
nhainesIt's meeting time!02:01
carbonzerohey hey! I'm here and ready!02:01
nhainesIs anyone in attendance?02:01
carbonzeroOh yeah!! Right here, nathan!02:01
nhainescarbonzero: good to see you!02:01
carbonzeronhaines: good to see you as well brother!02:01
nhainesWelcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for March 17th, 2019!02:02
nhainesTonight's agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/19March1702:02
nhaines#topic Upcoming events02:02
nhainesUbuntu 19.04 is due for release on April 18th!  That's four weeks away.02:03
carbonzerowow! I can't believe this development cycle's almost over already.02:04
nhainesIt goes by fast!02:04
carbonzeroI know right?02:04
nhainesNow's the perfect time to test the ISOs, maybe in a virtual machine, maybe on a spare computer!02:04
nhainesAnd while you're doing that, make sure to vote on the community wallpaper selection that will be included at launch: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-community-wallpaper-competition-vote-here/1022402:05
nhaines#topic Announcements02:05
nhainesAny announcements for the next month?02:05
carbonzeroNothing from my part of the desert. lol02:05
nhainesNothing here either.  :)02:06
nhainesTime for the agenda, then.02:06
carbonzeroSounds good.02:06
nhaines#topic SCALE 17x wrapup thoughts02:06
nhainesUbuCon went very well!  We had nice attendance for all advertised talks, and good attendance for the last-minute ones.02:07
nhainesNext year we plan on starting and finalizing things much earlier on, although we're limited by SCALE's call-for-papers schedule because they host us and our talks.02:07
nhainesOn to the Ubuntu booth!02:08
nhainesThe booth went just fine, thanks mainly to George Mulak and carbonzero who bravely volunteered to greet the masses of people who came by to talk Ubuntu.  :)02:08
carbonzeronhaines: you're welcome! I look forward to next year, too.02:09
carbonzeroIt was a blast getting to do that with you and George.02:09
nhainescarbonzero: thanks a ton for being there.  Friday was a huge success, thanks to you!02:09
nhainesWe saw that Friday had a lot more traffic than usual, and Saturday was a lot quieter but a lot more steady than in past years.  Sunday was the usual desert.  :)02:10
carbonzeronhaines: aww shucks! You're welcome, nhaines.02:10
nhainesAre there any suggestions for how to improve things next year?02:10
carbonzeronhaines: the one improvement I can see is me being able to demonstrate Ubuntu Studio controls on actual equipment.02:11
carbonzeroWe had a great setup but man, I was totally bummed out over that.02:11
carbonzeroNot sure if that qualifies for an improvement but definitely something to shoot for next year.02:13
nhainesWe can count that!02:14
nhainesThis year, we only had a single booth space so we dropped the secondary table and just had the back table, and it worked really well.02:14
nhainesI hope to work with Canonical next year to get more booth space for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but we'll see how that goes.  Canonical had their own separate booth and it focused solely on snapcraft and other snappy things.02:15
carbonzeroOh ok. I didn't know that about that. Yeah, it worked out really good, imo.02:15
nhainesOh yes, we've had luxourious amounts of booth space in the past, ha.  But Canonical was hosting a machine learning/Kubeflow track on Thursday and their SCALE sponsorship went in that direction.02:15
carbonzeroOh yeah! That'd be sweet! I'll definitely be testing that for sure when it hits the cdimage server.02:15
nhainesAlso, they got about three times more interest than they expected, so I think the Canonical sales and marketing team that put this on will be interested in returning to SCALE in the future, since this was their first year!  :)02:16
nhainesAny other thoughts or feedback about SCALE this year?02:16
carbonzeroMy feedback is that I had an absolute blast. Maybe during the coming year we can devise a way to nab more members and have them come to SCALE 18x02:17
carbonzeroI wish my time on Friday was much longer. lol I wanted to keep going, dude.02:17
carbonzeroI was so shocked that four hours went as quick as they did.02:18
nhainesI hope by moving up our schedule a bit we can get more volunteers.  We used to have a double handfull every year!02:18
nhainesBut that is the nice thng about SCALE.  Time goes by fast, and when we have several volunteers, we can make sure everyone has time to roam the expo floor and see the talks that they want.02:18
carbonzeroI definitely got to see some of the stuff I wanted to see like snapcraft. That was very cool.02:19
nhainesThat's good!  Did I walk you over?02:19
carbonzeroI'm very interested in that and perhaps something with blockchain.02:20
carbonzeroNo, I walked over there when I went for my beer. Which reminds me, we need some kind of drink order taker. lol02:20
carbonzeroMaybe we can create a snap/app to order drinks and someone can bring them? Like at a bar?02:21
nhainesStrict union rules about food and drink at the convention center!02:21
nhainesAll right, I'll post on the mailing list about SCALE some time over the next week.02:21
carbonzeroahh ok.02:21
nhaines#topic Other business02:21
nhainesAnything else for tonight's meeting?02:21
aidiansmall announcement about LUGOD's next meeting, if anyone is interested02:22
carbonzeroNothing here. Just hoping to be able to play some music using Ubuntu Studio on top of Kubuntu next year.02:22
aidiansorry for late entry!02:22
nhainesaidian: great!  Let's here it.  :)02:22
carbonzeroaidian: go for it!02:23
aidianfor those of you in northern california, the linux users group of davis is meeting tomorrow, 7pm @ the davis public library02:23
aidianour speaker is the executive director of the Linux Foundation Energy project02:23
aidianit's a Linux Foundation-backed project designed to get open source software into the nation's power grid, pretty much02:24
carbonzeroaidian: very cool! that sounds very interesting. That's a very much needed thing if you ask me. Getting open source software into the power grid. That's necessary.02:25
aidianagreed! i'm pretty fascinated to hear what they have going on02:25
carbonzeroThat sort of infrastructure needs to be hardened and Linux/Ubuntu's the best option.02:25
aidianyep, totally agreed.02:25
aidianhttp://www.lugod.org/meeting/ for more details on the talk, time, and location02:25
carbonzeroaidian: I'd love to sit in on that, too, but I'm here in Apple Valley. Will you be able to take notes and pass them around?02:26
aidiani will see what i can do! we have one local specialist who will be there live to answer some questions, and dr. goodman will be presenting via teleconference, so there may be slides02:27
aidianhopefully slides that i can share02:27
carbonzeroI should forward that to the local authorities over our local power system about incorporating linux into the system02:27
aidiancarbonzero: https://www.lfenergy.org/02:27
carbonzeroaidian: cool! I look forward to what you can provide.02:27
aidianme too! i hope i can post something. if nothing else i'll try and take some notes of my own, and see if they have any other material i can pass around02:28
carbonzeroThank you for the information!02:28
aidiannp, doing what i can to keep the spirit alive up here with LUGOD :)02:28
carbonzerosounds like you're doing an excellent job! keep it up!02:29
carbonzerocheers my friend!02:30
carbonzeronhaines: question real quick02:30
nhainescarbonzero: sure!02:30
carbonzerodo you think we've got enough material to do an article for full circle magazine about SCALE and aidian's LUGOD event?02:31
carbonzerowell, after the LUGOD event that was mentioned?02:31
nhainesOh, I think so!02:31
carbonzerois that even something you're interested in doing?02:31
nhainesUbuCon and SCALE alone, I think, would be worth the writeup.02:31
nhainesI'm interested, but I am translating many novels right now.  :)  I'd be happy to take a look at anything you wrote.02:32
carbonzerovery cool! I'm not quite done just yet but I'll let you know when I get the rough draft done.02:32
nhainesGreat!  You know my email address.  :)02:33
nhainesOkay, I think that about wraps things up for tonight's meeting.02:33
carbonzeroaidian: if you get any material from that meeting and if you want to contribute to that article, please feel free to let me know.02:33
carbonzeronhaines: sounds good.02:33
carbonzeroI've got to run as soon as we're done. Got to come down to L.A. in the morning and leaving at 03:00.02:34
nhainesOkay, our next meeting is on April 21st, 2019, after the next release!02:34
carbonzerowoohoo! \0/02:34
aidiancarbonzero: roger that. i'll pm you my email address, i'm also on the mailing list02:34
nhainesThanks for coming!02:34
carbonzeroaidian: awesome! look forward to that!02:34
aidianyay, glad i squeezed in before the official end there. was putting together some furniture, hehe02:35
carbonzeroaidian: lol, ahh yeah! glad you made it! nice to meet you and sorry to be so quick but I've got to get up at 02:00 to take the wifey to a procedure in the a.m. since me your email address when you can. my email's info@soulgrave.com.02:36
aidianno worries, dropped you a pm02:36
carbonzeronot since, jeez.02:36
carbonzeroaidian: oh i see it.02:37
aidiangonna have to check out this full circle magazine02:41
aidiani recently started using 18.04 heavily for work02:52
aidianpretty good stuff02:52
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