikaI seem to have been able to reduce the menu padding as well now16:57
pikapikaNow to change colors16:57
OerHekspikapika, why should we read monoloques?16:58
pikapikaOh lol sorry16:58
pikapikaI just got a bit happy I was able to take a concrete step towards solving this theming annoyance16:58
tomreynit's nice that you're happy, just keep in mind this very channel )there are others) is reall yjust for support questiosn and answers.16:59
tomreynideally with fewer typos.16:59
murthytomreyn: I haven't configured it to change my nickname when I am away, I had added two nick earlier and I have removed one just now, hope that works17:00
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LordDoskiasi have an ubuntu 18.04 with 2 monitors. one of them is inverted by 90 degrees however after restart i cannot seem to be able to utilize the upper quarter of the desktop when i try to move icons17:08
LordDoskiasbut only on that monitors17:08
Joe_from_next_doHi! I am not seeing the option for a minimal install in the desktop installer.17:37
Joe_from_next_doIs that removed in 1904?17:37
compdocI like that option17:38
Joe_from_next_doSame! Maybe I just missed it17:38
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | Joe_from_next_do17:39
ubottuJoe_from_next_do: Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+117:39
rwpUbuntu 18.04 fresh install, Settings, Power, Power Saving, Blank screen, defaults to 5 minutes. Trying to change it to 15 minutes. How do I cause it to set? There is no Submit button??17:44
OerHeksrwp, adjust it, and that will do, there is no apply button indeed17:46
unimatrix9hello everyone17:47
unimatrix9the value s written to /etc/resolv.conf  ( network ) where is it set ? any idea ?17:50
unimatrix918.04 lts17:50
jeremy31unimatrix9:  it should be nameserver and options edns0 in that file for most users17:53
murthyunimatrix9: hi17:54
unimatrix9jeremy31, i know, but is there a gui where you set it ?17:54
jeremy31unimatrix9: You can add additional DNS in Network Manager settings for a connection17:54
unimatrix9jeremy, not sure, but i need to add search domainname.com17:56
unimatrix9jeremy would that be the DNS tab ?17:57
jeremy31unimatrix9: IPv4 or IPv6 tab to add DNS17:58
rwpOerHeks, Doesn't stick.  I can make the change as many times as I try.  It doesn't take effect.17:58
unimatrix9jeremy31, thanks i will try it17:58
rwpOerHeks, After making that change I can click anywhere else, and then come back and the setting changes back to 5 minutes again.17:59
jeremy31unimatrix9: to add a search, see https://askubuntu.com/a/1082634/30066517:59
LevierMRQHi. Is there different discussion room depends on version we are using (16.04)?18:04
ducasseLevierMRQ: only for the development version18:05
ducasseLevierMRQ: that's in #ubuntu+118:05
LevierMRQducasse: Thanks.  Totaly answers :)18:05
ducasseyw :)18:06
LevierMRQducasse: "yw"?  I fear i dont know this abreviation18:07
unimatrix9networks reset :: thanks for your support ;)18:07
ducasseLevierMRQ: "you're welcome" :)18:07
bjorkintoshwhy on earth is it that the powersave options after 15 minutes is 'never'.18:23
bjorkintoshwhat if I want 2 hours?18:23
OerHeksbjorkintosh, let me see, dconf18:27
LevierMRQbjorkintosh: I have 1 hour before the "never" on a fresh installed 16.0418:29
bjorkintoshmine's 19.rightnow.18:30
bjorkintoshand it doesn't have it.18:30
OerHeksorg.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power gives the options18:30
OerHekssleep-inactive and such18:31
LevierMRQOerHeks: looks convenient... will see.18:31
gemgo_Hello IRC!18:32
bjorkintoshhmm. thanks OerHeks. i don't think I've used that before.18:33
OerHeksyou shouldn't :-P18:33
OerHeksbut have fun walking around , lot to explore18:33
bjorkintoshis there an app for accessing it?18:35
OerHeksbasicly, if you can add values/change it, logout/login to take effect18:35
OerHekssome options work right away, but no guarantee18:35
tanja77I cannot get opencl with nvidia drivers 390 although I have installed ocl-icd-libopencl118:36
tanja77any idead what else to do?18:36
LevierMRQIf i look at programs automatically started on logon, I see snap i dont know plus Thunderbird i intentionnaly added.  I didnt try before install ggnome flashback.  Mystified.18:39
christophe_bonjour à tous18:42
bjorkintoshLevierMRQ, maybe something else installed it for you.18:43
LevierMRQbjorkintosh: This is what i guess.  But i made nothing out of flashback right after a fresh installation.18:44
OerHeks!find wabbit18:47
ubottuFound: golang-github-neowaylabs-wabbit-dev, vowpal-wabbit-doc, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 377 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wabbit&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all18:47
gemgo_Well this first time IRC experience was fun.18:48
Facilmentehola que tal19:20
EriC^^!es | Facilmente19:21
ubottuFacilmente: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:21
G3MG0_Hello IRC!19:23
G3MG0_Not a whole lot going on this channel huh?19:25
leftyfbG3MG0_: it's a support channel19:26
leftyfbG3MG0_: There's #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting19:26
AlwaysInTimeoops. I was searching for nicofs and to see if he ever found a solution on his problem19:28
Facilmenteestoy ya en el chat en español?19:29
leftyfb!es | Facilmente19:29
ubottuFacilmente: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:29
leftyfbFacilmente: Ya te lo dijeron.19:30
Facilmentelo siento no se como ponerlo19:30
leftyfbFacilmente: /join #ubuntu-es19:31
FacilmenteThank you19:32
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
carbonzerois it normal to see a red circle it a line through it, like a sign for "no smoking" without the cigarette in the picture, for a graphic for running on battery power on the lock screen? I'm asking for someone else.20:00
carbonzeroI've directed that persont to here so they may show up and ask the same question.20:00
compdocthe red circle means no, but dont know what20:01
carbonzerocompdoc: so generally it'd mean that the battery isn't being recognized even though it's running just fine?20:03
carbonzerocompdoc: this question was asked on the ubuntu reddit forum and there's no way to know if they'll answer my question anytime soon.20:03
compdochas it always done that20:04
tomreyncould also mean that the image file wasn't found20:05
compdocI was thinking the wrong permissions on the file20:06
tomreynor that- or something else entirely. read logs.20:06
compdoccould be anything20:06
ioriacarbonzero, like this ? https://i.stack.imgur.com/u3VGu.jpg20:07
carbonzerocompdoc: not sure. It's not my laptop I'm asking about. Somebody on reddit. I directed them to here to ask more questions.20:16
carbonzeroioria: not sure. it's someone else's laptop and I'm not face to face with it. I'll have to show that pic to them though.20:17
ioriacarbonzero, if it's that, as tomreyn said, means  the icon could not be loaded.20:17
carbonzeroioria: ok, I'll let the person know then.20:18
carbonzeroioria: what would be a solution to get it to load?20:19
lavinhogood night20:31
lavinhomy touchpad not working20:31
lavinholenovo ideapad 330s-15ARR20:32
ioriacarbonzero, if you confirm it, i'd say  the icon file path  or (if an upgraded system) a custom  application no more supported on the new version20:32
lavinholspci not display touchpad20:32
lavinhohelp me please20:33
jeremy31lavinho: why would touchpad be in lspci?20:36
jeremy31lavinho: post URL from terminal for> dmesg | grep -i elan | nc termbin.com 999920:37
jeremy31lavinho: do> dmesg | grep -i elan20:39
jeremy31lavinho: either it is not elan or it might be disabled in mouse and touchpad settings20:40
lavinhodriver win 1020:40
lavinhoand not disabled settings touchpad20:41
lavinhothank you jeremy3120:42
jeremy31lavinho: what URL> dkms status | nc termbin.com 999920:42
nshirelaptophas anyone else had trouble with drive.google.com on ubuntu (using chromium)?20:42
nshirelaptopmy files are always stuck on "starting upload"20:43
jeremy31lavinho: where did you get that dkms from? psmouse/elantech-x551c20:44
lavinhono understand20:45
=== sinner is now known as Guest60922
jeremy31lavinho: I don't know where you got the elantech-x551c from?20:45
lavinhoi'm not20:46
jeremy31lavinho: in terminal do and reboot> sudo dkms remove psmouse/elantech-x551c --all20:48
lavinhoand next20:51
jeremy31lavinho: rebooted already?20:52
cgiI have a new drive which I want to parition so that both ubuntu and windows can use it. how do i partition it?20:52
cgigparted : partition table type -> ?20:52
jeremy31cgi, install windows first, then install Ubuntu using install alongside windows option20:53
rorycgi: you want msdos20:53
lavinhojeremy31 not works20:54
jeremy31lavinho: in terminal> dmesg | grep -i elan20:54
lavinhono results20:54
jeremy31lavinho: did you copy and paste from chat to terminal?20:55
iorialavinho, what's your kernel ? uname -r20:55
cgijeremy31, I'm using windows using VBox guest inside ubuntu20:55
cgijeremy31, I would like to mount this drive's partition on windows20:55
rorycgi: if you don't need to boot Windows from the drive, then you can use GPT, as Windows 7 and later can mount those partitions fine.20:56
jeremy31lavinho: post URL for> dmesg | nc termbin.com 999920:56
iorialavinho, if everything else fails, i'd go with the cosmic hwe : sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.0420:57
rorycgi: the partition itsself will need to be formatted as FAT32 or NTFS for you to mount it natively in Windows20:57
cgirory, I'm partitioning the 1TB into 512GB each - first one using ext4 and second using ntfs20:57
cgiwill try to mount20:57
rorycgi: select GPT as partition table type, then.20:57
lavinhoand sudo update-grub20:58
jeremy31lavinho: remove acpi=off from the grub command line20:58
cgirory, not msdos?20:58
rorycgi: msdos only if you need to boot Windows from the drive, or access the data on Windows XP.20:59
roryit makes little difference anyway if you only have primary partitions20:59
jeremy31lavinho: when you have that removed from /etc/default/grub, do a sudo update-grub and reboot20:59
cgirory, I made both of them primary. Now need a mount point - and then mount it inside virtualbox?21:03
rorycgi: yeah now you have two partitions you can mount either or both in virtualbox21:04
rorycgi: possibly they have appeared in the file browser already21:04
lavinhono works21:07
jeremy31lavinho: results now for > dmesg | grep -i elan | nc termbin.com 999921:07
=== matteotanca_ is now known as matteotanca
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette
jeremy31lavinho can you update BIOS and disable IOMMU in BIOS after that?21:12
jeremy31lavinho: Bug report about the same touchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/179529221:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1795292 in linux (Ubuntu) "ELAN469D touch pad not working" [Medium,Confirmed]21:14
lavinhono works21:15
jeremy31lavinho: Bug report about the same touchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/179529221:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1795292 in linux (Ubuntu) "ELAN469D touch pad not working" [Medium,Confirmed]21:15
=== daniel is now known as Guest29493
lavinhothank you21:18
jeremy31lavinho: Stick around, I will edit my github fix and get you some commands21:19
lavinhono understand21:19
jeremy31lavinho: run the commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/99ec9f7ad963d2be620a5973f298760e in terminal and then reboot, if that doesn't work, you need to update your BIOS21:23
opilabhey everyone, im having an issue in 18.04 where when i press the lock button my screen only goes black and the rest of the machine doesnt switch off, is this intended or is there a different way to achieve hibernation?21:27
GerowenWell the "lock" button is probably just locking the screen, the same as if you pressed Super+L.  You can go into the power settings and change the power button to "suspend" your PC if you want.21:30
lavinhohow to update bios  ?21:30
lavinhoonly linux21:30
opilabGerowen: thank you that's exactly what i'm looking for21:30
tomreynopilab: or just hold down Alt and press the pause icon21:31
opilabtomreyn: ahhh that too, thanks as well21:31
Gerowenlavinho: If your motherboard manufacturer supports it, download the BIOS file to a thumb drive and then use it from your BIOS to install the update.  At least as far as I've seen, most motherboard manufacturers who have an installer to flash the BIOS from within the OS only release such tools for Windows, so you'll need the actual BIOS file to install from within the BIOS of your PC.21:34
tomreynunfortunately lavinho left a minute after they asked their question21:35
OerHeksbla bla check manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate21:35
jeremy31lavinho will be back21:35
jeremy31likely trying my fix without a BIOS update now21:36
=== mtds is now known as mtdms
lavinhohow to update bios on linux ?21:43
jeremy31lavinho: If your motherboard manufacturer supports it, download the BIOS file to a thumb drive and then use it from your BIOS to install the update.  At least as far as I've seen, most motherboard manufacturers who have an installer to flash the BIOS from within the OS only release such tools for Windows, so you'll need the actual BIOS file to install from within the BIOS of your PC.21:44
OerHekscheck your manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate21:44
tomreynlavinho: also https://fwupd.org/ - and please don't leave within a minute of asking a question in the future.21:44
jeremy31lavinho: what results for> mokutil --sb-state21:44
lavinhobut bios .exe21:45
OerHeksso, maybe not possible, or no need for linux, without proper hardware information only you can tell21:45
tacomasterI am trying to swap to linux and I have 2 computers but both are pretty different. The best cpu computer I have is a 6th gen i5 with 16GB of ram but no graphic card other than intel hd because it is a micro form factor. The other is a 2nd gen i5 but has a radeon hd 7950. I would think that the computer with the 7950 would do better for gaming but I am not sure about the driver support for it in linux. I remember back in the day r21:49
tacomasterhoping it has got better21:49
tgm4883tacomaster: I don't know a ton about AMD graphics, but a quick search seems to indicate that AMD card is supported with the open source AMD drivers that are included.  The AMD card is way better than your 6th gen i5 integrated graphics21:54
tacomastertgm4883: Awesome thank you so much!21:55
tgm4883tacomaster: I'm just basing the support part off of this https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=radeon-7950-vega64&num=221:56
tomreyntacomaster: i think both will work fine, both GPUs will work with open source drivers (intel + radeon) which should work out of the box.21:56
tacomasterI think I am going to leave the 6th gen as my back up windows machine if something goes south and I need to do some research.21:58
=== epi is now known as Guest79709
tomreynaccording to the link tgm4883 posted, you could also use the AMD GPU with the newer 'amdgpu' (instead of the 'radeon') driver, which also enables vulkan support, enabling oyu to also play newer games.22:02
tacomasterThis is awesome. Thank you so much for all of your help!22:03
cgiMount /dev/sda1 /opt/ubuntu/ -> I can do this with /dev/sda2 /opt/windows as well - wihout problems. But when I add this in fstab : /dev/sda2    /opt/windows   ntfs    defaults    0    1 - I get in trouble.22:04
=== Plumette is now known as Noisette
tomreyncgi: change the trailing "1" to "0". "2" might work as well.22:06
cgitomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KcyB2RpXqC/22:06
tomreynalso explain what "get into trouble" looks like and which ubuntu version you are running22:06
cgitomreyn, same problem with trailing 0 on those two lines22:07
cgitomreyn, the error is here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KcyB2RpXqC/22:07
tomreyncgi: well those partitions don't comtain the file systems your fstab claims they do22:08
cgitomreyn, that was the problem - I had it backward - fixed. Thanks!22:09
tomreynyou can also use "sudo file -s /dev/sda1" to determine what you have there.22:09
cgitomreyn, can i make a user own those two drives? chown user:user /opt/ubuntu ?22:09
tomreynon ext4, yes, not so on ntfs.22:10
=== Ayo is now known as Guest86178
tomreynwell, "own drives" is quite ambiguous. the question i answered is: can i make my user own the files and directories on these file systems22:11
tomreyncgi: see also "Non-superuser mounts" in mount(8)22:12
tomreynAlso the "FILESYSTEM-INDEPENDENT MOUNT OPTIONS" 'user' and 'group' on the same man page.22:15
kubast2Hey I tried cross-compiling a kernel today, and it worked so far. But gnome3 crashed and I had to reboot, now when I try to compile the kernel gcc no longer support options: "-mabi=aapcs-linux -mlittle-endian -mno-thumb-interwork -mfpu=vfp" required to compile c files inside of scripts/mod.22:16
kubast2I have reinstalled gcc the toolchain and redownloaded the kernel source22:16
kubast2what could be the issue?22:16
=== Ayo is now known as Guest96084
AnticomHey guys. I recently disabled the validation from secureboot using "mokutil --disable-validation" However now during upgrade to linux-headers-4.4.0-143-generic the update gets stuck with "sh /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key"23:03
AnticomAny ideas what to do?23:03
jeremy31Anticom: I normally disable Secure Boot23:05
Anticomjeremy31: i thought running mokutil --disable-validation was sufficient23:06
jeremy31Anticom: disable Secure Boot in UEFI settings, see if any problems occur23:07
plongshotIs there any way to view the $PATH of something?23:07
plongshotI want to check that node.js has the correct path.23:08
Anticomplongshot: could you elaborate on your question please?23:08
Anticomplongshot: whereis node.js23:08
Anticomhowever PATH is something else23:09
plongshotAnticom: Thanks.  It appears as though ther are multiple (space separated) paths. Is that normal?23:09
plongshot$PATH of node.js23:09
Anticomyep, because all of those are in PATH23:09
Anticomjust do echo $PATH to see the PATH of your system23:09
Anticomit's a list of directories where ubuntu will look for stuff without giving it the explicit path23:10
Anticomfor example ls or cd is in PATH23:10
Anticomthat's why you don't have to type /usr/bin/ls everytime23:10
plongshotAnticom: This extention I have installed in visual studio code has an issue where (sometimes) not all the reqd. packages are installed and it malfunctions. The author of the plugin recommends that the "$PATH" of node.js be checked.23:11
plongshotAnticom: thx23:11
Anticomand yes, it's normal for whereis will look for binaries, manuals, sources by default. If you're only looking for the binary use whereis -b node.js23:11
Anticomjeremy31: so did you mean disabling it in bios?23:12
bcn_1221has anyone managed to configure audio and bluetooth with Z8300 chipsets?23:13
espBerryhow can i do screenshot?23:43
klausfiendhi there23:44
klausfiendi think i've found a bug in the U16 installer23:44
OerHekshit the prt screen button, gnome screenshot should be installed standard23:44
klausfiendspecifically, the version of "linux-base" that gets installed is too old for the kernel version that gets installed, and the kernel package install fails because the 'linux-update-symlinks' command doesn't exist23:44
espBerrythere is no button of prt screen button . OerHeks23:45
klausfiendthis is fairly recent, as i have an automated build job running weekly for U16 images and it started to fail over this past weekend23:45
klausfiendhas anyone else encountered this?23:45
OerHeksany regular keyboard does, just start up gnome screenshot, and voila23:45
=== mumung is now known as Mumung
klausfiendhrm, looks like i might be reporting this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/182036623:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1820366 in Ubuntu "network install of xenial 16.04 fails with linux-generic package error " [Undecided,Confirmed]23:47
OerHeksklausfiend, yes, and i am looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-base/+bug/176672823:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766728 in linux-base (Ubuntu Precise) "update linux-base on xenial and earlier" [Undecided,In progress]23:48
leftyfbespBerry: open up the "screenshot" app?23:48
espBerryscreenshot app23:49
leftyfbespBerry: yes23:49
leftyfbespBerry: I'm not sure how much easier it could be23:49
klausfiendOerHeks: yeah, it looks like the version of "linux-base" that gets installed is the older one that's missing the necessary script23:49
OerHeksklausfiend, add yourself to that bugreports?23:50
espBerrythanks leftyfb :)23:51
espBerryi did it23:51
klausfiendOerHeks: yep!23:53
bedouintravelsIs there a way to run apps as sudo in GUI? installed nautilus-admin but can only edit, not run as admin via right-click. Running 18.0423:54
klausfiendOerHeks: given that it's a known issue i won't bother you fine IRC folks any further, thanks for confirming! i'll keep my eyes open for the fix. :-)23:57

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