[00:57] @tsimonq2 [ wxl: Go create a Phab account XD], Done? [00:59] I don't think wxl did the thing yet [01:17] Yup, I haven't been able to assign wxl tasks [01:18] Right. Not until he is registered. [06:15] The wiki is also gone :( How do I set up arc and other necessary things? I had the link to the wiki on phab but its gone. [06:15] https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/packaging-tutorial/ This was the link. [08:33] We are working on getting it back. The repositories aren't set in phab yet either so that would be your next hurdle. [17:49] git@phab.lubuntu.me: Permission denied (publickey) sigh when I try to push to phab [17:49] try just sshing to it with -v to see if it gives any further insight [17:52] Do it twice [18:06] Could not chdir to home directory /home/git: No such file or directory [18:07] you broke it simon [18:07] go fix it :P [18:08] can you break it if it was not ever working before? [18:08] yes actually [19:26] thanks if it fixed it or was I being dumb [20:28] ok 2fa set up [20:33] ditto [20:42] Sweet!