
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
=== cyborg is now known as Guest7656
=== Guest7656 is now known as Evil
=== Evil is now known as EvilScientist
=== EvilScientist is now known as JohnTheBike
JohnTheBikeIf anyone could help me with a behavior I would like to get sorted.....04:55
JohnTheBikeCan someone advise me how I can stop 18.04 from scanning my drive after every boot for updates?04:56
diogenes_JohnTheBike, there's no such thing as scaning drive for updates04:58
JohnTheBikePlease, I'm searching for a resolution to this if you don't mind.04:59
valorieJohnTheBike: what makes you think that your drive is being scanned?05:25
* valorie has never seen behavior like that05:27
valoriepeople do sometimes complain about baloo, which scans for new files to index05:29
valorieif you want search to work well, leave it alone05:29
valorieotherwise, tell it to stop05:29
JohnTheBikeIndexing has absolutely nothing to do with my enquiry.05:39
JohnTheBikeSearch has absolutely nothing to do with my enquiry.05:39
valorieupdates are presented05:40
valoriethere is no scanning05:40
valorieI ask again what makes you believe that your drive is being scanned?05:41
JohnTheBikePlease stop trolling me. Thank you.05:43
JohnTheBikeI'm looking for a resolution to this issue for anyone who is knowledgeable it would be appreciated.05:44
diogenes_valorie, it's all useless, better have a cup of tea )05:56
valorie11 pm - too late for caffeine!05:58
diogenes_:) then apple juice05:59
valoriewater, at least06:06
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
alekksanderhi. i'd like to remove snapd (snap support). it wants to take squashfs-tools with it. is it safe to proceed?09:11
BluesKajHowdy folks09:54
bonesIt's safe, squashfs is used to compress things into read only images10:00
bonesOr read them, that includes remxiing livecds10:01
IrcsomeBot2Luis Jorge was added by: Luis Jorge10:15
=== surferconor425_ is now known as surferconor425
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== ShibaInu is now known as Shibe
=== angus is now known as nytowl
IrcsomeBot2<Oph nono> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/QqaZjU4O/file_14204.webp20:30
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest55731
=== flavio is now known as Guest81694
=== greenfrog is now known as greenfrogweeeeee
=== greenfrogweeeeee is now known as greenfrog
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=== greenfrog__ is now known as greenfrog_
=== greenfrog_ is now known as greenfrog
olivier_ubuntuubuntu est génial23:18
olivier_ubuntuje suis en formation technicien supérieur systèmes et réseaux23:19
olivier_ubuntuje débute23:19
olivier_ubuntuvos connaissances envers un débutant sont les bienvenues23:20
olivier_ubuntubonne nuit23:20
=== baha is now known as baha_
=== baha_ is now known as baha
=== baha is now known as Guest31079

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