
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
dabbilllotuspsychje: It seems the latest gnome shell update that came out yesterday fixed my issue :) 15:41
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell15:41
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.32.0-1ubuntu1 (disco), package size 676 kB, installed size 3344 kB15:41
lotuspsychjethis version dabbill ?15:42
dabbilllotuspsychje: yes, it was one of the latest devel releases that was broken for me 15:42
lotuspsychjeaha nice15:43
lotuspsychjethis version should be the one with performance tweak too15:43
lotuspsychjeyou notice?15:43
dabbillI have used it for about 10 minutes :) 15:44
lotuspsychjeyour new purpose in life dabbill :p15:45
dabbillI just noticed that my monitors were off this morning after updating last night :) 15:45
dabbillYea, hopfully kids and wife will leave me alone after work today so I can play with things :) 15:46
dabbillrunning Fedora KDE at work, but depending how 19.04 shapes up after release, I might switch my work machine :) 15:46
lotuspsychjenon-lts and production might not be a great idea15:47
dabbillbut, I might be to lazy for all that :D 15:47
lotuspsychjein most cases non-lts performs great too without a flaw15:48
dabbillEh, I work for a Cloud Managed Services company, as long as ssh and web browser works, I am fine :) 15:48
lotuspsychjebut then that one day you will really need to do something for work, thats the day its surely gonna crash :p15:48
dabbillI could do my job from a LiveCD :) 15:48
lotuspsychjeyeah long live the clouds15:48
dabbillwe use Office365, and slack15:49
dabbillso I really dont need much more then web browser 15:49
dabbillYea, its been fun so far. Would like to get back to more of a Linux Admin job, but with the cloud those jobs are slowly dieing 15:51
lotuspsychjedid you check canonical jobs15:52
dabbillI have not done that 15:52
dabbillNice list of open jobs :) 15:56
dabbilllotuspsychje: lol, it wont let me apply online for the cloud job, the College I went to is not listed. 16:02
dabbillOh, found there is an Other that can be used :D 16:02
lotuspsychjedabbill: wich one interests you?16:03
dabbilllotuspsychje: Cloud Operations Engineer 16:03
dabbillYea, I have little bit of Docker experience, been using Linux since 1998, 3 Years working with AWS, and some Python scripting16:07
dabbillwell I applied for it, guess we shal see if anything happens, Would be nice to be able to work from home more then I do now ;s 16:10
lotuspsychjeyeah i love how some jobs at canonical are home based16:12
lotuspsychjeand you can idle on irc while getting payed :p16:12
dabbilllol yea16:12
lotuspsychjeanyway good luck, lets hope you will visit them dabbill 16:13
dabbillI should harass Popey and Wimpy more :) 16:13
dabbilllotuspsychje: thanks :)16:14
PeppepSo, after updating to 19.04, apt-get update/upgrade will make it sync up with all the changes in the daily builds, right?17:35
lordcirthPeppep, I believe so. You might need full-upgrade, though.17:36
PeppepPerfect, thanks17:36

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