
didrocksgood morning07:08
jibelSalut didrocks07:21
didrockssalut jibel, ça va ?07:21
jibeldidrocks, ça va et toi?07:28
didrocksça va07:29
jibelsuper alors :)07:30
dufluMorning didrocks and jibel07:31
dufluand seb128 :)07:31
jibelHi duflu07:31
seb128hey desktopers07:32
didrockshey duflu, seb12807:33
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:05
didrockshey oSoMoN08:23
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, ça va?08:23
didrocksça va, et toi ?08:23
dufluHi oSoMoN08:27
oSoMoNhey duflu08:27
dufluHallo willcooke08:54
willcookehow goes duflu?08:57
dufluwillcooke, as well as trying to understand xorg source code can :)08:58
dufluYou, willcooke?08:58
willcookeI'm ok.  Had a good meeting yesterday to talk about the developer desktop plans (per our team meeting last(?) week).  Mark seems happy with the direction08:59
dufluAlso am on my 3rd new desk chair in 12 months09:00
dufluHoping this one won't create new back problems like the others09:00
=== ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh
willcookeurgh. Finding a good chair is hard.  I need a new one, but I refuse to pay 500quid for one, and Ikea don't have anything I like atm09:03
LaneyTrevinho: for sure09:05
LaneyI added that extra branch, was hoping k_alam or someone would green light it :>09:05
willcookemorning Laney09:06
dufluMorning Laney09:06
marcustomlinsonmorning all09:08
willcookehi marcustomlinson09:08
marcustomlinsonwillcooke: I recently grabbed one of these: https://www.chairoffice.co.uk/colossus-office-chair/c4bb7d7e-803b-40ad-876c-db3e3d3f489d/09:09
willcookeoh, I forgot, yesterday was spring equinox. Woot!09:09
willcookemarcustomlinson, I don't know if that would fit in my little office :)  Is it a good one?09:09
marcustomlinsonyeah really sturdy, comfy09:09
didrockshey willcooke, Laney, marcustomlinson!09:10
marcustomlinsonwillcooke: of course if you're willing to pay double you could get https://secretlabchairs.co.uk/collections/titan-series09:11
marcustomlinsonalas I was not willing. haha09:12
willcookeLooks a bit too cool to me :)09:15
LaneyGoes with that headset you've got09:15
marcustomlinsonin general I found chairoffice to have good range and prices. Thorough details and ratings helps too09:15
Laneyhey willcooke duflu marcustomlinson09:15
Laneydidrocks too09:16
Laneyd<tab> fail09:16
marcustomlinsonLaney: \o09:16
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke, Laney, marcustomlinson09:17
marcustomlinsonhi didrocks! hi oSoMoN!09:18
didrocksLaney: it should autocomplete both :)09:23
Laneymoin oSoMoN09:25
Laneydidrocks: ok fine, it was my fail :'(09:25
didrocksLaney: don't be sooooooooooo sad!09:32
Laneyis it deliberate that firefox lost its titlebar?14:18
Laneyor did I turn it off accidentally?14:18
oSoMoNLaney, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/01/firefox-66-csd-by-default14:23
* Laney fist bumps oSoMoN 14:24
oSoMoNLaney, that said, I'm not seeing it on by default in my disco VM, I wonder what's up with that14:24
Laneyyou changed the setting in the past and it's remembered that?14:25
LaneyI just got told to restart it after dist-upgrading and there it was14:25
oSoMoNI have a "clean" VM that I dist-upgrade daily, and the snapshot doesn't have a firefox profile, so it should use CSD by default14:26
oSoMoNoh well, at least it worked for you!14:27
LaneyoSoMoN: code reveals it only does that on wayland ...14:40
oSoMoNah, that makes sense14:41
oSoMoNbut the feature works on X11 too14:41
Laneyyeah, don't see why you'd do that14:42
Laneythat said I still can't get it to work14:47
Laneyahh "XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland MOZ_GTK_TITLEBAR_DECORATION=system firefox"14:48
Laneyactually just the first one works14:49
TrevinhoI liked the embedded bar, but it didn't work well with vivaldifox to me.... So I changed it as I couldn't really discern between focused and unfocused windows15:50
clobranooSoMoN: great that Mozilla fixed rounded corners :D16:33
kenvandinetkamppeter: libmbim, libqmi and modemmanager sponsored17:32
tkamppeterkenvandine, thank you very much. Now the SRU team and OEM team have to do the rest.17:33
willcookenight all!18:44

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