
acheronukcyphermox: hi.08:30
acheronukI see here08:30
acheronukreturn self._layout_by_human[value]08:30
acheronukI don't see that defined anywhere though? Am I missing it?08:31
acheronukcjwatson: ^ you wrote that in 2012 :P08:31
acheronukI am probably being dumb, but that is giving an error for Kubuntu front end08:32
acheronukduh. I am being dumb. also wouldn't give a keyerror if it didn't exist!08:46
cjwatsonCertainly looks defined, but I no longer remember much about that09:06
acheronukcjwatson: not surprised :) thanks. sorry to bother you09:09
acheronukhmmm. keyerror: 'English (USA)', but the values going into that dict is 'English (US)'09:18
acheronukin ubi-console-setup.py, ly = keyboard_names.layout_id(lang, misc.utf8(layout)), misc.utf8(layout) returns the 'English (USA)'10:05
acheronukI am still a bit lost with these ubiquity internals10:31
acheronukPITA to debug10:31
* acheronuk gives up10:50
cyphermoxacheronuk: hey; ubiquity needs a refresh of the included console-setup; I'll do that now14:29
cyphermoxLaney: ^14:29
acheronukcyphermox Laney: it was just that? FFS. thank you :)14:33
cyphermoxI think it's just that yes. console-setup changes always need to be mirrored in ubiwuity14:34
acheronukok. fingers crossed!14:34
cyphermoxacheronuk: ubiquity is in -proposed now; just waiting for my daily of kubuntu to finish downloading16:07
acheronukcyphermox: I downloaded the .debs and tried installing those in yesterday's daily. German and French install seemed to not crash on keyboard choice page as they did before. I'll try to test with more languages and the actual new iso in the next few days. Plus try full installs, as there is a 2nd call to ubi console setup at some point in configuring the installed system IIRC16:49
acheronukhopefully we are goo16:49

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