
lystraFizzik: What's under /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d?02:03
whislockWhat is your current netplan configuration, first off.02:03
tomreynFizzik left 24 minuntes after posting02:09
tomreyn...which is now almost 8 hours ago ;)02:10
whislockOh. This is why I should look at timestamps.02:12
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lordievaderGood morning07:17
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kstenerudcpaelzer: re: the failed amd64 build of php7.2: I just made a new PPA release where the only thing I did is modify the changelog, and suddenly it builds without error: https://launchpad.net/~kstenerud/+archive/ubuntu/disco-php7.2-testing/+packages10:16
kstenerudSo there's something external that caused the 2 build failures.10:17
kstenerudMaybe I'll try kicking off another build on the old ppa to see what it does...10:18
jamespagecoreycb, sahid : fwiw I'm working on unblocking the backport-o-matic issues for stein12:00
coreycbjamespage: thank you!12:01
azidhakaanyone using sysadmin logbook software? something to type into all activities, have it sync-ed across devices, with search and everything?13:01
Picino, but that sounds like a good idea13:15
mwhahahacoreycb, jamespage: so it looks like cinder doesn't properly have grep (?) as a dependency, http://logs.openstack.org/49/638149/5/check/puppet-openstack-integration-5-scenario001-tempest-ubuntu-bionic-mimic/ff03be3/logs/puppet.txt.gz#_2019-03-17_08_46_1713:22
mwhahahacoreycb, jamespage: hmm nevermind must be a path issue as it's installed13:25
jamespagemwhahaha: I think grep comes from the minimal base image so I'd hope it was :-)13:26
mwhahahayea it's there, but cinder isn't finding it. odd.  it's only affecting ubuntu at the moment13:26
mwhahahaah we're running the cinder-manage with only /usr/bin added. there must not be grep in /usr/bin anymore13:27
tewardwell AFAICT `grep` is in `/bin/grep` according to `which grep` on my 18.04 machine...13:38
tewardmwhahaha: so the issue there is grep is in /bin/ not /usr/bin :P13:38
mwhahahathis is really old code so it must be a difference in 18.0413:39
azidhakasome general guidelines on restoring ubuntu-server BIOS image on UEFI system?13:45
azidhakai've got a new system that doesn't have BIOS or CSM13:46
fricklermwhahaha: seems like an issue with os-brick, catching only a subset of the possible exeptions here: https://opendev.org/openstack/os-brick/src/branch/master/os_brick/initiator/utils.py#L27-L3114:00
fricklermwhahaha: but maybe it's also an error to call cinder-manage with a broken PATH14:01
lordcirthazidhaka, are you sure you need to restore the image? Why not a fresh install?14:01
mwhahahafrickler: i think it's the way we're invoking cinder-manage. that would likely inherit the path. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/643941/ might be the fix (testing)14:01
teward[2019-03-18 09:39:00] <mwhahaha> this is really old code so it must be a difference in 18.04  <--14:04
tewardmwhahaha: 16.04, grep is in /bin/grep14:04
tewardlet me test 14.0414:04
mwhahahaok so then the addition of the grep call is new then14:04
tewardbut if that's /bin/grep too then the issue is the 'grep' call/dep is new14:04
tewardand you'll need newer paths :P14:05
mwhahahaassumptions were made, things are being fixed :D14:05
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mwhahahaah centos has grep in /usr/bin which is why we didn't hit it there14:05
tewardyep confirmed /bin/grep in 14.04 too14:06
tewardmwhahaha: yeah so that's a CentOS vs. Debian/Ubuntu :P14:06
fricklermwhahaha: the code in os-brick is 4 months old, your trigger has probably been jamespage releasing a new pkg for it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-os-brick , that's 6 days old only14:12
mwhahahafrickler: yes it's the new packages and we didn't hit this 4 months ago because on centos grep is available in /usr/bin. so my patch to fix the cinder-maange path should address it14:13
azidhakalordcirth: i am doing just that, but i was wondering can i use my existing clonezilla image14:50
azidhakalordcirth: i guess i will keep 2 images, one bios and one uefi14:51
lordcirthazidhaka, are you quite sure you need images? I generally don't like using images like that - they are slow to modify and update. I prefer ISO + preseed file.14:51
azidhakalordcirth: some of the changes i do are interactive14:52
lordcirthazidhaka, mind giving an example?14:52
azidhakalordcirth: can i do complicated things with preseed files?14:52
lordcirthazidhaka, depends; if you can do it from the command line, you can generally do it in a preseed14:52
azidhakalordcirth: things that do dialog-style configuring14:53
lordcirthOf course, if you don't change it really often, it may not be worth the effort to modify14:53
lordcirthMost things that have TUI dialog configs have option flags as well. But not all.14:53
azidhakalordcirth: the machines are kiosks and after image restore only 2-3 commands are ran14:53
azidhakalordcirth: for example dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc to pickup the new drive UID14:54
azidhakathat's interactive14:54
lordcirthIt is? Is there more than one drive to pick from?14:54
lordcirthAnd there's no way to reliably decide which with a human? That's unfortunate.14:55
azidhakalordcirth: different hardware almost every time14:55
lordcirthYeah, I guess that's somewhere you need a human, then. Too bad.14:55
azidhakaHow about converting BIOS system to UEFI boot, can i do that? I can image it afterwards14:56
azidhakai don't think so, but asking does not hurt14:58
lordcirthI don't know how to reliably do that. It's probably possible.14:58
lordcirthazidhaka, by the way, why does a kiosk have multiple drives? kiosks generally don't need a lot of storage.15:00
azidhakalordcirth: those are multimedia kiosks, they play videos 24/715:00
lordcirthAh, I see.15:00
azidhakamain storage is on the 2nd drive15:00
azidhaka1st is read-only15:01
azidhakahm, there is no minimal iso with UEFi, i have to cleanup the server install15:03
lordcirthReally? I'd expect there to be one15:05
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tobias-urdincoreycb: we are seeing ubuntu failures regarding to qemu version15:56
tobias-urdinnova.exception.InternalError: Nova requires QEMU version 2.5.0 or greater.15:56
tobias-urdinhere is all logs to check versions http://logs.openstack.org/41/643941/1/check/puppet-openstack-integration-5-scenario001-tempest-ubuntu-bionic-mimic/ffd7ab5/logs/15:56
tobias-urdinthe change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/643941/15:56
coreycbtobias-urdin: is that on stein?16:00
tobias-urdinyeah, should be16:01
tobias-urdinnova-compute                          2:19.0.0~b1~git2019013113.33aad0fe41-0ubuntu2~cloud016:01
tobias-urdin 500 http://mirror.mtl01.inap.openstack.org/ubuntu-cloud-archive bionic-updates/stein/main amd64 Packages16:01
coreycbtobias-urdin: i'm confused by the change you pasted at the end. is that related?16:02
tobias-urdinthat was the change that the logs comes from16:02
coreycbi see16:03
tobias-urdinmaybe it's not packaging, not sure16:03
tobias-urdinqemu                                  1:3.1+dfsg-2ubuntu2~cloud116:03
coreycbwe have qemu 3.1 in the stein UCA so something must be getting confused there16:04
tobias-urdiniirc there was some talk on ML about bumping qemu version, i think kashyap proposed some patches to nova about that16:04
coreycbjamespage: does that ring any bells to you? ^ nova failing on stein with "Nova requires QEMU version 2.5.0 or greater"16:08
jamespagecoreycb: we did have an issue with the qemu backport to bionic but it was not version related16:10
tobias-urdinwas it released recently? qemu 3.116:10
tobias-urdinmaybe it report the version differently or the libvirt python bindings changed smth16:10
jamespagelast week - its in 1:3.1+dfsg-2ubuntu2~cloud116:10
jamespagethe fix was rather16:10
jamespage /dev/kvm had the wrong permissions on bionic16:11
jamespagecompared to disco16:11
tobias-urdintracing https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py#L50816:11
tobias-urdincalls https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/337b24ca41d2297cf5315d31cd57458526e1e449/nova/virt/libvirt/host.py#L52816:11
tobias-urdincalls https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/337b24ca41d2297cf5315d31cd57458526e1e449/nova/virt/libvirt/host.py#L49916:11
tobias-urdinso maybe something returns false or wrong version there16:11
tobias-urdini dont have a bionic machine up so can't test right now16:11
jamespageso qemu only reported qemu support rather than qemu+kvm support16:11
coreycbjamespage: tobias-urdin: i wonder if the hypervisor check in _version_check is failing due to that ^16:17
coreycbwell it seems you are running with 1:3.1+dfsg-2ubuntu2~cloud1 which i think is the latest16:17
jamespagebut that should not be called as hv_type is not passed16:19
coreycbjamespage: tobias-urdin: good point so it's either the hv_ver check that fails or an exception occurs16:24
kstenerudOK this is just bizarre. When I submit this to a PPA with only amd64 and i386, it works. When I submit it to a PPA with all archs, amd64 hangs here: https://launchpad.net/~kstenerud/+archive/ubuntu/disco-php7.2-support-new-libicu/+build/1650893316:48
kstenerudTEST 3442/14261 [ext/curl/tests/bug48203.phpt]16:48
kstenerudPASS Bug #48203 (Crash when CURLOPT_STDERR is set to regular file) [ext/curl/tests/bug48203.phpt]16:48
ubottubug 48203 in EasyUbuntu "Installed packages not deselected" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4820316:48
kstenerudIt sits there for a couple of hours and then the test rig terminates16:48
kstenerudahasenack cpaelzer rbasak any ideas?16:51
ahasenackI gave you some suggestions the other day17:02
rbasakkstenerud: have you tried diffing success and failure logs on amd64 in the two cases?17:05
jamespagecoreycb: https://github.com/openstack/octavia-lib neede by networking-ovn (working through snapshots etc..._17:13
jamespagecoreycb: we need a better way of doing snapshots automatically17:15
* jamespage gives that a think17:15
coreycbjamespage: is networking-ovn missing the dependency?17:21
jamespageit will be for the newest snapshot/milestone17:51
kendooriHow draconian is it to delete MySQL databases at the file system level? I can't start MySQL because /var/lib/mysql is full. I don't have a proper sysadmin available17:53
lordcirthkendoori, is there production data in those databases?17:55
lordcirthkendoori, also, is /var/lib/mysql part of the root partition? Possibly you could clear space elsewhere, eg with 'apt clean'17:56
kendooriyes on the databases in general, but NO on the database I want to delete.17:56
lordcirthkendoori, I'm no mysql expert, but I would free a little bit of space, start mysql, then delete the DB in sql17:57
kendoorithe databases are on their own partition17:57
lordcirthAh ok, that could be a problem17:57
lordcirthkendoori, if this is a production DB then you need someone who knows mysql for this17:57
kendoorithe issue is that I can't delete anything on that partition in mysql, because I can't start it17:57
lordcirthkendoori, this implies that mysql will start when full: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/106895/how-to-fix-a-mysql-server-with-a-full-hard-drive17:59
lordcirthStart and then freeze until space is freed, that is, but allowing you to delete things cleanly18:00
lordcirthAh, but that's MyISAM, you are probably using InnoDB?18:00
kendooriit's percona18:01
kendoorijoin #mysql18:03
lordcirthDoesn't percona still use the usual InnoDB under the hood?18:03
kendoorilordcirth I think it acts completely like the real thing18:03
lordcirthkendoori, ah, #mysql is probably a good idea18:16
lordcirthkendoori, did you get any help there?18:21
tomreynpercona supports the same engines oracles community mysqld does, plus more.18:28
kendoorithat was a mistaken entry here... (re #MySQL). Good news is I went ahead and delete the actual underlying database files and I survived18:28
kendooriI freed up space and was able to restart MySQL18:28
kendoorithen did some additional cleanup18:29
kendooriPanic is over :-)18:29
lordcirthkendoori, good to hear. Do you know why you ran out? was it a sudden burst?18:29
lordcirthEither it was a manual mistake (importing something huge), a software bug, or you need more space18:30
tomreynthe panic should continue untilyou have ensured that mysql's data directory is (a) not on a partition that will likely run full (b) not on the root (/) file system.18:30
lordcirthtomreyn, he said it's not on /18:31
tomreynokay, i didn't read all your chat, mea culpa.18:31
kendooriromreyn it's on a dedicated partition18:31
lordcirthBut yes, this is something you need to debug fast or it will happen again18:31
sarnoldheh, good thinking :)18:31
kendoorinot an ideal situation.. one of those cases where we need to migrate but just didn't get to it yet18:31
tomreynalso you'll probably want some form of mirror raid below the mysql data directory.18:31
lordcirthkendoori, also, set up alerts for low space18:34
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gislavedoh man preseed can be a bitch on partitioning22:27

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