
studio-user149how do we setup Ableton live 9 lite?06:58
studio-user058how to setup Ableton Live Lite07:13
OvenWerksstudio-user058: does ableton live have a Linux version?14:05
studio-user058no but my MPC has it and it says linux compat14:19
OvenWerksnot sure what "linux compatable" means in that context. If that means "runs in wine", I am not the person to help with that as I have no experience with wine, in particular the wine audio part of things.14:23
studio-user006Hi. I installed Ubuntu Studio today and am not having much luck with making any of the audio / MIDI programs work. I would like to know where to start to get things running.23:13
studio-user006LMMS seems to work without any problems.23:13
Eickmeyerstudio-user006: Which version of Ubuntu Studio?23:14
studio-user00618.10 I beleive.23:16
Eickmeyerstudio-user006: Which audio applications are you trying?23:17
studio-user006Ardour, Pure Data, GMidimonitor23:17
EickmeyerPlease read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls23:17
EickmeyerThat's where all of the pro audio configuration is done.23:18
EickmeyerMost of the pro audio programs require that Jack is running before they will work.23:18
EickmeyerTo understand how the audio systems work, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro23:19
studio-user006I have little experience with JACK, so that would be a good place to start, maybe.23:20
EickmeyerYes, that's correct.23:20
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio Controls makes it extremely easy to configure.23:20
EickmeyerAs far as internal patching goes, that's where Patchage and/or Carla come in (Carla is in the backports PPA and coming to 19.04).23:22
studio-user006Without looking at Ubuntu Studio Controls, JACK seems very unintuitive. If there were some place to start that would help. I am installing Ubuntu Studio Controls now.23:25
Eickmeyerstudio-user006: Ubuntu Studio Controls should have been installed by default, and that is your place to start. That first link (not ProAudioIntro) is your best guide at the moment.23:26
studio-user006Thanks. I will have a look at that.23:30
studio-user006Btw, do you happen to know if the Behringer UMC404HD audio interface works with Ubuntu Studio? I tried with Ubuntu but had a lot of problems. It only worked briefly and had a lot of noise when I was testing it using T7.23:33
studio-user006Thanks for the help. I will be back if I have any more questions.23:37
Eickmeyerstudio-user006: I use it all the time. :)23:37
EickmeyerThe Behringer UMC404HD.23:38
studio-user006You do. Great.23:38
EickmeyerNeeds Jack to work properly, though, so read-up on Ubuntu Studio Controls.23:38
studio-user006Will do. Another question if you do not mind. I was trying to see if I could get a Microkorg XL Sound Editor to work with this computer. It seems it will not install the Microkorg XL usb driver.23:40
studio-user006I was trying to install a Windows driver under Wine23:40
Eickmeyer1) We can't support anything that's not already in Ubuntu, and 2) Windows drivers will not work under Linux, so it either must be supported by the kernel, or the manufacturer must support Linux if the driver isn't in the kernel.23:43
EickmeyerRule of thumb: if it works driverless on a mac, it should work on Linux.23:44
Eickmeyerstudio-user006: ^23:45
studio-user006I am not sure about that. I have a Mac but I like to use Linux as well. The sound editor works but I do not think that it is connecting to the Microkorg XL.23:46
EickmeyerLooking at it, you might not be able to get it to work except as a basic MIDI controller. The software definitely does not run on Linux.23:49
Eickmeyerstudio-user006: That might be a situation where you have to run Jack with the ALSA-JACK MIDI bridge and patch it to whatever software synthesizer you wish to use (a bunch are included).23:50
EickmeyerTypically, on Linux, MIDI controllers can't control the software because they need to know what they're connecting to. Ardour can do it without, Jack, but many applications rely on Jack to make the connection...23:51
Eickmeyer...which is done with a patchbay app such as Patchage.23:51
studio-user006Ok. I will look into SysEx with the Microkorg XL on Linux. I am not sure if it will work as I think they wanted everybody to use their editor.23:53
EickmeyerYeah, that's the problem with proprietary hardware.23:53
studio-user006I am still quite new to audio and computers. I have an Oxygen49 so I am not stuck, I think. I have not connected it to this computer running this OS. I can see there is a lot to learn.23:58
studio-user006Thanks again. Gotta go.23:59

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