
JZAhi I want to know how can I have a testing branch on my launchpad user...05:18
wgrantJZA: Can you expain what you mean when you say a testing branch?05:20
JZAwell I want to get a user to install the ppa from their client without much hickup I am trying to do is for my user first before applying the changes on the team account.05:20
wgrantPPAs and branches are very different. Can you explain exactly what you're trying to achieve?05:21
JZAthe user can do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dash.org/dash05:21
JZAbut from my user, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jza/dash05:22
JZAfirst is the team account, and I want to have a personal version for that package.05:22
JZAdo a 'personal' release, and once everything is working, export it to the team account.05:23
wgrantJZA: As the command suggests, ppa:dash.org/dash is a PPA, or Personal Package Archive. See https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA for how to use create a PPA and upload packages to it.05:23
JZAok thanks05:24
stubAre there sane options for using a snap as a deb package build dependency? eg. doing a 'snap install' from the rules file?06:07
stub(PPA recipe builds)06:07
wgrantstub: No, that's not permitted.06:11
wgrant(and is also a horrifyingly bad idea)06:11
stubrepeatable builds.... phooey.06:17
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