
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabreknome, is there also an updated plymouth wallpaper?10:49
knomebluesabre, we need to get together with ochosi to get that done10:51
knomebasically, we want to have a release-agnostic plymouth wall so we do not have to update it every time10:52
knomethat way we can also ensure the color palette in the plymouth assets works with it10:52
bluesabreAh, gotcha... so maybe just some nice dark boot background10:55
bluesabreblack as a main back works well for the transition between grub / uife boot10:56
knomeso you're suggesting just a black wall?10:57
knomenothing else?10:57
knomei need lunch10:57
bluesabreyeah, black wall, xubuntu logo, spinner... should be fine and pretty standard :)11:01
Unit193Booooring though!11:05
knomeprobably, but as ochosi argued, not many people even see plymouth in our ssd days11:48
astraljavaBoot times with strange display hardware (some smart TVs come to mind) also act strangely. Apparently some take so long to begin showing display data that from the first post of the graphics card, the system is already in lightdm-greeter when the display turns on. :D 12:19
=== woob is now known as Woowoo678
sorinelloHello. Anyone knows how well Xubuntu supports BTRFS ? I am aware that this is a Kernel question, not an OS one, but maybe someone knows. I found some articles f rom 2015-2016 NOT recommending BTRFS yet16:23
brainwashsorinello: #ubuntu-kernel18:04
ochosibluesabre, knome: maybe boring but i would tend to agree. black wall, ideally a fade-in of the xubuntu logo, then the spinner, then optional fade-out20:56
ochosi(i don't remember the plymouth stuff well enough to know if fades were easy or tedious)20:56
Spassso something like in elementary OS? I like it to be honest, I remember that in older Xubuntu releases it looked that way (black background, white logo), it's simple and elegant21:32
Spassblack background, white text (xubuntu) and a small blue icon next to it would be perfect imho21:33
Unit193Heh, the last one(s) to work well were usplash, plymouth still isn't as good. :P21:35
SpassI hate that NVIDIA driver still breaks the Plymouth resolution21:35
Spassbut the fix is simple fortunately21:36
Unit193All I know is that whatever we do, we have to do it quick as it is already past deadline.21:39
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 19.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.23:25

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