
IrcsomeBot2EEElton was added by: EEElton04:15
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Hi everyone. Before I ask a question, I would like to say that I absolutely adore KDE and more particularly Kubuntu. I'd started using Linux, Ubuntu Unity in particular as my daily driver since 2014, and it's been a riveting experience since. I've learned so much about a computer since then. I switched from Unity to Kubuntu when Unity was halted in development. It has been largely a painless transition so far. Although Unity04:43
IrcsomeBot2was built on Gnome technologies and utilizes most of the software, adjusting to KDE in Kubuntu, was mostly without any hassle. KDE offered a whole plethora of options and customizations without sacrificing perfomance or aesthetic quality. I think I have found the desktop I'm very comfortable and content with. I will donate whenever I can to ensure the continued support and existence of Kubuntu. The relegation of Unity to history has taught me04:43
IrcsomeBot2the importance of support from users.04:44
valorienice to hear it!04:49
valorieUnity was actually built in part using Qt as KDE is04:49
valoriemight be one of the reasons it feels comfortable to you04:50
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> I've been meaning to say it ever since I started using it. I'm glad I was able to say it.04:51
valorieonce I tried kubuntu many years ago I never left04:52
valorieand once I realized that *people* made it, I wan04:52
valorieted to help04:52
valorieso here I am04:52
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Yes, I learned so about Unity and KDE. Apparently Unity was gonna be moved to a fulltime qt infrastructure. Unfortunately it never actually happened. Although there is a community trying to make it work (UBports Unity8 desktop). However progress there is slow.04:53
valorieit's hard to work with a very tiny team, yeah04:54
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> I find it quite fascinating that a desktop like Kubuntu actually exists, I wonder why there isn't better exposure. When I was on Unity, Kubuntu and KDE in particular was described with terms such as; unstable, slow and so on. It was after the death of Unity that more neutral reporting on it began to surface, which led me to make the swing. And I've been happier ever since. @valoriez04:57
valoriegnome has support from some larger companies, which KDE has only small companies and volunteers, so perhaps that's why development has been slower04:58
valoriewe do strive for excellence though04:58
valorieand I think we're getting closer05:00
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Quite clearly. I think when it comes to some things, KDE does it much better than Gnome. But I have observed in Linux internet discourse that there is more favourable reporting on KDE and its merits. So you are right, KDE is getting closer.05:03
valoriewe're reaching out more as well05:03
valorieso a few more people are taking  notice05:04
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Yes. I see that. And its paying off. The future is looking quite bright for KDE. Besides Deepin and Elementary O.S I think that in most online voter polls, KDE is lauded as one of the most robust and visually pleasing O.S05:06
valorieI like the other kde software as well05:06
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> KDE Neon?05:06
valoriesure, they are buddies of ours05:07
valoriemy favorite: konversation, the IRC client05:08
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Yep. I haven't used konversation before. I don't really use IRC platforms. I've never had an occassion to use it.05:09
valoriewell, from my end, that's how we're talking05:10
valoriewe have a bridge to both telegram and matrix in this channel05:10
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Really? Well I guess I'll check it out. I imagine konversation is quite similar to  pidgin05:11
valoriepidgin isn't that great for IRC imo05:12
valoriebut I guess it does work05:12
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, but I imagine you're right. I don't use pidgin either. But I did see folks using it in their window machines.05:13
valoriemuch of the KDE software runs in windows now05:13
valorienot Plasma05:13
valoriebut the applications05:14
valorieand in Mac, BSD, and some in Android05:14
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Yes, I can attest to that. KDEConnect is a great tool.05:14
valorieright, that runs in android better than desktop!05:15
valorieand there is even a cli mode, which.... is fun to try but I don't use it05:15
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Hehe, perhaps. It's amazing. I have used the CLI mode, its quite productive, but can be dangerous. Thankfully it dosesn't allow elevated privileges.05:17
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> There are several problems I am facing, if you don't mind me talking about it. I am currently runing Kubuntu 18.10 with backported plasma 5.15.3. I think the 15.3 is a bug fix. I wonder if more are on the way. The thing is, with the updated plasma, the desktop is a bit slower than the default with 18.10. CPU cycles are higher, system slows down when copying files and the computer freezes quite regularly albeit not for long.05:25
IrcsomeBot2The desktop I use is fairly capable, so there shouldn't be much reason for this. Also, the computer fans are run at a usually high frequency, although I'm sure that has more to do with the internals of the desktop than the updated plasma itself. But I wonder if there is corelation between it.05:25
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> I have never managed to download services or themes with the built in downoader. I keep getting errors such as; Open Authentication Interface Error (405) & (909)05:27
valoriehmmm, I suggest you talk to the Plasma team about these things05:28
valorieI know that there has been a new Qt release but I don't think we've gotten it yet....05:28
valorieanyway, the plasma team can help you decide whether or not they want a bug report about specific things05:29
valorieunsure if there is a Plasma telegram channel05:29
valorieit's #plasma in irc and matrix05:29
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Ah I see. I guess I'll be downloading konversation quite soon.05:31
valorieit looks different than Telegram05:32
valoriebut imo the only advantage of telegram (to me) is that it works well on my phone05:32
valorieon my computer I much prefer IRC05:32
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> I see. I'll probably be seeing some of those advantages soon.05:34
IrcsomeBot2<EEElton> <Elton> Oh lately I've noticed that my desktop automatically resumes from suspend every time. Unless the power button is used.05:37
valoriethat sounds like a bug05:38
IrcsomeBot2Oph nono was added by: Oph nono06:15
lordievaderGood morning07:23
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BluesKaj'Morning folks08:55
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IrcsomeBot2<Chandra Sekhar> My laptop doesn't show any wifi networks which are available and when I connect to mobile it's connecting via USB tethering , please help me to find and connect to wifi10:18
IrcsomeBot2<Chandra Sekhar> Thanks in advance10:18
BluesKajChandra Sekhar, which wifi chip ?10:25
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lordievaderChandra Sehkar, and what is the output of `ip l`?11:46
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=== Greenfrog_away is now known as Greenfrog
=== Greenfrog_away is now known as Greenfrog
SiDzejHi guys I've got a problem with using Kubuntu. It completely freezes after logging in.14:51
lordievaderSiDzej: Can you get to a tty in that event?15:02
nurikedarHello everyone15:31
BluesKajhi nurikedar15:52
IrcsomeBot2Polifilo71 was added by: Polifilo7116:11
=== Greenfrog is now known as Greenfrog_away
=== Greenfrog_away is now known as Greenfrog
draikHello. My mouse speed is a bit too fast, and nothing I do to slow it down seems to work. Everything is fine in a LiveUSB, but not on my install. Is there a way to find the config(s) controlling the faster pace?22:39
mparilloAnybody figured out how to close or minimize the Calligra right-hand properties ribbon? I know I can undock it, but I am looking to close and re-open or at least, minimize / restore?22:56
fructoseHow do I prevent KDE from unmuting sound when I unplug headphones and who do I insult for deciding that should be default behavior?23:26
marco-parillo[m]There is a guy named Nate whom I will contact with your bug report. He has been helping reduce paper-cuts by (among other things) identifying when Kubuntu should deviate from upstream defaults. I don't always agree with him, but he is focused on improving the user experience.23:32
marco-parillo[m]What is the number (and is it on bugs.kde.org or on launchpad)?23:33
fructosemarco-parillo[m]: If you're referring to my issue, I haven't found anything on it. I tried Google before asking here, but don't know how to categorize it.23:39
fructosemarco-parillo[m]: Can't find a setting, etc.23:39
fructoseIt automutes when I plug the headphones back in, so maybe it's actually a bug though (inverting the mute setting instead of muting and restoring upon replug)23:44
fructoseGot to run23:45
marco-parillo[m]If you type audio into your kicker application launcher, which program shows? Phonon? You could try that, or you could try System-Settings > Audio as the component. That is probably incorrect, but I hope the bug triage squad can re-direct it.23:45
Greenfrogwoohoo i got in that time23:56
Greenfrognow what?23:57
Greenfrog, sorry problem child23:57
Greenfrogi'm squeasing my brain to remember23:59

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