=== Thio is now known as Th_io | ||
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest66128 | ||
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest82200 | ||
Jon_Starvel | Hello | 18:55 |
diogenes_ | hello | 18:56 |
linuxg | good evening | 20:21 |
linuxg | some one can help to solve a problem without reinstall the entire OS? | 20:21 |
linuxg | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dDxZwRH5Dk/ | 20:21 |
teward | linuxg: are you using Lubuntu? | 20:26 |
teward | and if so waht version? | 20:26 |
linuxg | 18.10 coscmic cattlefish | 20:26 |
teward | cuttlefish* | 20:26 |
teward | 1 moment | 20:27 |
teward | linuxg: confirm it doesn't actually exist - `ls /etc/apt` | 20:29 |
teward | does sources.list actually not exist in there? | 20:29 |
linuxg | yes | 20:30 |
linuxg | emm, no it doesen't exits | 20:31 |
teward | linuxg: if it doesn't exist, then https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2PQg6cz3tY/ contains a list of repositories that're COsmic specific. You can take this and put the contents into sources.list as superuser and save it as sources.list. | 20:31 |
teward | it's got extra comments, but it's from my system (adapted for Cosmic specifically) | 20:31 |
teward | this'll also let you do updates to your computer :P | 20:31 |
linuxg | ok teward ty, but, is there no way availeble just to reset my original source list to default settings? | 20:38 |
teward | linuxg: not without a reinstall to repopulate the list, no, but thankfully it's not *that* hard to recreate the list to 'workable' states | 20:41 |
linuxg | ok | 20:46 |
harold | hi | 22:31 |
harold | is lubuntu suitable for slow laptops? | 22:32 |
guiverc | harold, it may depend on what you consider a slow laptop, and what you intend to do with it (memory plays a huge part in what you can expect from a laptop, not just speed of cpu..) | 22:49 |
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest14947 |
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