
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
amurraywould be good to get snaps listed on this page https://github.com/google/sandboxed-api/blob/master/sandboxed_api/docs/sandbox-overview.md03:44
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zygaGood morning06:09
mborzeckijust been outside, really feels like spring06:10
zygaamurray: interesting06:10
zygamborzecki: I’m just stepping out06:10
zygaMy back is killing me today, way too many hours coding yesterday06:10
zygaI will need a longer walk today06:11
mborzeckizyga: buy a standing desk06:11
zygaEventually :-)06:11
zygaI need to buy new NAS disks next month06:12
mborzeckizyga: every couple of months tehre are some nice discouts at ikea06:12
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zygaDoes one go with mdraid or zfs nowadays?06:15
zygaI plan to get 3x(~5) TB in raid-5 and a 10+ TB drive for weekly snapshot off-case in case the main nas melts06:17
mborzeckilooking at gadget validation again, obviously forgot to check that size must be set at the structure level :/06:46
zygaback in the office07:02
zygamborzecki: could you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/663607:13
mupPR #6636: cmd: prevent umask from breaking snap-run chain <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6636>07:13
zygait's not big but I want a second pair of UNIXy eyes :)07:13
mborzeckizyga: LOOKING07:16
mborzeckidamn caps07:20
mborzeckimvo: morning07:21
mvohey mborzecki07:21
mvomborzecki: good morning07:21
mborzeckizyga: lgtm, left a comment about trying out umask 000 in the spread test too07:29
mborzeckiafter all if it's supposed to be restored fully07:30
zygamborzecki: thank you, I will add more tests07:38
zygalinux is funny08:02
zygamborzecki: you can have a process that lives in a current working directory that doesn't exist in its own mount namespace at all08:02
zygafunny things happen08:02
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:07
zygahey pawel :)08:08
zygahey mvo08:08
mvohey zyga and pstolowski08:14
ackkzyga, hi, I just hit that issue with the snap (under try) reporting not found on executables inside the snap08:23
ackkzyga, how do I cat mountinfo in the right ns again?08:23
zygahey! thank  you for asking: use sudo nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/foo.mnt08:24
zygathen inside the new shell run cat /proc/self/mountinfo08:24
zygathis information will be very useful08:24
zygaa bit of usabilty warning: there cannot be a space between -m and the path08:24
ackkah that's what was hitting me08:25
ackkzyga, btw strace doesn't seem to give much info: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xf3WQRZWyw/08:26
ackkzyga, what should I look for in the mountifo?08:28
zygabut I would love to see the whole listing08:28
ackkzyga, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zBq4X3TMXb/08:28
ackk(this is in the ns)08:28
ackkno deleted08:28
zygahmm hmm08:29
zygacan you run snap run --shell maas?08:29
ackksame errorr (execv failed)08:29
zygamborzecki: ^ any ideas08:30
* zyga reads the mountinfo data 08:30
ackkzyga, ftr I've run the rsync like hundred times yesterday and no issue08:31
ackkit's always like that, it randomly happens once in a while08:31
zygaackk: what I find curious is that you can clearly nsenter08:31
zygaackk: what's the base snap?08:31
ackkzyga, core1808:31
zygaackk: what are you tracking (which channel of the base snap)08:31
zygaackk: did it refresh recently?08:32
ackkoh, I'm on core18 edge08:32
mborzeckihm that strace doesn't have much content08:32
ackkah yes esterday08:32
mborzeckiis that a classic snap?08:32
ackkrefresh-date: yesterday at 13:38 UTC08:32
zygaackk: did it break at around the same time it refreshed?08:32
zygaackk: ahhh08:33
zygaI know :D08:33
zygahold on please08:33
* ackk curious08:33
zygaah, no :/08:34
zygaman, I thought this is it08:34
zygawe don't support try mode base snaps08:34
zygabut that's clearly not it08:34
mborzeckizyga: looks like it faiedl executing snap-confine, unless i'm missing something08:34
zygaackk: when you rsync, what do you do exactly?08:34
zygaPermission denied is curious08:35
ackkzyga, https://github.com/maas/maas/blob/master/Makefile#L78108:35
zygaackk: do you have any apparmor denials?08:35
ackkzyga, it doesn't seem so08:36
ackkI mean I have stuff in dmesg but I don't see new errors if I try to run it08:36
mborzeckiackk: can you run /snap/core/6531/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine --base core18 snap.maas.maas /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec maas at all?08:36
zygamborzecki: don't forget SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME=maas08:36
ackkno, same error08:37
zygacheck dmesg again please08:37
ackk$ SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME=maas /snap/core/6531/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine --base core18 snap.maas.maas /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec maas08:37
ackkexecv failed: No such file or directory08:37
zygabefore it was a permission denied error08:37
ackkno new error08:37
zygaackk: since this a  core18 snap08:37
zygasnapd (and snap-exec) come from another snap08:37
zygacan you check one more thing08:37
zygarun that same SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME=... line but run /bin/sh at the end08:38
zygainstead of snap-exec that is08:38
zygaonce on the inside08:38
zygarun ls -ld /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec08:38
* zyga looks at mountinfo list again08:38
mborzeckizyga: s-c does some work, if it ran i'd expect to see taht in strace log08:38
ackk$ SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME=maas /snap/core/6531/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine --base core18 snap.maas.maas /bin/ls -ld /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec08:38
ackk/bin/ls: cannot access '/usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec': No such file or directory08:38
zygathere's no /usr/lib/snapd!08:39
ackkthere is but it's empty08:39
zyga SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME=maas /snap/core/6531/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine --base core18 snap.maas.maas /bin/sh08:39
zygathen cd /usr/lib08:39
zygals -ld snapd08:39
zygals -l snapd08:39
* zyga checks stuff08:40
ackk$ ls -lad snapd08:40
ackkdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 21 11:41 snapd08:40
ackk$ ls -l snapd08:40
ackktotal 008:40
ackkthe dir is there, but empty08:40
ackkis that a mountpoint?08:40
ackkI mean, does snapd bind-mount stuff on top?08:40
zygait should be a mountpoint08:41
ackkzyga, so you think it could be related to the core refresh?08:41
zygathat explainswhat you are seeing08:41
zygacan you collect snap changes and add this to the bug report08:42
ackkit might well be that's been broken since yesterday,but I haven't restarted the service (nor called the cli) since then, although I think I did08:42
zygaackk: do you have snapd.snap?08:42
ackkzyga, where?08:42
zygais snapd the snap installed on your system08:42
zygasnap list | grep snapd :)08:43
zygathank you08:43
zygaackk: I think we have enough to explore this now08:43
zygathe key question is what happens when core18 + core + app combo has a refresh of core1808:43
zygaor a refresh of core08:43
zygawhen core refreshes it's different08:43
zygathat's a separate bug08:43
zygawe will never update the tooling08:43
zygamvo: core18/core bug08:43
ackkare core18 apps still somewhat dependent on core?08:44
ackkI think I had filed a bug a long time ago about it, and I've still seen the issue recently08:44
zygamvo: when /usr/lib/snapd comes from core on a core18 base snap app, the core refresh is not reflected in the mount namespace of the app08:44
zygathat is08:44
mvozyga: they shouldn't be - hm, hm08:44
zygamvo: future snapd is using old snap-exec08:44
zygamvo: it's like a stale base snap prolem08:44
mvozyga: oh, snap-exec is not coming from snap?08:44
zygamvo: but a stale core snap sub-problem08:44
mvozyga: not from the snapd snap?08:44
zygamvo: when it comes from core08:45
pedronisthere is snapd snap aroung yet08:45
zygamvo: core18 + core (as source of snap tools) + app08:45
pedronisthere is *no*08:45
zygamvo: core refreshes08:45
zygamvo: now you have stale tools in the app snap08:45
zygamvo: or perhaps that is exactly what ackk observed, an tools just disappear somehow08:45
ackkzyga, fwiw "core" refreshed 10 days ago08:45
pedroniszyga: basically  all the snaps that compose the mount namespace can have a staleness prolem no?08:45
pedronisalso content snaps08:45
zygamvo: thank you08:45
zygapedronis: yes08:46
mvozyga: what do we need to do to unstable the mount namespace?08:46
pedroniszyga: we check only base though?08:46
zygapedronis: content snaps are better08:46
zygapedronis: because those are new paths that change in the mount profile08:46
zygapedronis: so they are correctly updated08:46
zygapedronis: it's just the core tooling for now08:46
zygapedronis: nothing else exists outside of the snap-update-ns system08:46
zygapedronis: yes, we check for base only explicitly because that's the do-I-rebuild-from-scratch decision08:47
zygamvo: can you rephrase the question please?08:47
ackkzyga, should I try refreshing core18 (to stable perhaps)?08:47
zygaackk: to aid in debugging? no, to lower the inconvenience for your development: yes08:47
mvozyga: what do we need to do to fix this .) ?08:47
zygaackk: you can discard the mount namespace to fix it08:47
zygamvo: I dont know yet, I don't fully undestand the reason /usr/lib/snapd was empty08:48
zygabut I think we should be able to reproduce it now08:48
ackkzyga,  the var/lib/snapd in the snap?08:48
zygaackk: sorry?08:48
zygamvo: perhaps it's one issue after all08:48
ackkzyga, oh sorry, discard the namespace I see08:48
ackkzyga, I thought you meant unmounting something08:49
zygamvo: sudo /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns mass08:49
zygaackk: ^ :)08:49
ackkzyga, thanks08:49
ackkzyga, oh refreshing to stable also worked08:49
zygabecause then you have new base08:50
zygaand you get a fresh mount ns08:50
ackkI see08:50
zygaackk: thank you very much for this08:50
zygaplease do report the bug08:50
zygawe may split it if this turns out to be a pair of issues08:51
ackkzyga, thank you for digging it08:51
zygaI will work on it next week for sure08:51
pedronisfyi, I need to do some non-PR work before getting back to reviewing08:51
ackkzyga, is "snap stops working after base refresh" accurate as a title?08:52
zygaackk: /usr/lib/snapd unmounted in app + core18 + core (tooling) use case; possibly on core refresh08:52
zygathat is the summary in my head08:52
ackkzyga, but it was a core18 refresh, not core08:53
zygaah, sorry08:53
zygaI will check all combinations though08:53
zygathere are clearly missing bits there08:54
zygabrb, coffee ran out08:55
ackkzyga, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/182130208:59
mupBug #1821302: /usr/lib/snapd unmounted in app + core18 + core (tooling) use case; possibly on core18 refresh <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821302>08:59
zygaack :)09:06
zygathis is the week of snap-confine fixes and changes09:07
ackkzyga, IDK if it could be related, but I still see the issue where if I install a core18-based snap on a clean system (no core snap) it fails to install (the configure hook fails)09:22
ackkzyga, e.g. snap install --edge maas09:22
zygaackk: yes, this is related09:22
zygaackk: we track that bug separately now09:22
ackkzyga, do you have the link?09:22
zygaackk: I have a draft solution on my system but it will not be ready yet09:22
zygaackk: there's a forum thread aboug this, i have not upgraded it to a bug report yet: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/problems-installing-a-base-core18-snap-on-bionic/10084/09:24
ackkzyga, ah cool thanks09:25
zygamborzecki: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/03/linux-data-cap-survey09:28
mborzeckiaah survey09:29
pstolowskimvo: hey, added some extra tests you suggested for #659109:31
mupPR #6591: overlord/ifacemgr: basic measurements <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6591>09:31
mborzeckizyga:  haha 'RSS feeds' in question 'How would you prioritise these data to download if you had limited internet access?'09:33
zygawho cares about that09:33
zygawho ordered RSS?09:33
mvopstolowski: thanks, looking09:34
zygacompleted the survey09:35
zygaas someone who is on capped links 24/7 it's important that people care about this09:35
mupPR snapd#6637 opened: interfaces: deal with the snapd snap correctly for apparmor 2.13 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6637>09:36
pedronismvo: there's a card for that https://trello.com/c/1h4hrY3W/180-implement-snapd-snap-support-in-apparmor-backend-dbus-backend-setup-etc  ^09:38
pedronisalso I think there were todo left in other backends too09:39
mvopedronis: indeed, added the PR and will see what else needs to be done there09:40
pedronismvo: should also be moved to doing :)10:00
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pedronismborzecki: hi, do you know why we would get a line like this:10:31
pedroniscontent                   gnome-calculator:gtk3-themes      gtk-common-themes:gtk3-themes10:31
pedronisin connections,  there is not content discriminant there10:31
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mborzeckipedronis: that with 2.38?10:31
pedroniswith edge10:31
pedronisbut anyway I get the other ones with []10:32
pedronisbut not that one10:32
pedronisI thought we always set one internally10:32
pedronismborzecki: I'm doing snap connections gnome-logs10:32
mborzeckipedronis: mhm, installing the snap right now10:32
mborzeckihmmm pinner with 'Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap "gnome-calculator"', didn'g we have a fix that would switch to showing progress of the download if a dependncy is being installed?10:34
mborzeckipedronis: .38 has //10:36
mborzeckicontent[gnome-3-28-1804]  gnome-calculator:gnome-3-28-1804  gnome-3-28-1804:gnome-3-28-1804  -10:36
mupPR snapd#6638 opened: interfaces: add support for the snapd snap in the dbus backend  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6638>10:37
pedronismborzecki: I'm talking about gtk3-themes10:37
pedronisbut I don't see that in the snaps10:37
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mborzeckicontent[gtk-3-themes]     gnome-logs:gtk-3-themes     gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   -10:37
mborzeckicontent[icon-themes]      gnome-logs:icon-themes      gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    -10:37
mborzeckicontent[sound-themes]     gnome-logs:sound-themes     gtk-common-themes:sound-themes   -10:38
pedronismborzecki: it's the issue that we don't remove non-existent connections I suppose10:38
pedronismborzecki: it's  not a connections problem, it's other issues10:38
pedronismborzecki: if you just installed it you won't see that10:38
mborzeckipedronis: buf if i disconect, remove and reinstall?10:39
pedronisyes, a different case10:39
zygamvo: fun bug, command-not-found is still in use while in snap run- --hell10:47
zyga(I meant --shell)10:47
zygabut the binary is not there anymore10:47
pstolowskifailed to prepare google:opensuse-15.0-64:project, do we have an issue with opensuse in gcloud again?10:52
mupPR core18#122 opened: hooks: add apt/apt-get/apt-cache warning <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/122>10:54
zygapstolowski: what was the failure?11:03
zygapstolowski: ah, I see it now11:04
zygacachio: ^ we need to change how we install packages11:04
zygamborzecki: ^ any ideas, is that a stale cache?11:04
zygaopenSUSE Leap 15.0 package installation issue in spread https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Z5UvBD4B/11:05
pstolowskizyga: interesting, i didn't see any error output for google:opensuse-15.0-64:project, just failed to prepare11:07
zygaI saw this in one of my own runs11:07
* zyga needs to take a break11:07
zygato avoid the chronic back pain11:08
zygamborzecki: there will be an interesting patch later today11:08
zygamborzecki: another unixy thing :)11:08
mborzeckino clue about that opensuse thing, perhaps unfinished mirror sync?11:09
zygaI think it's like dnf upgrade vs dnf distrosync11:09
pedronispstolowski: is there anything left for 6491 that can't be follow ups about improving the test?11:10
zygawe are probably doing something wrong and should be using "dnf dup" instead of another operation11:10
mborzeckibut it's leap, zypper up should be enough11:10
zygamborzecki: up != dup11:10
zygamborzecki: but not sure :/11:10
zygaanyway, I spawned some larger testing for an important snap-confine change, I will break for an hour to move around a bit11:10
mborzeckizyga: i mean zypper up should be enough for leap, tw has it's own weirdnness :)11:10
zygaI'm on telegram if anyone needs me urgently11:10
MattJSorry, words of wisdom from my daughter there11:11
zygahaha :)11:12
ackkzyga, just to confirm, I hit the issue again (no core refresh this time) and calling snap-discard-ns fixed it11:16
ackkzyga, actually not so much, now I get a "read only filesystem" error11:19
ackkcannot create user data directory: /root/snap/maas/x1: Read-only file system11:21
zygaackk: x1 got unmounted somehow?11:25
ackkzyga, well I suspect it's because of the discard ns ?11:26
zygaackk: is your snap "broken" (as in snap list shows broken next to it)11:26
zygano, that's not doing that11:26
ackkno it wasn't11:26
zygadiscard will not change /snap/anything11:26
ackk(now I actually removed it)11:26
zygaah, wait11:26
zygaI misread that11:26
zyga what is /root/snap/maax/x111:26
zygais that a bind mount?11:26
zygait would only be a ROFS in case it's a bind mount or if /root inside the mount namespace was unmounted11:27
zygabut if _that_ is the case then I would really like to know what's going on11:27
* zyga is AFK now11:28
ackkzyga, it's the user dir11:29
mborzeckithe fun start when offset 0 is a valid value11:39
mborzeckilooks like some of the fields in our gadget structures should be pointers11:40
mborzeckioff to the kids' school for a bit11:46
pstolowskipedronis: sorry, missed your earlier message; no, nothing left to do in #649112:12
mupPR #6491: interfaces: hotplug nested vm test, updated serial-port interface <Hotplug 🔌> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6491>12:12
pstolowskinb it failed on 14.04 with 'system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image' ?!12:14
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pstolowskiamong 2 other unrelated test failures.. interfaces-daemon-notify seems to be flaky12:14
geodb27People : hi ! I've come to this issue with the snap version of lxd : https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/5590 is that related to snap or to lxd and is there a way to get things work as they are expected to ? To be more specific, I guess that snap don"t like user's home directory to be out of /home12:17
pstolowskigeodb27: correct, user homes need to be in /home currently, no way around that12:19
geodb27So, my guess was right, thanks for you answer pstolowski. However, to my knowledge, snap is the only one I encounter that relies on this. Is there any technical reason for that (I'm only curious) ? There is an env var set at user login which is filled in with the home directory. Why not use it ?12:21
pedronispstolowski: did it have a recent master merge?12:21
pstolowskipedronis: hmm possibly not, i merged yesterday. doing12:21
pstolowskigeodb27: it's more complicated due to confinement (apparmor profiles etc)12:26
geodb27oki, I see, thanks again for your kind explanation pstolowski. This will lead me to to many changes on my servers... I'll see how I can go with the less damages.12:28
pstolowskigeodb27: you're welcome!12:28
cachiozyga, taking a look  to opensuse now12:35
zygageodb27: I can refer you to the technical reasons but I am AFK now12:36
zygaThanks cachio12:36
mupPR snapd#6639 opened: snap: tweak parsing errors of gadget updates <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6639>12:58
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ackkzyga, why would snapd try to create that directory (/root/snap/maas/x1 when starting a service?13:19
zygaackk: we create SNAP USER DATA13:30
zygabecause snaps themselves cannot13:30
ackkyeah but that dir is there13:31
ackkwhy does the snap  suddenly thinks it's readonly13:31
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mupPR snapd#6640 opened: spread: refresh metadata on openSUSE <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6640>14:41
mborzeckizypper tell me the latest version of libudev is 234-lp150.20.15.1, not 234-lp150.19.1.x86_6414:47
mborzeckicachio: was opensuse-15.0 image already updated?14:49
diddledandid the forum fall over? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/kZeiOkOL/image.png14:57
diddledanseems opening a different tab rectified it15:02
diddledanignore me15:02
cachiomborzecki, no yet15:06
cachiomborzecki, found more problems15:07
cachiomborzecki, some package digests are different15:07
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cachiomborzecki,  the image is ready and uploaded15:20
mborzeckicachio: cause before asking i tried running zypper in <packages> that were failing in the test and it worked, so maybe just a mirror sync problem15:28
mborzeckicachio: still, zypper up show a number of updates avaialble at that point, will try with an updated image now15:28
cachiomborzecki, yes, the mirrors are giving us problems15:33
cachiomborzecki, I already updated all the packages to make the update process faster15:33
cachioI is almost uploaded15:33
cachiomborzecki, image ready15:36
mborzeckicachio: it probably was something with mirror sync, #6640 started before an updated image was uploaded and it's green15:38
mupPR #6640: spread: refresh metadata on openSUSE <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6640>15:38
* cachio lunch15:41
WimpressThe next Snapcraft Summit has been announced - https://snapcraft.io/blog/snapcraft-summit-montreal15:42
mupPR snapd#6641 opened: snap-gdb-shim: switch to the SUDO_UID when available <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6641>15:46
kenvandinezyga: we're continuing to see reports on the forum of users not able to run the gnome snaps because the content interface isn't mounted15:46
kenvandinezyga: it's something i've only seen a couple times and  snap-discard-ns seems to resolve it15:47
kenvandinezyga: latest reference https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gnome-calculator-problem/457915:48
mupPR snapd#6640 closed: spread: refresh metadata on openSUSE <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6640>15:48
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kenvandinezyga: if i can't find an existing bug report, i'll file a new one15:50
pstolowskipedronis: you've requested John's review on #6591; is it required or can it land now that it has mvo's review?15:51
mupPR #6591: overlord/ifacemgr: basic measurements <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6591>15:51
pedronispstolowski: it can land, I asked him in case mvo didn't have time15:51
mupPR snapd#6591 closed: overlord/ifacemgr: basic measurements <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6591>15:52
kenvandinezyga: bug 178541015:54
mupBug #1785410: Can not open Gnome snaps as they are not connected to «gnome platform snap» <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1785410>15:55
popeyzyga: what do we need to do to bump the priority of that bug? It's pretty harmful as people use it as a reason to remove snaps entirely16:05
kenvandinemvo: ^^16:05
mvokenvandine: in a meeting, adding it to our trello, we get back to you16:07
kenvandinemvo: thanks16:07
diddledanuser: "compiling this application is difficult with no docs on what it depends upon proving that linux sucks" my reply: "I made a snap of this app so you don't need to compile it!" their retort: "another packaging system isn't the solution. compiling stuff is proving that linux is terrible" <-- I tried to point out that compiling the application on Windows or Mac would be just as difficult, but they insisted that it proves16:09
diddledanlinux is crap16:09
mvokenvandine: I have not looked at all at this though, sorry :/ will also check with zyga16:10
diddledanspecifically starruler2 (game) was what they were trying to compile16:10
* zyga reads backlog16:17
zygakenvandine: I will investigate several related reports next week,16:18
zygakenvandine: thank you for the bug report16:18
zygakenvandine: right now no immediate smoking gun but we know of one issue related to core1816:19
zygakenvandine: but perhaps there's more magic to uncover there16:19
zygakenvandine: anyone with instructions on how to reporduce would be awesome as all of those bugs are "not sure how I got there but..."16:20
zygakenvandine: I will write a few new tests next week, specifically when there's a mount namespace consisting of an app snap a base snap (e.g. core18) and the core or snapd snaps providing the tools, each of those can refresh / change16:21
zygakenvandine: we don't have full test coverage for that scenario as we learned16:21
zygakenvandine: all of the snap-update-ns / snap-confine bugs are my priority and I will investigate them ASAP16:21
kenvandinezyga: yeah, this is something we've seen randomly for ages now, since the gnome-24 content snap16:22
zygakenvandine: we fixed one known issue: base snap refresh was buggy (in two ways actually)16:23
zygakenvandine: we know of several more issues: when base snap changes (core -> core18) we do bad stuff if the app is still running16:23
zygakenvandine: and when the snapd tooling (snap-exec snapctl) is coming from core/snapd on a snap using base: core18 there is no handling for that becoming stale16:24
zygakenvandine: I was discussing with ackk earlier today when his try snap was misbehaving16:24
zygakenvandine: and some of the observations indicated that various things got unmounted16:24
zygakenvandine: next week I will collect all the bugs and recent forum postings, try to file missing bugs and triage them, then write extra tests to see if anything can be reproduced this way16:25
kenvandinezyga: thanks16:42
pedronispstolowski: I created a meeting for Monday, let me know if it doesn't work16:42
pstolowskipedronis: it's fine, thank you16:44
cachiomvo, I see this error on nightly test suite https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bp2xw9H8p6/17:24
mvocachio: this looks like a store timeout: Client.Timeout17:28
mvo       exceeded while awaiting headers17:28
cachiomvo, it is weird because it failed many times17:28
cachioyesterday and today17:29
mvocachio: oh, ok - maybe a real problem on the store, might be best to ask in #snapstore17:29
* zyga resumes work on the cwd fixes17:34
zygafirst test corrected18:54
LinAGKarI can't run any snaps on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I just get "cannot read mount namespace identifier of pid 1: Permission denied", and prevously I have gotten "libmount.so.1 snap shared library not loading".18:55
zygasecond test also corrected18:56
zygajdstrand: do you want to see it?18:56
zygaLinAGKar: hello18:56
zygaLinAGKar: what version of snapd are you on?18:56
zygaLinAGKar: can you look at /var/log/audit/audit.log (as root) and grep for "DENIED"18:57
zygaLinAGKar: give me the denials please18:57
zygaand thank you for reporting this!18:57
LinAGKarI have `type=AVC msg=audit(1553279757.513:482): apparmor="DENIED" operation="ptrace" profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=24430 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="read" denied_mask="read" peer="unconfined"` there.18:58
zygaLinAGKar: wow, thats' curious18:59
zygaLinAGKar: uname -a?18:59
LinAGKarzyga: I have snapd 2.37.4-1.818:59
zygaI will upload 2.38 tomorrow18:59
zygaI wonder if that's something that was fixed there18:59
LinAGKarzyga: `Linux sudda.kvasta 5.0.2-1-default #1 SMP Thu Mar 14 08:29:17 UTC 2019 (d1f1d19) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux`18:59
zyga5.0 hmm18:59
zygamaybe apparmor regression18:59
zygaLinAGKar: thank you for reporting this, would you mind opening a bug19:00
zygaLinAGKar: can be either launchpad or opensuse bugzilla19:00
zygaLinAGKar: I will fix it, if I can, for next week19:00
zygaand sorry for the trouble19:00
zygajdstrand: ^ this is also interestign19:02
zyga*interesting even :-)19:02
LinAGKarzyga: I'll go file a bug report.19:03
zygathank you very much19:03
jdstrandthe snap-confine profile already has ptrace read peer=unconfined,19:08
zygamaybe some funky 5.0 behavior?19:09
jdstrandI'm on 5.019:09
zygabut with ubuntu sauce19:09
zygaperhaps the non-upstreamed patches are relevant here19:09
jdstrandno sauce for ptrace19:09
zygawell, that's a good data point19:09
zygaI will attempt to reproduce this as soon as I'm done with this patch19:09
* jdstrand is still heads down on other things. can't look at cwd today19:10
zygajdstrand: sure :)19:10
zygajdstrand: we'll chat next week19:10
zygaI will finish the extra descriptions and open the PR19:10
zygaenjoy your weekend :)19:10
LinAGKarzyga: Bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/182139619:11
mupBug #1821396: cannot read mount namespace identifier of pid 1: Permission denied, on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with Linux 5.0 <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821396>19:11
zygaLinAGKar: assigned, thank you19:11
zygaI will check if 2.38 fixes it and upload ASAP19:12
zygaif not, I will debug further19:12
LinAGKarI guess I didn't need to put it her myself.19:12
zygaLinAGKar: snapd will soon-ish be in the opensuse repository19:13
zygaLinAGKar: I'm sure this will improve the quality aspect as it will be so much easier to just try it19:14
LinAGKarzyga: In the official repos?19:14
zygaI suspect that 2.37.5 will be first19:15
zygaand then 2.38 and onwards, I'm not sure what the release schedule impact will be though, yet19:15
zygaregression test added19:39
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6642 patch of the day19:49
mupPR #6642: cmd/snap-confine: prevent cwd restore permission bypass <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6642>19:49
mupPR snapd#6642 opened: cmd/snap-confine: prevent cwd restore permission bypass <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6642>19:49
mvozyga: nice19:49
zygaLinAGKar: I've booted my TW machine, let me update to see if I'm missing something19:54
zygaLinAGKar: on 5.0.2-1 it is still working but I often use bleeding edge local builds19:54
zygajdstrand: I pushed the regression test for TIOCSTI19:57
mupPR snapd#6643 opened: tests: deny ioctl - TIOCSTI with garbage in high bits <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6643>19:57
zygaokay, that's all for today for me19:57
zygahave a fantastic weekend everyone19:58
zygaLinAGKar: in case it keeps working for me, can you think of any customization you did on top of the vanilla installation?19:58
LinAGKarzyga: I've done quite a bit, hard to tell what would affect it. This machine did originally run OpenSUSE 13.2.20:01
zygaI will investigate20:02
zyganot giving up :)20:02
LinAGKarzyga:  I've also had it suspended, no sure if that affects it.20:02
zygabut not tonight, need to sleep20:02
zygano, it would not20:02
zygacan you be on IRC next week?20:02
LinAGKarzyga: I will.20:03
zygathank you20:03
zygaenjoy your weekend too :) see you on Monday20:03
LinAGKarEnjoy your too20:03
LinAGKarThank you20:03
mupPR snapcraft#2511 opened: build providers: modify the _run signature <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2511>20:05
* cachio EOW21:32
mupPR snapcraft#2510 closed: Release changelog for 3.3 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2510>23:23

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