
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openjdk-13 [amd64] (disco-proposed/universe) [13~12-1] (no packageset)00:21
vorlonLaney, juliank: heads up that triggering autopkgtests through the web api doesn't seem to be working; I haven't dug into it, I'm only noticing while trying to give back some perl-triggered tests05:09
vorlonseems to be hanging talking to rabbit; trying to restart rabbit05:12
vorlonok that looks better05:12
ginggsvorlon: the single python-scipy/1.2.1-0ubuntu1 test failure I see locally is definitely caused by matplotlib >= 3.0.0 - I want to upload 1.2.1-0ubuntu2 to switch back to gcc 8 on s390x, should I skip this test in the same upload?06:29
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, hello, did you receive my messages?08:55
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, good morning, I don't think so, when were they sent?08:55
LocutusOfBorg[15:06:28] <LocutusOfBorg> anybody with an s390x or a bigger knowledge can help understanding why thunderbird is sad on s390x? (I see update output complaining wrt testsuite), new binary there09:09
LocutusOfBorg[15:07:20] <LocutusOfBorg> trying: thunderbird09:09
LocutusOfBorg[15:07:20] <LocutusOfBorg> skipped: thunderbird (6, 3, 2)09:09
LocutusOfBorg[15:07:20] <LocutusOfBorg>     got: 35+0: a-7:a-5:a-5:i-5:p-4:s-909:09
LocutusOfBorg[15:07:20] <LocutusOfBorg>     * s390x: thunderbird-testsuite09:09
LocutusOfBorg[15:38:17] <jbicha> LocutusOfBorg: thunderbird-testsuite depends on gnome-session which depends on gnome-shell which isn't available on s390x09:09
LocutusOfBorg[15:39:03] <jbicha> maybe we shouldn't build thunderbird-testsuite on s390x…09:09
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, I send them with /msg command, not sure if you can read them now...09:09
LocutusOfBorganyway ^^09:10
LocutusOfBorgwe shouldn't build thunderbird-testsuite on s390x because it can't be installed?09:10
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, thunderbird used to fail to build on s390x, but Rico recently worked out some patches that make the build succeed there09:11
oSoMoNthat would explain why this started to fail09:11
oSoMoNthat package appears to be mostly empty on s390x09:15
oSoMoNoh, not just there, actually09:16
oSoMoNI wonder if that package could simply be removed?09:16
oSoMoNlet me check09:16
oSoMoNI see the following commit on 2015-08-17:09:18
oSoMoN* Disable all of the testsuite related patches and don't install anything09:18
oSoMoN  in to the testsuite package for now. The patches have all bit-rotted,09:18
oSoMoN  we're not running any tests and nobody is driving that anymore09:18
oSoMoNit looks like the package can safely be removed09:19
oSoMoNchrisccoulson, what do you think? ^09:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted openjdk-13 [amd64] (disco-proposed) [13~12-1]09:44
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, debian removed the testsuite package too09:44
LocutusOfBorg(not sure if they ever had it)09:45
LocutusOfBorgand no reverse-deps, so it should be safe to go09:45
LocutusOfBorgplease bump debci hint...09:55
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
rbalintseb128, juliank seb128: software-properties was a bit tricky because it could not be imported by git-remote-bzr to cross-check, but I committed the conversion script here: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/bzr-git-mass-convert/+ref/master10:03
rbalinthow about swithing it to git on wednesday?10:04
rbalintmaster branch only, since older branches are out of date10:04
jbichavorlon: some packages went missing when they were promoted from disco-proposed: I noticed epiphany-browser, ruby-pkg-config, simple-scan10:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted indicator-application [sync] (cosmic-proposed) [12.10.1+18.10.20190308.1-0ubuntu1]13:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted indicator-application [sync] (bionic-proposed) [12.10.1+18.04.20190308.1-0ubuntu1]13:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ggcov [source] (cosmic-proposed) [0.9+20190314-0ubuntu0.3]13:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ggcov (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.9-20 => 0.9+20190314-0ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)13:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ggcov (cosmic-proposed/universe) [0.9-21 => 0.9+20190314-0ubuntu0.3] (no packageset)13:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-hwe [amd64] (bionic-proposed/main) [4.18.0-17.18~18.04.1] (kernel)14:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-hwe [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/main) [4.18.0-17.18~18.04.1] (kernel)14:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-hwe [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [4.18.0-17.18~18.04.1]14:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-hwe [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [4.18.0-17.18~18.04.1]14:43
seb128sil2100, bug #1637988, I saw that you accepted gvfs without libnfs which means the gvfs-backends binary from main in the SRU depends on an universe library15:51
ubot5bug 1637988 in gvfs (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Enable the nfs backend" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163798815:51
infinityseb128: What's the point of the no-change upload in the queue?15:58
infinityseb128: If the MIR is approved, we can just binary copy the one from release to updates and override it to main.15:58
seb128infinity, when I asked here last week someone replied that libnfs couldn't be moved from universe to main in the release pocket and such we needed an uplaod15:58
infinityThe first is true, the second is not.15:59
seb128then feel free to do that15:59
seb128k, makes sense15:59
infinityTHe bug log implied the MIR was still in progress?15:59
infinitySo, no, I don't feel free to do that.15:59
seb128which part?15:59
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnfs/+bug/1746598 was promoted in disco15:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1746598 in libnfs (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnfs" [Undecided,Fix released]15:59
infinityYEs, and cosmic and disco have entirely different versions.  Committing to support from 3.0 onward doesn't retroactively apply to old ones.16:00
infinityAs for "which part", comment #14 of the bug you poked sil2100 with. :P16:00
seb128ah, somewhat I did receive the email/see that comment16:02
sil2100seb128: yeah, as per my comment on the bug, I accepted cosmic prematurely, it wasn't supposed to be accepted16:03
sil2100seb128: since I was waiting for the MIR situation to be resolved16:03
seb128well, as long as nobody move it to updates by error16:03
seb128did you ping security about it?16:03
infinityYeah, I'll reject the unnecessary rebuild from the queue.16:03
sil2100I poked the MIR team and I think slashd today reminded the security team about it16:04
seb128k, good16:04
infinityAnd please, someone make sure that either 2.0 is MIRed for b/c, or if that fails, a solid argument for backporting 3.0 is made.16:04
infinity(The former preferred)16:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: grub2 (cosmic-proposed/main) [2.02+dfsg1-5ubuntu8.2 => 2.02+dfsg1-5ubuntu8.3] (core)16:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected libnfs [source] (cosmic-proposed) [2.0.0-1~exp1ubuntu1]16:05
infinityOh, 3.0 adds NFSv4 support. :/16:06
infinityIf the argument for using libnfs in gvfs is wider interop, missing v4 kinda sucks.16:07
infinityBut I guess it's better than no NFS at all.16:07
infinityAnd people who still run Solaris are probably used to living in the past.16:07
vorlonjbicha: missing packages> do you want to feed me version numbers or point to the log where they went missing?16:29
seb128vorlon, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+publishinghistory for example?16:41
seb128 3.32.0-1ubuntu1 was16:42
seb128Deleted on 2019-03-15 by Ubuntu Archive Robot16:42
seb128moved to release16:42
seb128but never made it there16:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-hwe [amd64] (xenial-proposed/main) [4.15.0-47.50~16.04.1] (kernel)17:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-hwe [ppc64el] (xenial-proposed/main) [4.15.0-47.50~16.04.1] (kernel)17:23
vorlonseb128, jbicha: copied for the 3 packages mentioned17:34
Eickmeyervorlon: Had a chance to look at carla yet?17:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: grub2 (bionic-proposed/main) [2.02-2ubuntu8.12 => 2.02-2ubuntu8.13] (core)17:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-hwe [amd64] (xenial-proposed) [4.15.0-47.50~16.04.1]18:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-hwe [ppc64el] (xenial-proposed) [4.15.0-47.50~16.04.1]18:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: grub2-signed (cosmic-proposed/main) [1.110.2 => 1.110.3] (core)18:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: grub2-signed (bionic-proposed/main) [1.93.13 => 1.93.14] (core)18:33
slashdsil2100, infinity : security team suggest to upgrade libnfs from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 in B/C due to sec issues and nasty bugs. Wearing your SRU hat, would you be okay with the proposition before any work start in that regard ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnfs/+bug/174659818:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1746598 in libnfs (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnfs" [Undecided,Fix released]18:50
slashd2.0.0 as-is will most likely be NACK by security team at first glance.18:50
slashdseb128, ^ fyi18:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-azure [amd64] (cosmic-proposed/main) [4.18.0-1014.14] (kernel)19:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-gcp [amd64] (cosmic-proposed/main) [4.18.0-1008.9] (kernel)19:10
seb128slashd, thx19:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-mate-artwork [amd64] (disco-proposed/universe) [19.04.0] (ubuntu-mate)19:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: golang-1.6 (trusty-security/main) [1.6-0ubuntu1~14.04 => 1.6-0ubuntu1~14.04] (no packageset) (sync)20:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: golang-1.6 (trusty-updates/main) [1.6-0ubuntu1~14.04 => 1.6-0ubuntu1~14.04] (no packageset) (sync)20:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted golang-1.6 [sync] (trusty-security) [1.6-0ubuntu1~14.04]20:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted golang-1.6 [sync] (trusty-updates) [1.6-0ubuntu1~14.04]20:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: pdfchain (disco-proposed/primary) [1:]20:24
seb128Could someone review ffe bug #1820259? It should basically be a no-op for disco since livepatch isn't used in that serie, but it's a pre-requirement for the bionic SRU20:25
ubot5bug 1820259 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add a indicator to show the status of Livepatch" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182025920:25
coreycbhello, can an archive admin take a look at masakari-monitors in the disco NEW queue?20:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected pdfchain [sync] (disco-proposed) [1:]21:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ubuntu-mate-artwork [amd64] (disco-proposed) [19.04.0]21:05

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