
=== Israphel is now known as Guest11642
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Evilbluekoala626Hello Xubuntu chat. Any chance I could see if anyone can help me real fast?03:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:26
Evilbluekoala626Sorry. Habit to make sure chat was alive. I'm trying to find a way to sync my Palm M125 to Bionic Beaver03:27
Evilbluekoala626I can't find Gpilot anywhere. What are my other options?03:27
Evilbluekoala626And in case this matters, my system has 3 gb of ram with 2.0 ghtz dualcore. I'm also using a serial to attempt this.03:31
well_laid_lawnmost web pages about that are old03:31
well_laid_lawn!info jpilot03:32
ubottujpilot (source: jpilot): graphical app. to modify the contents of your Palm Pilot's DBs. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.2-2 (bionic), package size 431 kB, installed size 1943 kB03:32
well_laid_lawndoes that ↑ help ?03:32
Evilbluekoala626Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. Any chance it's compatible with Bionic beaver?03:32
Evilbluekoala626I know what I'm asking for may be old and outdated. I'm just seeing if there's any life I can breathe into it without resorting to windows.03:33
=== Israphel is now known as Guest77030
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
=== Israphel is now known as Guest42036
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
Kumoolfirefox went crazy allocating memory16:44
Kumoolso I'm going to make a while (sleep 5) { swapincreased && killworstproc }, but I'm wondering if anyone has a better solution16:48
brainwashKumool: join the mozilla IRC server and ask there17:01
Kumoolmozilla has an irc server!?17:03
Kumoolalright, thanks brainwash17:03
enigmaslm turt var mı?18:31
enigmahi, are there Turks here?18:32

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