Hulio | hi guys, i got this error when install amd pro driver | 00:28 |
Hulio | hello | 00:28 |
Hulio | i got this erro: /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-r3BU2u/023-amdgpu-core_18.40-697810_all.deb | 00:29 |
Hulio | anyone? | 00:29 |
Hulio | with this output too:E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 00:29 |
Hulio | can anyone tell me why install amd pro driver cause that error? | 00:29 |
Hulio | please help: i install with /amdgpu-pro-install -y but got error | 00:30 |
Hulio | see the message above | 00:30 |
Hulio | what can i do to resolve it? | 00:30 |
Hulio | >>> | 00:30 |
ngeestra_banks | how do I find out which was the last version of curl that libcurl3 supported? | 00:31 |
ngeestra_banks | i can't install the latest curl because i have a program that depends on libcurl3 | 00:32 |
Bashing-om | Humbedooh: Show the channel what the hardware is. Pastebin - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - . | 00:39 |
pi0 | is there a way to list packages installed and match that with cve that are exploitable | 00:44 |
pi0 | to see if your system is vulnerable | 00:45 |
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette | ||
shanjian | hello | 01:18 |
kuki | hola | 01:28 |
kuki | holaa | 01:28 |
kuki | hola | 01:29 |
kuki | hola | 01:29 |
kuki | hola al alguien??? | 01:29 |
kuki | brone | 01:29 |
kuki | drone | 01:29 |
kuki | o sigyn | 01:29 |
AppAraat | kuki: please don't spam. | 01:30 |
AppAraat | pi0: I don't know of any such methods, other than "pkg audit -F" but that's on FreeBSD. Best bet is to just keep up with the updates in order to have the latest patches. | 01:31 |
oh4 | using "ppa:graphics-drivers/dev" for nvidia's latest drivers and install was pretty smooth...curious is this stable for gaming or if I should have gone the binary route directly from nvidia's site? | 01:33 |
pikapika | hi | 01:35 |
pikapika | anyone experiencing a sudden lack of thumbnails in their file manager? | 01:35 |
Bashing-om | oh4: Nvidia: "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.". | 01:35 |
pikapika | or gimp complaining about being unable to create swap files | 01:35 |
pikapika | 18 definitely is an inferior os than 16, I could keep 16 turned on for days without any issues | 01:36 |
pikapika | anyways | 01:36 |
pikapika | what could be some possible routes of investigation for solving this thumbnail problem? | 01:36 |
oh4 | Bashing-om: right wondering if there is a performance drawback using the one from PPA vs the one directly from Nvidia. For example, I am not sure if PPA is just grabbing the official driver from Nvidia and just repacking it for better system compatibility or if these are actually rewritten and provided only by the community | 01:38 |
pikapika | hah wtf | 01:39 |
pikapika | ~/.cache/thumbnails is a 'root root' directory? | 01:39 |
Bashing-om | oh4: Huge effort by all the community to insure what you get from the PPA, Hang on one lemme hunt ya up a link. | 01:40 |
pikapika | Is that supposed to be normal? | 01:40 |
pikapika | I am pretty sure it wasn't the case? | 01:40 |
pikapika | Like | 01:40 |
kuki | hi | 01:40 |
kuki | im new | 01:40 |
pikapika | I remember deleting it in its entirety in 16 as a normal user | 01:40 |
Ben64 | pikapika: incorrect usage of sudo can cause things like that | 01:40 |
brown40 | How do I install Bacula ?? | 01:40 |
brown40 | | 01:40 |
pikapika | I never touched .cache though | 01:40 |
pikapika | Ben64, ut yeah | 01:40 |
kk4ewt | apt-get install bacula | 01:40 |
pikapika | is that supposed to be a normal user folder? | 01:41 |
pikapika | and I mean lol | 01:41 |
pikapika | root owned files within a home directory | 01:41 |
Ben64 | everything in your home should be your stuff | 01:41 |
pikapika | so | 01:41 |
kuki | someone talk spanish? | 01:41 |
pikapika | I guess I am changing it to my user | 01:41 |
brown40 | ola | 01:41 |
pikapika | and | 01:41 |
pikapika | even worse | 01:41 |
Ben64 | !es | kuki | 01:41 |
ubottu | kuki: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 01:41 |
pikapika | it didnt have x | 01:41 |
pikapika | so lol | 01:41 |
pikapika | cant even cd to it unless i am rot | 01:41 |
pikapika | I guess thats why thumbnailer was failing | 01:42 |
pikapika | but yeah | 01:42 |
AppAraat | don't rot | 01:42 |
pikapika | I never did this consciously | 01:42 |
kuki | hola brown40 | 01:42 |
pikapika | so no fucking idea how this came to pass | 01:42 |
pikapika | I bet | 01:42 |
pikapika | GIMP's swap folder has a similar permission issue | 01:42 |
pikapika | Ben64, its now working again | 01:44 |
pikapika | But the mystery remains as to how the fuck it turned into a root only AND no exec directory | 01:44 |
oh4 | Bashing-om: gotcha...thanks for the info! | 01:44 |
pikapika | But yes | 01:47 |
pikapika | I don't touch anything unless I need to | 01:47 |
pikapika | so | 01:47 |
pikapika | I guess a bug? | 01:47 |
pikapika | maybe I should file a bug report | 01:47 |
Bashing-om | oh4: How it all got converted: . | 01:47 |
Ben64 | pikapika: it's because you used sudo improperly | 01:48 |
pikapika | Not really | 01:48 |
pikapika | As I said | 01:48 |
pikapika | I don't write scripty things | 01:48 |
pikapika | and | 01:48 |
pikapika | I definitely never touched any files there with or without sudo | 01:48 |
pikapika | "drwx------" | 01:49 |
pikapika | lmao | 01:49 |
pikapika | I should test in a vm first | 01:49 |
pragmaticenigma | !ohmy | pikapika | 01:49 |
ubottu | pikapika: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see | 01:49 |
pikapika | I am sorry | 01:49 |
pikapika | Just that the matter was rather enraging | 01:50 |
pikapika | again sorry | 01:50 |
pikapika | ben64 looks like I ain't alone with this root owned thumbnail dir nonsense: | 01:51 |
pikapika | Its for 13.10 but | 01:51 |
pikapika | theres recent comments | 01:51 |
pikapika | alluding to the issue existing even in 18.10 | 01:52 |
Ben64 | that's a different issue | 01:53 |
pikapika | There def are users alluding to the fact of that dir being owned by root: 1 | 01:53 |
pikapika | I think the issue arises from the fact that the /home/x/.cache/thumbnails is owned by root, not by the actual user... | 01:53 |
pikapika | (thats a quote from the thread) | 01:53 |
Ben64 | yep, because they used sudo improperly | 01:53 |
pikapika | anyways yeah | 01:53 |
pikapika | how so? | 01:53 |
pikapika | how could I possibly have done anything with sudo in that directory | 01:54 |
pikapika | since I said | 01:54 |
pikapika | I never touched that dir before | 01:54 |
pikapika | and | 01:54 |
pikapika | I don't do scripty things that could run amok and touch areas its not supposed to | 01:54 |
Ben64 | if you run things with sudo that do touch those areas | 01:54 |
kuki | hh | 01:54 |
pikapika | Which I don't afaik | 01:55 |
Ben64 | which is why i'm telling you you did | 01:55 |
pikapika | Unless some installer of some package had some bug/rogue code in it | 01:55 |
pikapika | because the only other time i sudoed i remember is for making some edits to etc files and setting up fstab | 01:55 |
pikapika | other than installing/upgrading packages | 01:55 |
pikapika | so the only possibility is | 01:55 |
gdb | pikapika: It's a bug. It's not indicative of you doing anything wrong or any leet hax. | 01:56 |
kuki | hello I do not know how to register my name / account or where it is done | 01:56 |
pikapika | some package installer had bug/rogue code that did so | 01:56 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: Do you pay attention to every single command you give to your computer? do you write down what you did every single time you do anything on your computer? I doubt it. You could have run something weeks/months ago with sudo and forgotten about it | 01:56 |
Ben64 | pikapika: nah | 01:56 |
pikapika | gdb thats what I am trying to hint at yes | 01:56 |
Ben64 | not a bug, not rogue code, it's 100% sudo | 01:56 |
pikapika | well and also | 01:56 |
pikapika | this is a few days old fresh install | 01:56 |
pikapika | not weeks/months | 01:56 |
gdb | Ben64: The bug is that the process creating the directory isn't dropping privs and changing to the user's context. That is absolutely a bug. | 01:56 |
pragmaticenigma | so you're saying while you were setting everything up on this fresh install, you remember, in explicate detail, every single command that you typed in? | 01:57 |
Ben64 | gdb: not a bug | 01:57 |
pikapika | I do remember what I DIDNT touch | 01:57 |
pikapika | and I never touched the .cache folder | 01:57 |
pikapika | I did copy some dotfolders from old install | 01:57 |
pikapika | but def not the cache file | 01:57 |
Ben64 | you don't have to touch it in order for another command to | 01:57 |
pikapika | firefox and steam dotfiles were the only things copied | 01:57 |
pikapika | exactly | 01:58 |
Ben64 | you're not getting it | 01:58 |
pikapika | and the only possibility unless theres a thunar/tumblerd bug is some code in an installer doing it. because other than installers I don't remember executing any scripty stuff | 01:58 |
pikapika | or unless some other app randomly somehow changed perms | 01:58 |
Ben64 | nope, it's sudo | 01:58 |
kuki | Hi, I do not know how to register my name / account or where it is done, do you help me? | 01:58 |
pikapika | seems even less likely | 01:59 |
tomreyn | !register | kuki | 01:59 |
ubottu | kuki: For information on registering your IRC nick, see - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 01:59 |
pikapika | it is probably, and the one executing it was'nt me, directly at least | 01:59 |
pi0 | /join qutebrowser | 01:59 |
pi0 | ha | 01:59 |
pikapika | gdb, what exactly did you mean btw | 01:59 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: Here, run this command and pastebin the results for us: grep "sudo" ~/.bash_history | 02:00 |
pikapika | maybe tumblerd normally ran as root and suddenly for whatever reason is running as normal user? | 02:00 |
gdb | pikapika: Well, it had to be you. You have to authenticate in order for sudo or to work. | 02:00 |
gdb | er sudo to work* | 02:00 |
pikapika | alright | 02:01 |
gdb | pikapika: (if it's sudo) | 02:01 |
gdb | pikapika: Some process running with root privs put the directory there. Either one you initiated with sudo or one that normally runs in a root context created it before dropping privs. | 02:02 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: Did you restore your home directory or any other portion of your home directory from a backup? | 02:02 |
pikapika | the only things besides apt stuff I see there are: (i) some chgrp/chown commands I did over the other partition mount points as I'd forgotten to make them normal user owned before giving it to fstab (does not matter, those are basically media partitions); some etc changes such as network manager config editing, swappines edit, and copying some .desktop files to /usr/share | 02:03 |
pikapika | pragmaticenigma, yes but only firefox and a bunch of other apps dotfolders | 02:03 |
pikapika | not .cache | 02:03 |
gdb | If the files came from a backup, and were restored with their original ownership, they'd likely not be owned by uid 0. | 02:04 |
pikapika | and as I said, no touching the .cache | 02:04 |
pikapika | only the dot folders of a few apps | 02:04 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: That's not what I asked you to do. Consider the matter closed. Only you could have done something to result in that happening | 02:04 |
pikapika | But yes | 02:05 |
pikapika | That sudo thing seems to go back all the way to the first time I booted after install | 02:05 |
pikapika | and I see nothing there that could have caused this permission change | 02:05 |
Ben64 | well of course you don't | 02:05 |
gdb | Are you certain there was a permissions change? | 02:05 |
Ben64 | you don't think you did anything wrong | 02:05 |
pikapika | yes gdb | 02:06 |
pikapika | ~/.cache/thumbnails was root root and "drwx------" | 02:06 |
pikapika | after changing it back to my users ownership and group thumbnails are working fine again | 02:06 |
gdb | that doesn't mean there was a permissions change | 02:06 |
pikapika | or at least owner/group change perhaps? | 02:07 |
pikapika | I mean | 02:07 |
pikapika | I dont remember it was root owned since I remember deleting its contents once in 16.04 in order to fix some broken folders | 02:07 |
gdb | The reason it doesn't work with those perms and root ownership is not really the root ownership, it's teh lack of world read/execute. If that were 0755 (drwxr-xr-x) then you'd see the thumbnails normally, but be unable to create new ones. | 02:07 |
pikapika | so either this owner change suddenly happened due to some apt upgrade | 02:08 |
Ben64 | it's normally 700 | 02:08 |
pikapika | exactly | 02:08 |
pikapika | no x or r | 02:08 |
pikapika | stranage | 02:08 |
pikapika | oh | 02:08 |
gdb | If it's normally 700 and was working before, then something took ownership on behalf of root. That's a more deliberate action than just creating the directory on behalf of root. | 02:08 |
pikapika | then its the same as before | 02:08 |
pikapika | and if its supposed to normally be root/root as well | 02:08 |
pikapika | then I don't know what caused the problem | 02:09 |
Ben64 | it's supposed to be your user | 02:09 |
raz_ | Imagine having 18 m/b speed for internet that is currently not working | 02:09 |
pikapika | let me perhaps test it with a vm? | 02:09 |
gdb | If it's normally root:root mode 0700 then the process that displays the thumbnails must also be running as root and I'm skeptical that's going on | 02:09 |
pikapika | or unless some errorful apt upgrade did this? | 02:09 |
Ben64 | nope | 02:09 |
Ben64 | it was sudo | 02:09 |
raz_ | Oo what are you all testing? | 02:09 |
Ben64 | insanity | 02:09 |
gdb | It would have nothing to do with apt. | 02:09 |
gdb | pikapika: Anyway, I think the best advice is to chown it back, say "huh, that's weird," and then worry about it only if it happens agin. | 02:11 |
gdb | again* | 02:11 |
pikapika | I have | 02:11 |
pikapika | made it back into my users | 02:11 |
pikapika | and thumbnailing works again now | 02:11 |
pikapika | but yeah...mysterious | 02:11 |
raz_ | What are you working with? | 02:11 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: Unless you are willing to post the results of the command I gave you, we're done here. There is no way that a system operation occured to change your permissions to that folder. You probably had a typo in one of your commands | 02:11 |
pikapika | raz_, uh, thunar suddenly stopped displaying thumbnails and it turns out somehow the thumbnail folder became root owned | 02:12 |
raz_ | Oh that is odd | 02:12 |
raz_ | Oh that is odd? You all have peeked my interest | 02:15 |
raz_ | Im scratching my head at that, thumbnails for what exactly? | 02:15 |
pikapika | pragmaticenigma, I am saving that commands output, I will investigate it later, maybe even post it here later | 02:15 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: then drop the discussion, you're wasting everyone's time. Put it up or let it go. Your choice. | 02:16 |
pikapika | Yeah I am putting this oddity aside for now | 02:16 |
pikapika | Will return to it later | 02:16 |
pikapika | How far back is .bash_history normally supposed to go? | 02:16 |
brown40 | Mornin again. | 02:16 |
ryuo | pikapika: it logs every command that user has ever entered. | 02:17 |
ryuo | under normal conditions anyway. | 02:17 |
pikapika | like, no size or time limit under default settings? | 02:17 |
pikapika | Okay, good | 02:17 |
ryuo | pikapika: none that i know of. | 02:17 |
brown40 | I tried to install Bacula - that I succeeded is okay with apt-get | But, But - how do I get to this ('1') Menu? | 02:17 |
brown40 | | 02:17 |
pragmaticenigma | pikapika: Bash History logs the last 1000 unique commands entered | 02:18 |
pikapika | Thanks for whatever help you all could muster anyways | 02:18 |
* pikapika hugs everyone on this channel | 02:18 | |
brown40 | A hug ! | 02:19 |
pragmaticenigma | brown40: You have some reading to do. This channel isn't for that type of support. | 02:19 |
brown40 | pragmaticenigma, I distain from Ubuntu-ists who tell me to RTFM,, | 02:20 |
pragmaticenigma | !ohmy | brown40 | 02:20 |
ubottu | brown40: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see | 02:20 |
brown40 | when this is in sudo apt-get | 02:20 |
gdb | pikapika: It's probably set to 1000 by default. You can look around in /etc for HISTSIZE. /etc/profile or whatever. | 02:21 |
pikapika | Alright, thanks | 02:21 |
pikapika | 1000 may or may not have me covered for the total history of bash since install | 02:21 |
pikapika | but I shall see | 02:21 |
kk4ewt | brown40; are you wanting the server or the client | 02:21 |
pragmaticenigma | brown40: You picked an application of a random top 10 list with out researching it... just installed it, assuming we'd all know how it works. | 02:22 |
brown40 | client please. | 02:22 |
pragmaticenigma | brown40: change your tone, and maybe people would be more willing to help you | 02:22 |
brown40 | My apologies about the foul language, there. | 02:22 |
pikapika | oh and btw I am sorry if I came off as rude myself | 02:22 |
brown40 | me too. | 02:22 |
kk4ewt | on other distros i do install bacula2-client | 02:23 |
brown40 | I that in apt-get ? | 02:23 |
kk4ewt | search with apt-get and see what is int the repos | 02:23 |
brown40 | **is | 02:23 |
gdb | Well, I think you'll want to seach with either apt or apt-cache. If apt-get has search features other than "try to install it and see if it finds anything", I'm unaware of them. | 02:24 |
kk4ewt | i am not running ubuntu at the moment so i cannot look | 02:25 |
gdb | ;-) | 02:25 |
pikapika | kk4ewt, it has | 02:25 |
pikapika | gdb I meant | 02:25 |
pikapika | 'apt search' literally | 02:25 |
pragmaticenigma | !info bacula-clinet | 02:26 |
ubottu | Package bacula-clinet does not exist in bionic | 02:26 |
brown40 | | 02:26 |
pragmaticenigma | !info bacula-client | 02:26 |
ubottu | bacula-client (source: bacula): network backup service - client metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.6-1build1 (bionic), package size 20 kB, installed size 97 kB | 02:26 |
brown40 | Ah thanks | 02:26 |
brown40 | Liking the install, but how does it start ? | 02:29 |
brown40 | | 02:29 |
duoi | brown40 its a service no? | 02:32 |
heelrayner | does anyone know of a program like rambox that doesn't cost money or work like crap? | 02:32 |
brown40 | Its the 1st one on the list. | 02:32 |
kuki | Hi, I do not know how to register my name / account or where it is done, do you help me? | 03:03 |
Bashing-om | !register | kuki | 03:04 |
ubottu | kuki: For information on registering your IRC nick, see - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 03:04 |
ldl | hi, friends, who can help me with this? | 03:05 |
ldl | | 03:05 |
ldl | my g++ version is 8.2.0 ,but there still says there is error | 03:05 |
EastCharlie | :ldl, g++ version 5.4.0 with Ubuntu 16.04, compile successed... O.O | 03:10 |
=== kuki is now known as kuko | ||
=== kuko is now known as kuki | ||
kuki | imon the page | 03:12 |
kuki | im on** | 03:12 |
the2048 | How do I put a drive to sleep? (spindle isn't rotating, heads parked). I'm on 18.04.2 | 03:13 |
nshirelaptop | can I have different versions of openjdk installed concurrently? A program I need requires java 8.. | 03:13 |
nshirelaptop | sata drive or usb? | 03:13 |
kuki | i write /msg nickserv register password_of_your_choice your@email.address or /msg (mynickname) register (password_of_your_choice) your@email.address | 03:13 |
the2048 | It's an internal drive, but it IS PATA (yep, it's THAT old!) | 03:14 |
nshirelaptop | AFAIK that feature was introduced with SATA | 03:14 |
nshirelaptop | DevSlp is the signal name | 03:15 |
the2048 | It works with PATA drives too, I have an option in my BIOS that does it after 20 or so minutes | 03:15 |
the2048 | And it worked on an older ATX mobo with only PATA | 03:15 |
EastCharlie | ldl: I can compile success it on both Archlinux(g++ version 8.2.1) and Ubuntu16.04(g++ version 5.4.0)... | 03:20 |
EastCharlie | em... | 03:20 |
ldl | :EastCharlie whether it use the 8.2.0 ? | 03:20 |
ldl | the ubuntu have lots g++ | 03:21 |
EastCharlie | em.. How about have some upgrade? "sudo apt dist-upgrade"? | 03:21 |
unsp | hello | 03:22 |
unsp | anyone | 03:22 |
nshirelaptop | hello, everyone | 03:22 |
unsp | it is test | 03:22 |
kuki | i do all and i cannot enter #ubuuntu-es | 03:29 |
EastCharlie | ldl: em.. did you set g++ version by "config", you can type "config --help" to find that parameter for set g++ version... TuT | 03:31 |
ldl | :EastCharlie, i will try now | 03:33 |
kuki | whats is the command to close the program /(command) (reason ) | 03:37 |
EastCharlie | kuki: terminal program? "ctrl + c" | 03:38 |
Lub18042lts | I need to run /home/paul/Desktop/ on startup. How to do it? | 03:46 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: try '/home/paul/.config/autostart/' | 04:01 |
Lub18042lts | you want me to move to /home/paul/.config/autostart ? | 04:05 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: yes | 04:06 |
Lub18042lts | hang on let me reboot | 04:07 |
Lub18042lts | ledeni it didn't work, and now I get system program problem detected on each boot, even after I deleted it from that directory! | 04:10 |
the2048 | Oh now I figured out how to force standby on an HDD | 04:10 |
the2048 | Gotta unmount it and force standby through GNOME Disks | 04:11 |
the2048 | (if you have it mounted, it'll try to turn off but it'll show the root of the drive, then quickly turn back on) | 04:11 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: what de you using | 04:11 |
Lub18042lts | lubuntu | 04:11 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: what was about | 04:13 |
Lub18042lts | huh? | 04:14 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: i mean what was run | 04:16 |
Lub18042lts | xrandr --output DVI-0 --primary --mode 1280x1024 | 04:16 |
Lub18042lts | xrandr --output HDMI-0 --off | 04:16 |
Lub18042lts | xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1600x900 --right-of DVI-0 | 04:16 |
Lub18042lts | xrandr --output HDMI-1-1 --off | 04:16 |
Lub18042lts | That's what's in the file | 04:17 |
Lub18042lts | I'm more concerned about the error I am now getting on each boot! | 04:17 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: what error you getting ? | 04:18 |
Jdbye|Tabtop | past couple of weeks, my VPS has been leaking memory, every few days it stops responding and i have to reboot it through the web ui, i had htop open hoping it would tell me the culprit but everything looks normal, any idea how i would go about tracking down the cause? | 04:19 |
Lub18042lts | at boot it just says program error occured and then I click ok to make the prompt go away. | 04:19 |
Lub18042lts | Is there a way to see WHAT the error is? | 04:19 |
Jdbye|Tabtop | htop no joke told me 4.13GB of 4GB memory in use | 04:19 |
Jdbye|Tabtop | but none of the processes were using much | 04:19 |
Lub18042lts | ledeni want me to reboot and try to see if I can get some details on the error? Is there an error log somewhere now indicating what the error was ? | 04:21 |
Jdbye|Tabtop | i haven't really changed much on the server so i'm not sure why it started behaving like this all of a sudden, but i just did an apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade so hopefully that fixes something | 04:24 |
ledeni | Lub18042lts: 'dmesg | grep -i "error\|warn\|fail" | nc 9999' | 04:26 |
Lub18042lts | | 04:28 |
Lub18042lts | hang on rebooting... | 04:33 |
Lub18042lts | ledeni: I got rid of the error by deleting the crashlog. So I guess I'm back at trying to get to boot at login | 04:34 |
=== RaptorJesus is now known as Meme | ||
=== Meme is now known as RaptorChrist | ||
guiverc | Lub18042lts, prefs_.default.apps.for.lxsession then use autostart tab | 04:43 |
guiverc | prefs->default.apps.for ^(typo | 04:43 |
=== RaptorChrist is now known as E-Man | ||
Lub18042lts | what? | 04:44 |
Lub18042lts | I have no idea what that means. | 04:44 |
Lub18042lts | Should I edit LXRandR autostart in autostart dir maybe> | 04:45 |
guiverc | Lub18042lts, open menu select preferences, then select default.apps.for.lxsession, you'll see a number of tabs - select the AUTOSTART tab & add new ... | 04:45 |
Lub18042lts | can i put my desktop .sh file there? | 04:47 |
Lub18042lts | let me try | 04:48 |
guiverc | Assuming you have `chmod +x` & it's executable; you add that shell.script (I suggest you use full path) as the app (note: you may need a+x or all execute if it's run as root; in case it's run that way instead of as you ($USER)) | 04:48 |
Lub18042lts | works, thanks. is it safe to set those in LXRandRautostart? | 04:52 |
guiverc | Lub18042lts, I can't help with last question sorry (LXRandRautostart) | 04:53 |
Lub18042lts | ledeni in lxhotkey how do i set up ctrl alt 1 to run a .sh file? | 04:58 |
guiverc | Lub18042lts, go to programs, the is add, click it, click hotkey1 area & then press keys you want & they'll show.. the type command line to execute in the spot for it.. | 05:01 |
guiverc | s/the type/then type ^ (typo sorry) | 05:01 |
Lub18042lts | I got all that except for the command line. I put /home/paul/Desktop/ there and it does nothing | 05:02 |
guiverc | did you click GREEN_TICK to accept ? | 05:03 |
Lub18042lts | yes | 05:03 |
Lub18042lts | and save all changes and apply to windows manager | 05:03 |
guiverc | you may need to logout & back in for effect (I suspect it may require openbox to be restarted) | 05:04 |
Lub18042lts | before i do that is this right? | 05:06 |
Lub18042lts | well let me try anyway | 05:07 |
Lub18042lts | it worked, but shortcut changed from ctrl alt 1 to clt 1. | 05:12 |
guiverc | Lub18042lts, it looked fine; but I've not used it so cannot help with fine-tuning.. (some keyboards can be unique[ie. different] & need tweaking) | 05:13 |
lub18042 | anyone notice the problem in lubuntu hotkeys? If you bind ctrl+alt+1 to a program, when you reboot, it reverts to alt+1. Only solution is manually editing the keybinds xml file. | 05:29 |
guiverc | lub18042, it may be a key used by something else; causing yours to be altered (on next reboot) - maybe think of a nother combination (this is opinion; I don't know) | 05:31 |
lub18042 | That's the thing, if you use a combination when you set it up that has only two keys, often the program pops up an error saying you can't use it. Alt+1 is one such combination, if picked while in the GUI program. Oddly enough, it lets you pick ctrl+alt+1, but then on reboots changes it to alt+1 in the system, a combination it originally deemed unallowed. | 05:34 |
lub18042 | oh well i guess i resolved it by manually editing the file. disheartening that the gui programs suck so much. paint in lubuntu is broken out of the box (can't open a png screenshot i took) | 05:43 |
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Kartagis | hi | 06:15 |
pankaj | I always find it hard to deal with timezones in linux. Is their any simple article or anything that can help me to understand it? | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | pankaj: | 06:16 |
Kartagis | I added a PPA yesterday, imported the key, but I am warned that packages from there can't be authenitcated. I suspect it's because the maintainer's name had a non-ASCII character, because I had gotten a warning about that as well. what to do? | 06:17 |
lotuspsychje | Kartagis: we dont support external ppa's here mate | 06:18 |
lotuspsychje | Kartagis: ask the maintainer of the ppa | 06:18 |
Kartagis | lotuspsychje: should I contact the author then? | 06:18 |
gde33 | then I acidentally ended up in unity (I tried picking that because I couldn't log in) I log out, switch to ubuntu again, now i have 2 gnome-shell processes? Did I just not see it the first time? | 06:18 |
Kartagis | okay, thanks | 06:18 |
anon | hey quick question | 06:19 |
anon | I'm trying to build | 06:19 |
gde33 | in short: is it normal to have 2 gnome-shell processes? | 06:19 |
anon | but when I run ./ permission is denied. running as sudo says: command not found | 06:20 |
Kartagis | lotuspsychje: where are those PPAs' information kept? | 06:20 |
lotuspsychje | !sources | Kartagis | 06:21 |
ubottu | Kartagis: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 06:21 |
AndyChow888 | anon, try sudo bash | 06:21 |
anon | AndyChow888, thanks mate | 06:23 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: did you try a reboot? | 06:26 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: when I couldn't log in I rebooted | 06:26 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: not after switching from unity | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: whats your story exactly? what did you do and what happened? | 06:27 |
duo_ubuntu | guys | 06:27 |
duo_ubuntu | anyone know how to delete pastebin I post? | 06:27 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | duo_ubuntu | 06:27 |
ubottu | duo_ubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:27 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: I wondered if gnome memory usage would go down if I restart it, then it wouldn't let me log in without rebooting. | 06:27 |
duo_ubuntu | ok | 06:28 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: last time it went down and didn't ask for a password | 06:28 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: (the memory usage went down) | 06:28 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: we needs some details to be able to help you, now all we know is you rebooted a system.. | 06:29 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: hehe ok | 06:29 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: its an 18.04 gnome | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | ok.. | 06:30 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: it works just fine, the computer only has 4 gb in 64 bit mode and the cpu has heating issues | 06:30 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: the disk is ancient | 06:30 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: you mentioned unity, is this an LTS upgrade from xenial? | 06:31 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: the sum of which makes it quite slugish and freeze at times | 06:31 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: yes i upgrade | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: 4gig ram is a bit low for 18.04 on gnome | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: i'd reccomend a clean install with a lighter !flavor of your choice | 06:32 |
gde33 | I was hoping the upgrade would fix the piza of desktop icons, it didn't lol | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: wich cpu do you have? | 06:32 |
gde33 | I dont recall, bit tired atm, can I see this some place? | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: is it intel i3 or higher? | 06:33 |
gde33 | nope | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: then i would not go for gnome | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | !flavors | gde33 pick on here | 06:34 |
ubottu | gde33 pick on here: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see | 06:34 |
gde33 | I dont consider start from scratch an option, I have things to do | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: its your can do what you like/want | 06:34 |
gde33 | ill use it as is | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: we can only advice you | 06:35 |
gde33 | I know :) | 06:35 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: with lts upgrade you will sluggish your system on older specs | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | id go for a lightweight clean install of another flavor | 06:36 |
mdkaneda | i only got 512mb of ram... u don't really have to start from scratch.. try lxde... sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | mdkaneda: he already has gnome & unity installing lubuntu desktop will even more press weight | 06:37 |
mdkaneda | that works, but i'm actually using openbox... takes a minute to learn how to set that up tho. lxde / lubuntu is already set up and good to go | 06:37 |
gde33 | howmany GB does the OS want for it self? | 06:38 |
gde33 | the gnome desktop I mean | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: gnome uses some recources for eyecandy | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: to measure you can try htop | 06:39 |
gde33 | howmany GB should my next box have for it to stop swapping so much? | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | gde33: i would reccomend an ssd + 8gig ram | 06:40 |
mdkaneda | ya, i mean if u boot into lxde from login screen i don't think it loads all of gnome/unity dependencies, you can uninstall other DE's from within lxde | 06:40 |
NorthwestVegan | i like xfce/xubuntu for my 4 gig celeron laptop gde | 06:41 |
NorthwestVegan | it works well | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | mdkaneda: yeah for testing DE's its cool, but once the user likes the flavor its still reccomended to clean install the flavor | 06:41 |
gde33 | nice, ill try that | 06:41 |
NorthwestVegan | sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop | 06:42 |
gde33 | lotuspsychje: thats normal but say I'm an abnormal person who wants the OS to run from memory | 06:42 |
NorthwestVegan | or do a clean install using xubuntu iso like lotus said | 06:42 |
lotuspsychje | yep | 06:42 |
lotuspsychje | will go much smoother on your 4gig | 06:43 |
mdkaneda | ya. i mean gnome is cool, but on that machine xfce or lxde would work better for u i think. the clean insall is a better option if you got the time, then you wont have all that gnome / unity stuff running and it will go faster | 06:43 |
NorthwestVegan | a clean install wont have all the snap and other gnome junk | 06:43 |
lotuspsychje | +1 | 06:43 |
lotuspsychje | you can go to work now gde33 :p | 06:44 |
gde33 | I've been awake for to long, everything that pops to my mind is unworthy of typing out. Thanks for the advice guys :) | 06:46 |
gde33 | for a moment I considered cancling the internet, setting fire to the box and going back to reading books. haHAHahaha | 06:47 |
NorthwestVegan | lol | 06:47 |
bhuddah | morning. how do i add a deny rule to the top of the ufw rules list? "ufw rule insert 1 ..." doesn't seem to do that. | 06:56 |
mdkaneda | sudo? | 07:00 |
mdkaneda | bhuddah: are you using "sudo ufw rule insert 1 ..."? | 07:01 |
bhuddah | mdkaneda: in this case i'm calling it as root. the rules get added but further down the list. | 07:03 |
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mdkaneda | bhuddah: | 07:11 |
bhuddah | mdkaneda: i'll try that again. see if i just fucked up. | 07:17 |
naik_ | hello | 07:24 |
naik_ | who is online? | 07:24 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | naik_ | 07:25 |
ubottu | naik_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:25 |
naik_ | hi | 07:27 |
bhuddah | mdkaneda: yeah. alright. i don't know. i should not have tried that yesterday night. once you're awake and do it right it works. thanks :) | 07:28 |
lotuspsychje | whats that launchpad page again to retrieve failed bug attempts? ubuntu-bug inxi doesnt forward to browser here | 07:57 |
Tankburn | hello | 08:26 |
BluesKaj | HI folks | 08:46 |
sinhue | Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 18.04 on Virtual Machine But all I'm getting is= "Error setting up gfx boot." I'm getting desperate. Even tried older releases. What could be the problem? | 08:55 |
lotuspsychje | sinhue: join #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers | 08:56 |
murthy | I am seeing a message in my keepassxc browser extension, the following is the message | 08:57 |
murthy | You use an old version of KeePassXC. Please download the latest version from | 08:58 |
Tankburn | does anyone know a good CLI function that takes the spaces out of filenames? | 08:59 |
murthy | Is it safe to use the offcial appimage version of keepassxc given by the website or should I continue to use the older version available in Ubuntu repositories? | 08:59 |
Tankburn | (and directory names) | 09:00 |
ChiLL-Two | Tankburn: try detox | 09:00 |
Tankburn | Thanks Chill | 09:00 |
inspectorcluseau | ;;tlast | 09:12 |
mengshen | hello | 09:20 |
Tankburn | hello | 09:27 |
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guest278776 | Hi, I was running a game in full screen mode, it froze, I hit ctrl-alt-f2, got a terminal, did startx to get gui back running, files are open and running but can't open or view programs, htop shows they are running - how do i open the old gui, is it possible? thanks | 09:59 |
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lotuspsychje | guest278776: startx isnt the way to go anymore, try a reboot | 10:00 |
guest278776 | i will lose all my work | 10:00 |
lotuspsychje | guest278776: wich DE are you on? | 10:01 |
guest278776 | i need to save a text document gedit with 4 days work on it | 10:01 |
guest278776 | i am linux mint | 10:01 |
lotuspsychje | we dont support mint here sorry guest278776 | 10:01 |
lotuspsychje | !mint | guest278776 | 10:01 |
ubottu | guest278776: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on, Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) | 10:01 |
guest278776 | oh ok i thought it would be the same as ubuntu | 10:01 |
lotuspsychje | they have their own support channel | 10:02 |
guest278776 | thanks | 10:02 |
lotuspsychje | welcome | 10:02 |
guest278776 | i couldn't access the channel, it says not connected why i try to get a channel list, will try again, thanks | 10:02 |
blackflow | "save a text document gedit with 4 days work on it" -- no, you need to lose it to learn to save often next time. lol. I doubt this is even real. | 10:03 |
arch1mede | blackflow: i was just thinkin the same thing | 10:09 |
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zadrot_ebaniy | what is the proper place to put the custom network config in 18.04? | 10:16 |
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zadrot_ebaniy | there is some file called 50-cloud-init.yaml, but why the hell it's called "cloud init" and warns that it will not persist "across an instance" | 10:17 |
zadrot_ebaniy | I have trouble imagining what could be meant by persisting "across an instance" | 10:17 |
blackflow | zadrot_ebaniy: ideally you edit the main netplan config. | 10:18 |
zadrot_ebaniy | what is the "main netplan config"? | 10:19 |
blackflow | zadrot_ebaniy: the new network config abstraction in Ubuntu: | 10:21 |
blackflow | if you don't want to use that, make sure /etc/netplan/ has no files and configure the manager of choice directly. networkd probably as I'm guessing that's a server | 10:21 |
zadrot_ebaniy | in what file should I put my config? | 10:23 |
zadrot_ebaniy | and what do I do with already exitin 50-cloud-init.yaml? | 10:23 |
zadrot_ebaniy | existing* | 10:23 |
blackflow | zadrot_ebaniy: do you even want to use cloud init? | 10:24 |
blackflow | I mean, it's default on servers, yes, but that is designed to be ...... config INIT...... in cloudy environments..... not your main config manager. | 10:24 |
zadrot_ebaniy | I have no idea what cloud init is and why it's there | 10:24 |
zadrot_ebaniy | there is no explanation for it anywhere | 10:24 |
zadrot_ebaniy | I am puzzled, why nothing of this is documented | 10:24 |
blackflow | zadrot_ebaniy: there is this great source of human knowledge, a vast repository, the gateway of which is called Google..... first result: | 10:26 |
blackflow | zadrot_ebaniy: and btw you don't have to use cloud-init at all if you don't want to. | 10:28 |
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airwind | Hi, I'm trying to get a laptop led to turn on at a certain event. | 10:38 |
airwind | The LED is exposed in the /sys/class/led subsystem, and I can manually turn it on/off by changing its "brightness" value. | 10:38 |
airwind | The problem is I need to have superuser (root) privileges to write in sysfs. How would I go about doing this from a normal user account? | 10:38 |
airwind | via a shell script ^^ | 10:38 |
bhuddah | you could setup specific sudo permissions for that. | 10:39 |
airwind | there must be no additional user interaction | 10:39 |
blackflow | airwind: write a shell script that does ONLY that, then allow it with passwordless sudo. here might be a way even to do it via pkexec and a custom polkit policy. | 10:40 |
airwind | so it's better to use a sudo trick over chmod-ding the sysfs entry to rw-rw-rw? | 10:41 |
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blackflow | airwind: sysfs is volatile, chmodding anything there is lost upon reboot | 10:41 |
blackflow | unless udev rule or something, but no. don't do that | 10:42 |
airwind | ok, I'll look into the sudo trick then | 10:42 |
airwind | p.s. where should I put the sudo? before the script (run the whole script under sudo) or before the command inside the script that needs sudo access? | 10:43 |
blackflow | airwind: run the script as sudo | 10:44 |
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airwind | w00t, works! | 11:27 |
oh4 | Bashing-om: thanks for the link. Nice to see how it originated (ppa for nvidia) | 11:28 |
oh4 | Bashing-om: | 11:29 |
lotuspsychje | oh4: he is currently afk, but we will tell him | 11:29 |
oh4 | np | 11:30 |
gurtrude | hello there | 11:35 |
lotuspsychje | welcome gurtrude | 11:35 |
gurtrude | how are you today | 11:36 |
lotuspsychje | gurtrude: you joined the ubuntu support channel here | 11:37 |
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nanu_c12345 | hey dudes, i need to mount cgroup cpuset to /dev/cpuset at booting in a init script. How can I do that? | 11:40 |
nanu_c12345 | doing it manually is "mount -t cgroup -o cpuset cpuset /dev/cpuset" | 11:41 |
neure | Hi | 11:43 |
neure | I'm using Ubuntu 18.10 - I see no WIFI in Settings, how do I get to see it? | 11:43 |
aldcor | z | 11:43 |
neure | I suspect wifi is just turned off, but shouldnt it still show up in settings? | 11:44 |
neure | I do have wired network connection - but I want to enabled wifi hotspot | 11:45 |
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neure | Using search in settings im able to open wifi page | 11:48 |
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neure | it just says no Wi-Fi Adapter Found | 11:48 |
tomreyn | neure: run this in a terminal: rkfill 2>&1 | nc 9999 | 11:50 |
tomreyn | neure: if the device is hard blocked it wont show up in network manager for enabling it. | 11:51 |
neure | tomreyn, but let me install rkfill | 11:53 |
neure | which package it is? | 11:53 |
tomreyn | neure: sorry, i had a to there | 11:53 |
tomreyn | neure: rfkill 2>&1 | nc 9999 | 11:54 |
saro | Hello, is the kernel 4.18.0-17-generic already in the repo? | 11:54 |
jeremy31 | saro it may be in proposed repo | 11:54 |
tomreyn | saro: depends on which ubuntu version you'Re running | 11:55 |
saro | where can I find a list of package avaulable for the proposed repo of cosmic ? | 11:55 |
saro | jeremy31: I wasn't aware of the existance of those repos | 11:56 |
saro | thanks | 11:56 |
jeremy31 | saro, is there an issue with -16? | 11:56 |
saro | no, I have a customer that I need to support which seems to have that kernel | 11:56 |
jeremy31 | saro: If needed proposed repos can be enabled in Software & Updates/Developer Options | 11:57 |
lotuspsychje | saro: the question here would be, why does your customer have the -17 ? | 11:58 |
saro | lotuspsychje: that | 11:58 |
saro | lotuspsychje: that's my same question | 11:58 |
saro | I don't use Ubuntu myself and we target only the generic kernels | 11:59 |
saro | in the normal repos | 11:59 |
saro | so I was surprised as well | 11:59 |
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lotuspsychje | saro: are you on the machine your speaking of? | 11:59 |
jeremy31 | neure: Post URL from terminal for (lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net && lsusb) | nc 9999 | 12:01 |
saro | lotuspsychje:no anyway. This is solved. Thanks all for the hint ;) | 12:05 |
SrPx | I just installed ubuntu in a new PC< but it seems like it isn't recognising my GPU, I have to plug the HDMI on the motherboard. Is there any quick way to install all the missing drivers? | 12:13 |
tarzeau | SrPx: which gpu? nvidia? | 12:13 |
tarzeau | SrPx: i'm using nvidia 418 drivers with cuda 10, works great (1080/2080 cards of nvidia) | 12:14 |
tarzeau | was on 410 few weeks/months ago, also worked great. works great since 18.04 is out + 6 months | 12:14 |
SrPx | tarzeau: yes | 12:14 |
SrPx | uh, ubuntu is complaining my hd has 0 bytes left... it recommended 5gb, I used 36gb and installed nothing afterwards, weird? | 12:15 |
blackflow | SrPx: which partition though | 12:15 |
SrPx | I just used the installer UI to alloc 36gb... | 12:16 |
tarzeau | i've got a cuda.list in apt/sources.list.d with this line: deb / | 12:16 |
blackflow | SrPx: please pastebin `df -h` | 12:16 |
SrPx | i can't boot anymore, nor my ubuntu nor my windows, wttf :( | 12:18 |
SrPx | it crashed and now wont boot | 12:18 |
blackflow | it is possible there's hardware issue. is this an SSD? | 12:18 |
SrPx | PCe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer (Receiver ID) | 12:18 |
SrPx | blackflow: yes | 12:18 |
blackflow | one mode of failure for SSDs is sudding shrinking in size | 12:18 |
SrPx | so my SSD is gone? with all my windows files? | 12:19 |
drGspot | i am planning over 6o OS-es on one 5oo GB ssd... does that can imose a problem for v-nand technology, regarding triming wearLeveling...? | 12:20 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | drGspot | 12:21 |
ubottu | drGspot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 12:21 |
drGspot | tnx \o/ | 12:21 |
SrPx | windows is booting fine now, but ubuntu keeps showing those white letters and never boots | 12:22 |
SrPx | I guess I need to reinstall with a larger partition size? | 12:22 |
blackflow | SrPx: I have no idea, I'm just saying that's one way for them to show they're gone. if the OS taht was there before is gone too, you'll have to boot into the ubuntu live usb thing again, and make some diagnostics | 12:22 |
SrPx | blackflow: ill see, thanks for the info | 12:32 |
SrPx | just to be sure, are there other drivers i need to install, or just nvidia? | 12:32 |
blackflow | SrPx: depends on your hardware but chances are you don't (it's already there with the kernel modules) | 12:32 |
blackflow | you don't even have to install the nvidia driver if the open source nouveau works for your case | 12:33 |
SrPx | does it just detect the gpu I have? | 12:33 |
SrPx | weird then that it didnt work? | 12:33 |
blackflow | SrPx: I doubt it's not recognizing the GPU. it's possible it defaulted to wrong _output_ if you have more than one | 12:36 |
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blackflow | SrPx: but uh... one problem at a time. First you'll have to boot into your Ubuntu installation. can you do that? | 12:37 |
nanuc_12345 | mhm how can i get /dev/cpuset in place? | 12:37 |
SrPx | no, my ubuntu installation is unbootable | 12:37 |
SrPx | let me reinstall it | 12:37 |
nanuc_12345 | on booting? | 12:37 |
blackflow | nanuc_12345: mount it via fstab | 12:39 |
blackflow | SrPx: btw that's EFI? If so, I'm not competent to help you with that, so someone else will have to chime in. Ideally you try to boot now into your current installation and post a screenshot of those "white letters" | 12:40 |
blackflow | nanuc_12345: btw, you should already have /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset in Ubuntu by default, so cpusets are there | 12:41 |
blackflow | nanuc_12345: ideally you should use CPUAffinity in systemd units, for native implementation of that. there were some problems with the kernel cpuset interfaces I can't remember now, try google for details. | 12:43 |
SrPx | what exactly does the "Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware and additional media formats" on the ubuntu installer does? | 12:43 |
SrPx | blackflow: oh that's ok, ty | 12:43 |
SrPx | I don't know what is an EFI | 12:43 |
blackflow | SrPx: UEFI vs Legacy BIOS boot | 12:43 |
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SrPx | I do not know... | 12:45 |
jeremy31 | SrPx: Look at disks program in Ubuntu, see if it shows an EFI Sytem Partition on the hard drive | 12:52 |
EriC^^ | SrPx: that installs extra stuff to play mp3 and stuff as well | 13:09 |
EriC^^ | SrPx: i'd say try to install without that option first, so you can pin point more the problem, since if it updates while installing you won't know what's causing it to break while booting into the actual install | 13:12 |
EriC^^ | could be a newer kernel, graphics driver problem, etc | 13:12 |
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baako | hi guys i accidentaly ran sudo rm -rf / | 13:20 |
baako | and it delete all the files in the root directory including the core files and folders | 13:20 |
baako | is they a comman I can run to repair it please? | 13:20 |
bhuddah | baako: no. you're out of luck. | 13:20 |
baako | ffs | 13:21 |
baako | deleted all my core suff including my usd as it was connected | 13:21 |
baako | and a fcking day | 13:21 |
baako | bhuddah: i can still access the system | 13:22 |
baako | am using terminal right now | 13:22 |
bhuddah | doesn't matter. | 13:23 |
bhuddah | was there a lot expensive data on it? | 13:23 |
baako | yeah | 13:23 |
msmarcal | baako: do you have midnight commander installed? | 13:23 |
leftyfb | baako: reinstall and restore from backup. Good luck. | 13:23 |
BluesKaj | baako, posting that command is considered trolling and I('m sure you know better | 13:24 |
OerHeks | backup your data and reinstall .. sudo rm -rf / is so silly, valuable lesson | 13:24 |
blackflow | it also does not work, so this is bs | 13:25 |
blackflow | you need a special flag to nuke / | 13:25 |
baako | BluesKaj: was trying to run sudo rm -rf /var/log/apt/* | 13:25 |
leftyfb | baako: you have your answer. Good luck | 13:25 |
OerHeks | blackflow, indeed, one gets an adittional warning | 13:25 |
blackflow | you most certainly did not nuke / wihout --no-pre..... that command didn't work. you're lying. | 13:25 |
baako | anyways i dont do any mignight commander | 13:25 |
msmarcal | baako: mc has an undelete option. maybe it could help | 13:26 |
geirha | so you probably ran rm on /* which circumvents the "safeguard" on trying to remove / | 13:26 |
leftyfb | geirha: not if they were trying to delete /var/log/apt/* | 13:27 |
geirha | I'm guess they accidentally added a space before the last slash there | 13:27 |
leftyfb | geirha: the space would have given the error message blackflow mentioned | 13:27 |
blackflow | only if cwd was / which probably wasn't | 13:27 |
baako | geirha: rm -rf /./ | 13:27 |
baako | whats the command I ran | 13:28 |
leftyfb | baako: either way. reinstall and restore from backup. Lesson learned | 13:28 |
blackflow | at any rate, if after all /* was removed, you're out of luck. reinstall. | 13:28 |
baako | blackflow: going to do it now | 13:28 |
baako | this is all because of shitty mariadb and mysql having issues installing | 13:29 |
baako | not a happy camper right now | 13:29 |
geirha | baako: that gives rm: refusing to remove '.' or '..' directory: skipping '/./' | 13:29 |
SrPx | reinstalled ubuntu, it worked, rebooted, same error again | 13:30 |
EriC^^ | SrPx: did you install without the 'update while installing' option? | 13:30 |
blackflow | SrPx: please post the screenshot of those "white letters" to, post the link there. | 13:30 |
SrPx | found no, I used the update while installing option | 13:30 |
SrPx | blackflow: you mean a photo? | 13:31 |
blackflow | yea | 13:31 |
geirha | leftyfb: if it was only / at the end, it would've refused with an error message, but /* would go through, wiping everything | 13:31 |
leftyfb | geirha: moments over | 13:32 |
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DavidFromBE | hi, i only have ssh allowed in ufw (ubuntu 18.04.2) yet other ports (http,https for example) are open, why ? | 13:39 |
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pragmaticenigma | DavidFromBE: what is the status of ufw? | 13:42 |
pragmaticenigma | DavidFromBE: what is the output of "sudo ufw status verbose" | 13:43 |
DavidFromBE | | 13:43 |
DavidFromBE | pragmaticenigma: host only has one network interface | 13:44 |
pragmaticenigma | DavidFromBE: That's odd | 13:44 |
DavidFromBE | ikr | 13:44 |
DavidFromBE | yet i can see in the ufw log that it blocks some connections (DPT=7777) | 13:45 |
DavidFromBE | could a service/app bypass ufw ? | 13:46 |
leftyfb | DavidFromBE: where are you seeing the other ports open? | 13:47 |
DavidFromBE | i have nginx running on port 5001, i can connect to it using any browser from anywhere | 13:48 |
ioria | 53 is always active also with ufw enabled | 13:50 |
blackflow | (by default) | 13:50 |
ioria | you'll need a dangerous sudo ufw default deny to block it | 13:51 |
DavidFromBE | wait | 13:52 |
DavidFromBE | sudo iptables -L | grep 5001 | 13:52 |
DavidFromBE | i have some iptables rules that allow 5001 | 13:52 |
DavidFromBE | something must have manually configured iptables | 13:52 |
ioria | does not exaplain 80 and 443 | 13:52 |
nevada1 | Hey, what exactly does the parameter acpi_osi="!Windows2015" instruct? Does it tell the BIOS it's not Windows 10? | 13:53 |
DavidFromBE | same | 13:53 |
zetheroo | how to fix 'Temporary failure in name resolution' in 18.04? | 13:53 |
zetheroo | I've never seen that before | 13:53 |
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OerHeks | zetheroo, a dns issue, service down | 13:57 |
blackflow | DavidFromBE: ufw has own iptables channels, so you can see which chan which rule is part of. Please pastebin `iptables -n -L` if you need assistance | 13:59 |
blackflow | zetheroo: also, in what context? | 14:00 |
DavidFromBE | blackflow: thank you i'm good | 14:02 |
DavidFromBE | thank you all | 14:02 |
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pragmaticenigma | nevada1: Any value other than "windows" is considered not windows... you can achieve the same effect with using "linux" or "foo" | 14:06 |
OerHeks | pragmaticenigma, gave him in ##linux | 14:06 |
zetheroo | blackflow: Rebooted the DNS server and even after it was back up the Ubuntu server was totally lost | 14:10 |
blackflow | zetheroo: not sure I can read the context from what you said. can you elaborate? | 14:11 |
leftyfb | zetheroo: did you try troubleshooting by changing your dns server on the client to a public one and testing? Did you troubleshoot whether or not your DNS service is running, accessible and resolving on the DNS server? Look through logs? | 14:12 |
zetheroo | blackflow: sure - previously (with Ubuntu 16.04) we could reboot the DNS server and have no lasting DNS loss on the Ubuntu server | 14:12 |
zetheroo | now with 18.04 when we reboot the DNS server (Win server) the Ubuntu server doesn't seem to restore the DNS | 14:13 |
blackflow | zetheroo: probably due to systemd-resolved nonsense? you can always remove that and force a nice clean static /etc/resolv.conf | 14:14 |
zetheroo | blackflow: our network config on 18.04 | 14:14 |
blackflow | systemd-resolved became default nonsense with 16.10 iirc | 14:14 |
zetheroo | blackflow: oh yes, it was only after I restarted the systemd-resolved service that DNS was back up and working | 14:14 |
blackflow | zetheroo: her's what happens. systemd-resolved tries first. that fails. it then tries the second and keeps on using the second, ignoring the order in resolv.conf | 14:15 |
zetheroo | but I had to restart it twice for some reason | 14:15 |
Apachez | why not the other way around? remove systemd and let the few who still loves it have to dig through how to force it into the system? | 14:15 |
leftyfb | blackflow: I've noticed some dns caching nonsense with systemd-resolved on ubuntu 18.04 clients as well. Pretty annoying how it seems to cache negative responses | 14:15 |
blackflow | so drop that burning trashcan and make your resolv.conf static. that ain't a roaming laptop, is it? it's a sever? | 14:15 |
Lope | Running ubuntu 18.04 on x86_64 i5 4670k with speedstep enabled. My min CPU frequency is 800mhz and max is 4.2ghz. CPU load is 0-4%. The only application that I'm running is Hexchat and a terminal. `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz` shows my CPU cores are between 944 and 1.8ghz (changes all the time of course). I've tried to minimize CPU core speed to save power, but it's not working. I've tried both of these commands: `cpupower frequency-set | 14:16 |
Lope | --governor powersave` `cpufreq-set -c 0 -g powersave` | 14:16 |
blackflow | zetheroo: twice, thrice, nothing makes much sense with resolved. that thing is a STUB resolver really, and hence completely useless as you need a working resolver _anyway_. | 14:17 |
OerHeks | Lope, 800 would be the lowest, i guess your ram speed | 14:17 |
zetheroo | blackflow: does our config look OK to you? | 14:17 |
Lope | my ram is DDR3 2400mhz | 14:17 |
OerHeks | and do you think you save a lot of power there? | 14:17 |
Lope | OerHeks, so yes. | 14:17 |
zetheroo | blackflow: why does resov.conf say this 'Too many DNS servers configured, the following entries may be ignored.'? | 14:17 |
stevenm_ | any ever used the identities bit of thunderbird? if you've in the past been sending mail out as steve@ (set by the server your sending through) and thunderbird's identity is set to steve@ - then it'll identify your own mail (e.g. when using reply-all it won't include your own e-mail address, or showing as 'Me' when looking at people in a list... or just listing showing sent mail correctly) | 14:18 |
blackflow | zetheroo: because glibc for some reason supports only three | 14:18 |
Lope | OerHeks, I will measure how much power I save, but first need to get the governor to work properly. | 14:18 |
pragmaticenigma | Lope: The amount of power you will save will be a net of maybe $0.01 US a year ... it's really not worth it | 14:18 |
stevenm_ | but say now the server is sending out as steven@ not steve@ - anyway to tell thunderbird both variants are me without a second identify | 14:18 |
stevenm_ | *identity | 14:18 |
blackflow | zetheroo: anyway, I can't say if that config is okay or not because I don't know your setup and requirements. syntactically, it does (aside from too many resolvers) | 14:18 |
blackflow | zetheroo: except..... ewwww cloudflare. | 14:18 |
Lope | pragmaticenigma, I'm powering my PC from a lead acid battery, that's why I need to save power. Not to save utility costs. | 14:18 |
pragmaticenigma | Lope: for that you would eek out maybe an extra few seconds | 14:19 |
leftyfb | why in the world would you need more than 3 DNS servers? If you have all 3 of your mirror DNS servers go down at once, a 4th isn't like to help you in your situation | 14:19 |
steven | eh leave me out of your server business | 14:19 |
Lope | pragmaticenigma, CPU speed can make a massive difference to power consumption | 14:19 |
blackflow | zetheroo: you can pop into #ubuntu-server to relieve this chan of server talk, btw ;) | 14:19 |
lotuspsychje | pragomer: any progress on the issue? | 14:19 |
zetheroo | blackflow: OK (why ewww ... cloudflare?) | 14:19 |
leftyfb | !ot | zetheroo | 14:20 |
ubottu | zetheroo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:20 |
zetheroo | leftyfb: already in #ubuntu-server ;) | 14:20 |
leftyfb | zetheroo: I'm referring to the talk of a 3rd party service | 14:21 |
blackflow | zetheroo: no reason, personal observation given in jest :) | 14:22 |
pragomer | lotuspsychje: hi, no not until now. If you read this article about Pop, there is also told about problems with hybrid graphics : | 14:23 |
shadrowramm | Greetings, mylaptop running 18.04 has an NVIDIA and an INTEL gpu. I am current using my Intel GPU, which config file is the machine using to config the outputs. x11? | 14:24 |
shadrowramm | would sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg set my settings back to default ? | 14:25 |
bruhbruh | do you guys upgrade your kernel? | 14:27 |
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lotuspsychje | bruhbruh: just update your system will get what you need in time | 14:27 |
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lotuspsychje | !uptodate | bruhbruh | 14:27 |
ubottu | bruhbruh: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. | 14:27 |
bruhbruh | sure but, is it worth it if you want to try out the new updates from the kernel? | 14:28 |
CookieM | updates: yes, upgrades: no | 14:29 |
OerHeks | bruhbruh, if you want the latest kernel 5.0.1, go for disco dingo 19.04 beta | 14:29 |
lotuspsychje | shadrowramm: to switch from intel and nvidia, you need the nvidia driver + nvidia-prime | 14:29 |
CookieM | ubuntu is not a rolling distro | 14:29 |
shadrowramm | lotuspsychje: Yea, I've done that, but I switched back to the intel | 14:29 |
bruhbruh | CookieM: I'm aware | 14:30 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: what features exactly are you looking for? | 14:30 |
pragmaticenigma | bruhbruh: There are Kernel patches, and Kernel upgrades... Ubuntu does not Upgrade the kernel midrelease. Patches are applied and should be installed when made avaialble. Those patches often are for security vulnerabilities found | 14:30 |
bruhbruh | leftyfb: say for example if you want freesync | 14:31 |
lotuspsychje | shadrowramm: ok..and you want back to nvidia now? | 14:32 |
bruhbruh | I build the latest kernel on a Ubuntu VM, it seems to be working, but I was curious if anyone has tried it with their machine | 14:32 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: according to my quick google search, Ubuntu 16.04.3 supports freesync | 14:32 |
bruhbruh | leftyfb: possible, I just read about 5.0.0 supporting it | 14:32 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: not possible, fact | 14:33 |
SrPx | Hi, I managed to reinstall Ubuntu and it isn't crashing anymore. I also installed the nVidia drivers using `ubuntu-drivers` from the terminal. Now when I connect my HDMI to the GPU slot, it works. But the screen is larger than my TV. This is weird, because the same resolution (4096x2160) fits perfectly if I plug the HDMI on the motherboard. Why? Here is a photo: | 14:33 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: why do you need 5.0 if the older, stable kernels already support the feature you're looking for? | 14:33 |
bruhbruh | leftyfb: don't know, I was just looking at the changelogs and assumed it was supported now with the new release | 14:34 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: again, it's also supported in current kernels | 14:34 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: so you have yet to specify a reason to run unsupported kernels | 14:34 |
bruhbruh | leftyfb: btw I can't find info on older kernels supporting freesync | 14:35 |
SrPx | `xrandr -q` says: "Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 4096 x 2160, maximum 32767 x 32767; HDMI-0 connected primary 4096x2160+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 256mm x 135mm" | 14:35 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: | 14:36 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: first result on google for "linux freesync" | 14:36 |
bruhbruh | oh :D | 14:36 |
Eickmeyer | bruhbruh: If you really want kernel 5.0 in Ubuntu, wait for Ubuntu 19.04 as it will be included. | 14:37 |
todd | I would like to create a virtual monitor inside an x11 window for testing, but my google foo is not working, can someone help point me in the right direction (I want something that looks like a second monitor, but it displays inside a regular window on my main monitor). | 14:38 |
bruhbruh | Eickmeyer: so are they just porting old code into the new release and calling it a new feature? | 14:39 |
Eickmeyer | bruhbruh: I can't answer that question. | 14:39 |
amosbird | Hello, why do some of my laptop's usb ports not work anymore? | 14:39 |
leftyfb | bruhbruh: #linux | 14:39 |
leftyfb | amosbird: bad hardware? | 14:39 |
amosbird | leftyfb: not sure. How can I debug further? | 14:40 |
leftyfb | amosbird: try a live cd/usb? Different distro's? | 14:40 |
amosbird | ok | 14:40 |
lotuspsychje | amosbird: or tell us why you think its broken? | 14:40 |
amosbird | use devices aren't recognized at all | 14:40 |
lotuspsychje | amosbird: wich devices | 14:41 |
amosbird | usb* | 14:41 |
amosbird | usb drives, webcam, phone | 14:41 |
lordcirth | amosbird, do they show up in 'lsusb'? | 14:41 |
amosbird | nope | 14:41 |
amosbird | dmesg shows nothing either | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | amosbird: usb enabled in bios? | 14:41 |
leftyfb | amosbird: what version of ubuntu? | 14:42 |
lordcirth | Probably hardware. But you can try booting a LiveCD. | 14:42 |
amosbird | only some of them are broken | 14:42 |
amosbird | leftyfb: latest | 14:42 |
lotuspsychje | amosbird: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin an usb device in every port to check | 14:45 |
amosbird | lotuspsychje: I'll test Windows 10 first | 14:46 |
realies | i've installed ubuntu 18.04 on macbook pro 15 retina mid-2014 (macbook 11,3) and my integrated gpu is recognised as Device IDllvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 256 bits) | 14:47 |
leftyfb | amosbird: "latest"? which version exactly? | 14:47 |
realies | Driver Version3.1 Mesa 18.2.8 | 14:47 |
realies | this does not seem right | 14:48 |
realies | any way to switch it to intel integrated gpu driver? | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | realies: check: sudo lshw -C video | 14:48 |
amosbird | leftyfb: 18.10 | 14:48 |
realies | lotuspsychje, | 14:49 |
realies | unclaimed would mean not engaged, right? | 14:49 |
lotuspsychje | realies: yeah card unclaimed means driver not installed correctly | 14:49 |
lotuspsychje | realies: what gives: ubuntu-drivers list ? | 14:50 |
realies | using the latest binary nvidia driver (recommended) | 14:50 |
realies | I'd like to use iGPU though | 14:50 |
kevindank | Hello, I have a website thats running on a ubuntu server. Im trying to trackdown a redirect/adware issue on my it possible that blocking the redirect site in my hosts file would have any effect? | 14:51 |
realies | lotuspsychje, | 14:51 |
lotuspsychje | realies: is your system up to date please? | 14:52 |
threadstack | kevindank: If server is redirecting the client, it would be the client who would have to block via hosts file, I would think? | 14:52 |
lordcirth | kevindank, if it's a redirect, not a proxy, then no | 14:52 |
realies | lotuspsychje, it is indeed, fresh install and update/upgrade | 14:52 |
blackflow | kevindank: /etc/hosts is only effective on the machine that is doing the resolving. but your question isn't very clear. can you explain the problem in more detail? also #ubuntu-server might be better place for that. | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | realies: allright, lets try sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390 | 14:52 |
realies | but that is in use | 14:52 |
realies | nvidia-driver-390 is already the newest version (390.116-0ubuntu0.18.04.1). | 14:53 |
kevindank | so the issue im having is we have a mediawiki site that when users visit from mobile and go to a page special:Recentchanges they are redirected to a website | 14:53 |
kevindank | I checked the db for a sql injection and dont see anything | 14:53 |
lotuspsychje | realies: then something goes wrong there | 14:53 |
kevindank | Im trying to find a way to stop the redirect while we continue to investigate | 14:53 |
blackflow | kevindank: sounds hack | 14:53 |
blackflow | *hacked | 14:53 |
blackflow | you'll have to look into mediawiki content itself | 14:53 |
lotuspsychje | realies: lets try sudo apt purge nvidia* to fallback to nouveau | 14:53 |
realies | that's what i'm doing... | 14:54 |
threadstack | kevindank: Pull the page[s] that are redirecting. | 14:54 |
kevindank | blackflow: agreed, i've been doing that and not finding anything. the page is a required page | 14:54 |
realies | i take it needs a reboot or restarting X? | 14:54 |
blackflow | kevindank: also searching for "sslgateways" might not reveal anything if it's encoded/obfuscated. | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | realies: reboot, if you cant get in try !nomodeset | 14:54 |
realies | sure | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | !nomodeset | realies | 14:54 |
ubottu | realies: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 14:54 |
blackflow | kevindank: also check in the installation folder, where PHP might have write privilege, if there are any unexpected files | 14:54 |
MonsieurBon | Some of my applications (firefox, webstorm) won't start from the launcher anymore. They can be started from the terminal though. Any idea what might be wrong? | 14:54 |
kevindank | thanks for the advice blackflow: | 14:55 |
MonsieurBon | I recently installed pip3 | 14:55 |
lotuspsychje | MonsieurBon: packages from apt or snap? | 14:55 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: and did you do anything with that pip, especially if prefixed by sudo? | 14:55 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, pip3 install wlc | 14:56 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, no sudo | 14:56 |
realies | back at nouveau | 14:56 |
lotuspsychje | realies: allright, lets try ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | 14:57 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: so it installed under ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ ? | 14:58 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, yes | 14:59 |
realies | lotuspsychje, as i've said, the system falls back to the vmware driver for the igpu | 15:00 |
realies | not sure why we're toying with nvidia drivers | 15:00 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: doesn't sound related then, unless you can check with `python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"` if ~/.local/lib/python.... is before system python paths | 15:02 |
Sven_vB | my xenial's libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 is the latest that apt can find, but too old for the website I want to render. is there a way to update it? | 15:03 |
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MonsieurBon | blackflow, ['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/home/fgu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages'] | 15:04 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, should be ok, right? | 15:04 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: nope, looks like what I thought, ~/local/ is before system python | 15:05 |
blackflow | ~/.local/ I mean | 15:05 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: oh wait wait, that's /usr/local/ ... /usr/lib/python3.6 is first | 15:06 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, there's /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages at the end | 15:07 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, I just checked apt-get history. I also installed xmlstarlet today | 15:07 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: yeah looking at it now, I'm actually not sure now if that's the issue there. depends which python libs are needed for the launcher and which of those paths are effective first, in that case. | 15:07 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: should be easy to check if you temporarily `mv ~/.local/lib/python3.6 ~/.local/lib/disable.python.3.6` (or rename to whatever else) note NO sudo there, that's all user owned local lib dir | 15:08 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, does the launcher use python 2 or 3? | 15:09 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: 3.x I think | 15:09 |
lotuspsychje | realies: did it install the 390? | 15:12 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, moving the .local/lib/python3.6 did not help. I also installed pip3 and wlc on another system. I can still lauchn applications there | 15:14 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: then it's definitely unrelated | 15:16 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: did you check the journal for any clues. gnome definitely logs there | 15:16 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, how do I check that? | 15:17 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: with journalctl . But I can't tell you what to look for specifically, or grep, because it could be anything | 15:17 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: try the launcher, then within no more than a minute, run `journalctl --since '1 minute ago'` | 15:18 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, org.gnome.Shell.desktop[2242]: /usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory | 15:18 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, sounds suspicious | 15:18 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: does that appear every time you try the launcher? | 15:19 |
blackflow | *you try running Firefox from the launcher | 15:19 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, yes | 15:20 |
chasinglogic | How do I stop the separate reminders window from popping up whenever a calendar meeting is coming up? I really just want the gnome notification. This is on Ubuntu 18.10 | 15:21 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: what about starting Firefox from the dash (not the launcher sidebar)? | 15:22 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, starting webstart gives some more hints. It tells me to check for missing tools in the starting script. Let me check | 15:22 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, the tools are uname, egrep, cut, readlink, xargs, dirname, mktemp, rm, cat, sed. One of them must be missing in the launchers env, because which * returns something for each of them. | 15:25 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: what starting script is that though? FF does not need node to start or run | 15:26 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, I'm not sure about that node message. but all the mentioned tools cannot be found by the launcher. I edited that script so it will print e message for every failed tool, and they all fail | 15:29 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, so it must be a path issue... | 15:29 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: I'm now a bit lost as to what exactly you have there. Are you using Intellij Webstorm? From the snap? | 15:30 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, what did you mean "start from the dash"? | 15:30 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, nope, Intellij Webstorm installed by umake | 15:31 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: hit the Meta key (windows logo key if that's your keyboard showing) | 15:31 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: now start typing eg. Firefox and those icons, that's the dash view | 15:31 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, oh, that doesn't work either | 15:31 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, same errors | 15:31 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: well I don' tknow what exactly that does (umage) but I recommend you try webstorm from snaps. sounds like you polluted your OS with gods know what and broke it | 15:32 |
blackflow | *umake | 15:32 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, umake = ubuntu-make. Everything that does is installing locally into ~/.local/share/umake/ide/webstorm. It's not polluting the system at all | 15:33 |
blackflow | well it broke something it seems | 15:33 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, well no, since that has been running fine until today | 15:34 |
blackflow | then why are you looking into webstorm to solve the launcher issue? | 15:34 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, because it gives me errors in journaltcl | 15:35 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, ok, maybe that was a bit confusing. Let me try again :) | 15:35 |
blackflow | completely confusing :) I'm lost as to what you're doing. | 15:35 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, when launching firefox or webstorm from the launcher or dash, I get this error in journalctl: /usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory | 15:36 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, when launching webstorm I also get this message: Required tools are missing - check beginning of "/home/fgu/.local/share/umake/ide/webstorm/bin/" file for details. | 15:36 |
lordcirth | MonsieurBon, node is in the package 'nodejs' | 15:37 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, this is the relevant part from that startup script: | 15:38 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: so which one is failing? | 15:39 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, when starting from the launcher, UNAME, GREP, CUT, READLINK, etc. are all empty | 15:39 |
blackflow | btw, that's not really supported here in #ubuntu, only regularly packaged applications, and snap _usage_ (but not individual snaps) | 15:40 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, in the terminal which egrep returns /bin/egrep. That explains why starting it from the terminal works. | 15:40 |
blackflow | where I'll reiterate again, use the snap if possible in _this_ case | 15:40 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, well, we can focus on firefox then. That's installed from apt-get :) | 15:40 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: you can haxx around that by forcing full paths in the .sh file instead of invoking `which` which (PunIntended(tm)) might fail due to PATH issues -- I don't know what env exists in the laucnher | 15:41 |
lordcirth | MonsieurBon, so, firefox says it can't find 'node'? Is nodejs installed? | 15:41 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: well I thought tht _was_ firefox, I asked you waht do you get when you start FF from the dashboar and you replied with that node entry in journal -- but FF does _not_ need nodejs at runtime (only build time) | 15:42 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, FF gives that node entry too | 15:43 |
ioria | MonsieurBon, afaik, the only reason ff not starting from Launcher is a missing/corrupted /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop (or ~/.local/share) | 15:44 |
blackflow | I still think you messed up your system with that umake. system also has config files in ~/ (as you're logged in it) so that could be it | 15:44 |
tenleftfingers | I have two keyboard layouts: English (US) and Dvorak. At the login screen, no matter which layout I choose, I must type as though it's a Dvorak layout. English US is ignored. Is this a common problem? Other users are not happy with my layout :D | 15:45 |
blackflow | well with ten left fingers you definitely do need dvorak :))))) | 15:45 |
tenleftfingers | LOL!! :D | 15:45 |
blackflow | kidding, sorry, couldn't resist, no idea what the problem is ;) | 15:45 |
tenleftfingers | That's okay. I needed a laugh ;) | 15:45 |
blackflow | tenleftfingers: one idea, changing the console layout which might be propagating to the DM. Check /etc/default/keyboard if you wanna force dvorak as default | 15:47 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, I did not change anything with umake on the system today. The only thing that changed was that I installed xmlstarlet and python3-pip and that I installed wlc with pip3 | 15:47 |
tenleftfingers | Thanks blackflow. I've tested and it is the current desktop choice that's propogating to the login screen. I've deleted Dvorak from the other asccount and now the problem is solved. I can reenable next time they need help. | 15:49 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: try in google, it's possible launcher issues are logged elsewhere (that certainly was the case with Unity), and not part of regular journal | 15:49 |
LevierMRQ | I, really! tried to find the guy in my memory, as in this IRC history and hall but i would to thank him. He convinced me to try to guess to understand the basics of command lines instead to blindly and copy/paste your stuff. My console sessions are so easy to me. The best: im having an idea of what i type. | 15:49 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, let me reboot quickly just to be sure, I removed all the packages from apt. | 15:49 |
blackflow | all the.... | 15:50 |
tenleftfingers | Ah, Im using Unity 7 too. I forgot it's not default on 18.04 :) I'll file a bug/ | 15:51 |
markus125 | hard drive temperature going to 62-63 celcius on ubuntu 16.04 when charging. works ok on battery. what to do? | 15:51 |
ioria | tenleftfingers, oh, yes maybe rings a bell; you need the unity7 ppa fot that : | 15:52 |
blackflow | ioria: for what? keybord layout issues in the DM? which is LightDM btw | 15:52 |
ioria | blackflow, yes | 15:53 |
blackflow | ioria: they probably already are, from what I understand they use Unity on Bionic | 15:53 |
markus125 | working continuously for 2-3 hours make the temperature as high as 62 even if i am not doing any i/o heavy task | 15:53 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, no luck, still the same problem | 15:53 |
tenleftfingers | ioria: thank you, ill file it there | 15:54 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: what packages exactly did you remove from apt? | 15:54 |
blackflow | *with apt | 15:54 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, python3-pip and xmlstarlet. The ones I installed today. And also autoremoved the dependencies | 15:55 |
blackflow | markus125: doesn't sound unusual for very tight and confined laptop internals. when charging, the battery is also heating up | 15:55 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: oh so only wsl came with pip? | 15:56 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, wlc (and some dependencies) was installed with 'pip install wlc ' | 15:56 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: uninstalling them shouldn't necessarily fix this. you tried to temporarily remove the ~/.local/ python libs and taht didn't help. MY guess is something change some _config_ somewher under ~/ which won't be reverted with uninstallation | 15:58 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: ideally you need to somehow get to the launcher logs or debug mode | 15:59 |
LevierMRQ | i need advices about using a better files browser than nautilus. Long way i tried nemo, i must tell i loved nemo, disipite some bugs. My current installation 16.04.6 is for a chummy. Someone please help me to change nautilus in something that suite my needs about this. | 15:59 |
lordcirth | LevierMRQ, what's wrong with nautilus? | 16:00 |
markus125 | blackflow : any solution ? | 16:01 |
markus125 | no heating issues on windows. i have dual boot system. | 16:02 |
blackflow | markus125: for what exactly? you first have to establish that the temperature is outside of the expected range | 16:03 |
markus125 | on window hdd temp never goes above 50 so i wish similar temp in ubuntu | 16:04 |
markus125 | it want it to stay between 35 and 50 | 16:04 |
blackflow | markus125: are you sure the same sensors are being used? that's hdd temps? | 16:04 |
markus125 | i installed hddtemp then psensors .so i guess yes | 16:06 |
blackflow | markus125: well, don't guess :) | 16:06 |
markus125 | on windows i use program "hdd regenerator" | 16:06 |
nanuc_12345 | Blackflow: thanks for the hint | 16:08 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow, can I somehow check what files are being touched when I install a package with apt? | 16:08 |
markus125 | so how can i be sure of it. also i can feel the heat in ubuntu when temprature goes this high.laptop is on flat surface though. | 16:08 |
onizu | hi | 16:08 |
onizu | I'm not able to ping another machine(ubuntu) in the LAN from the one I am on (mac) by its hostname. I can ping its IP successfully though. What's the issue? | 16:08 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: dpkg -L <package name> but also there migth be files touched by post-inst scripts, not sure how to check those | 16:09 |
tomreyn | onizu: there is none, unless you expected the hostnameto somehow be resolved to the ip address (how?) | 16:09 |
blackflow | markus125: I don't know much about windows, but one possibility is to run SMART client on windows as well, so both linux and windows would definitely report the same -- S.M.A.R.T attributes. | 16:09 |
tgm4883 | onizu: are you pinging it's FQDN or just it's hostname? | 16:10 |
onizu | tgm4883: i'm pinging hostname.local | 16:10 |
tgm4883 | onizu: yea, you can't use .local | 16:10 |
blackflow | can, with mDNS | 16:11 |
onizu | well it doesn't respond with either | 16:11 |
markus125 | backflow:hdd regenrator gives s.m.a.r.t attributes | 16:11 |
tgm4883 | yes, it's reserved for mDNS | 16:11 |
onizu | do the entries in /etc/hosts affect this? | 16:11 |
jamie_1 | so i have an interesting set of questions.... im trying to migrate my programs and program data to my nvme drive on my system... but... my windows os is currently on my nvme drive, i do have a partition larger than the nvme driver on my hdd free to do this, is there a way to move it to the partition and then make grub recognize where it is without breaking the windows install? or is it just a better idea to wipe it and just re-install windows and fix | 16:12 |
jamie_1 | grub? | 16:12 |
MonsieurBon | blackflow I need to continue tomorrow. Thx for your help so far | 16:12 |
rfm | onzu, maybe need to install avahi-daemon? that's needed for mDNS to serve .local | 16:12 |
blackflow | MonsieurBon: you're welcome | 16:12 |
onizu | avahi-daemon is installed and running | 16:13 |
onizu | ├─avahi-daemon.service | 16:13 |
onizu | │ ├─ 916 avahi-daemon: running [onizu-asus.local] | 16:13 |
onizu | │ └─1055 avahi-daemon: chroot helper | 16:13 |
blackflow | markus125: so you're reading from SMART attributes, in both Windows and Linux, and during idle Windows is ~10°C cooler? Is that the summary of your issue? | 16:13 |
onizu | in /etc/hosts it is onizu-asus | 16:13 |
jamie_1 | the harder part to is that this system is also an efi system so once i move windows im going to have to go in and make the uefi know where the new location of the windows efi is | 16:14 |
markus125 | blackflow:yes | 16:14 |
blackflow | onizu: question is, is the other machine broadcasting it's mDNS name | 16:14 |
onizu | blackflow: i don't know :( sorry | 16:14 |
blackflow | onizu: well that's the thing, it has to broadcast for you to be using its .local hostnme from another machine in the LAN | 16:14 |
ioria | tenleftfingers, | 16:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1286910 in unity (Ubuntu) "Lock screen uses last active window's language instead of default keyboard language" [Medium,Confirmed] | 16:15 |
onizu | blackflow: by 'other' machine, you meant onizu-asus (ubuntu) the one i'm trying to ping to, or the client(mac) from which I'm pinging? | 16:15 |
blackflow | onizu: the one called "hostname.local", which I presume is the _Target_ of your pings from MAC | 16:16 |
onizu | blackflow: and how to make it broadcast? | 16:16 |
jamie_1 | so im guessing that it will be best to just wipe windows, i can live with that. However, does anyone know how to make hybrid graphics work on ubuntu? for some odd reason when im using my laptop if i try to use nvidia drivers and enable nvidia xorg crashes on launch, i have to go in with wayland and dissable the gtx 1060 | 16:16 |
blackflow | onizu: if that's Ubuntu, it must also be running avahi-daemon iirc | 16:17 |
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onizu | also why is onizu-asus mapped to in /etc/hosts? shouldn't it be to ? | 16:17 |
blackflow | onizu: and be configured to be called "hostname.local" (whatever "hostname" is), for avahi daemon. not sure exactly how, been quite a while since I did that, things probably changed now. | 16:17 |
onizu | blackflow: yes the target (ubuntu) is running avahi-daemon | 16:18 |
blackflow | onizu: well who wrote that :) didn't write itself :) | 16:18 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: there are not multiple efi system partitions, there is only one, on the first storage the firmware detects. | 16:18 |
onizu | blackflow: yes avahi is pointing to onizu-asus.local | 16:18 |
onizu | blackflow: I didn't as I remember | 16:18 |
jamie_1 | tomreyn: the issue is... i didnt realize this, but windows was installed to the nvme drive and there was already and efi patition there i didnt know about | 16:19 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: moving your windows installation areound will probably make it fail to boot. but then that's out of scope for this channel. | 16:19 |
jamie_1 | tomreyn: thats what i was asking, if it would, because if so i might as well just nuke it and give the space to ubuntu | 16:19 |
onizu | blackflow: I tried changing to the LAN IP of that machine, but it didn't help (I didn't restart anything on that machine though if it was needed for it to take effect) | 16:19 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: ideally, you'd ask windows questions on a windows channel, ubuntu questions on #ubuntu | 16:20 |
jamie_1 | tomreyn: it was more of a should i just nuke it and give it to ubuntu XD | 16:20 |
blackflow | onizu: /etc/hosts is meaningful only to resolve names, on the client side of things | 16:20 |
jamie_1 | a rehtorical kidna question | 16:20 |
onizu | blackflow: ok | 16:20 |
blackflow | so you'd have to set it up in your Mac environment | 16:20 |
jamie_1 | but tomreyn did you have any luck finding any information on hybrid nvidia on ubuntu? | 16:21 |
onizu | hmm | 16:21 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: if you intend to continue dual booting, make the other OS work fine first, then fix ubuntu. | 16:21 |
onizu | blackflow: so it has to be set up on every machine in the LAN? | 16:21 |
jamie_1 | i care less about windows than ubuntu... ive actually never booted this system into windows XD | 16:21 |
jamie_1 | for all i know it doesnt work to start with lol | 16:21 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: this is basically all i know about nvidia | 16:22 |
jamie_1 | ooof | 16:22 |
jamie_1 | same.... | 16:22 |
jamie_1 | i have the system now fully working under the intel graphics, but trying to run it on nvidia ive had zero luck with | 16:22 |
blackflow | onizu: yes, or mDNS properly configured and used. | 16:22 |
blackflow | onizu: or you configure it at the whatever authoritative resolver in that network is | 16:23 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: which ubuntu version are you using? | 16:23 |
jamie_1 | 18.10 | 16:23 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: why not 18.04 ? | 16:23 |
onizu | blackflow: i don't know which one is the authoritative resolver | 16:23 |
onizu | blackflow: as I read now, mDNS comes with avahi? | 16:23 |
rfm | onizu, check /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf, make sure publish-addresses=yes | 16:24 |
jamie_1 | tomreyn: tbh i was hoping it would help with the kernal issues related to asus as it has a more recent kernal but ended up moving to mainline anyways | 16:24 |
jamie_1 | needed at least 4.19 for my trackpad to work | 16:24 |
blackflow | onizu: mDNS is multicast DNS, it's a protocol which, yes avahi is both a client of and server | 16:24 |
onizu | rfm ok | 16:25 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: my (limited) understanding is: to make proprietary drivers work (more or less), it takes both the driver developing organization and the OS distributor fiddling with things. so they'll usually try to focus on LTS, not intermediary releases. | 16:26 |
onizu | blackflow: ok | 16:26 |
jeremy31 | jamie_1: what computer and trackpad? | 16:26 |
jamie_1 | asus tuf book fx504gm | 16:26 |
rfm | onizu, avahi-demon publishes the mDNS data. If you want to use the .local names on the ubuntu machine, you need to install libnss-mdns -- but the Mac should be set to use mDNS by default | 16:26 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: even HWE may not work well with nvidia, not sure | 16:26 |
onizu | rfm: yes it is set to yes | 16:26 |
markus125 | blackflow:any suggestions | 16:27 |
jamie_1 | and it was on 18.04 before and i had the same issues even with the proprietary drivers then moved to 18.10 which btw... installing a linux os on this is a nightmare | 16:27 |
rcr_ | On a fresh bionic install apparmor has about 15 default rules, and one of them protects /usr/bin/man.... any idea why man pages are protected by apparmor? | 16:27 |
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onizu | rfm: yes I read that mDNS is part of Bonjour on Mac) | 16:28 |
onizu | rfm: libnss-mdns is already installed to the newest ver. | 16:29 |
onizu | rfm: when you say avahi-daemon publishes the mDNS data, you mean it is broadcast on the LAN for any machine to read? | 16:30 |
blackflow | markus125: not much. could be hdd power options, windows setting the more aggressively? look up hdparm and how to change your disks power management with -B, lower number being more aggressive | 16:30 |
tomreyn | rcr_: because you can, iguess. i assume it's more of a proof of concept. what makes you ask? | 16:30 |
blackflow | markus125: or maybe ubuntu is doing something you're not aware of at that moment? an upgrade? a cron job? snaps autoupdating? to make the comparison significant and pinpoint the cause you'd have to keep things constant in both environments | 16:31 |
rfm | onizu, I'm out of ideas as to what could be wrong (it works fine for me) | 16:31 |
blackflow | markus125: and look up what isn't constant and is causing the difference | 16:31 |
onizu | :( ok | 16:32 |
tomreyn | rcr_: actually, quoting from the profile: "The purpose of this profile isn't to confine man itself (that might be nice in the future, but is tricky since it's quite configurable), but to confine the processes it calls that parse untrusted data." | 16:32 |
blackflow | rcr_: ideally everything should have a profile. | 16:32 |
jamie_1 | hrm... it doesnt seem to want to let me mount the data partition crated on nvme... any thoughts? | 16:32 |
rfm | onizu, it's not broadcast it's multicast (that's the m in mDNS) and what's multicasted is the request (basically the Mac shouts out "who is onizu-asus.local"? and avahi on onizu-asus.local should respond "I am") | 16:33 |
rcr_ | tomreyn: ah | 16:33 |
jamie_1 | ehh... im gonna reboot and see if it just detects new internal drive parition setup and mounts | 16:33 |
u0_a158 | hi all | 16:33 |
rcr_ | well im dealing with some kind of crash which i ~think~ is related to apparmor rules. `man ls` produces | 16:33 |
onizu | rfm: ok. Hmm so why is it not? :/ | 16:34 |
blackflow | rcr_: if it is related, you'd have audit entries in the journal/syslog | 16:34 |
blackflow | rcr_: journalctl --since '5 minutes ago' | grep DENIED assuming you ran man within 5 minutes of this command | 16:35 |
tgm4883 | onizu: it probably is, you're just not querying mdns | 16:36 |
onizu | tgm4883: well I'm doing this: ping onizu-asus.local | 16:36 |
tgm4883 | onizu: AFAIK, that doesn't query mdns | 16:36 |
tgm4883 | onizu: you could install mdns-scan and see all the mdns stuff on your LAN | 16:37 |
onizu | tgm4883: ok | 16:37 |
blackflow | rcr_: also, it looks like it is apparmor related and reported upstream, | 16:37 |
ubottu | Debian bug 889608 in man-db "man-db: man(1) dumps core (AppArmor involved)" [Grave,Fixed] | 16:37 |
tgm4883 | honestly, if it was me, I'd just rename my local domain | 16:37 |
onizu | tgm4883: why would renaming help? | 16:38 |
tgm4883 | onizu: because they avahi wouldn't intercept your queries | 16:38 |
rcr_ | blackflow: hmm not seeing anything in journalctl, apparmor was a hunch, guess I need to keep looking into this. Thanks for your help! | 16:39 |
tgm4883 | onizu: blackflow seems to be more knowledgable regarding mdns than I, but IMO I don't think mdns is what you want to use here | 16:39 |
rfm | tgm4883, on a Mac ping does resolve .local through mDNS | 16:39 |
tgm4883 | rfm: mac's don't use avahi | 16:40 |
onizu | tgm4883: running mdns-scan . The first line is: + onizu's remote desktop on onizu-asus._rfb._tcp.local and then it is still Browsing .../ | 16:40 |
A|an | What's the best way to install Signal Messenger on Ubuntu? | 16:40 |
rfm | tgm4883, mDNS should work just fine (it does for me) | 16:40 |
tgm4883 | rfm: I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm saying it's not configured to do so OOTB | 16:40 |
rfm | onizu, while mdns-scan is running, try the ping from the Mac again | 16:40 |
onizu | tgm4883: mac's Bonjour has mDNS as I read | 16:41 |
onizu | rfm ok | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | AFAIK, Bonjour is an implementation of mDNS, as is Avahi | 16:41 |
onizu | rfm ping: cannot resolve onizu-asus.local: Unknown host | 16:41 |
tomreyn | A|an: that's a bit OT here, since it's not an ubuntu package. but got instructions you can use to install "signal desktop" (which depends on an existing installation on a mobile phone) | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | rfm: you've got a .local domain and can ping other machines using the FQDN .local name from your Ubuntu machine? | 16:42 |
rfm | onizu, and mdns-scan didn't show any activity? then what's happening is the multicast request isn't getting to the ubuntu box. | 16:42 |
blackflow | rcr_: look at that bug report | 16:42 |
onizu | rfm: no | 16:43 |
tomreyn | A|an: there is also - but i cannot tell whether you should trust it. | 16:43 |
onizu | :( | 16:43 |
blackflow | onizu: tgm4883: I doubt I am. I just know how it works, but not what specific config you need on Ubuntu, I've used it very long time ago. | 16:43 |
rcr_ | blackflow: ahh. might not be our issue afterall. Thanks again | 16:43 |
blackflow | onizu: do you have a domain registered? | 16:43 |
rfm | tgm4883, yup, works to and from ubuntu, os x, and windows. sure beats copying /etc/host around... | 16:43 |
onizu | blackflow: yea, why? | 16:44 |
tgm4883 | rfm: and if worked for you OOTB? What version of Ubuntu? | 16:44 |
tgm4883 | blackflow: domain registered where? | 16:44 |
blackflow | onizu: one common pattern is to use a public domain for local hosts. eg. set up at your domains' NS, even if it points at your LAN IP, doesn't matter. | 16:44 |
onizu | omg | 16:44 |
blackflow | onizu: tgm4883: that way you use the regular (public) DNS system to resolve LAN hosts. | 16:44 |
rfm | tgm4883, bionic; didn't work out of the box on ubuntu, had to install libnss-mdns | 16:44 |
blackflow | that's actually preferred over mDNS and .local and /etc/hosts and whatever other LAN shenanigans | 16:45 |
tgm4883 | rfm: neat. Did onizu install that? | 16:45 |
* tgm4883 goes to read up on that pacakge | 16:45 | |
onizu | blackflow: won't it be slower? | 16:45 |
blackflow | onizu: insignificantly so | 16:46 |
onizu | yes libnss-mdns is already installed | 16:46 |
blackflow | only first request until your stub or local resolver caches the entry, and that's what, few miliseconds tops? | 16:46 |
rfm | onizu, how are the two machines physically connected? they are on the same subnet, right? | 16:46 |
onizu | rfm: they are connected via wifi to a router | 16:47 |
onizu | dhcp | 16:47 |
onizu | I've forced an IP for the ubuntu machine | 16:47 |
onizu | in the router | 16:47 |
tomreyn | systemd-resolve(1) discusses some mdns configurations | 16:48 |
jamie_1 | tomreyn: my only question at this point is, what would be the best way you would recommend to move /opt and /usr/bin to the ssd? | 16:48 |
jamie_1 | ive already moved my vm's over there | 16:48 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: i'll need some context, possibly repeated. | 16:49 |
jamie_1 | okay so i have a blank secodary drive thats nvme, i want to move my /opt and /usr/bin to the driver for the sake of speed of appicaitons as right now its on the primary spindisk | 16:50 |
tgm4883 | rfm: interesting, apparently I can ping a hostname.local on my network and it pings the non .local FQDN. That feels so weird | 16:50 |
rfm | tgm4883, not sure what you mean (there's no reason why the same IP can't have many names) | 16:51 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: so when you say SSD, do you really mean NVMe, or the other way around? do you have a file system on this device which can fit the additional directory trees? or sufficient unpartitioned space to create new file systems in? | 16:51 |
jamie_1 | its a ext4 partition with 240gb free space and the whole install of ubuntu is >50gb | 16:52 |
jamie_1 | sorry <50gb | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | rfm: I mean, I ping "ping <hostname>.local" and rather than seeing "64 bytes from <hostname>.local" i see "64 bytes from <hostname>.<domain>.com" | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | which just feels weird | 16:52 |
rfm | onizu, just to look for another clue, what happens if you ping <mac name>.local from the ubuntu system? ("avahi-resolve-host-name <mac>.local" is also interesting to try) | 16:52 |
jamie_1 | quite possily i could move the whole install over to nvme and then set the spin disk as data storage | 16:53 |
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onizu | rfm: it doesn't ping the mac either | 16:54 |
onizu | ping: onizu-MacBookPro.local: Name or service not known | 16:54 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: so take backups. then boot from a live cd, move those directories to the existing ext4 file system on the faster storage, ensure this file system is mounted at boot (fstab), and create symlinks on the existing ubuntu installation on the slower storage where thos directories used to be. | 16:55 |
tomreyn | or move the whole installation, as you prefer | 16:56 |
A|an | tomreyn: well, I'd rather not install a "foreign" desktop | 16:56 |
jamie_1 | i didnt use lvm... which was a whoops on my part so moving to a smaller driver is a pita so im just gonna move the dir | 16:56 |
rfm | onizu, it really seems like the router is not passing the mDNS traffic, for some reason or other (firewall rules?) | 16:57 |
tomreyn | A|an: thisd isnt a desktop environment, just the name of the application | 16:57 |
A|an | What messenger doesn everyone use...that doesn't harvest information facebook-style? | 16:57 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: you can still add lvm later, moving existing file systems onto it. but it's not something i'd do if i was new to linux. | 16:58 |
onizu | rfm: I haven't configured any firewall.. my router is d-link dir-816 | 16:58 |
OerHeks | A|an, that would give 1514 answers, wrong channel to poll | 16:58 |
tomreyn | A|an: no polls here, please. maybe ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 16:58 |
A|an | thanks | 16:58 |
tgm4883 | A|an: signal desktop is an app, not a desktop | 16:58 |
jamie_1 | im not 100% new... just not the greatest at storage or driver stuff... i work on software on linux for a living... just not the system itself | 16:59 |
A|an | I mis-read the msg | 16:59 |
rfm | onizu, one last thing to try on the ubuntu machine, see if it can resolve itself with "avahi-resolve-host-name onizu-asus.local" | 16:59 |
jamie_1 | also would be a heck of a lot easier to just move the folders and symlink them | 16:59 |
tomreyn | jamie_1: then do that ;-) | 17:00 |
onizu | rfm: it does! shows the mac address | 17:00 |
jamie_1 | spread my programs and my configs to the nvme drive so if i ever move to different flavor or different debian base i still have all of my programs and configs over there too is the thought i have | 17:00 |
onizu | rfm: btw, i'm looking at the router's settings | 17:00 |
onizu | rfm, it says Domain name: dlink.router and DNS relay is Enabled | 17:01 |
jamie_1 | ill have to do the migration tonight after work | 17:01 |
rfm | onizu, wait, if you ask onizu-ubuntu.local its IP address it tells you the mac;s ip? | 17:02 |
onizu | rfm: sorry, it's not the mac address.. it something else | 17:02 |
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onizu | onizu-asus.localfe80::58d4:2adb:b327:2fbd | 17:03 |
tgm4883 | onizu: that's IPv6 | 17:03 |
onizu | ok | 17:03 |
onizu | rfm: by mac addr I didn't mean the macintosh's IP :) | 17:03 |
onizu | sorry, i have to go have food, be back in a few | 17:06 |
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ubIx | ^x | 17:21 |
ubIx | h | 17:21 |
lordcirth | ubIx, hello | 17:21 |
onizu | hi | 17:40 |
onizu | back | 17:40 |
onizu | rfm: | 17:47 |
JuJUBee | Anybody help with an arch question, #arch is very quiet. I have an arch computer that booted into emergency shell. Cannot find UUID=... | 17:47 |
onizu | tgm4883: | 17:47 |
pragmaticenigma | !arch | JuJUBee | 17:48 |
tomreyn | !ot | JuJUBee | 17:48 |
ubottu | JuJUBee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:48 |
pragmaticenigma | JuJUBee: As you've been told before, this channel is Ubuntu support only. Sorry that you're not getting the help you desire in #arch, but that is what they have made available for your particular choice in linux distributions | 17:49 |
JuJUBee | pragmaticenigma, I know, I don't use arch normally, but I have 1 machine I am messing with. Just thought someone here might be able to assist... No problem | 17:49 |
rfm | onizu, while you were gone I came up with one more thing to try. It worries me that the address being advertised is the ipv6 link-local address. for me it is the global ipv6 address, but I have full ipv6 sevice and support in my router which is fairly rare. | 17:50 |
onizu | ok.. so it should be ipv4 | 17:51 |
onizu | how to fix it? | 17:51 |
onizu | rfm: | 17:51 |
rfm | onizu, what I suggest you try is setting use-ipv6 to no in avahi-daemon.conf and restarting avahi-daemon. | 17:51 |
onizu | ok | 17:52 |
rfm | onizu, then check "avahi-resolve-host-name onizu-asus.local" (on onizu-asus) and see if the ipv4 address comes back. | 17:52 |
rfm | onizu, then try from the macintosh... | 17:53 |
onizu | ok | 17:54 |
onizu | how to restart avahi-daemon? | 17:55 |
onizu | sudo avahi-daemon restart | 17:55 |
onizu | Too many arguments | 17:55 |
pragmaticenigma | JuJUBee: If you want general support or think you have a general support question, you're welcome to try ##linux | 17:55 |
onizu | rfm: | 17:56 |
rfm | onizu, "sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service" | 17:56 |
onizu | rfm: yea now it throws out the ipv4 address | 17:59 |
CarlFK | how do I view the log for foo.service? | 17:59 |
onizu | rfm: but on mac: ping: cannot resolve onizu-asus.local: Unknown host :( | 17:59 |
CarlFK | systemctl somethinglog foo.service | 18:00 |
OerHeks | CarlFK, if that service has logs enabled, journalctl -u service-name.service | 18:00 |
CarlFK | OerHeks: ah right - not systemctl - thanks | 18:01 |
rfm | onizu, well, that wasn't it then. (really the link-local ipv6 address should have been ok anyway.) That was my last idea, I just don't know why it isn't working for you | 18:02 |
johnfg | hi folks! | 18:03 |
pragmaticenigma | How far back does journalctl find logs for? is there anyway to restrict the size of the log it keeps? | 18:03 |
johnfg | Just noticed after installing texlive, and modifying .bash_profile to include the PATH for the executable, that .bash_profile wasn't read at login. | 18:04 |
johnfg | I'm running xubuntu 18.04 with all updates. | 18:04 |
onizu | rfm: :( | 18:05 |
OerHeks | pragmaticenigma, i have no clue how long /var/log/journal holds logs | 18:06 |
OerHeks | johnfg, and how did you install texlive, so that it needs added to your %PATH% ? | 18:08 |
johnfg | OerHeks: I always do it with the manual install script, and I keep it updated the same way. | 18:09 |
pragmaticenigma | OerHeks: it appears to be a setting in /etc/systemd/journald.conf or /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/* | 18:09 |
johnfg | But even though I didn't use apt, why would .bash_profile not get read? | 18:09 |
pragmaticenigma | OerHeks: LineMax=##K | 18:09 |
tomreyn | pragmaticenigma: it doesn't limit the history by date / number of records but by a hard limit by default, which is 10% of the file system | 18:10 |
tomreyn | or 4 GB, whichever is smaller | 18:10 |
pragmaticenigma | Thanks tomreyn | 18:10 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: Have you checked in .bashrc to see if the PATH variable is being set there? | 18:12 |
rfm | johnfg, I just found a note to myself in my .bashrc: "somehow when starting sessions with lightrc .bash_profile isn't getting run; apparetly the login session is a sh, not a bash" | 18:12 |
OerHeks | i know 2 ways, /etc/environment or ~/.bashrc | 18:13 |
* pragmaticenigma doesn't even have a .bash_profile | 18:14 | |
leftyfb | yeah, that's not a thing | 18:14 |
leftyfb | there's only ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile | 18:14 |
johnfg | No, it's not set in .bashrc , but in .bash_profile, which calls .bashrc. | 18:14 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: Per what leftyfb just said... there is no .bash_profile... perhaps .profile is what you are looking for? | 18:15 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: to be more direct, what you want to change is .bashrc... that way the setting is applied at each new interactive shell and doesn't spilling into other environments | 18:16 |
OerHeks | our repos give the latest version, so this is a little odd | 18:16 |
OerHeks | yay, firefox 66 is out | 18:18 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: scratch taht... make your edits to PATH at the end of ~/.profile ... there is already code there for other edits to path, make sure yours come at the end | 18:18 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: follow the format of the previous entries... this will make sure the path isn't doubled up | 18:19 |
pragmaticenigma | johnfg: You could also make a symlink in ~/.local/bin to the binary executable ... and not have to mess with any configuration files at all | 18:20 |
onizu | rfm: here's a screenshot of the DNS settings on mac: (dlink.router is the domain name of the router in DHCP settings) | 18:20 |
rfm | onizu, that's unicast DNS, not mDNS. if it were working, any .local names would be resolved via mDNS and unicast DNS would never even be queried | 18:23 |
onizu | rfm: so any clue now? | 18:24 |
onizu | rfm: I tried pinging it from an android device, the IP replies but the hostname doesn't | 18:25 |
onizu | rfm: on android also I get invalid host | 18:26 |
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rfm | onizu, so it still seems that the mDNS traffic is getting lost. I guess you could try to confirm that by running wireshark everywhere... | 18:33 |
onizu | rfm: wireshark? | 18:37 |
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rfm | onizu, network sniffer tool. too complicated to explain here (and I'm not expert enough to be a lot of help anyway). If you're not up to learning it on your own ( would be a starting place) then it's not really an option | 18:40 |
onizu | rfm: ok, thanks | 18:43 |
onizu | rfm: I checked the router's DHCP clients table and it shows the hostname | 18:43 |
Anthaas | I have an app that is installed in /usr/sbin/ - how can I move it to /usr/bin safely? | 18:44 |
Anthaas | Its Slack. | 18:44 |
Anthaas | (and why is it there? It usually goes into /usr/bin) | 18:44 |
OerHeks | !info slack | 18:46 |
ubottu | slack (source: slack): configuration management program for lazy admins. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.15.2-9 (bionic), package size 30 kB, installed size 117 kB | 18:46 |
OerHeks | lazy admins, hahaha | 18:46 |
Anthaas | That's not what slack is? | 18:47 |
Anthaas | Is it?! :S | 18:47 |
Anthaas | Its a chat tool... | 18:47 |
OerHeks | actually i never heard of a slack chat, not sure moving it to /usr/bin would be 'safe' | 18:49 |
leftyfb | Anthaas: why do you need it in /usr/bin? | 18:50 |
Anthaas | leftyfb: Well, firstly, that is where it usually installs - on every other machine I've installed it on, its gone there - I'm wondering why this isn't the case for me at home. | 18:51 |
leftyfb | Anthaas: it should no matter | 18:52 |
tgm4883 | Anthaas: my guess is that you installed "slack" from the repos, which is the configuration management tool that OerHeks pointed out, then installed Slack from their website | 18:52 |
tgm4883 | Anthaas: since the chat tool Slack does install to /usr/bin while the config tool installs to /usr/sbin | 18:52 |
leftyfb | Anthaas: to be fair, the latest version of slack is available via snap, not the apt repo | 18:53 |
Anthaas | Yeah - my experience with snaps is less than positive. I've used flatpak with some success though! :D | 18:53 |
OerHeks | /usr/sbin : for binaries with superuser (root) privileges required. | 18:53 |
tgm4883 | Anthaas: in any case, install the right package | 18:54 |
leftyfb | Anthaas: to each their own. I have zero issue with slack running from snaps for about 2 years now. | 18:54 |
leftyfb | Anthaas: how did you install slack? | 18:54 |
Anthaas | Sorry, was just checking. | 18:57 |
Anthaas | Yeah - I think I did exactly what you've said. | 18:57 |
leftyfb | Anthaas: installed from source? | 18:57 |
Anthaas | I installed Slack through the repos and got the configuration tool, and then somehow forgot I did that and installed from their site. | 18:57 |
Anthaas | I've removed the former now. | 18:57 |
CarlFK | echo ~ >> ansible.ran ... cat ansible.ran shows: ~ how does this happen? | 19:09 |
nicomachus | CarlFK: what do you mean? You wrote '~' to 'ansible.ran' and then that's what it printed when you read it. | 19:10 |
CarlFK | nicomachus: echo ~ without redirect shows: /root | 19:10 |
nicomachus | CarlFK: were you expecting different behavior? | 19:10 |
CarlFK | I expected ~ to be expanded | 19:12 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: first of all, why are you logged in as root? | 19:12 |
nicomachus | CarlFK: you can't expand ~ as a path within a file... it doesn't know to recognize that as a path. | 19:13 |
CarlFK | leftyfb: because systemd runs a script as root, trying to figure out why it is breaking | 19:13 |
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leftyfb | CarlFK: don't rely on echo to do your expansion | 19:13 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: ls ~ > ansible.ran | 19:14 |
leftyfb | or use find | 19:14 |
CarlFK | echo doesn't expand it, but what runs echo should | 19:14 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: don't rely on "echo ~" to expand on ~. | 19:14 |
NoImNotNineVolt | so i have a process that runs, it seems to be part of a service that was installed from source a while back, but i'm trying to figure out how exactly it's getting started... | 19:15 |
NoImNotNineVolt | systemd-cgls shows that it's under user-50001.slice, not systemd.slice | 19:15 |
leftyfb | NoImNotNineVolt: follow the PID's? | 19:15 |
CarlFK | leftyfb: that kinda means: don't rely on ansible, because ansible relies on ~ expanding... which isn't a great plan | 19:16 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: use "echo $HOME" | 19:17 |
CarlFK | also, the "same thing" (or as close as we can get) works on debian. | 19:17 |
CarlFK | leftyfb: ansible uses ~ so I need to figure out what is going on with ~ | 19:17 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: try #ansible then | 19:17 |
NoImNotNineVolt | leftyfb: the parent is sudo, whose parent is systemd(1). | 19:18 |
CarlFK | #ansible says "your os is broken" (but in nicer words) | 19:18 |
de-facto | !info debhelper-compat | 19:18 |
ubottu | Package debhelper-compat does not exist in bionic | 19:18 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: ok, then try #bash | 19:18 |
Ben64 | if they rely on echo expanding ~, then ansible is broken | 19:18 |
Ben64 | $HOME exists for a reason | 19:19 |
NoImNotNineVolt | i use ansible regularly and i haven't run into it relying on echo expanding ~ | 19:19 |
leftyfb | ^ | 19:19 |
de-facto | hmmm does ubuntu have anything like "debhelper-compat (=12)" as a package? | 19:19 |
leftyfb | I use ansible on a daily basis and have never seen "echo ~" anywhere | 19:19 |
NoImNotNineVolt | if you're putting "echo ~" in your use of the command module, then don't blame ansible :P | 19:20 |
CarlFK | I think the only one suggesting "echo" expands anything is leftyfb (but im guessing that isn't really accurate) | 19:20 |
CarlFK | EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo ~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553194419.11-115877319617087 ` | 19:20 |
NoImNotNineVolt | anyway, so, `pstree -hp` shows my process is being started by systemd, but systemd-cgls shows it as part of user-500001.slice, not systemd.slice. | 19:21 |
NoImNotNineVolt | how can i further investigate how it's being started? | 19:21 |
CarlFK | now you have seen ansible do "echo ~" | 19:21 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: that should be in quotes | 19:21 |
CarlFK | leftyfb: what should be in quotes? | 19:21 |
NoImNotNineVolt | it is in quotes, isn't it? | 19:21 |
Ben64 | that is not even the same as 'echo ~ > file' | 19:21 |
NoImNotNineVolt | and you're passing it to /bin/sh | 19:22 |
Ben64 | that too | 19:22 |
leftyfb | right, not bash | 19:22 |
leftyfb | ah, looks like sh which expand "echo ~ > file" | 19:23 |
leftyfb | but bash does not | 19:23 |
CarlFK | wut? | 19:23 |
leftyfb | oh wait, it does | 19:23 |
CarlFK | root@cnt6:~# /bin/bash -c "echo ~" and root@cnt6:~# /bin/sh -c "echo ~" both display /root | 19:23 |
leftyfb | | 19:24 |
leftyfb | works fine for me | 19:24 |
CarlFK | leftyfb: great. come here and config my boxes bacuase you work but ansible doesn't | 19:25 |
leftyfb | CarlFK: no thanks. You're doing something wrong. None of which is an issue with ubuntu | 19:25 |
NoImNotNineVolt | my point was more that the string containing "~" is getting passed to a shell explicitly -- the expansion should get done at that point. | 19:26 |
serverok | anyway i can tar a file and save it to remote server as i don't have disk space on current server (don't have rsync either) | 19:26 |
CarlFK | NoImNotNineVolt: "should" yes. | 19:26 |
NoImNotNineVolt | i mean, sure, maybe your shell is somehow not doing tilde expansion. but that's not plausible. | 19:27 |
CarlFK | NoImNotNineVolt: this is why my question is: cat ansible.ran shows: ~ how does this happen? | 19:27 |
baako | hi guys just install mysql-server on 18.04 after running the install command for mysql-server e.g. "sudo apt-get install mysql-server" it did not promt me to set up root login password etc | 19:28 |
CarlFK | NoImNotNineVolt: and no i'm not hiding any quotes or \\s or trying to trick anyone :p | 19:28 |
NoImNotNineVolt | i'd get to constructing more elaborate test cases to get a better understanding of what's happening where/when. | 19:28 |
baako | so I ran mysql_secure_installation this asked me to enter a root password | 19:28 |
leftyfb | baako: it uses the local socket for auth now. You use sudo to login to mysql without a password | 19:28 |
leftyfb | baako: yeah, that tool is broken | 19:29 |
baako | issue is that its a new install so whats the root password | 19:29 |
baako | leftyfb: oh lol | 19:29 |
baako | so can i set up root password am guessing | 19:29 |
leftyfb | sudo mysql -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' BY '<YOUR PASSWORD HERE>';" | 19:30 |
NoImNotNineVolt | so, i've got a process that's getting started by systemd, but it's under user-50001.slice. how can i further investigate how/why this process is being started? | 19:30 |
NoImNotNineVolt | note, according to systemd-cgls, it's _not_ under systemd.slice | 19:30 |
NoImNotNineVolt | but according to pstree, it _is_ being started by systemd. | 19:31 |
NoImNotNineVolt | does this have anything to do with the way ubuntu does that sysv stuff with systemd? | 19:31 |
Ben64 | NoImNotNineVolt: just guessing, but maybe it's a snap | 19:31 |
NoImNotNineVolt | it was installed from source, if that helps. | 19:31 |
baako | leftyfb: i needed you 12 hours ago | 19:31 |
baako | search google up and down and nothing | 19:32 |
NoImNotNineVolt | and i think it's very unlikely to be a snap, but i know nothing about snaps, so i suppose that's possible. | 19:32 |
baako | thanks leftyfb | 19:32 |
leftyfb | baako: yeah, I had to talk to the ubuntu devs directory to figure that one out. | 19:32 |
NoImNotNineVolt | okay i can confirm that it's definitely not a snap. | 19:32 |
leftyfb | It's not documented anywhere unfortunately. And the ubuntu devs seemed pretty uninterested in fixing the tool or documenting so I'm not going to bother filing a bug | 19:33 |
baako | leftyfb: lol i even reinstalled ubuntu 18.04 | 19:33 |
baako | issue is that software centre seems to be missing alot of software | 19:33 |
baako | such as phpstorm, spotify etc | 19:33 |
NoImNotNineVolt | does anyone here know how ubuntu's weird sysv stuff works with systemd? | 19:34 |
NoImNotNineVolt | services that are picked up from sysv-style init scripts, which cgroup do they get fired up under? | 19:34 |
leftyfb | baako: spotify is available in the store (it's a snap) | 19:34 |
leftyfb | baako: and phpstorm | 19:35 |
baako | leftyfb: when i search for it | 19:35 |
baako | nothing shows up | 19:35 |
leftyfb | Not sure what to tell you. Both of them show up for me on Ubuntu 18.04 | 19:35 |
NoImNotNineVolt | or is the sysv-style stuff inherited from upstream? | 19:35 |
leftyfb | they're both snaps | 19:36 |
NoImNotNineVolt | would debian know? | 19:36 |
baako | is they a setting i need to turn on, on 18.04? | 19:36 |
NoImNotNineVolt | not that they'd help anyway. | 19:36 |
serverok | @baako i have spotify on ubtunu 18.04 maybe try a sudo apt update | 19:38 |
KeenCommander | long life to linux! | 19:38 |
leftyfb | serverok: that will not help | 19:38 |
leftyfb | serverok: it's a snap. Not a package in the apt repos | 19:38 |
KeenCommander | hello? | 19:38 |
baako | serverok: phpstorm? | 19:38 |
leftyfb | baako: sudo snap install spotify ; sudo snap install phpstorm | 19:38 |
lordcirth | KeenCommander, hi | 19:39 |
onizu | whats a snap? | 19:39 |
serverok | @baako phpStorm shows up for me | 19:39 |
leftyfb | onizu: | 19:39 |
serverok | @baako snap install phpstrom works for you ? | 19:40 |
baako | serverok: what ubuntu version r u running? | 19:40 |
serverok | @bakko 18.04 | 19:40 |
baako | serverok: weird tht it shows for u and nothing me | 19:40 |
baako | snap works serverok | 19:40 |
onizu | ok | 19:41 |
baako | just the fact that i have to use command for it | 19:41 |
baako | hi | 19:51 |
Blanksoul | hi all | 19:55 |
lordcirth | Blanksoul, hi | 19:55 |
Blanksoul | where are u from? | 19:56 |
onizu | where are you from? | 19:57 |
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baako | where are we from? | 19:59 |
Blanksoul | italy | 20:01 |
absentabyss | hello, I have a ubuntu 18.04 fresh install and bookmarks in nautilus are greyed out. help | 20:02 |
OerHeks | absentabyss, that only happens to me when the partition is not mounted | 20:04 |
baako | I remove slack from ubuntu but i can still see th ignore when i search for it | 20:04 |
baako | how to remove it completely? | 20:05 |
baako | I ran sudo apt-get remove slack && sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove slack && sudo apt-get purge slack && sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove slack and still have the ignore | 20:05 |
lordcirth | baako, what 'ignore'? | 20:05 |
absentabyss | OerHeks: all my partitions are mounted currently | 20:05 |
baako | lordcirth: i might to say icon* | 20:06 |
lordcirth | baako, did apt actually remove slack? are you sure you installed it through apt? | 20:06 |
baako | lordcirth: i want to remove it | 20:06 |
baako | uninstall any reference to it | 20:06 |
lordcirth | baako, yes, but did apt say it removed slack? | 20:07 |
baako | lordcirth: i installed the snap of it | 20:07 |
baako | so in my /home/snap directory i can still see the folder for it | 20:07 |
lordcirth | baako, well then you need to remove the snap, not an apt package | 20:08 |
lordcirth | !snap | 20:08 |
ubottu | Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see | 20:08 |
baako | i delete it but when i search "slack" it shows up | 20:08 |
OerHeks | snap remove that thing | 20:08 |
OerHeks | !man snap | 20:08 |
baako | lordcirth: whats the command for that please never had to snap uninstall anything | 20:08 |
lordcirth | baako, snap remove slack | 20:08 |
hmw_metalab | Hello! How can I monitor the traffic, I am causing on an sshfs-mount? | 20:09 |
baako | lordcirth: thanks will need to read up on the different between apt and snap | 20:09 |
lordcirth | hmw_metalab, nethogs, maybe | 20:10 |
baako | lordcirth: do you have any idea where an icon will be when doing a snap install? some of the apps I have installed via snap are missing icons when you open them | 20:12 |
OerHeks | what snap exactly? | 20:14 |
dlam | hey when does /etc/cron.daily/ run? me noob i dunno how to derive it | 20:15 |
hmw_metalab | lordcirth: ok, that doing something for me for the moment. | 20:16 |
dlam | when i do `grep cron /var/log/syslog` it seems to not be running! (only /etc/cron.hourly is?!) | 20:17 |
hmw_metalab | I would like to something with vnstat. I tried to set up a pseudo-if, but I can't do route properly, I guess. | 20:17 |
hmw_metalab | Is there something similar to nethogs, that lets me sort by or only show data for certain PIDs? Or something greppable | 20:19 |
baako | OerHeks: slack | 20:19 |
OerHeks | maybe you need to logout/login again? | 20:24 |
OerHeks | if you remove it while running, it sticks to the system, linux is great | 20:25 |
OerHeks | lolz | 20:26 |
OerHeks | and we do support, ? not me dude | 20:26 |
* OerHeks runs away | 20:26 | |
hmw_metalab | lordcirth: ah, nethogs -t ... | grep --line-buffered Thanks! | 20:27 |
pi_ | hi | 20:37 |
onizu | rfm: I got it working by editing the /etc/hosts on mac and adding an entry for the IP and the hostname of the ubuntu machine | 20:53 |
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rscope | howdy | 21:01 |
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baako | anyone have a better client than mysql workbench for ubuntu? | 21:34 |
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ppf | So! I'm trying to fix my audio still | 21:50 |
ppf | chrome and FF have no access to the mic | 21:50 |
ppf | it's _not_ a permission issue | 21:50 |
ppf | the mic is working fine, other applications such as games or mumble work | 21:50 |
ppf | games or mumble appear in pavucontrol as Recording applications, whereas the browsers do not | 21:51 |
ppf | any thoughts? | 21:51 |
ppf | i'm even out of ideas what to look for | 21:51 |
browndog | Trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 from a USB thumb drive. Whether I choose "Install Ubuntu" or "Try Ubuntu Without Installing", I'm taken to a login screen that asks for a user name and password (instead of the installation or live desktop starting). Any ideas? | 21:55 |
jeremy31 | browndog: maybe ubuntu for user with blank password? | 21:57 |
browndog | I'll try that Jeremy31 | 21:57 |
browndog | Thank you | 21:58 |
browndog | That was it jeremy31 | 21:58 |
jeremy31 | browndog: I am good for something | 21:59 |
ubuntino | hello everyone!! | 22:08 |
ubuntino | quick question guys.. | 22:08 |
ubuntino | does ubuntu creates automatically a swap partition if i decide to use the whole disk?? | 22:08 |
ubuntino | (the default option that says erase and use entire disk) | 22:08 |
ubuntino | anyone online? | 22:10 |
jeremy31 | ubuntino: a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 will use a swap file rather than a partition | 22:11 |
ubuntino | isn't that slower than a swap partition? | 22:12 |
guiverc | ubuntino, depends on version, older versions will thus work without any swap & could be very slow... (modern releases use swapfile as jeremy31 stated) | 22:13 |
ubuntino | uhm, so newer versions should not be slower than partition swap? | 22:13 |
ubuntino | the thing is so far | 22:13 |
ubuntino | i ve always created myself the partitioning | 22:13 |
ubuntino | but i've got this brand new ssd of 1tb in my laptop, and wanted to make things easy | 22:14 |
guiverc | ubuntino, the speed i was thinking of related to no-swap (which can cause a slower machine with wasted ram; before ...) | 22:14 |
ubuntino | the thing is, i have 20gb of ram in my laptop (yes odd number... i have one bank of 16gb and one of 4, eventually i ll upgrade the second bank too to 16 so i max it to 32) | 22:14 |
ubuntino | and i use this laptop for home recording mainly | 22:14 |
ubuntino | what would you suggest me to do?? | 22:15 |
OerHeks | keep the standards, they are fine, not slower, not faster, more conveniant if you want to increase swap | 22:19 |
OerHeks | | 22:21 |
jeremy31 | He quit, not much need for swap if you have enough RAM | 22:30 |
Hulio | hi guys, when i open chrome browser, it ask unlock keyring | 22:32 |
Hulio | what the heck is that? | 22:32 |
Hulio | it is so annoying | 22:32 |
Hulio | is there a way to stop it popup or have it store keyring once ? | 22:32 |
Hulio | hello? | 22:33 |
jeremy31 | Hulio: are you using auto login? | 22:33 |
Hulio | yes | 22:34 |
Hulio | is there away to stop this thing | 22:34 |
jeremy31 | Hulio: disable auto login | 22:34 |
Hulio | why? | 22:34 |
jeremy31 | security | 22:34 |
Hulio | is that the only solution? | 22:34 |
Hulio | i hate to enter password for login | 22:35 |
jeremy31 | you can change the keyring password to blank, search google | 22:35 |
Hulio | what am i searching for? | 22:35 |
jeremy31 | Hulio: try | 22:37 |
Hulio | jeremy31, i think i try this: | 22:37 |
Hulio | I will let you know | 22:37 |
hahahaha | hello | 22:37 |
Hulio | jeremy31, didn't work...give me your link please | 22:39 |
Hulio | nevermind i got your link | 22:39 |
jeremy31 | Hulio: I think my link had the same info | 22:39 |
hahahaha | how can i make my touchpad more useful like macbook air | 22:39 |
littlebit1 | hi people, i have installed arduino from the standard ubuntu repository and wanted to flash my dev board. I also made sure that i have sufficient rights, yet I still get the error message telling me that I do not have sufficient rights | 22:39 |
littlebit1 | can someone hlep | 22:40 |
e4xit | I am trying to mount an nfs NAS drive using systemd but it keeps failing. I have '' in the service, and checking the logs Network Manager connects before the NAS fails. Also, using 'sudo mount -a' after boot works every time... any ideas on why the service always fails? | 22:42 |
HellFire | e4xit: you want `` for network actually being available. see: | 22:45 |
e4xit | HellFire: thanks | 22:46 |
littlebit1 | hi people, i have installed arduino from the standard ubuntu repository and wanted to flash my dev board. I also made sure that i have sufficient rights, yet I still get the error message telling me that I do not have sufficient rights | 22:47 |
LeoB | Hello there, when I try to compile an ubuntu kernel that has a debian.<branch> directory, do I need to do anything different? | 22:48 |
e4xit | HellFire: it didn't work :( | 22:50 |
hmw_metalab | Can it be, that an sshfs-connection is permanently using ~300Byte/s without me doing anything on that connection? | 22:54 |
e4xit | It just all looks like it should be working to me from the logs: All the Network Manager stuff appears to be connected but then the mount still fails | 22:54 |
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ceibal | hola | 23:40 |
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