
erle-Does anyone have a 19.04 test system at hand?09:46
erle-Can you open a PDF with Evince?09:46
guivercerle-, yep.09:50
lotuspsychjeerle-: the bug must be at your end then?09:51
erle-Seems to be an AppArmor misconfiguration09:51
lotuspsychje!info evince09:51
erle-with the AppArmor profile disabled, it works09:51
guivercerle-, i opened it at terminal, can do searches and all looks good to me erle- 09:51
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.32.0-1 (disco), package size 254 kB, installed size 908 kB09:51
erle-I got the following:09:52
erle-> (evince:1267): EvinceDocument-WARNING **: 10:47:37.506: Error opening directory ?/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/evince/4/backends?: Permission denied09:52
lotuspsychjeerle-: same version as above? ^09:52
erle-apt does not tell that there was any new version09:53
lotuspsychjeerle-: apt-cache policy evince09:53
erle-says that policy is the recent version09:54
lotuspsychjeerle-: try reinstall evince?09:55
erle-it's fine, just wanted to know whether this is a common bug or just my install09:55
erle-disabling apparmor is kay for a test system09:56
BluesKajI haven't disabled it10:00
BluesKajerle-, i've been testing Kubuntu 19.04 from the get go and nobody in devel chat has mention disabling apparmor10:15

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