
isomarigreetings, why don't I have all the options on my 19.04 plasma desktop right click 'leave' option? I only have 'logout' even though I have set 'offer shutdown options' on my system settings.07:32
BluesKajisomari did you recently update and upgrade?, if so some settings may need a reboot to function properly. Kind of elementary but that's the case these days.09:59
dabbilllotuspsychje: did a little bit of testing last night with Gnome. Did not see any real performance difference, but usually I only start to have memory issues after 4 - 5 days of uptime, so we will see how that goes. 14:56
lotuspsychjeallrighty dabbill tnx for feedback15:09
lotuspsychjedabbill: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/03/features-and-improvements-in-gnome-332.html15:15
dabbilllotuspsychje: Yea, so far 3.32 is a very nice release. I have not had any problems since the last 1 or 2 dev releases. 15:20
lotuspsychjedingo has some nice stuff15:21
dabbillYea, its been tempting me to swich from Fedora on my work machine15:21
lotuspsychjebut im more the lts guy, so im already wishing for next lts codename :p15:21
dabbillThat I have been running for the past 2 years. 15:22
dabbillI really like to ride the bleeding edge :) 15:22
lotuspsychjethe latest bling for Mr. cloud :p15:24
dabbillyup :D 15:24
dabbillI ran Gentoo, and Arch for several years to keep up on the latest shinny, but starting to get lazy in my old age to keep up with them, so now its between *buntu's and Fedora. 15:25
lotuspsychjealways loved ubuntu here15:26
lotuspsychjewrong window15:27
dabbillI have not come over to the snap side yet. I dont like that they do not follow my desktop theme. 15:27
dabbillI want all my apps to flow together. 15:27
lotuspsychjedabbill: snaps are part of the system now, cant do much anymore to bypass15:28
dabbilllotuspsychje: I removed a couple of the snaps and installed the native apps :D 15:28
lotuspsychjethats possible yeah15:28
dabbillI spend hours apon hours tweaking themes, and searching for new themes, cause I want everything to match :D15:29
lotuspsychjedabbill: showoff plz?15:30
lotuspsychjedabbill: https://www.deviantart.com/lotuspsychje/gallery/15:31
dabbillI will have to take a new screenshot when I get home15:31
dabbilllotuspsychje: Here are some of my old screenshots15:43
dabbilllotuspsychje: 15:43
dabbillerr 15:43
dabbilllotuspsychje: https://dabbill.com/desktop-screenshots/15:43
lotuspsychjedabbill: nice!15:45
lotuspsychjebeen playing with sabayon too in the past15:45
dabbillI have played with most distros :) 15:45
dabbilllotuspsychje: more old school https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQmj9TCOoaM15:47
lotuspsychjei always loved wobbly windows15:47
dabbillI have them on my work machine :D 15:48
dabbill<3 KDE for that15:48
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
erle-Nautilus 3.32 landed \o/20:18
OerHeksas part of gnome 3.32 ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/3.32.0-1ubuntu120:19
tomreyndoes this mean the snap can be dropped?20:23
erle-Gnome Shell 3.32 landed Saturday20:25
erle-tomreyn, only on Disco though20:25
tomreynerle-: what's new in there which allows for it to be dropped?20:25
tomreyndoes gnome / nautilus support desktop icons out of the box again?20:26
erle-It was mostly Gnome 3.31.91 everything on Saturday, and now everything except cheese has been updated to 3.3220:26
erle-tomreyn, Desktop icons are implemented using Shell extension20:27
tomreynseems like a good approach / compromise. hopefully those can be disabled, too.20:27
erle-yes, they can, in gnome-tweak20:28
erle-I only disable «illegitimate» Desktop items (i.e. those that are not files in ~/Desktop)20:28
tomreynsweet. https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/ShellExtensions/desktop-icons says snome shell >= 33.0 and naultilus >= 3.30.420:29
erle-e.g. Trash, Home, Mounted Drives etc.20:29
tomreynmaybe then i can purge snapd :)20:29
erle-Gnome could always do that, it was just that Budgie was not keeping up with the change20:29
erle-that was the reason for ancient Nautilus20:30
erle-Budie relied on Nautilus drawing the Desktop20:30
tomreyni see20:30
erle-I am running Disco from live CD since Saturday morning without rebooting20:31
erle-I am seeing the packets coming in one by one :)20:31
tomreynbut i think a couple more things broke in 18.04 when i tested uninstalling the snap20:31
tomreynhehe, you know you can run it in a vm too! ;-)20:31
erle-I wasn't planning to keep it up for that long, but it still runs20:33
tomreynplenty of ram, eh20:33
erle-I deleted ~/.cache a few times20:39
erle-everything else dos not take too much20:40
tomreyngnome tweaks shows the pre-installed extensions as disabled, but that's the same in 18.04. you can change its settings so that no more icons show, though.20:43
donofriohow to ensure in 19.04 that inxi is inxi 3.0.32-00 (2019-02-07)20:44
tomreynmaybe there's a snap for it, or the developers provide a compatible package, or you can build it yourself.20:45
tomreynppa might be another options20:45
donofrioI just wanted to prod that maintaners20:45
donofrioI'm gitting my own for now just would be nice to have newer version20:45
tomreyni think it's in universe20:46
tomreyn!info inxi20:46
ubottuinxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.32-1-1 (disco), package size 169 kB, installed size 760 kB20:46
donofrioyah that sounds right....intresting....my 18.04.02 lts had older version found this one that seems to display everything good - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XmZm2t8J45/20:47
tomreynyeay, snap POC apps replaced by .deb's, snapd purged, gnome-shell still works, initializes faster.20:55
lolTestI played around with disco dingo netboot build of the day. After successful installation of the basic system (no DE), I tried to "apt update" the system but could not connect to the repos. Is this normal behavious for daily builds of versions not released yet?20:56
tomreyni assume that with a netboot, ensuring that the utilities needed to bring the system online, and the configurations for this are in place, falls into your domain.21:00
lolTestI am fairly inexperienced but installed the 18.10 and 19.04 netboots in VMs. The 18.10's "apt update" works out of the box while the 19.04 isn't. Was just wondering why this might be.21:03
tomreynhow did you install exactly?21:04
tomreynnetboot isos are a debian concept, not one in ubuntu AFAIK.21:04
tomreynoh, it looks like the mini.iso is also referred to as netboot.21:05
tomreynyou installed using a directory on a webserver?21:06
lolTestyes, the terms netboot and netinst seem to mean the same here21:06
lolTestnono, this is where I downloaded the *.iso files, I then fired up my VM's and installed the system on them21:06
tomreynso did you use mini.iso then?21:07
lolTestcorrect. one time for 18.10 and the other time for 19.0421:07
erle-netinstall just means that the packages are not all on the ISO but downloaded on demand21:10
erle-netboot means that BIOS actually boots an image from the network21:11
erle-both terms are orthogonal to each other21:11
tomreyni see. so if 18.10 mini.iso got your system online and the 19.04 pre-release mini.iso does not ("tried to 'apt update' the system but could not connect to the repos") then i guess it is probably not intended to break it for release, and it is maybe currently broken (and it's not unusual for pre-release isos to break).21:11
tomreynyes netboot would be pxe21:12
tomreynmini.iso is probably somewhat similar to debian's netinstall21:12
PeppeplolTest: I've also had trouble updating the repos today, with a regular/full 19.04 install21:13
lolTestUbuntu uses both terms for the network installation medium.21:13
lolTestgood to know, thanks. 21:14
lolTestSee here: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads Website for "Network installer" with links pointing to iso-images hosted under .../netboot/...21:15

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